video.c 8.4 KB

  1. /*
  2. * video.c - run splash screen on lcd
  3. *
  4. * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Analog Devices Inc.
  5. *
  6. * Licensed under the GPL-2 or later.
  7. */
  8. #include <stdarg.h>
  9. #include <common.h>
  10. #include <config.h>
  11. #include <malloc.h>
  12. #include <asm/blackfin.h>
  13. #include <asm/gpio.h>
  14. #include <asm/portmux.h>
  15. #include <asm/mach-common/bits/dma.h>
  16. #include <i2c.h>
  17. #include <linux/types.h>
  18. #include <stdio_dev.h>
  19. #include <lzma/LzmaTypes.h>
  20. #include <lzma/LzmaDec.h>
  21. #include <lzma/LzmaTools.h>
  22. #define DMA_SIZE16 2
  23. #include <asm/mach-common/bits/eppi.h>
  24. #include EASYLOGO_HEADER
  25. #define LCD_X_RES 480 /*Horizontal Resolution */
  26. #define LCD_Y_RES 272 /* Vertical Resolution */
  27. #define LCD_BPP 24 /* Bit Per Pixel */
  28. #define LCD_PIXEL_SIZE (LCD_BPP / 8)
  29. #define DMA_BUS_SIZE 32
  31. /* -- Horizontal synchronizing --
  32. *
  33. * Timing characteristics taken from the SHARP LQ043T1DG01 datasheet
  34. * (LCY-W-06602A Page 9 of 22)
  35. *
  36. * Clock Frequency 1/Tc Min 7.83 Typ 9.00 Max 9.26 MHz
  37. *
  38. * Period TH - 525 - Clock
  39. * Pulse width THp - 41 - Clock
  40. * Horizontal period THd - 480 - Clock
  41. * Back porch THb - 2 - Clock
  42. * Front porch THf - 2 - Clock
  43. *
  44. * -- Vertical synchronizing --
  45. * Period TV - 286 - Line
  46. * Pulse width TVp - 10 - Line
  47. * Vertical period TVd - 272 - Line
  48. * Back porch TVb - 2 - Line
  49. * Front porch TVf - 2 - Line
  50. */
  51. #define LCD_CLK (8*1000*1000) /* 8MHz */
  52. /* # active data to transfer after Horizontal Delay clock */
  53. #define EPPI_HCOUNT LCD_X_RES
  54. /* # active lines to transfer after Vertical Delay clock */
  55. #define EPPI_VCOUNT LCD_Y_RES
  56. /* Samples per Line = 480 (active data) + 45 (padding) */
  57. #define EPPI_LINE 525
  58. /* Lines per Frame = 272 (active data) + 14 (padding) */
  59. #define EPPI_FRAME 286
  60. /* FS1 (Hsync) Width (Typical)*/
  61. #define EPPI_FS1W_HBL 41
  62. /* FS1 (Hsync) Period (Typical) */
  63. #define EPPI_FS1P_AVPL EPPI_LINE
  64. /* Horizontal Delay clock after assertion of Hsync (Typical) */
  65. #define EPPI_HDELAY 43
  66. /* FS2 (Vsync) Width = FS1 (Hsync) Period * 10 */
  67. #define EPPI_FS2W_LVB (EPPI_LINE * 10)
  68. /* FS2 (Vsync) Period = FS1 (Hsync) Period * Lines per Frame */
  70. /* Vertical Delay after assertion of Vsync (2 Lines) */
  71. #define EPPI_VDELAY 12
  72. #define EPPI_CLIP 0xFF00FF00
  73. /* EPPI Control register configuration value for RGB out
  74. * - EPPI as Output
  75. * GP 2 frame sync mode,
  76. * Internal Clock generation disabled, Internal FS generation enabled,
  77. * Receives samples on EPPI_CLK raising edge, Transmits samples on EPPI_CLK falling edge,
  78. * FS1 & FS2 are active high,
  79. * DLEN = 6 (24 bits for RGB888 out) or 5 (18 bits for RGB666 out)
  80. * DMA Unpacking disabled when RGB Formating is enabled, otherwise DMA unpacking enabled
  81. * Swapping Enabled,
  82. * One (DMA) Channel Mode,
  83. * RGB Formatting Enabled for RGB666 output, disabled for RGB888 output
  84. * Regular watermark - when FIFO is 100% full,
  85. * Urgent watermark - when FIFO is 75% full
  86. */
  87. #define EPPI_CONTROL (0x20136E2E)
  88. static inline u16 get_eppi_clkdiv(u32 target_ppi_clk)
  89. {
  90. u32 sclk = get_sclk();
  91. /* EPPI_CLK = (SCLK) / (2 * (EPPI_CLKDIV[15:0] + 1)) */
  92. return (((sclk / target_ppi_clk) / 2) - 1);
  93. }
  94. void Init_PPI(void)
  95. {
  96. u16 eppi_clkdiv = get_eppi_clkdiv(LCD_CLK);
  97. bfin_write_EPPI0_FS1W_HBL(EPPI_FS1W_HBL);
  98. bfin_write_EPPI0_FS1P_AVPL(EPPI_FS1P_AVPL);
  99. bfin_write_EPPI0_FS2W_LVB(EPPI_FS2W_LVB);
  100. bfin_write_EPPI0_FS2P_LAVF(EPPI_FS2P_LAVF);
  101. bfin_write_EPPI0_CLIP(EPPI_CLIP);
  102. bfin_write_EPPI0_FRAME(EPPI_FRAME);
  103. bfin_write_EPPI0_LINE(EPPI_LINE);
  104. bfin_write_EPPI0_HCOUNT(EPPI_HCOUNT);
  105. bfin_write_EPPI0_HDELAY(EPPI_HDELAY);
  106. bfin_write_EPPI0_VCOUNT(EPPI_VCOUNT);
  107. bfin_write_EPPI0_VDELAY(EPPI_VDELAY);
  108. bfin_write_EPPI0_CLKDIV(eppi_clkdiv);
  109. /*
  110. * DLEN = 6 (24 bits for RGB888 out) or 5 (18 bits for RGB666 out)
  111. * RGB Formatting Enabled for RGB666 output, disabled for RGB888 output
  112. */
  113. #if defined(CONFIG_VIDEO_RGB666)
  114. bfin_write_EPPI0_CONTROL((EPPI_CONTROL & ~DLENGTH) | DLEN_18 |
  115. RGB_FMT_EN);
  116. #else
  117. bfin_write_EPPI0_CONTROL(((EPPI_CONTROL & ~DLENGTH) | DLEN_24) &
  118. ~RGB_FMT_EN);
  119. #endif
  120. }
  121. #define DEB2_URGENT 0x2000 /* DEB2 Urgent */
  122. void Init_DMA(void *dst)
  123. {
  124. #if defined(CONFIG_DEB_DMA_URGENT)
  125. bfin_write_EBIU_DDRQUE(bfin_read_EBIU_DDRQUE() | DEB2_URGENT);
  126. #endif
  127. bfin_write_DMA12_START_ADDR(dst);
  128. /* X count */
  129. bfin_write_DMA12_X_COUNT((LCD_X_RES * LCD_BPP) / DMA_BUS_SIZE);
  130. bfin_write_DMA12_X_MODIFY(DMA_BUS_SIZE / 8);
  131. /* Y count */
  132. bfin_write_DMA12_Y_COUNT(LCD_Y_RES);
  133. bfin_write_DMA12_Y_MODIFY(DMA_BUS_SIZE / 8);
  134. /* DMA Config */
  135. bfin_write_DMA12_CONFIG(
  136. WDSIZE_32 | /* 32 bit DMA */
  137. DMA2D | /* 2D DMA */
  138. FLOW_AUTO /* autobuffer mode */
  139. );
  140. }
  141. void Init_Ports(void)
  142. {
  143. const unsigned short pins[] = {
  144. P_PPI0_D0, P_PPI0_D1, P_PPI0_D2, P_PPI0_D3, P_PPI0_D4,
  145. P_PPI0_D5, P_PPI0_D6, P_PPI0_D7, P_PPI0_D8, P_PPI0_D9,
  146. P_PPI0_D10, P_PPI0_D11, P_PPI0_D12, P_PPI0_D13, P_PPI0_D14,
  147. P_PPI0_D15, P_PPI0_D16, P_PPI0_D17,
  148. #if !defined(CONFIG_VIDEO_RGB666)
  149. P_PPI0_D18, P_PPI0_D19, P_PPI0_D20, P_PPI0_D21, P_PPI0_D22,
  150. P_PPI0_D23,
  151. #endif
  152. P_PPI0_CLK, P_PPI0_FS1, P_PPI0_FS2, 0,
  153. };
  154. peripheral_request_list(pins, "lcd");
  155. gpio_request(GPIO_PE3, "lcd-disp");
  156. gpio_direction_output(GPIO_PE3, 1);
  157. }
  158. void EnableDMA(void)
  159. {
  160. bfin_write_DMA12_CONFIG(bfin_read_DMA12_CONFIG() | DMAEN);
  161. }
  162. void DisableDMA(void)
  163. {
  164. bfin_write_DMA12_CONFIG(bfin_read_DMA12_CONFIG() & ~DMAEN);
  165. }
  166. /* enable and disable PPI functions */
  167. void EnablePPI(void)
  168. {
  169. bfin_write_EPPI0_CONTROL(bfin_read_EPPI0_CONTROL() | EPPI_EN);
  170. }
  171. void DisablePPI(void)
  172. {
  173. bfin_write_EPPI0_CONTROL(bfin_read_EPPI0_CONTROL() & ~EPPI_EN);
  174. }
  175. int video_init(void *dst)
  176. {
  177. Init_Ports();
  178. Init_DMA(dst);
  179. EnableDMA();
  180. Init_PPI();
  181. EnablePPI();
  182. return 0;
  183. }
  184. void video_stop(void)
  185. {
  186. DisablePPI();
  187. DisableDMA();
  188. }
  189. static void dma_bitblit(void *dst, fastimage_t *logo, int x, int y)
  190. {
  191. if (dcache_status())
  192. blackfin_dcache_flush_range(logo->data, logo->data + logo->size);
  193. bfin_write_MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS(DMA_DONE | DMA_ERR);
  194. /* Setup destination start address */
  195. bfin_write_MDMA_D0_START_ADDR(dst + ((x & -2) * LCD_PIXEL_SIZE)
  196. + (y * LCD_X_RES * LCD_PIXEL_SIZE));
  197. /* Setup destination xcount */
  198. bfin_write_MDMA_D0_X_COUNT(logo->width * LCD_PIXEL_SIZE / DMA_SIZE16);
  199. /* Setup destination xmodify */
  200. bfin_write_MDMA_D0_X_MODIFY(DMA_SIZE16);
  201. /* Setup destination ycount */
  202. bfin_write_MDMA_D0_Y_COUNT(logo->height);
  203. /* Setup destination ymodify */
  204. bfin_write_MDMA_D0_Y_MODIFY((LCD_X_RES - logo->width) * LCD_PIXEL_SIZE + DMA_SIZE16);
  205. /* Setup Source start address */
  206. bfin_write_MDMA_S0_START_ADDR(logo->data);
  207. /* Setup Source xcount */
  208. bfin_write_MDMA_S0_X_COUNT(logo->width * LCD_PIXEL_SIZE / DMA_SIZE16);
  209. /* Setup Source xmodify */
  210. bfin_write_MDMA_S0_X_MODIFY(DMA_SIZE16);
  211. /* Setup Source ycount */
  212. bfin_write_MDMA_S0_Y_COUNT(logo->height);
  213. /* Setup Source ymodify */
  214. bfin_write_MDMA_S0_Y_MODIFY(DMA_SIZE16);
  215. /* Enable source DMA */
  216. bfin_write_MDMA_S0_CONFIG(DMAEN | WDSIZE_16 | DMA2D);
  217. SSYNC();
  218. bfin_write_MDMA_D0_CONFIG(WNR | DMAEN | WDSIZE_16 | DMA2D);
  219. while (bfin_read_MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS() & DMA_RUN);
  220. bfin_write_MDMA_S0_IRQ_STATUS(bfin_read_MDMA_S0_IRQ_STATUS() | DMA_DONE | DMA_ERR);
  221. bfin_write_MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS(bfin_read_MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS() | DMA_DONE | DMA_ERR);
  222. }
  223. int drv_video_init(void)
  224. {
  225. int error, devices = 1;
  226. struct stdio_dev videodev;
  227. u8 *dst;
  229. dst = malloc(fbmem_size);
  230. if (dst == NULL) {
  231. printf("Failed to alloc FB memory\n");
  232. return -1;
  233. }
  235. unsigned char *data = EASYLOGO_DECOMP_BUFFER;
  236. unsigned long src_len = EASYLOGO_ENABLE_GZIP;
  237. error = gunzip(data, bfin_logo.size,, &src_len);
  238. = data;
  239. #elif defined(EASYLOGO_ENABLE_LZMA)
  240. unsigned char *data = EASYLOGO_DECOMP_BUFFER;
  241. SizeT lzma_len = bfin_logo.size;
  242. error = lzmaBuffToBuffDecompress(data, &lzma_len,
  244. = data;
  245. #else
  246. error = 0;
  247. #endif
  248. if (error) {
  249. puts("Failed to decompress logo\n");
  250. free(dst);
  251. return -1;
  252. }
  253. memset(dst + ACTIVE_VIDEO_MEM_OFFSET,[0], fbmem_size - ACTIVE_VIDEO_MEM_OFFSET);
  254. dma_bitblit(dst + ACTIVE_VIDEO_MEM_OFFSET, &bfin_logo,
  255. (LCD_X_RES - bfin_logo.width) / 2,
  256. (LCD_Y_RES - bfin_logo.height) / 2);
  257. video_init(dst); /* Video initialization */
  258. memset(&videodev, 0, sizeof(videodev));
  259. strcpy(, "video");
  260. error = stdio_register(&videodev);
  261. return (error == 0) ? devices : error;
  262. }