/** ****************************************************************************** * @file MT25TL01G.h * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.0.0 * @date 08-August-2016 * @brief This file contains all the description of the MT25TL01G QSPI memory. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© COPYRIGHT(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics

* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __MT25TL01G_H #define __MT25TL01G_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup BSP * @{ */ /** @addtogroup Components * @{ */ /** @addtogroup MT25TL01G * @{ */ /** @defgroup MT25TL01G_Exported_Types * @{ */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup MT25TL01G_Exported_Constants * @{ */ /** * @brief MT25TL01G Configuration */ #define MT25TL01G_FLASH_SIZE 0x8000000 /* 2 * 512 MBits => 2 * 64MBytes => 128MBytes*/ #define MT25TL01G_SECTOR_SIZE 0x10000 /* 2 * 1024 sectors of 64KBytes */ #define MT25TL01G_SUBSECTOR_SIZE 0x1000 /* 2 * 16384 subsectors of 4kBytes */ #define MT25TL01G_PAGE_SIZE 0x100 /* 2 * 262144 pages of 256 bytes */ #define MT25TL01G_DUMMY_CYCLES_READ_QUAD 8 #define MT25TL01G_DUMMY_CYCLES_READ 8 #define MT25TL01G_DUMMY_CYCLES_READ_DTR 6 #define MT25TL01G_DUMMY_CYCLES_READ_QUAD_DTR 6 #define MT25TL01G_DIE_ERASE_MAX_TIME 460000 #define MT25TL01G_SECTOR_ERASE_MAX_TIME 1000 #define MT25TL01G_SUBSECTOR_ERASE_MAX_TIME 400 /** * @brief MT25TL01G Commands */ /* Reset Operations */ #define RESET_ENABLE_CMD 0x66 #define RESET_MEMORY_CMD 0x99 /* Identification Operations */ #define READ_ID_CMD 0x9E #define READ_ID_CMD2 0x9F #define MULTIPLE_IO_READ_ID_CMD 0xAF #define READ_SERIAL_FLASH_DISCO_PARAM_CMD 0x5A /* Read Operations */ #define READ_CMD 0x03 #define READ_4_BYTE_ADDR_CMD 0x13 #define FAST_READ_CMD 0x0B #define FAST_READ_DTR_CMD 0x0D #define FAST_READ_4_BYTE_ADDR_CMD 0x0C #define DUAL_OUT_FAST_READ_CMD 0x3B #define DUAL_OUT_FAST_READ_DTR_CMD 0x3D #define DUAL_OUT_FAST_READ_4_BYTE_ADDR_CMD 0x3C #define DUAL_INOUT_FAST_READ_CMD 0xBB #define DUAL_INOUT_FAST_READ_DTR_CMD 0xBD #define DUAL_INOUT_FAST_READ_4_BYTE_ADDR_CMD 0xBC #define QUAD_OUT_FAST_READ_CMD 0x6B #define QUAD_OUT_FAST_READ_DTR_CMD 0x6D #define QUAD_OUT_FAST_READ_4_BYTE_ADDR_CMD 0x6C #define QUAD_INOUT_FAST_READ_CMD 0xEB #define QUAD_INOUT_FAST_READ_DTR_CMD 0xED #define QUAD_INOUT_FAST_READ_4_BYTE_ADDR_CMD 0xEC /* Write Operations */ #define WRITE_ENABLE_CMD 0x06 #define WRITE_DISABLE_CMD 0x04 /* Register Operations */ #define READ_STATUS_REG_CMD 0x05 #define WRITE_STATUS_REG_CMD 0x01 #define READ_LOCK_REG_CMD 0xE8 #define WRITE_LOCK_REG_CMD 0xE5 #define READ_FLAG_STATUS_REG_CMD 0x70 #define CLEAR_FLAG_STATUS_REG_CMD 0x50 #define READ_NONVOL_CFG_REG_CMD 0xB5 #define WRITE_NONVOL_CFG_REG_CMD 0xB1 #define READ_VOL_CFG_REG_CMD 0x85 #define WRITE_VOL_CFG_REG_CMD 0x81 #define READ_ENHANCED_VOL_CFG_REG_CMD 0x65 #define WRITE_ENHANCED_VOL_CFG_REG_CMD 0x61 #define READ_EXT_ADDR_REG_CMD 0xC8 #define WRITE_EXT_ADDR_REG_CMD 0xC5 /* Program Operations */ #define PAGE_PROG_CMD 0x02 #define PAGE_PROG_4_BYTE_ADDR_CMD 0x12 #define DUAL_IN_FAST_PROG_CMD 0xA2 #define EXT_DUAL_IN_FAST_PROG_CMD 0xD2 #define QUAD_IN_FAST_PROG_CMD 0x32 #define EXT_QUAD_IN_FAST_PROG_CMD 0x38 #define QUAD_IN_FAST_PROG_4_BYTE_ADDR_CMD 0x34 /* Erase Operations */ #define SUBSECTOR_ERASE_CMD 0x20 #define SUBSECTOR_ERASE_4_BYTE_ADDR_CMD 0x21 #define SECTOR_ERASE_CMD 0xD8 #define SECTOR_ERASE_4_BYTE_ADDR_CMD 0xDC #define DIE_ERASE_CMD 0xC4 #define PROG_ERASE_RESUME_CMD 0x7A #define PROG_ERASE_SUSPEND_CMD 0x75 /* One-Time Programmable Operations */ #define READ_OTP_ARRAY_CMD 0x4B #define PROG_OTP_ARRAY_CMD 0x42 /* 4-byte Address Mode Operations */ #define ENTER_4_BYTE_ADDR_MODE_CMD 0xB7 #define EXIT_4_BYTE_ADDR_MODE_CMD 0xE9 /* Quad Operations */ #define ENTER_QUAD_CMD 0x35 #define EXIT_QUAD_CMD 0xF5 /** * @brief MT25TL01G Registers */ /* Status Register */ #define MT25TL01G_SR_WIP ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Write in progress */ #define MT25TL01G_SR_WREN ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Write enable latch */ #define MT25TL01G_SR_BLOCKPR ((uint8_t)0x5C) /*!< Block protected against program and erase operations */ #define MT25TL01G_SR_PRBOTTOM ((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< Protected memory area defined by BLOCKPR starts from top or bottom */ #define MT25TL01G_SR_SRWREN ((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< Status register write enable/disable */ /* Non volatile Configuration Register */ #define MT25TL01G_NVCR_NBADDR ((uint16_t)0x0001) /*!< 3-bytes or 4-bytes addressing */ #define MT25TL01G_NVCR_SEGMENT ((uint16_t)0x0002) /*!< Upper or lower 128Mb segment selected by default */ #define MT25TL01G_NVCR_DUAL ((uint16_t)0x0004) /*!< Dual I/O protocol */ #define MT25TL01G_NVCR_QUAB ((uint16_t)0x0008) /*!< Quad I/O protocol */ #define MT25TL01G_NVCR_RH ((uint16_t)0x0010) /*!< Reset/hold */ #define MT25TL01G_NVCR_DTRP ((uint16_t)0x0020) /*!< Double transfer rate protocol */ #define MT25TL01G_NVCR_ODS ((uint16_t)0x01C0) /*!< Output driver strength */ #define MT25TL01G_NVCR_XIP ((uint16_t)0x0E00) /*!< XIP mode at power-on reset */ #define MT25TL01G_NVCR_NB_DUMMY ((uint16_t)0xF000) /*!< Number of dummy clock cycles */ /* Volatile Configuration Register */ #define MT25TL01G_VCR_WRAP ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< Wrap */ #define MT25TL01G_VCR_XIP ((uint8_t)0x08) /*!< XIP */ #define MT25TL01G_VCR_NB_DUMMY ((uint8_t)0xF0) /*!< Number of dummy clock cycles */ /* Extended Address Register */ #define MT25TL01G_EAR_HIGHEST_SE ((uint8_t)0x03) /*!< Select the Highest 128Mb segment */ #define MT25TL01G_EAR_THIRD_SEG ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Select the Third 128Mb segment */ #define MT25TL01G_EAR_SECOND_SEG ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< Select the Second 128Mb segment */ #define MT25TL01G_EAR_LOWEST_SEG ((uint8_t)0x00) /*!< Select the Lowest 128Mb segment (default) */ /* Enhanced Volatile Configuration Register */ #define MT25TL01G_EVCR_ODS ((uint8_t)0x07) /*!< Output driver strength */ #define MT25TL01G_EVCR_RH ((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< Reset/hold */ #define MT25TL01G_EVCR_DTRP ((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< Double transfer rate protocol */ #define MT25TL01G_EVCR_DUAL ((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< Dual I/O protocol */ #define MT25TL01G_EVCR_QUAD ((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< Quad I/O protocol */ /* Flag Status Register */ #define MT25TL01G_FSR_NBADDR ((uint8_t)0x01) /*!< 3-bytes or 4-bytes addressing */ #define MT25TL01G_FSR_PRERR ((uint8_t)0x02) /*!< Protection error */ #define MT25TL01G_FSR_PGSUS ((uint8_t)0x04) /*!< Program operation suspended */ #define MT25TL01G_FSR_PGERR ((uint8_t)0x10) /*!< Program error */ #define MT25TL01G_FSR_ERERR ((uint8_t)0x20) /*!< Erase error */ #define MT25TL01G_FSR_ERSUS ((uint8_t)0x40) /*!< Erase operation suspended */ #define MT25TL01G_FSR_READY ((uint8_t)0x80) /*!< Ready or command in progress */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup MT25TL01G_Exported_Functions * @{ */ /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __MT25TL01G_H */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/