yucca.h 16 KB

  1. /*
  2. * (C) Copyright 2004 Paul Reynolds <PaulReynolds@lhsolutions.com>
  3. *
  4. * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
  5. */
  6. /************************************************************************
  7. * 1 january 2005 Alain Saurel <asaurel@amcc.com>
  8. * Adapted to current Das U-Boot source
  9. ***********************************************************************/
  10. /************************************************************************
  11. * yucca.h - configuration for AMCC 440SPe Ref (yucca)
  12. ***********************************************************************/
  13. #ifndef __CONFIG_H
  14. #define __CONFIG_H
  15. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. * High Level Configuration Options
  17. *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  18. #define CONFIG_440 1 /* ... PPC440 family */
  19. #define CONFIG_440SPE 1 /* Specifc SPe support */
  20. #define CONFIG_440SPE_REVA 1 /* Support old Rev A. */
  21. #define CONFIG_BOARD_EARLY_INIT_F 1 /* Call board_pre_init */
  22. #define CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ 33333333 /* external freq to pll */
  23. #define EXTCLK_33_33 33333333
  24. #define EXTCLK_66_66 66666666
  25. #define EXTCLK_50 50000000
  26. #define EXTCLK_83 83333333
  27. #define CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE 0xfffb0000
  28. /*
  29. * Include common defines/options for all AMCC eval boards
  30. */
  31. #define CONFIG_HOSTNAME yucca
  32. #include "amcc-common.h"
  33. #define CONFIG_MISC_INIT_F 1 /* Use misc_init_f() */
  35. #undef CONFIG_STRESS
  36. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. * Base addresses -- Note these are effective addresses where the
  38. * actual resources get mapped (not physical addresses)
  39. *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  40. #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE 0xfff00000 /* start of FLASH */
  41. #define CONFIG_SYS_ISRAM_BASE 0x90000000 /* internal SRAM */
  42. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCI_MEMBASE 0x80000000 /* mapped PCI memory */
  43. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCI_BASE 0xd0000000 /* internal PCI regs */
  45. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE_MEMBASE 0xb0000000 /* mapped PCIe memory */
  46. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE_MEMSIZE 0x08000000 /* smallest incr for PCIe port */
  47. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE_BASE 0xe0000000 /* PCIe UTL regs */
  48. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE0_CFGBASE 0xc0000000
  49. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE1_CFGBASE 0xc1000000
  50. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE2_CFGBASE 0xc2000000
  51. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE0_XCFGBASE 0xc3000000
  52. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE1_XCFGBASE 0xc3001000
  53. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE2_XCFGBASE 0xc3002000
  54. /* base address of inbound PCIe window */
  55. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCIE_INBOUND_BASE 0x0000000400000000ULL
  56. /* System RAM mapped to PCI space */
  59. #define CONFIG_PCI_SYS_MEM_SIZE (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
  60. #define CONFIG_SYS_FPGA_BASE 0xe2000000 /* epld */
  61. #define CONFIG_SYS_OPER_FLASH 0xe7000000 /* SRAM - OPER Flash */
  62. /* #define CONFIG_SYS_NVRAM_BASE_ADDR 0x08000000 */
  63. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. * Initial RAM & stack pointer (placed in internal SRAM)
  65. *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  68. #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR CONFIG_SYS_ISRAM_BASE /* Initial RAM address */
  69. #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE 0x2000 /* Size of used area in RAM */
  72. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. * Serial Port
  74. *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  75. #define CONFIG_CONS_INDEX 1 /* Use UART0 */
  77. /* #define CONFIG_SYS_EXT_SERIAL_CLOCK (1843200 * 6) */ /* Ext clk @ 11.059 MHz */
  78. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. * DDR SDRAM
  80. *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  81. #define CONFIG_SPD_EEPROM 1 /* Use SPD EEPROM for setup */
  82. #define SPD_EEPROM_ADDRESS {0x53, 0x52} /* SPD i2c spd addresses*/
  83. #define CONFIG_DDR_ECC 1 /* with ECC support */
  84. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. * I2C
  86. *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  87. #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_PPC4XX_SPEED_0 400000
  88. #define IIC0_BOOTPROM_ADDR 0x50
  89. #define IIC0_ALT_BOOTPROM_ADDR 0x54
  90. /* Don't probe these addrs */
  91. #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_NOPROBES { {0, 0x50}, {0, 0x52}, {0, 0x53}, {0, 0x54} }
  92. /* #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_EEPROM) */
  93. /* #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_EEPROM_ADDR 0x50 */ /* I2C boot EEPROM */
  94. #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_EEPROM_ADDR_LEN 2 /* Bytes of address */
  95. /* #endif */
  96. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. * Environment
  98. *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  99. /* #define CONFIG_SYS_NVRAM_SIZE (0x2000 - 8) */ /* NVRAM size(8k)- RTC regs */
  100. #undef CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_NVRAM /* ... not in NVRAM */
  101. #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH 1 /* Environment uses flash */
  102. #undef CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_EEPROM /* ... not in EEPROM */
  103. #define CONFIG_ENV_OVERWRITE 1
  104. /*
  105. * Default environment variables
  106. */
  111. "kernel_addr=E7F10000\0" \
  112. "ramdisk_addr=E7F20000\0" \
  113. "pciconfighost=1\0" \
  114. "pcie_mode=RP:EP:EP\0" \
  115. ""
  116. /*
  117. * Commands additional to the ones defined in amcc-common.h
  118. */
  119. #define CONFIG_CMD_PCI
  120. #define CONFIG_CMD_SDRAM
  121. #define CONFIG_IBM_EMAC4_V4 1
  122. #define CONFIG_PHY_ADDR 1 /* PHY address, See schematics */
  123. #define CONFIG_HAS_ETH0
  124. #define CONFIG_PHY_RESET 1 /* reset phy upon startup */
  125. #define CONFIG_PHY_RESET_DELAY 1000
  126. #define CONFIG_CIS8201_PHY 1 /* Enable 'special' RGMII mode for Cicada phy */
  127. #define CONFIG_PHY_GIGE 1 /* Include GbE speed/duplex detection */
  128. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. * FLASH related
  130. *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  131. #define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_BANKS 3 /* number of banks */
  132. #define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT 256 /* sectors per device */
  134. #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT 120000 /* Timeout for Flash Erase (in ms) */
  135. #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT 500 /* Timeout for Flash Write (in ms) */
  136. #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_ADDR0 0x5555
  137. #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_ADDR1 0x2aaa
  138. #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_WORD_SIZE unsigned char
  139. #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_2ND_16BIT_DEV 1 /* evb440SPe has 8 and 16bit device */
  140. #define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_2ND_ADDR 0xe7c00000 /* evb440SPe has 8 and 16bit device*/
  141. #ifdef CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH
  142. #define CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE 0x10000 /* size of one complete sector */
  143. #define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR 0xfffa0000
  145. #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE 0x10000 /* Size of Environment vars */
  146. #endif /* CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH */
  147. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. * PCI stuff
  149. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. */
  151. /* General PCI */
  152. #define CONFIG_PCI_INDIRECT_BRIDGE /* indirect PCI bridge support */
  153. #define CONFIG_PCI_SCAN_SHOW 1 /* show pci devices on startup */
  155. /* Board-specific PCI */
  156. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCI_TARGET_INIT /* let board init pci target */
  158. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCI_SUBSYS_VENDORID 0x1014 /* IBM */
  159. #define CONFIG_SYS_PCI_SUBSYS_DEVICEID 0xcafe /* Whatever */
  161. /*
  162. * NETWORK Support (PCI):
  163. */
  164. /* Support for Intel 82557/82559/82559ER chips. */
  165. #define CONFIG_EEPRO100
  166. /* FB Divisor selection */
  167. #define FPGA_FB_DIV_6 6
  168. #define FPGA_FB_DIV_10 10
  169. #define FPGA_FB_DIV_12 12
  170. #define FPGA_FB_DIV_20 20
  171. /* VCO Divisor selection */
  172. #define FPGA_VCO_DIV_4 4
  173. #define FPGA_VCO_DIV_6 6
  174. #define FPGA_VCO_DIV_8 8
  175. #define FPGA_VCO_DIV_10 10
  176. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  177. | FPGA registers and bit definitions
  178. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  179. /* PowerPC 440SPe Board FPGA is reached with physical address 0x1 E2000000. */
  180. /* TLB initialization makes it correspond to logical address 0xE2000000. */
  181. /* => Done init_chip.s in bootlib */
  182. #define FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR 0xE2000000
  183. #define FPGA_GPIO_BASE_ADDR 0xE2010000
  184. #define FPGA_INT_BASE_ADDR 0xE2020000
  185. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  186. | Display
  187. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  189. #define PPC440SPE_DISPLAY_D8 (FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x06)
  190. #define PPC440SPE_DISPLAY_D4 (FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x04)
  191. #define PPC440SPE_DISPLAY_D2 (FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x02)
  192. #define PPC440SPE_DISPLAY_D1 (FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x00)
  193. /*define WRITE_DISPLAY_DIGIT(n) IOREG8(FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR + (2*n))*/
  194. /*#define IOREG8(addr) *((volatile unsigned char *)(addr))*/
  195. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  196. | ethernet/reset/boot Register 1
  197. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  198. #define FPGA_REG10 (FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x10)
  199. #define FPGA_REG10_10MHZ_ENABLE 0x8000
  200. #define FPGA_REG10_100MHZ_ENABLE 0x4000
  201. #define FPGA_REG10_GIGABIT_ENABLE 0x2000
  202. #define FPGA_REG10_FULL_DUPLEX 0x1000 /* force Full Duplex*/
  203. #define FPGA_REG10_RESET_ETH 0x0800
  204. #define FPGA_REG10_AUTO_NEG_DIS 0x0400
  205. #define FPGA_REG10_INTP_ETH 0x0200
  206. #define FPGA_REG10_RESET_HISR 0x0080
  207. #define FPGA_REG10_ENABLE_DISPLAY 0x0040
  208. #define FPGA_REG10_RESET_SDRAM 0x0020
  209. #define FPGA_REG10_OPER_BOOT 0x0010
  210. #define FPGA_REG10_SRAM_BOOT 0x0008
  211. #define FPGA_REG10_SMALL_BOOT 0x0004
  212. #define FPGA_REG10_FORCE_COLA 0x0002
  213. #define FPGA_REG10_COLA_MANUAL 0x0001
  214. #define FPGA_REG10_SDRAM_ENABLE 0x0020
  215. #define FPGA_REG10_ENET_ENCODE2(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x0F)<<4) /*from ocotea ?*/
  216. #define FPGA_REG10_ENET_DECODE2(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>4)&0x0F) /*from ocotea ?*/
  217. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  218. | MUX control
  219. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  220. #define FPGA_REG12 (FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x12)
  221. #define FPGA_REG12_EBC_CTL 0x8000
  222. #define FPGA_REG12_UART1_CTS_RTS 0x4000
  223. #define FPGA_REG12_UART0_RX_ENABLE 0x2000
  224. #define FPGA_REG12_UART1_RX_ENABLE 0x1000
  225. #define FPGA_REG12_UART2_RX_ENABLE 0x0800
  226. #define FPGA_REG12_EBC_OUT_ENABLE 0x0400
  227. #define FPGA_REG12_GPIO0_OUT_ENABLE 0x0200
  228. #define FPGA_REG12_GPIO1_OUT_ENABLE 0x0100
  229. #define FPGA_REG12_GPIO_SELECT 0x0010
  230. #define FPGA_REG12_GPIO_CHREG 0x0008
  231. #define FPGA_REG12_GPIO_CLK_CHREG 0x0004
  232. #define FPGA_REG12_GPIO_OETRI 0x0002
  233. #define FPGA_REG12_EBC_ERROR 0x0001
  234. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  235. | PCI Clock control
  236. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  237. #define FPGA_REG16 (FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x16)
  238. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL0 0x8000
  239. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL1 0x4000
  240. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL2 0x2000
  241. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL3 0x1000
  242. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL4 0x0800
  243. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL5 0x0400
  244. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL6 0x0200
  245. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL7 0x0100
  246. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL8 0x0080
  247. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_CLK_CTL9 0x0040
  248. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_EXT_ARB0 0x0020
  249. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_MODE_1 0x0010
  250. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_TARGET_MODE 0x0008
  251. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI_INTP_MODE 0x0004
  252. /* FB1 Divisor selection */
  253. #define FPGA_REG16_FB2_DIV_MASK 0x1000
  254. #define FPGA_REG16_FB2_DIV_LOW 0x0000
  255. #define FPGA_REG16_FB2_DIV_HIGH 0x1000
  256. /* FB2 Divisor selection */
  257. /* S3 switch on Board */
  258. #define FPGA_REG16_FB1_DIV_MASK 0x2000
  259. #define FPGA_REG16_FB1_DIV_LOW 0x0000
  260. #define FPGA_REG16_FB1_DIV_HIGH 0x2000
  261. /* PCI0 Clock Selection */
  262. /* S3 switch on Board */
  263. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_MASK 0x0c00
  264. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_33_33 0x0000
  265. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_66_66 0x0800
  266. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_100 0x0400
  267. #define FPGA_REG16_PCI0_CLK_133_33 0x0c00
  268. /* VCO Divisor selection */
  269. /* S3 switch on Board */
  270. #define FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_MASK 0xc000
  271. #define FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_4 0x0000
  272. #define FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_8 0x4000
  273. #define FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_6 0x8000
  274. #define FPGA_REG16_VCO_DIV_10 0xc000
  275. /* Master Clock Selection */
  276. /* S3, S4 switches on Board */
  277. #define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_MASK 0x01c0
  278. #define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_EXT 0x0000
  279. #define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_66_66 0x0040
  280. #define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_50 0x0080
  281. #define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_33_33 0x00c0
  282. #define FPGA_REG16_MASTER_CLK_25 0x0100
  283. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  284. | PCI Miscellaneous
  285. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  286. #define FPGA_REG18 (FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x18)
  287. #define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PRSNT1 0x8000
  288. #define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PRSNT2 0x4000
  289. #define FPGA_REG18_PCI_INTA 0x2000
  290. #define FPGA_REG18_PCI_SLOT0_INTP 0x1000
  291. #define FPGA_REG18_PCI_SLOT1_INTP 0x0800
  292. #define FPGA_REG18_PCI_SLOT2_INTP 0x0400
  293. #define FPGA_REG18_PCI_SLOT3_INTP 0x0200
  294. #define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PCI0_VC 0x0100
  295. #define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PCI0_VTH1 0x0080
  296. #define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PCI0_VTH2 0x0040
  297. #define FPGA_REG18_PCI_PCI0_VTH3 0x0020
  298. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  299. | PCIe Miscellaneous
  300. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  301. #define FPGA_REG1A (FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x1A)
  302. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE0_GLED 0x8000
  303. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE1_GLED 0x4000
  304. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE2_GLED 0x2000
  305. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE0_YLED 0x1000
  306. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE1_YLED 0x0800
  307. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE2_YLED 0x0400
  308. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE0_PWRON 0x0200
  309. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE1_PWRON 0x0100
  310. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE2_PWRON 0x0080
  311. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE0_REFCLK_ENABLE 0x0040
  312. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE1_REFCLK_ENABLE 0x0020
  313. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE2_REFCLK_ENABLE 0x0010
  314. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE_SPREAD0 0x0008
  315. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE_SPREAD1 0x0004
  316. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE_SELSOURCE_0 0x0002
  317. #define FPGA_REG1A_PE_SELSOURCE_1 0x0001
  318. #define FPGA_REG1A_GLED_ENCODE(n) (FPGA_REG1A_PE0_GLED >> (n))
  319. #define FPGA_REG1A_YLED_ENCODE(n) (FPGA_REG1A_PE0_YLED >> (n))
  320. #define FPGA_REG1A_PWRON_ENCODE(n) (FPGA_REG1A_PE0_PWRON >> (n))
  322. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  323. | PCIe Miscellaneous
  324. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  325. #define FPGA_REG1C (FPGA_REG_BASE_ADDR+0x1C)
  326. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE0_ROOTPOINT 0x8000
  327. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE1_ENDPOINT 0x4000
  328. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE2_ENDPOINT 0x2000
  329. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE0_PRSNT 0x1000
  330. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE1_PRSNT 0x0800
  331. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE2_PRSNT 0x0400
  332. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE0_WAKE 0x0080
  333. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE1_WAKE 0x0040
  334. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE2_WAKE 0x0020
  335. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE0_PERST 0x0010
  336. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE1_PERST 0x0008
  337. #define FPGA_REG1C_PE2_PERST 0x0004
  339. #define FPGA_REG1C_PERST_ENCODE(n) (FPGA_REG1C_PE0_PERST >> (n))
  340. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  341. | Defines
  342. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  343. #define PERIOD_133_33MHZ 7500 /* 7,5ns */
  344. #define PERIOD_100_00MHZ 10000 /* 10ns */
  345. #define PERIOD_83_33MHZ 12000 /* 12ns */
  346. #define PERIOD_75_00MHZ 13333 /* 13,333ns */
  347. #define PERIOD_66_66MHZ 15000 /* 15ns */
  348. #define PERIOD_50_00MHZ 20000 /* 20ns */
  349. #define PERIOD_33_33MHZ 30000 /* 30ns */
  350. #define PERIOD_25_00MHZ 40000 /* 40ns */
  351. #endif /* __CONFIG_H */