kwbimage.cfg 5.0 KB

  1. #
  2. # (C) Copyright 2009
  3. # Marvell Semiconductor <>
  4. # Written-by: Prafulla Wadaskar <>
  5. #
  6. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
  7. #
  8. # Refer doc/README.kwbimage for more details about how-to configure
  9. # and create kirkwood boot image
  10. #
  11. # Boot Media configurations
  12. BOOT_FROM nand
  13. NAND_ECC_MODE default
  14. NAND_PAGE_SIZE 0x0800
  15. # SOC registers configuration using bootrom header extension
  16. # Maximum KWBIMAGE_MAX_CONFIG configurations allowed
  17. # Configure RGMII-0 interface pad voltage to 1.8V
  18. DATA 0xFFD100e0 0x1b1b1b9b
  19. #Dram initalization for SINGLE x16 CL=5 @ 400MHz
  20. DATA 0xFFD01400 0x43000c30 # DDR Configuration register
  21. # bit13-0: 0xc30 (3120 DDR2 clks refresh rate)
  22. # bit23-14: zero
  23. # bit24: 1= enable exit self refresh mode on DDR access
  24. # bit25: 1 required
  25. # bit29-26: zero
  26. # bit31-30: 01
  27. DATA 0xFFD01404 0x37543000 # DDR Controller Control Low
  28. # bit 4: 0=addr/cmd in smame cycle
  29. # bit 5: 0=clk is driven during self refresh, we don't care for APX
  30. # bit 6: 0=use recommended falling edge of clk for addr/cmd
  31. # bit14: 0=input buffer always powered up
  32. # bit18: 1=cpu lock transaction enabled
  33. # bit23-20: 5=recommended value for CL=5 and STARTBURST_DEL disabled bit31=0
  34. # bit27-24: 7= CL+2, STARTBURST sample stages, for freqs 400MHz, unbuffered DIMM
  35. # bit30-28: 3 required
  36. # bit31: 0=no additional STARTBURST delay
  37. DATA 0xFFD01408 0x22125451 # DDR Timing (Low) (active cycles value +1)
  38. # bit3-0: TRAS lsbs
  39. # bit7-4: TRCD
  40. # bit11- 8: TRP
  41. # bit15-12: TWR
  42. # bit19-16: TWTR
  43. # bit20: TRAS msb
  44. # bit23-21: 0x0
  45. # bit27-24: TRRD
  46. # bit31-28: TRTP
  47. DATA 0xFFD0140C 0x00000a33 # DDR Timing (High)
  48. # bit6-0: TRFC
  49. # bit8-7: TR2R
  50. # bit10-9: TR2W
  51. # bit12-11: TW2W
  52. # bit31-13: zero required
  53. DATA 0xFFD01410 0x000000cc # DDR Address Control
  54. # bit1-0: 00, Cs0width=x8
  55. # bit3-2: 11, Cs0size=1Gb
  56. # bit5-4: 00, Cs1width=x8
  57. # bit7-6: 11, Cs1size=1Gb
  58. # bit9-8: 00, Cs2width=nonexistent
  59. # bit11-10: 00, Cs2size =nonexistent
  60. # bit13-12: 00, Cs3width=nonexistent
  61. # bit15-14: 00, Cs3size =nonexistent
  62. # bit16: 0, Cs0AddrSel
  63. # bit17: 0, Cs1AddrSel
  64. # bit18: 0, Cs2AddrSel
  65. # bit19: 0, Cs3AddrSel
  66. # bit31-20: 0 required
  67. DATA 0xFFD01414 0x00000000 # DDR Open Pages Control
  68. # bit0: 0, OpenPage enabled
  69. # bit31-1: 0 required
  70. DATA 0xFFD01418 0x00000000 # DDR Operation
  71. # bit3-0: 0x0, DDR cmd
  72. # bit31-4: 0 required
  73. DATA 0xFFD0141C 0x00000C52 # DDR Mode
  74. # bit2-0: 2, BurstLen=2 required
  75. # bit3: 0, BurstType=0 required
  76. # bit6-4: 4, CL=5
  77. # bit7: 0, TestMode=0 normal
  78. # bit8: 0, DLL reset=0 normal
  79. # bit11-9: 6, auto-precharge write recovery ????????????
  80. # bit12: 0, PD must be zero
  81. # bit31-13: 0 required
  82. DATA 0xFFD01420 0x00000042 # DDR Extended Mode
  83. # bit0: 0, DDR DLL enabled
  84. # bit1: 1, DDR drive strength reduced
  85. # bit2: 0, DDR ODT control lsd (disabled)
  86. # bit5-3: 000, required
  87. # bit6: 1, DDR ODT control msb, (disabled)
  88. # bit9-7: 000, required
  89. # bit10: 0, differential DQS enabled
  90. # bit11: 0, required
  91. # bit12: 0, DDR output buffer enabled
  92. # bit31-13: 0 required
  93. DATA 0xFFD01424 0x0000F17F # DDR Controller Control High
  94. # bit2-0: 111, required
  95. # bit3 : 1 , MBUS Burst Chop disabled
  96. # bit6-4: 111, required
  97. # bit7 : 0
  98. # bit8 : 1 , add writepath sample stage, must be 1 for DDR freq >= 300MHz
  99. # bit9 : 0 , no half clock cycle addition to dataout
  100. # bit10 : 0 , 1/4 clock cycle skew enabled for addr/ctl signals
  101. # bit11 : 0 , 1/4 clock cycle skew disabled for write mesh
  102. # bit15-12: 1111 required
  103. # bit31-16: 0 required
  104. DATA 0xFFD01428 0x00085520 # DDR2 ODT Read Timing (default values)
  105. DATA 0xFFD0147C 0x00008552 # DDR2 ODT Write Timing (default values)
  106. DATA 0xFFD01500 0x00000000 # CS[0]n Base address to 0x0
  107. DATA 0xFFD01504 0x0FFFFFF1 # CS[0]n Size
  108. # bit0: 1, Window enabled
  109. # bit1: 0, Write Protect disabled
  110. # bit3-2: 00, CS0 hit selected
  111. # bit23-4: ones, required
  112. # bit31-24: 0x0F, Size (i.e. 256MB)
  113. DATA 0xFFD01508 0x10000000 # CS[1]n Base address to 256Mb
  114. DATA 0xFFD0150C 0x0FFFFFF5 # CS[1]n Size 256Mb Window enabled for CS1
  115. DATA 0xFFD01514 0x00000000 # CS[2]n Size, window disabled
  116. DATA 0xFFD0151C 0x00000000 # CS[3]n Size, window disabled
  117. DATA 0xFFD01494 0x00120012 # DDR ODT Control (Low)
  118. # bit3-0: 0010, (read) M_ODT[0] is asserted during read from DRAM CS1
  119. # bit7-4: 0001, (read) M_ODT[1] is asserted during read from DRAM CS0
  120. # bit19-16: 0010, (write) M_ODT[0] is asserted during write to DRAM CS1.
  121. # bit23-20: 0001, (write) M_ODT[1] is asserted during write to DRAM CS0.
  122. DATA 0xFFD01498 0x00000000 # DDR ODT Control (High)
  123. DATA 0xFFD0149C 0x0000E40f # CPU ODT Control
  124. # bit3-0: 1111, internal ODT is asserted during read from DRAM bank 0-3
  125. # bit11-10: 01, M_DQ, M_DM, and M_DQS I/O buffer ODT Select: 150 ohm
  126. # bit13-12: 10, M_STARTBURST_IN I/O buffer ODT Select: 75 ohm
  127. # bit14: 1, M_STARTBURST_IN ODT: Enabled
  128. # bit15: 1, DDR IO ODT Unit: Use ODT block
  129. DATA 0xFFD01480 0x00000001 # DDR Initialization Control
  130. #bit0=1, enable DDR init upon this register write
  131. # End of Header extension
  132. DATA 0x0 0x0