1. To build RAMBOOT, replace this section the main Makefile
  2. pcm030_config \
  3. pcm030_RAMBOOT_config \
  4. pcm030_LOWBOOT_config: unconfig
  5. @ >include/config.h
  6. @[ -z "$(findstring LOWBOOT_,$@)" ] || \
  7. { echo "CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE = 0xFF000000" >board/phytec/pcm030/config.tmp ; \
  8. echo "... with LOWBOOT configuration" ; \
  9. }
  10. @[ -z "$(findstring RAMBOOT_,$@)" ] || \
  11. { echo "CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE = 0x00100000" >board/phycore_mpc5200b_tiny/\
  12. config.tmp ; \
  13. echo "... with RAMBOOT configuration" ; \
  14. echo "... remember to make sure that MBAR is already \
  15. switched to 0xF0000000 !!!" ; \
  16. }
  17. @$(MKCONFIG) -a pcm030 ppc mpc5xxx pcm030 phytec
  18. @ echo "remember to set pcm030_REV to 0 for rev 1245.0 rev or to 1 for rev 1245.1"
  19. Alternative SDRAM settings:
  20. #define SDRAM_MODE 0x018D0000
  21. #define SDRAM_EMODE 0x40090000
  22. #define SDRAM_CONTROL 0x715f0f00
  23. #define SDRAM_CONFIG1 0x73722930
  24. #define SDRAM_CONFIG2 0x47770000
  25. /* Settings for XLB = 99 MHz */
  26. #define SDRAM_MODE 0x008D0000
  27. #define SDRAM_EMODE 0x40090000
  28. #define SDRAM_CONTROL 0x714b0f00
  29. #define SDRAM_CONFIG1 0x63611730
  30. #define SDRAM_CONFIG2 0x47670000
  31. The board ships default with the environment in EEPROM
  32. Moving the environment to flash can be more reliable
  33. #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH 1
  34. #define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR (CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE + 0xfe0000)
  35. #define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE 0x20000
  36. #define CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE 0x20000