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- Question:
- ========
- Secure Engine middleware is delivered to me under ST Ultimate Liberty (SLA0044)
- license that is basically an ST proprietary license. However, several files
- delivered in this component have an Apache 2.0 license header most often
- with an Linaro Limited copyright declaration. Why? What license terms do actually apply
- for those files and more generally for Secure Engine ?
- Answer:
- ======
- As stated in the Secure Engine documentation you must have received,
- Secure Engine uses a component Utilities provided by Linaro, all licensed under
- Apache 2.0 license.
- Apache 2.0 license authorizes that “Derivative Works as a whole” using Apache 2.0
- code to be delivered with another license provided compatibility is respected.
- This is the case as we deliver Secure Engine to you under SLA0044 license.
- Particularly, Apache 2.0 license requires that:
- 1. We give to you a copy of this License: this is available in the
- APACHE-2.0.txt file at the root of Secure Engine; and
- 2. We cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that we
- changed the files: these are the files modified by us with the addition of
- STMicroelectronics copyright to the original Linaro copyright; and
- 3. We retain, in the Source form that we distribute, all copyright and
- attribution notices from the original Source form of the Work: this is the
- reason why Linaro original copyright declarations and license heading
- have been retained; and
- 4. Any Derivative Works that we distribute must include a readable copy of the
- attribution notices contained within original work, in at least one of
- three possible places (within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the
- Derivative Works, within the Source form or documentation or within a
- display generated by the Derivative Works): we deliver to you the readable
- copy of the attribution notices within the Source form.
- As a conclusion, we confirm that Secure Engine is licensed under SLA0044
- license terms and that they use parts of Linaro copyrighted components originally
- licensed under Apache 2.0 license. Respecting the original Apache 2.0 license
- terms obliges us to retain Linaro copyright declarations as well as Apache 2.0
- file headers.