123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571 |
- # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors.
- #
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
- #
- import re
- import glob
- from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
- import os
- import sys
- import tempfile
- import urllib2
- import bsettings
- import command
- import terminal
- PRIORITY_CALC) = range(4)
- # Simple class to collect links from a page
- class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
- def __init__(self, arch):
- """Create a new parser
- After the parser runs, self.links will be set to a list of the links
- to .xz archives found in the page, and self.arch_link will be set to
- the one for the given architecture (or None if not found).
- Args:
- arch: Architecture to search for
- """
- HTMLParser.__init__(self)
- self.arch_link = None
- self.links = []
- self._match = '_%s-' % arch
- def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
- if tag == 'a':
- for tag, value in attrs:
- if tag == 'href':
- if value and value.endswith('.xz'):
- self.links.append(value)
- if self._match in value:
- self.arch_link = value
- class Toolchain:
- """A single toolchain
- Public members:
- gcc: Full path to C compiler
- path: Directory path containing C compiler
- cross: Cross compile string, e.g. 'arm-linux-'
- arch: Architecture of toolchain as determined from the first
- component of the filename. E.g. arm-linux-gcc becomes arm
- priority: Toolchain priority (0=highest, 20=lowest)
- """
- def __init__(self, fname, test, verbose=False, priority=PRIORITY_CALC,
- arch=None):
- """Create a new toolchain object.
- Args:
- fname: Filename of the gcc component
- test: True to run the toolchain to test it
- verbose: True to print out the information
- priority: Priority to use for this toolchain, or PRIORITY_CALC to
- calculate it
- """
- self.gcc = fname
- self.path = os.path.dirname(fname)
- # Find the CROSS_COMPILE prefix to use for U-Boot. For example,
- # 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc' turns into 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-'.
- basename = os.path.basename(fname)
- pos = basename.rfind('-')
- self.cross = basename[:pos + 1] if pos != -1 else ''
- # The architecture is the first part of the name
- pos = self.cross.find('-')
- if arch:
- self.arch = arch
- else:
- self.arch = self.cross[:pos] if pos != -1 else 'sandbox'
- env = self.MakeEnvironment(False)
- # As a basic sanity check, run the C compiler with --version
- cmd = [fname, '--version']
- if priority == PRIORITY_CALC:
- self.priority = self.GetPriority(fname)
- else:
- self.priority = priority
- if test:
- result = command.RunPipe([cmd], capture=True, env=env,
- raise_on_error=False)
- self.ok = result.return_code == 0
- if verbose:
- print 'Tool chain test: ',
- if self.ok:
- print "OK, arch='%s', priority %d" % (self.arch,
- self.priority)
- else:
- print 'BAD'
- print 'Command: ', cmd
- print result.stdout
- print result.stderr
- else:
- self.ok = True
- def GetPriority(self, fname):
- """Return the priority of the toolchain.
- Toolchains are ranked according to their suitability by their
- filename prefix.
- Args:
- fname: Filename of toolchain
- Returns:
- Priority of toolchain, PRIORITY_CALC=highest, 20=lowest.
- """
- priority_list = ['-elf', '-unknown-linux-gnu', '-linux',
- '-none-linux-gnueabi', '-uclinux', '-none-eabi',
- '-gentoo-linux-gnu', '-linux-gnueabi', '-le-linux', '-uclinux']
- for prio in range(len(priority_list)):
- if priority_list[prio] in fname:
- return PRIORITY_CALC + prio
- return PRIORITY_CALC + prio
- def GetWrapper(self, show_warning=True):
- """Get toolchain wrapper from the setting file.
- """
- value = ''
- for name, value in bsettings.GetItems('toolchain-wrapper'):
- if not value:
- print "Warning: Wrapper not found"
- if value:
- value = value + ' '
- return value
- def MakeEnvironment(self, full_path):
- """Returns an environment for using the toolchain.
- Thie takes the current environment and adds CROSS_COMPILE so that
- the tool chain will operate correctly.
- Args:
- full_path: Return the full path in CROSS_COMPILE and don't set
- """
- env = dict(os.environ)
- wrapper = self.GetWrapper()
- if full_path:
- env['CROSS_COMPILE'] = wrapper + os.path.join(self.path, self.cross)
- else:
- env['CROSS_COMPILE'] = wrapper + self.cross
- env['PATH'] = self.path + ':' + env['PATH']
- return env
- class Toolchains:
- """Manage a list of toolchains for building U-Boot
- We select one toolchain for each architecture type
- Public members:
- toolchains: Dict of Toolchain objects, keyed by architecture name
- prefixes: Dict of prefixes to check, keyed by architecture. This can
- be a full path and toolchain prefix, for example
- {'x86', 'opt/i386-linux/bin/i386-linux-'}, or the name of
- something on the search path, for example
- {'arm', 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-'}. Wildcards are not supported.
- paths: List of paths to check for toolchains (may contain wildcards)
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.toolchains = {}
- self.prefixes = {}
- self.paths = []
- self._make_flags = dict(bsettings.GetItems('make-flags'))
- def GetPathList(self, show_warning=True):
- """Get a list of available toolchain paths
- Args:
- show_warning: True to show a warning if there are no tool chains.
- Returns:
- List of strings, each a path to a toolchain mentioned in the
- [toolchain] section of the settings file.
- """
- toolchains = bsettings.GetItems('toolchain')
- if show_warning and not toolchains:
- print ("Warning: No tool chains. Please run 'buildman "
- "--fetch-arch all' to download all available toolchains, or "
- "add a [toolchain] section to your buildman config file "
- "%s. See README for details" %
- bsettings.config_fname)
- paths = []
- for name, value in toolchains:
- if '*' in value:
- paths += glob.glob(value)
- else:
- paths.append(value)
- return paths
- def GetSettings(self, show_warning=True):
- """Get toolchain settings from the settings file.
- Args:
- show_warning: True to show a warning if there are no tool chains.
- """
- self.prefixes = bsettings.GetItems('toolchain-prefix')
- self.paths += self.GetPathList(show_warning)
- def Add(self, fname, test=True, verbose=False, priority=PRIORITY_CALC,
- arch=None):
- """Add a toolchain to our list
- We select the given toolchain as our preferred one for its
- architecture if it is a higher priority than the others.
- Args:
- fname: Filename of toolchain's gcc driver
- test: True to run the toolchain to test it
- priority: Priority to use for this toolchain
- arch: Toolchain architecture, or None if not known
- """
- toolchain = Toolchain(fname, test, verbose, priority, arch)
- add_it = toolchain.ok
- if toolchain.arch in self.toolchains:
- add_it = (toolchain.priority <
- self.toolchains[toolchain.arch].priority)
- if add_it:
- self.toolchains[toolchain.arch] = toolchain
- elif verbose:
- print ("Toolchain '%s' at priority %d will be ignored because "
- "another toolchain for arch '%s' has priority %d" %
- (toolchain.gcc, toolchain.priority, toolchain.arch,
- self.toolchains[toolchain.arch].priority))
- def ScanPath(self, path, verbose):
- """Scan a path for a valid toolchain
- Args:
- path: Path to scan
- verbose: True to print out progress information
- Returns:
- Filename of C compiler if found, else None
- """
- fnames = []
- for subdir in ['.', 'bin', 'usr/bin']:
- dirname = os.path.join(path, subdir)
- if verbose: print " - looking in '%s'" % dirname
- for fname in glob.glob(dirname + '/*gcc'):
- if verbose: print " - found '%s'" % fname
- fnames.append(fname)
- return fnames
- def ScanPathEnv(self, fname):
- """Scan the PATH environment variable for a given filename.
- Args:
- fname: Filename to scan for
- Returns:
- List of matching pathanames, or [] if none
- """
- pathname_list = []
- for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
- path = path.strip('"')
- pathname = os.path.join(path, fname)
- if os.path.exists(pathname):
- pathname_list.append(pathname)
- return pathname_list
- def Scan(self, verbose):
- """Scan for available toolchains and select the best for each arch.
- We look for all the toolchains we can file, figure out the
- architecture for each, and whether it works. Then we select the
- highest priority toolchain for each arch.
- Args:
- verbose: True to print out progress information
- """
- if verbose: print 'Scanning for tool chains'
- for name, value in self.prefixes:
- if verbose: print " - scanning prefix '%s'" % value
- if os.path.exists(value):
- self.Add(value, True, verbose, PRIORITY_FULL_PREFIX, name)
- continue
- fname = value + 'gcc'
- if os.path.exists(fname):
- self.Add(fname, True, verbose, PRIORITY_PREFIX_GCC, name)
- continue
- fname_list = self.ScanPathEnv(fname)
- for f in fname_list:
- self.Add(f, True, verbose, PRIORITY_PREFIX_GCC_PATH, name)
- if not fname_list:
- raise ValueError, ("No tool chain found for prefix '%s'" %
- value)
- for path in self.paths:
- if verbose: print " - scanning path '%s'" % path
- fnames = self.ScanPath(path, verbose)
- for fname in fnames:
- self.Add(fname, True, verbose)
- def List(self):
- """List out the selected toolchains for each architecture"""
- col = terminal.Color()
- print col.Color(col.BLUE, 'List of available toolchains (%d):' %
- len(self.toolchains))
- if len(self.toolchains):
- for key, value in sorted(self.toolchains.iteritems()):
- print '%-10s: %s' % (key, value.gcc)
- else:
- print 'None'
- def Select(self, arch):
- """Returns the toolchain for a given architecture
- Args:
- args: Name of architecture (e.g. 'arm', 'ppc_8xx')
- returns:
- toolchain object, or None if none found
- """
- for tag, value in bsettings.GetItems('toolchain-alias'):
- if arch == tag:
- for alias in value.split():
- if alias in self.toolchains:
- return self.toolchains[alias]
- if not arch in self.toolchains:
- raise ValueError, ("No tool chain found for arch '%s'" % arch)
- return self.toolchains[arch]
- def ResolveReferences(self, var_dict, args):
- """Resolve variable references in a string
- This converts ${blah} within the string to the value of blah.
- This function works recursively.
- Args:
- var_dict: Dictionary containing variables and their values
- args: String containing make arguments
- Returns:
- Resolved string
- >>> bsettings.Setup()
- >>> tcs = Toolchains()
- >>> tcs.Add('fred', False)
- >>> var_dict = {'oblique' : 'OBLIQUE', 'first' : 'fi${second}rst', \
- 'second' : '2nd'}
- >>> tcs.ResolveReferences(var_dict, 'this=${oblique}_set')
- 'this=OBLIQUE_set'
- >>> tcs.ResolveReferences(var_dict, 'this=${oblique}_set${first}nd')
- 'this=OBLIQUE_setfi2ndrstnd'
- """
- re_var = re.compile('(\$\{[-_a-z0-9A-Z]{1,}\})')
- while True:
- m = re_var.search(args)
- if not m:
- break
- lookup = m.group(0)[2:-1]
- value = var_dict.get(lookup, '')
- args = args[:m.start(0)] + value + args[m.end(0):]
- return args
- def GetMakeArguments(self, board):
- """Returns 'make' arguments for a given board
- The flags are in a section called 'make-flags'. Flags are named
- after the target they represent, for example snapper9260=TESTING=1
- will pass TESTING=1 to make when building the snapper9260 board.
- References to other boards can be added in the string also. For
- example:
- [make-flags]
- at91-boards=ENABLE_AT91_TEST=1
- snapper9260=${at91-boards} BUILD_TAG=442
- snapper9g45=${at91-boards} BUILD_TAG=443
- This will return 'ENABLE_AT91_TEST=1 BUILD_TAG=442' for snapper9260
- and 'ENABLE_AT91_TEST=1 BUILD_TAG=443' for snapper9g45.
- A special 'target' variable is set to the board target.
- Args:
- board: Board object for the board to check.
- Returns:
- 'make' flags for that board, or '' if none
- """
- self._make_flags['target'] = board.target
- arg_str = self.ResolveReferences(self._make_flags,
- self._make_flags.get(board.target, ''))
- args = arg_str.split(' ')
- i = 0
- while i < len(args):
- if not args[i]:
- del args[i]
- else:
- i += 1
- return args
- def LocateArchUrl(self, fetch_arch):
- """Find a toolchain available online
- Look in standard places for available toolchains. At present the
- only standard place is at kernel.org.
- Args:
- arch: Architecture to look for, or 'list' for all
- Returns:
- If fetch_arch is 'list', a tuple:
- Machine architecture (e.g. x86_64)
- List of toolchains
- else
- URL containing this toolchain, if avaialble, else None
- """
- arch = command.OutputOneLine('uname', '-m')
- base = 'https://www.kernel.org/pub/tools/crosstool/files/bin'
- versions = ['4.9.0', '4.6.3', '4.6.2', '4.5.1', '4.2.4']
- links = []
- for version in versions:
- url = '%s/%s/%s/' % (base, arch, version)
- print 'Checking: %s' % url
- response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
- html = response.read()
- parser = MyHTMLParser(fetch_arch)
- parser.feed(html)
- if fetch_arch == 'list':
- links += parser.links
- elif parser.arch_link:
- return url + parser.arch_link
- if fetch_arch == 'list':
- return arch, links
- return None
- def Download(self, url):
- """Download a file to a temporary directory
- Args:
- url: URL to download
- Returns:
- Tuple:
- Temporary directory name
- Full path to the downloaded archive file in that directory,
- or None if there was an error while downloading
- """
- print 'Downloading: %s' % url
- leaf = url.split('/')[-1]
- tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('.buildman')
- response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
- fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, leaf)
- fd = open(fname, 'wb')
- meta = response.info()
- size = int(meta.getheaders('Content-Length')[0])
- done = 0
- block_size = 1 << 16
- status = ''
- # Read the file in chunks and show progress as we go
- while True:
- buffer = response.read(block_size)
- if not buffer:
- print chr(8) * (len(status) + 1), '\r',
- break
- done += len(buffer)
- fd.write(buffer)
- status = r'%10d MiB [%3d%%]' % (done / 1024 / 1024,
- done * 100 / size)
- status = status + chr(8) * (len(status) + 1)
- print status,
- sys.stdout.flush()
- fd.close()
- if done != size:
- print 'Error, failed to download'
- os.remove(fname)
- fname = None
- return tmpdir, fname
- def Unpack(self, fname, dest):
- """Unpack a tar file
- Args:
- fname: Filename to unpack
- dest: Destination directory
- Returns:
- Directory name of the first entry in the archive, without the
- trailing /
- """
- stdout = command.Output('tar', 'xvfJ', fname, '-C', dest)
- return stdout.splitlines()[0][:-1]
- def TestSettingsHasPath(self, path):
- """Check if buildman will find this toolchain
- Returns:
- True if the path is in settings, False if not
- """
- paths = self.GetPathList(False)
- return path in paths
- def ListArchs(self):
- """List architectures with available toolchains to download"""
- host_arch, archives = self.LocateArchUrl('list')
- re_arch = re.compile('[-a-z0-9.]*_([^-]*)-.*')
- arch_set = set()
- for archive in archives:
- # Remove the host architecture from the start
- arch = re_arch.match(archive[len(host_arch):])
- if arch:
- arch_set.add(arch.group(1))
- return sorted(arch_set)
- def FetchAndInstall(self, arch):
- """Fetch and install a new toolchain
- arch:
- Architecture to fetch, or 'list' to list
- """
- # Fist get the URL for this architecture
- col = terminal.Color()
- print col.Color(col.BLUE, "Downloading toolchain for arch '%s'" % arch)
- url = self.LocateArchUrl(arch)
- if not url:
- print ("Cannot find toolchain for arch '%s' - use 'list' to list" %
- arch)
- return 2
- home = os.environ['HOME']
- dest = os.path.join(home, '.buildman-toolchains')
- if not os.path.exists(dest):
- os.mkdir(dest)
- # Download the tar file for this toolchain and unpack it
- tmpdir, tarfile = self.Download(url)
- if not tarfile:
- return 1
- print col.Color(col.GREEN, 'Unpacking to: %s' % dest),
- sys.stdout.flush()
- path = self.Unpack(tarfile, dest)
- os.remove(tarfile)
- os.rmdir(tmpdir)
- print
- # Check that the toolchain works
- print col.Color(col.GREEN, 'Testing')
- dirpath = os.path.join(dest, path)
- compiler_fname_list = self.ScanPath(dirpath, True)
- if not compiler_fname_list:
- print 'Could not locate C compiler - fetch failed.'
- return 1
- if len(compiler_fname_list) != 1:
- print col.Color(col.RED, 'Warning, ambiguous toolchains: %s' %
- ', '.join(compiler_fname_list))
- toolchain = Toolchain(compiler_fname_list[0], True, True)
- # Make sure that it will be found by buildman
- if not self.TestSettingsHasPath(dirpath):
- print ("Adding 'download' to config file '%s'" %
- bsettings.config_fname)
- bsettings.SetItem('toolchain', 'download', '%s/*/*' % dest)
- return 0