readme_license.txt 2.2 KB

  1. Question:
  2. ========
  3. Secure Engine middleware is delivered to me under ST Ultimate Liberty (SLA0044)
  4. license that is basically an ST proprietary license. However, several files
  5. delivered in this component have an Apache 2.0 license header most often
  6. with an Linaro Limited copyright declaration. Why? What license terms do actually apply
  7. for those files and more generally for Secure Engine ?
  8. Answer:
  9. ======
  10. As stated in the Secure Engine documentation you must have received,
  11. Secure Engine uses a component Utilities provided by Linaro, all licensed under
  12. Apache 2.0 license.
  13. Apache 2.0 license authorizes that “Derivative Works as a whole” using Apache 2.0
  14. code to be delivered with another license provided compatibility is respected.
  15. This is the case as we deliver Secure Engine to you under SLA0044 license.
  16. Particularly, Apache 2.0 license requires that:
  17. 1. We give to you a copy of this License: this is available in the
  18. APACHE-2.0.txt file at the root of Secure Engine; and
  19. 2. We cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that we
  20. changed the files: these are the files modified by us with the addition of
  21. STMicroelectronics copyright to the original Linaro copyright; and
  22. 3. We retain, in the Source form that we distribute, all copyright and
  23. attribution notices from the original Source form of the Work: this is the
  24. reason why Linaro original copyright declarations and license heading
  25. have been retained; and
  26. 4. Any Derivative Works that we distribute must include a readable copy of the
  27. attribution notices contained within original work, in at least one of
  28. three possible places (within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the
  29. Derivative Works, within the Source form or documentation or within a
  30. display generated by the Derivative Works): we deliver to you the readable
  31. copy of the attribution notices within the Source form.
  32. As a conclusion, we confirm that Secure Engine is licensed under SLA0044
  33. license terms and that they use parts of Linaro copyrighted components originally
  34. licensed under Apache 2.0 license. Respecting the original Apache 2.0 license
  35. terms obliges us to retain Linaro copyright declarations as well as Apache 2.0
  36. file headers.