nokia_rx51.h 12 KB

  1. /*
  2. * (C) Copyright 2011-2012
  3. * Pali Rohár <>
  4. *
  5. * (C) Copyright 2010
  6. * Alistair Buxton <>
  7. *
  8. * Derived from Beagle Board code:
  9. * (C) Copyright 2006-2008
  10. * Texas Instruments.
  11. * Richard Woodruff <>
  12. * Syed Mohammed Khasim <>
  13. *
  14. * Configuration settings for the Nokia RX-51 aka N900.
  15. *
  16. * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
  17. */
  18. #ifndef __CONFIG_H
  19. #define __CONFIG_H
  20. /*
  21. * High Level Configuration Options
  22. */
  23. #define CONFIG_OMAP /* in a TI OMAP core */
  24. #define CONFIG_OMAP3430 /* which is in a 3430 */
  25. #define CONFIG_OMAP3_RX51 /* working with RX51 */
  26. #define CONFIG_SYS_L2CACHE_OFF /* pretend there is no L2 CACHE */
  27. /* Common ARM Erratas */
  28. #define CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_454179
  29. #define CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_430973
  30. #define CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_621766
  32. /*
  33. * Nokia X-Loader loading secondary image to address 0x80400000
  34. * NOLO loading boot image to random place, so it doesn't really
  35. * matter what we set this to. We have to copy u-boot to this address
  36. */
  37. #define CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE 0x80008000
  38. #define CONFIG_SDRC /* The chip has SDRC controller */
  39. #include <asm/arch/cpu.h> /* get chip and board defs */
  40. #include <asm/arch/omap.h>
  41. #include <asm/arch/mem.h>
  42. #include <linux/stringify.h>
  43. /* Clock Defines */
  44. #define V_OSCK 26000000 /* Clock output from T2 */
  45. #define V_SCLK (V_OSCK >> 1)
  46. #undef CONFIG_USE_IRQ /* no support for IRQs */
  47. #define CONFIG_MISC_INIT_R
  48. #define CONFIG_SKIP_LOWLEVEL_INIT /* X-Loader set everything up */
  49. #define CONFIG_CMDLINE_TAG /* enable passing kernel command line string */
  50. #define CONFIG_INITRD_TAG /* enable passing initrd */
  51. #define CONFIG_REVISION_TAG /* enable passing revision tag*/
  52. #define CONFIG_SETUP_MEMORY_TAGS /* enable memory tag */
  53. /*
  54. * Size of malloc() pool
  55. */
  56. #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE (128 << 10)
  57. #define CONFIG_UBI_SIZE (512 << 10)
  59. (128 << 10))
  60. /*
  61. * Hardware drivers
  62. */
  63. /*
  64. * NS16550 Configuration
  65. */
  66. #define V_NS16550_CLK 48000000 /* 48MHz (APLL96/2) */
  67. #define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_SERIAL
  68. #define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_REG_SIZE (-4)
  69. #define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_CLK V_NS16550_CLK
  70. /*
  71. * select serial console configuration
  72. */
  73. #define CONFIG_CONS_INDEX 3
  74. #define CONFIG_SYS_NS16550_COM3 OMAP34XX_UART3
  75. #define CONFIG_SERIAL3 3 /* UART3 on RX-51 */
  76. /* allow to overwrite serial and ethaddr */
  78. #define CONFIG_BAUDRATE 115200
  79. #define CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE { 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 }
  80. #define CONFIG_GENERIC_MMC
  81. #define CONFIG_OMAP_HSMMC
  83. /* USB */
  84. #define CONFIG_USB_MUSB_UDC
  85. #define CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HCD
  86. #define CONFIG_USB_OMAP3
  87. #define CONFIG_TWL4030_USB
  88. /* USB device configuration */
  89. #define CONFIG_USB_DEVICE
  90. #define CONFIG_USBD_VENDORID 0x0421
  91. #define CONFIG_USBD_PRODUCTID 0x01c8
  92. #define CONFIG_USBD_MANUFACTURER "Nokia"
  93. #define CONFIG_USBD_PRODUCT_NAME "N900"
  94. #define CONFIG_SYS_NO_FLASH
  95. /* commands to include */
  96. #define CONFIG_CMDLINE_EDITING /* add command line history */
  97. #define CONFIG_AUTO_COMPLETE /* add autocompletion support */
  98. #define CONFIG_CMD_CLEAR /* ANSI terminal clear screen command */
  99. #ifdef ONENAND_SUPPORT
  100. #define CONFIG_CMD_ONENAND /* ONENAND support */
  101. #define CONFIG_CMD_MTDPARTS /* mtd parts support */
  102. #ifdef UBIFS_SUPPORT
  103. #define CONFIG_CMD_UBIFS /* UBIFS Support */
  104. #endif
  105. #endif
  106. #define CONFIG_OMAP3_SPI
  107. #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C
  108. #define CONFIG_SYS_OMAP24_I2C_SPEED 100000
  109. #define CONFIG_SYS_OMAP24_I2C_SLAVE 1
  110. #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_OMAP34XX
  111. /*
  112. * TWL4030
  113. */
  114. #define CONFIG_TWL4030_POWER
  115. #define CONFIG_TWL4030_LED
  116. #define CONFIG_TWL4030_KEYPAD
  117. #define CONFIG_OMAP_GPIO
  118. #define GPIO_SLIDE 71
  119. /*
  120. * Board ONENAND Info.
  121. */
  122. #define PART1_NAME "bootloader"
  123. #define PART1_SIZE 128
  124. #define PART1_MULL 1024
  125. #define PART1_SUFF "k"
  126. #define PART1_OFFS 0x00000000
  127. #define PART1_MASK 0x00000003
  128. #define PART2_NAME "config"
  129. #define PART2_SIZE 384
  130. #define PART2_MULL 1024
  131. #define PART2_SUFF "k"
  132. #define PART2_OFFS 0x00020000
  133. #define PART2_MASK 0x00000000
  134. #define PART3_NAME "log"
  135. #define PART3_SIZE 256
  136. #define PART3_MULL 1024
  137. #define PART3_SUFF "k"
  138. #define PART3_OFFS 0x00080000
  139. #define PART3_MASK 0x00000000
  140. #define PART4_NAME "kernel"
  141. #define PART4_SIZE 2
  142. #define PART4_MULL 1024*1024
  143. #define PART4_SUFF "m"
  144. #define PART4_OFFS 0x000c0000
  145. #define PART4_MASK 0x00000000
  146. #define PART5_NAME "initfs"
  147. #define PART5_SIZE 2
  148. #define PART5_MULL 1024*1024
  149. #define PART5_SUFF "m"
  150. #define PART5_OFFS 0x002c0000
  151. #define PART5_MASK 0x00000000
  152. #define PART6_NAME "rootfs"
  153. #define PART6_SIZE 257280
  154. #define PART6_MULL 1024
  155. #define PART6_SUFF "k"
  156. #define PART6_OFFS 0x004c0000
  157. #define PART6_MASK 0x00000000
  158. #ifdef ONENAND_SUPPORT
  160. #define CONFIG_MTD_DEVICE
  162. #ifdef UBIFS_SUPPORT
  163. #define CONFIG_RBTREE
  164. #define CONFIG_LZO
  165. #endif
  166. #define MTDIDS_DEFAULT "onenand0=onenand"
  167. #define MTDPARTS_DEFAULT "mtdparts=onenand:" \
  168. __stringify(PART1_SIZE) PART1_SUFF "(" PART1_NAME ")ro," \
  169. __stringify(PART2_SIZE) PART2_SUFF "(" PART2_NAME ")," \
  170. __stringify(PART3_SIZE) PART3_SUFF "(" PART3_NAME ")," \
  171. __stringify(PART4_SIZE) PART4_SUFF "(" PART4_NAME ")," \
  172. __stringify(PART5_SIZE) PART5_SUFF "(" PART5_NAME ")," \
  173. "-(" PART6_NAME ")"
  174. #endif
  175. /* Watchdog support */
  176. #define CONFIG_HW_WATCHDOG
  177. /*
  178. * Framebuffer
  179. */
  180. /* Video console */
  181. #define CONFIG_VIDEO_LOGO
  182. #define VIDEO_FB_16BPP_PIXEL_SWAP
  183. #define VIDEO_FB_16BPP_WORD_SWAP
  185. /* functions for cfb_console */
  186. #define VIDEO_KBD_INIT_FCT rx51_kp_init()
  187. #define VIDEO_TSTC_FCT rx51_kp_tstc
  188. #define VIDEO_GETC_FCT rx51_kp_getc
  189. #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
  190. struct stdio_dev;
  191. int rx51_kp_init(void);
  192. int rx51_kp_tstc(struct stdio_dev *sdev);
  193. int rx51_kp_getc(struct stdio_dev *sdev);
  194. #endif
  195. #ifndef MTDPARTS_DEFAULT
  196. #define MTDPARTS_DEFAULT
  197. #endif
  198. /* Environment information */
  200. "mtdparts=" MTDPARTS_DEFAULT "\0" \
  201. "usbtty=cdc_acm\0" \
  202. "stdin=vga\0" \
  203. "stdout=vga\0" \
  204. "stderr=vga\0" \
  205. "setcon=setenv stdin ${con};" \
  206. "setenv stdout ${con};" \
  207. "setenv stderr ${con}\0" \
  208. "sercon=setenv con serial; run setcon\0" \
  209. "usbcon=setenv con usbtty; run setcon\0" \
  210. "vgacon=setenv con vga; run setcon\0" \
  211. "slide=gpio input " __stringify(GPIO_SLIDE) "\0" \
  212. "switchmmc=mmc dev ${mmcnum}\0" \
  213. "kernaddr=0x82008000\0" \
  214. "initrdaddr=0x84008000\0" \
  215. "scriptaddr=0x86008000\0" \
  216. "fileload=${mmctype}load mmc ${mmcnum}:${mmcpart} " \
  217. "${loadaddr} ${mmcfile}\0" \
  218. "kernload=setenv loadaddr ${kernaddr};" \
  219. "setenv mmcfile ${mmckernfile};" \
  220. "run fileload\0" \
  221. "initrdload=setenv loadaddr ${initrdaddr};" \
  222. "setenv mmcfile ${mmcinitrdfile};" \
  223. "run fileload\0" \
  224. "scriptload=setenv loadaddr ${scriptaddr};" \
  225. "setenv mmcfile ${mmcscriptfile};" \
  226. "run fileload\0" \
  227. "scriptboot=echo Running ${mmcscriptfile} from mmc " \
  228. "${mmcnum}:${mmcpart} ...; source ${scriptaddr}\0" \
  229. "kernboot=echo Booting ${mmckernfile} from mmc " \
  230. "${mmcnum}:${mmcpart} ...; bootm ${kernaddr}\0" \
  231. "kerninitrdboot=echo Booting ${mmckernfile} ${mmcinitrdfile} from mmc "\
  232. "${mmcnum}:${mmcpart} ...; bootm ${kernaddr} ${initrdaddr}\0" \
  233. "attachboot=echo Booting attached kernel image ...;" \
  234. "setenv setup_omap_atag 1;" \
  235. "bootm ${attkernaddr};" \
  236. "setenv setup_omap_atag\0" \
  237. "trymmcscriptboot=if run switchmmc; then " \
  238. "if run scriptload; then " \
  239. "run scriptboot;" \
  240. "fi;" \
  241. "fi\0" \
  242. "trymmckernboot=if run switchmmc; then " \
  243. "if run kernload; then " \
  244. "run kernboot;" \
  245. "fi;" \
  246. "fi\0" \
  247. "trymmckerninitrdboot=if run switchmmc; then " \
  248. "if run initrdload; then " \
  249. "if run kernload; then " \
  250. "run kerninitrdboot;" \
  251. "fi;" \
  252. "fi; " \
  253. "fi\0" \
  254. "trymmcpartboot=setenv mmcscriptfile boot.scr; run trymmcscriptboot;" \
  255. "setenv mmckernfile uImage; run trymmckernboot\0" \
  256. "trymmcallpartboot=setenv mmcpart 1; run trymmcpartboot;" \
  257. "setenv mmcpart 2; run trymmcpartboot;" \
  258. "setenv mmcpart 3; run trymmcpartboot;" \
  259. "setenv mmcpart 4; run trymmcpartboot\0" \
  260. "trymmcboot=if run switchmmc; then " \
  261. "setenv mmctype fat;" \
  262. "run trymmcallpartboot;" \
  263. "setenv mmctype ext2;" \
  264. "run trymmcallpartboot;" \
  265. "setenv mmctype ext4;" \
  266. "run trymmcallpartboot;" \
  267. "fi\0" \
  268. "emmcboot=setenv mmcnum 1; run trymmcboot\0" \
  269. "sdboot=setenv mmcnum 0; run trymmcboot\0" \
  270. "menucmd=bootmenu\0" \
  271. "bootmenu_0=Attached kernel=run attachboot\0" \
  272. "bootmenu_1=Internal eMMC=run emmcboot\0" \
  273. "bootmenu_2=External SD card=run sdboot\0" \
  274. "bootmenu_3=U-Boot boot order=boot\0" \
  275. "bootmenu_delay=30\0" \
  276. ""
  277. #define CONFIG_PREBOOT \
  278. "setenv mmcnum 1; setenv mmcpart 1;" \
  279. "setenv mmcscriptfile bootmenu.scr;" \
  280. "if run switchmmc; then " \
  281. "setenv mmcdone true;" \
  282. "setenv mmctype fat;" \
  283. "if run scriptload; then true; else " \
  284. "setenv mmctype ext2;" \
  285. "if run scriptload; then true; else " \
  286. "setenv mmctype ext4;" \
  287. "if run scriptload; then true; else " \
  288. "setenv mmcdone false;" \
  289. "fi;" \
  290. "fi;" \
  291. "fi;" \
  292. "if ${mmcdone}; then " \
  293. "run scriptboot;" \
  294. "fi;" \
  295. "fi;" \
  296. "if run slide; then true; else " \
  297. "setenv bootmenu_delay 0;" \
  298. "setenv bootdelay 0;" \
  299. "fi"
  300. #define CONFIG_POSTBOOTMENU \
  301. "echo;" \
  302. "echo Extra commands:;" \
  303. "echo run sercon - Use serial port for control.;" \
  304. "echo run usbcon - Use usbtty for control.;" \
  305. "echo run vgacon - Use framebuffer/keyboard.;" \
  306. "echo run sdboot - Boot from SD card slot.;" \
  307. "echo run emmcboot - Boot internal eMMC memory.;" \
  308. "echo run attachboot - Boot attached kernel image.;" \
  309. "echo"
  310. #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND \
  311. "run sdboot;" \
  312. "run emmcboot;" \
  313. "run attachboot;" \
  314. "echo"
  315. #define CONFIG_MENU_SHOW
  316. /*
  317. * Miscellaneous configurable options
  318. */
  319. #define CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP /* undef to save memory */
  320. #define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE 256 /* Console I/O Buffer Size */
  321. /* Print Buffer Size */
  323. sizeof(CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT) + 16)
  324. #define CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS 16 /* max number of command args */
  325. /* Boot Argument Buffer Size */
  328. #define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END (OMAP34XX_SDRC_CS0 + 0x01F00000)/*31MB*/
  329. /* default load address */
  331. /*
  332. * OMAP3 has 12 GP timers, they can be driven by the system clock
  333. * (12/13/16.8/19.2/38.4MHz) or by 32KHz clock. We use 13MHz (V_SCLK).
  334. * This rate is divided by a local divisor.
  335. */
  337. #define CONFIG_SYS_PTV 2 /* Divisor: 2^(PTV+1) => 8 */
  338. /*
  339. * Stack sizes
  340. *
  341. * The stack sizes are set up in start.S using the settings below
  342. */
  343. #define CONFIG_STACKSIZE (128 << 10) /* regular stack 128 KiB */
  344. /*
  345. * Physical Memory Map
  346. */
  347. #define CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS 2
  348. #define PHYS_SDRAM_1 OMAP34XX_SDRC_CS0
  349. /*
  350. * FLASH and environment organization
  351. */
  352. #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE
  354. #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR 0x4020f800
  355. #define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE 0x800
  358. /*
  359. * Attached kernel image
  360. */
  361. #define SDRAM_SIZE 0x10000000 /* 256 MB */
  363. #define IMAGE_MAXSIZE 0x1FF800 /* 2 MB - 2 kB */
  364. #define KERNEL_OFFSET 0x40000 /* 256 kB */
  367. /* Reserve protected RAM for attached kernel */
  368. #define CONFIG_PRAM ((KERNEL_MAXSIZE >> 10)+1)
  369. #endif /* __CONFIG_H */