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- /*
- * (C) Copyright 2000, 2001
- * Erik Theisen, Wave 7 Optics, etheisen@mindspring.com.
- * base on code by
- * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
- */
- #include <ppc_asm.tmpl>
- #include <ppc_defs.h>
- #include <config.h>
- #include <watchdog.h>
- /*
- * unsigned long long get_ticks(void);
- *
- * read timebase as "long long"
- */
- .globl get_ticks
- get_ticks:
- 1: mftbu r3
- mftb r4
- mftbu r5
- cmp 0,r3,r5
- bne 1b
- blr
- /*
- * Delay for a number of ticks
- */
- .globl wait_ticks
- wait_ticks:
- stwu r1, -16(r1)
- mflr r0 /* save link register */
- stw r0, 20(r1) /* Use r0 or GDB will be unhappy */
- stw r14, 12(r1) /* save used registers */
- stw r15, 8(r1)
- mr r14, r3 /* save tick count */
- bl get_ticks /* Get start time */
- /* Calculate end time */
- addc r14, r4, r14 /* Compute end time lower */
- addze r15, r3 /* and end time upper */
- WATCHDOG_RESET /* Trigger watchdog, if needed */
- 1: bl get_ticks /* Get current time */
- subfc r4, r4, r14 /* Subtract current time from end time */
- subfe. r3, r3, r15
- bge 1b /* Loop until time expired */
- lwz r15, 8(r1) /* restore saved registers */
- lwz r14, 12(r1)
- lwz r0, 20(r1)
- addi r1,r1,16
- mtlr r0
- blr