1. The 2 important dipswitches are configured as shown below:
  2. SW1 (for 33MHz SysClk)
  3. ----------------------
  4. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8
  6. SW7 (for Op-Code Flash and Boot Option H)
  7. -----------------------------------------
  8. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8
  10. The EEPROM at location 0x52 is loaded with these 16 bytes:
  11. C47042A6 05D7A190 40082350 0d050000
  12. SDR0_SDSTP0[ENG]: 1 : PLL's VCO is the source for PLL forward divisors
  13. SDR0_SDSTP0[SRC]: 1 : Feedback originates from PLLOUTB
  14. SDR0_SDSTP0[SEL]: 0 : Feedback selection is PLL output
  15. SDR0_SDSTP0[TUNE]: 1000111000 : 10 <= M <= 22, 600MHz < VCO <= 900MHz
  16. SDR0_SDSTP0[FBDV]: 4 : PLL feedback divisor
  17. SDR0_SDSTP0[FBDVA]: 2 : PLL forward divisor A
  18. SDR0_SDSTP0[FBDVB]: 5 : PLL forward divisor B
  19. SDR0_SDSTP0[PRBDV0]: 1 : PLL primary divisor B
  20. SDR0_SDSTP0[OPBDV0]: 2 : OPB clock divisor
  21. SDR0_SDSTP0[LFBDV]: 1 : PLL local feedback divisor
  22. SDR0_SDSTP0[PERDV0]: 3 : Peripheral clock divisor 0
  23. SDR0_SDSTP0[MALDV0]: 2 : MAL clock divisor 0
  24. SDR0_SDSTP0[PCIDV0]: 2 : Sync PCI clock divisor 0
  25. SDR0_SDSTP0[PLLTIMER]: 7 : PLL locking timer
  26. SDR0_SDSTP0[RW]: 1 : EBC ROM width: 16-bit
  27. SDR0_SDSTP0[RL]: 0 : EBC ROM location: EBC
  28. SDR0_SDSTP0[PAE]: 0 : PCI internal arbiter: disabled
  29. SDR0_SDSTP0[PHCE]: 0 : PCI host configuration: disabled
  30. SDR0_SDSTP0[ZM]: 3 : ZMII mode: RMII mode 100
  31. SDR0_SDSTP0[CTE]: 0 : CPU trace: disabled
  32. SDR0_SDSTP0[Nto1]: 0 : CPU/PLB ratio N/P: not N to 1
  33. SDR0_SDSTP0[PAME]: 1 : PCI asynchronous mode: enabled
  34. SDR0_SDSTP0[MEM]: 1 : Multiplex: EMAC
  35. SDR0_SDSTP0[NE]: 0 : NDFC: disabled
  36. SDR0_SDSTP0[NBW]: 0 : NDFC boot width: 8-bit
  37. SDR0_SDSTP0[NBW]: 0 : NDFC boot page selection
  38. SDR0_SDSTP0[NBAC]: 0 : NDFC boot address selection cycle: 3 Addr. Cycles, 1 Col. + 2 Row (512 page size)
  39. SDR0_SDSTP0[NARE]: 0 : NDFC auto read : disabled
  40. SDR0_SDSTP0[NRB]: 0 : NDFC Ready/Busy : Ready
  41. SDR0_SDSTP0[NDRSC]: 33333 : NDFC device reset counter
  42. SDR0_SDSTP0[NCG0]: 0 : NDFC/EBC chip select gating CS0 : EBC
  43. SDR0_SDSTP0[NCG1]: 0 : NDFC/EBC chip select gating CS1 : EBC
  44. SDR0_SDSTP0[NCG2]: 0 : NDFC/EBC chip select gating CS2 : EBC
  45. SDR0_SDSTP0[NCG3]: 0 : NDFC/EBC chip select gating CS3 : EBC
  46. SDR0_SDSTP0[NCRDC]: 3333 : NDFC device read count
  47. PPC440EP Clocking Configuration
  48. SysClk is 33.0MHz, M is 20, VCO is 660.0MHz, CPU is 330.0MHz, PLB is 132.0MHz
  49. OPB is 66.0MHz, EBC is 44.0MHz, MAL is 66.0MHz, Sync PCI is 66.0MHz
  50. The above information is reported by Eugene O'Brien
  51. <Eugene.O'>. Thanks a lot.
  52. 2007-08-06, Stefan Roese <>
  53. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. The configuration for the AMCC 440EP eval board "Bamboo" was changed
  55. to only use 384 kbytes of FLASH for the U-Boot image. This way the
  56. redundant environment can be saved in the remaining 2 sectors of the
  57. same flash chip.
  58. Caution: With an upgrade from an earlier U-Boot version the current
  59. environment will be erased since the environment is now saved in
  60. different sectors. By using the following command the environment can
  61. be saved after upgrading the U-Boot image and *before* resetting the
  62. board:
  63. setenv recover_env 'prot off FFF80000 FFF9FFFF;era FFF80000 FFF9FFFF;' \
  64. 'cp.b FFF60000 FFF80000 20000'
  65. 2006-07-27, Stefan Roese <>