1. Overview
  2. --------
  3. MPC8569MDS is composed of two boards - PB (Processor Board) and PIB (Platform
  4. I/O Board). The mpc8569 PowerTM processor is mounted on PB board.
  5. Building U-Boot
  6. -----------
  7. make MPC8569MDS_config
  8. make
  9. Memory Map
  10. ----------
  11. 0x0000_0000 0x7fff_ffff DDR 2G
  12. 0xa000_0000 0xbfff_ffff PCIe MEM 512MB
  13. 0xe000_0000 0xe00f_ffff CCSRBAR 1M
  14. 0xe280_0000 0xe2ff_ffff PCIe I/O 8M
  15. 0xc000_0000 0xdfff_ffff SRIO 512MB
  16. 0xf000_0000 0xf3ff_ffff SDRAM 64MB
  17. 0xf800_0000 0xf800_7fff BCSR 32KB
  18. 0xf800_8000 0xf800_ffff PIB (CS4) 32KB
  19. 0xf801_0000 0xf801_7fff PIB (CS5) 32KB
  20. 0xfe00_0000 0xffff_ffff Flash 32MB
  21. Flashing U-Boot Images
  22. ---------------
  23. Use the following commands to program U-Boot image into flash:
  24. => tftp 1000000 u-boot.bin
  25. => protect off all
  26. => erase fff80000 ffffffff
  27. => cp.b 1000000 fff80000 80000
  28. Setting the correct MAC addresses
  29. -----------------------
  30. The command - "mac", is introduced to set on-board system EEPROM in the format
  31. defined in board/freescale/common/sys_eeprom.c. we must set all 8 MAC
  32. addresses for the MPC8569MDS's 8 Ethernet ports and save it by "mac save" when
  33. we first get the board. The commands are as follows:
  34. => mac i NXID /* Set NXID to this EEPROM */
  35. => mac e 01 /* Set Errata, this value is not defined by hardware
  36. designer, we can set whatever we want */
  37. => mac n a0 /* Set Serial Number. This is not defined by hardware
  38. designer, we can set whatever we want */
  39. => mac date 090512080000 /* Set the date in YYMMDDhhmmss format */
  40. => mac p 8 /* Set the number of mac ports, it should be 8 */
  41. => mac 0 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx /* xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx should be the real mac
  42. address, you can refer to the value on
  43. the sticker of the rear side of the board
  44. */
  45. .....
  46. => mac 7 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  47. => mac read
  48. => mac save
  49. After resetting the board, the ethxaddrs will be filled with the mac addresses
  50. if such environment variables are blank(never been set before). If the ethxaddr
  51. has been set but we want to update it, we can use the following commands:
  52. => setenv ethxaddr /* x = "none",1,2,3,4,5,6,7 */
  53. => save
  54. => reset
  55. Programming the ucode to flash
  56. ---------------------------------
  57. MPC8569 doesn't have ROM in QE, so we must upload the microcode(ucode) to QE's
  58. IRAM so that the QE can work. The ucode binary can be downloaded from
  59., and it must be programmed to
  60. the address 0xfff0000 in the flash. Otherwise, the QE can't work and uboot
  61. hangs at "Net:"
  62. Please note the above two steps(setting mac addresses and programming ucode) are
  63. very important to get the board booting up and working properly.