blackvme.h 7.1 KB

  1. /* U-Boot for BlackVME. (C) Wojtek Skulski 2010.
  2. * The board includes ADSP-BF561 rev. 0.5,
  3. * 32-bit SDRAM (2 * MT48LC16M16A2TG or MT48LC32M16A2TG),
  4. * Gigabit Ether AX88180 (ASIX) + 88E1111 rev. B2 (Marvell),
  5. * SPI boot flash on PF2 (M25P64 8MB, or M25P128 16 MB),
  6. * FPGA boot flash on PF3 (M25P64 8MB, or M25P128 16 MB),
  7. * Spartan6-LX150 (memory-mapped; both PPIs also connected).
  8. * See
  9. */
  10. #ifndef __CONFIG_BLACKVME_H__
  11. #define __CONFIG_BLACKVME_H__
  12. #include <asm/config-pre.h>
  13. /* Debugging: Set these options if you're having problems
  15. * #define DEBUG
  16. * #define CONFIG_DEBUG_DUMP
  17. * #define CONFIG_DEBUG_DUMP_SYMS
  18. * CONFIG_PANIC_HANG means that the board will not auto-reboot
  19. */
  20. #define CONFIG_PANIC_HANG 0
  21. /* CPU Options */
  22. #define CONFIG_BFIN_CPU bf561-0.5
  24. /*
  26. * You CANNOT just change the clock settings, esp. the SCLK.
  27. * The SDRAM timing, SPI baud, and the serial UART baud
  28. * use SCLK frequency to set their own frequencies. Therefore,
  29. * if you change the SCLK_DIV, you may also have to adjust
  30. * SDRAM refresh and other timings.
  31. * --------------------------------------------------------------
  33. * 25 * 8 / 1 = 200 MHz
  34. * 25 * 16 / 1 = 400 MHz
  35. * 25 * 24 / 1 = 600 MHz
  37. * 25 * 8 / 2 = 100 MHz
  38. * 25 * 24 / 6 = 100 MHz
  39. * 25 * 24 / 5 = 120 MHz
  40. * 25 * 16 / 3 = 133 MHz
  41. * 25 MHz because the oscillator also feeds the ether chip.
  42. * CONFIG_CLKIN_HZ is 25 MHz written in Hz
  43. * CLKIN_HALF controls the DF bit in PLL_CTL
  44. * 0 = CLKIN 1 = CLKIN / 2
  45. * PLL_BYPASS controls the BYPASS bit in PLL_CTL
  46. * 0 = do not bypass 1 = bypass PLL
  47. * VCO_MULT = MSEL (multiplier) in PLL_CTL
  48. * Values can range from 0-63 (where 0 means 64)
  49. * CCLK_DIV = core clock divider (1, 2, 4, or 8 ONLY)
  50. * SCLK_DIV = system clock divider, 1 to 15
  51. */
  52. #define CONFIG_CLKIN_HZ 25000000
  53. #define CONFIG_CLKIN_HALF 0
  54. #define CONFIG_PLL_BYPASS 0
  55. #define CONFIG_VCO_MULT 8
  56. #define CONFIG_CCLK_DIV 1
  57. #define CONFIG_SCLK_DIV 2
  58. /*
  59. * Ether chip in async memory space AMS3, same as BF561-EZ-KIT.
  60. * Used in 32-bit mode. 16-bit mode not supported.
  61. *
  62. */
  63. /*
  64. * Network settings using a dedicated 2nd ether card in PC
  65. * Windows will automatically acquire IP of that card
  66. * Then use the dedicated card IP + 1 for the board
  67. *
  68. */
  69. #define CONFIG_DRIVER_AX88180 1
  70. #define AX88180_BASE 0x2c000000
  71. #define CONFIG_HOSTNAME blackvme /* Bfin board */
  72. #define CONFIG_IPADDR /* Bfin board */
  73. #define CONFIG_GATEWAYIP /* dedic card */
  74. #define CONFIG_SERVERIP /* tftp server */
  75. #define CONFIG_NETMASK
  76. #define CONFIG_ROOTPATH "/export/uClinux-dist/romfs" /*NFS*/
  77. #define CFG_AUTOLOAD "no"
  78. /*
  79. * SDRAM settings & memory map
  80. */
  81. #define CONFIG_MEM_SIZE 64 /* 128, 64, 32, 16 */
  82. #define CONFIG_MEM_ADD_WDTH 9 /* 8, 9, 10, 11 */
  83. /*
  84. * SDRAM reference page
  85. *
  86. * NOTE: BlackVME populates only SDRAM bank 0
  87. */
  88. /* CONFIG_EBIU_SDBCTL_VAL bank ctrl may be needed in future */
  89. #define CONFIG_EBIU_SDGCTL_VAL 0x91114d /* global control */
  90. #define CONFIG_EBIU_SDRRC_VAL 0x306 /* refresh rate */
  91. /* Async memory global settings. (ASRAM, not SDRAM)
  92. * HRM page 16-10. Global ASRAM control = 0x3F. Six lower bits = 1
  93. * CLKOUT enabled, all async banks enabled, core has priority
  94. * bank 0&1 16 bit (FPGA)
  95. * bank 2&3 32 bit (ether and USB chips)
  96. */
  97. #define CONFIG_EBIU_AMGCTL_VAL 0x3F /* ASRAM setup */
  98. /* Async mem timing: BF561 HRM page 16-12 and 16-15.
  99. * Default values 0xFFC2 FFC2 are the slowest supported.
  100. * Example settings of CONFIG_EBIU_AMBCTL1_VAL
  101. * 1. EZ-KIT settings: 0xFFC2 7BB0
  102. * 2. Bank 3 good timing for AX88180 @ 125MHz = 0x8850 xxxx
  103. * See the following page:
  104. *
  105. * 3. Bank 3 timing for AX88180 @ SCLK = 100 MHz:
  106. * AX88180 WEN = 5 clocks REN 6 clocks @ SCLK = 100 MHz
  107. * One extra clock needed because AX88180 is asynchronous to CPU.
  108. */
  109. /* bank 1 0 */
  111. /* bank 3 2 */
  113. /* memory layout */
  114. #define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_LEN (256 << 10)
  115. #define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN (384 << 10)
  116. /*
  117. * Serial SPI Flash
  118. * For the M25P64 SCK should be kept < 15 MHz
  119. */
  120. #define CONFIG_BFIN_SPI
  122. #define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET 0x40000
  123. #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE 0x2000
  124. #define CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE 0x40000
  125. #define CONFIG_ENV_SPI_MAX_HZ 15000000
  126. #define CONFIG_SF_DEFAULT_SPEED 15000000
  127. /*
  128. * Interactive command settings
  129. */
  130. #define CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP 1
  132. #define CONFIG_AUTO_COMPLETE 1
  133. #define CONFIG_CMD_BOOTLDR
  134. #define CONFIG_CMD_CPLBINFO
  135. /*
  136. * Default: boot from SPI flash.
  137. * "sfboot" is a composite command defined in extra settings
  138. */
  139. #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND "run sfboot"
  140. /*
  141. * Console settings
  142. */
  143. #define CONFIG_BAUDRATE 57600
  144. #define CONFIG_LOADS_ECHO 1
  145. #define CONFIG_UART_CONSOLE 0
  146. #define CONFIG_BFIN_SERIAL
  147. /*
  148. * U-Boot environment variables. Use "printenv" to examine.
  149. *
  150. */
  151. #define CONFIG_BOOTARGS \
  152. "root=/dev/mtdblock0 rw " \
  153. "clkin_hz=" __stringify(CONFIG_CLKIN_HZ) " " \
  154. "earlyprintk=serial,uart0," \
  155. __stringify(CONFIG_BAUDRATE) " " \
  156. "console=ttyBF0," __stringify(CONFIG_BAUDRATE) " "
  157. /* Convenience env variables & commands.
  158. * Reserve kernstart = 0x20000 = 128 kB for U-Boot.
  159. * Reserve kernarea = 0x500000 = 5 MB for kernel (reasonable size).
  160. * U-Boot image is saved at flash offset=0.
  161. * Kernel image is saved at flash offset=$kernstart.
  162. * Instructions. Ksave takes about a minute to complete.
  163. * 1. Update U-Boot: run uget; run usave
  164. * 2. Update kernel: run kget; run ksave
  165. * After updating U-Boot also update the kernel per above instructions
  166. * to make the saved environment consistent with the flash.
  167. */
  169. "kernstart=0x20000\0" \
  170. "kernarea=0x500000\0" \
  171. "uget=tftp u-boot.ldr\0" \
  172. "kget=tftp uImage\0" \
  173. "usave=sf probe 2; " \
  174. "sf erase 0 $(kernstart); " \
  175. "sf write $(fileaddr) 0 $(filesize)\0" \
  176. "ksave=sf probe 2; " \
  177. "saveenv; " \
  178. "echo Now patiently wait for the prompt...; " \
  179. "sf erase $(kernstart) $(kernarea); " \
  180. "sf write $(fileaddr) $(kernstart) $(filesize)\0" \
  181. "sfboot=sf probe 2; " \
  182. "sf read $(loadaddr) $(kernstart) $(filesize); " \
  183. "run addip; bootm\0" \
  184. "addip=setenv bootargs $(bootargs) " \
  185. "ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):" \
  186. "$(netmask):$(hostname):eth0:off\0"
  187. /*
  188. * Soft I2C settings (BF561 does not have hard I2C)
  189. * PF12,13 on SPI connector 0.
  190. */
  191. #ifdef CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SOFT
  192. # define CONFIG_SOFT_I2C_GPIO_SCL GPIO_PF12
  193. # define CONFIG_SOFT_I2C_GPIO_SDA GPIO_PF13
  194. # define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED 50000
  195. # define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SLAVE 0xFE
  196. #endif
  197. /*
  198. * No Parallel Flash on this board
  199. */
  200. #define CONFIG_SYS_NO_FLASH
  201. #undef CONFIG_CMD_JFFS2
  202. #endif