Release Notes for STM32 Cryptographic library middleware

Copyright © 2005 STMicroelectronics


Licensed by ST under ST license SLA0044 (the "License"); You may not use this package except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:



For mode details about STM32 Crypto Firmware Library, please refer to UM1924.

Main content


  • New version of STM32 cryptographic libraries to fix issue concerning HASH for all libraries applicable to STM32 series with with Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ architectures (STM32F0, STM32G0 and STM32WL Series)


The components flagged by “” have changed since the previous release. “” are new.

Name Version License Release note
STM32F4 library package V3.1.1 SLA0044 release notes
STM32F7 library package V3.1.1 SLA0044 release notes
STM32G0 library package V3.1.5 SLA0044 release notes
STM32G4 library package V3.1.3 SLA0044 release notes
STM32H7 library package V3.1.1 SLA0044 release notes
STM32L0 library package V3.1.5 SLA0044 release notes
STM32L1 library package V3.1.1 SLA0044 release notes
STM32L4 library package V3.1.1 SLA0044 release notes
STM32WB library package V3.1.3 SLA0044 release notes

Known Limitations

  • None

Development Toolchains and Compilers

  • Refer to release note of each STM32 cryptographic library package