1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018101910201021 |
- /*
- * builtin-report.c
- *
- * Builtin report command: Analyze the perf.data input file,
- * look up and read DSOs and symbol information and display
- * a histogram of results, along various sorting keys.
- */
- #include "builtin.h"
- #include "util/util.h"
- #include "util/config.h"
- #include "util/annotate.h"
- #include "util/color.h"
- #include <linux/list.h>
- #include <linux/rbtree.h>
- #include "util/symbol.h"
- #include "util/callchain.h"
- #include "util/strlist.h"
- #include "util/values.h"
- #include "perf.h"
- #include "util/debug.h"
- #include "util/evlist.h"
- #include "util/evsel.h"
- #include "util/header.h"
- #include "util/session.h"
- #include "util/tool.h"
- #include <subcmd/parse-options.h>
- #include <subcmd/exec-cmd.h>
- #include "util/parse-events.h"
- #include "util/thread.h"
- #include "util/sort.h"
- #include "util/hist.h"
- #include "util/data.h"
- #include "arch/common.h"
- #include "util/auxtrace.h"
- #include <dlfcn.h>
- #include <linux/bitmap.h>
- #include <linux/stringify.h>
- struct report {
- struct perf_tool tool;
- struct perf_session *session;
- bool use_tui, use_gtk, use_stdio;
- bool show_full_info;
- bool show_threads;
- bool inverted_callchain;
- bool mem_mode;
- bool header;
- bool header_only;
- bool nonany_branch_mode;
- int max_stack;
- struct perf_read_values show_threads_values;
- const char *pretty_printing_style;
- const char *cpu_list;
- const char *symbol_filter_str;
- float min_percent;
- u64 nr_entries;
- u64 queue_size;
- int socket_filter;
- };
- static int report__config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb)
- {
- struct report *rep = cb;
- if (!strcmp(var, "report.group")) {
- symbol_conf.event_group = perf_config_bool(var, value);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!strcmp(var, "report.percent-limit")) {
- double pcnt = strtof(value, NULL);
- rep->min_percent = pcnt;
- callchain_param.min_percent = pcnt;
- return 0;
- }
- if (!strcmp(var, "report.children")) {
- symbol_conf.cumulate_callchain = perf_config_bool(var, value);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!strcmp(var, "report.queue-size")) {
- rep->queue_size = perf_config_u64(var, value);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!strcmp(var, "report.sort_order")) {
- default_sort_order = strdup(value);
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int hist_iter__report_callback(struct hist_entry_iter *iter,
- struct addr_location *al, bool single,
- void *arg)
- {
- int err = 0;
- struct report *rep = arg;
- struct hist_entry *he = iter->he;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel = iter->evsel;
- struct mem_info *mi;
- struct branch_info *bi;
- if (!ui__has_annotation())
- return 0;
- hist__account_cycles(iter->sample->branch_stack, al, iter->sample,
- rep->nonany_branch_mode);
- if (sort__mode == SORT_MODE__BRANCH) {
- bi = he->branch_info;
- err = addr_map_symbol__inc_samples(&bi->from, evsel->idx);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- err = addr_map_symbol__inc_samples(&bi->to, evsel->idx);
- } else if (rep->mem_mode) {
- mi = he->mem_info;
- err = addr_map_symbol__inc_samples(&mi->daddr, evsel->idx);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- err = hist_entry__inc_addr_samples(he, evsel->idx, al->addr);
- } else if (symbol_conf.cumulate_callchain) {
- if (single)
- err = hist_entry__inc_addr_samples(he, evsel->idx,
- al->addr);
- } else {
- err = hist_entry__inc_addr_samples(he, evsel->idx, al->addr);
- }
- out:
- return err;
- }
- static int process_sample_event(struct perf_tool *tool,
- union perf_event *event,
- struct perf_sample *sample,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel,
- struct machine *machine)
- {
- struct report *rep = container_of(tool, struct report, tool);
- struct addr_location al;
- struct hist_entry_iter iter = {
- .evsel = evsel,
- .sample = sample,
- .hide_unresolved = symbol_conf.hide_unresolved,
- .add_entry_cb = hist_iter__report_callback,
- };
- int ret = 0;
- if (machine__resolve(machine, &al, sample) < 0) {
- pr_debug("problem processing %d event, skipping it.\n",
- event->header.type);
- return -1;
- }
- if (symbol_conf.hide_unresolved && al.sym == NULL)
- goto out_put;
- if (rep->cpu_list && !test_bit(sample->cpu, rep->cpu_bitmap))
- goto out_put;
- if (sort__mode == SORT_MODE__BRANCH) {
- /*
- * A non-synthesized event might not have a branch stack if
- * branch stacks have been synthesized (using itrace options).
- */
- if (!sample->branch_stack)
- goto out_put;
- iter.ops = &hist_iter_branch;
- } else if (rep->mem_mode) {
- iter.ops = &hist_iter_mem;
- } else if (symbol_conf.cumulate_callchain) {
- iter.ops = &hist_iter_cumulative;
- } else {
- iter.ops = &hist_iter_normal;
- }
- if (al.map != NULL)
- al.map->dso->hit = 1;
- ret = hist_entry_iter__add(&iter, &al, rep->max_stack, rep);
- if (ret < 0)
- pr_debug("problem adding hist entry, skipping event\n");
- out_put:
- addr_location__put(&al);
- return ret;
- }
- static int process_read_event(struct perf_tool *tool,
- union perf_event *event,
- struct perf_sample *sample __maybe_unused,
- struct perf_evsel *evsel,
- struct machine *machine __maybe_unused)
- {
- struct report *rep = container_of(tool, struct report, tool);
- if (rep->show_threads) {
- const char *name = evsel ? perf_evsel__name(evsel) : "unknown";
- perf_read_values_add_value(&rep->show_threads_values,
- event->read.pid, event->read.tid,
- event->read.id,
- name,
- event->read.value);
- }
- dump_printf(": %d %d %s %" PRIu64 "\n", event->read.pid, event->read.tid,
- evsel ? perf_evsel__name(evsel) : "FAIL",
- event->read.value);
- return 0;
- }
- /* For pipe mode, sample_type is not currently set */
- static int report__setup_sample_type(struct report *rep)
- {
- struct perf_session *session = rep->session;
- u64 sample_type = perf_evlist__combined_sample_type(session->evlist);
- bool is_pipe = perf_data_file__is_pipe(session->file);
- if (session->itrace_synth_opts->callchain ||
- (!is_pipe &&
- perf_header__has_feat(&session->header, HEADER_AUXTRACE) &&
- !session->itrace_synth_opts->set))
- sample_type |= PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN;
- if (session->itrace_synth_opts->last_branch)
- sample_type |= PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_STACK;
- if (!is_pipe && !(sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN)) {
- if (perf_hpp_list.parent) {
- ui__error("Selected --sort parent, but no "
- "callchain data. Did you call "
- "'perf record' without -g?\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (symbol_conf.use_callchain) {
- ui__error("Selected -g or --branch-history but no "
- "callchain data. Did\n"
- "you call 'perf record' without -g?\n");
- return -1;
- }
- } else if (!callchain_param.enabled &&
- callchain_param.mode != CHAIN_NONE &&
- !symbol_conf.use_callchain) {
- symbol_conf.use_callchain = true;
- if (callchain_register_param(&callchain_param) < 0) {
- ui__error("Can't register callchain params.\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- }
- if (symbol_conf.cumulate_callchain) {
- /* Silently ignore if callchain is missing */
- if (!(sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN)) {
- symbol_conf.cumulate_callchain = false;
- perf_hpp__cancel_cumulate();
- }
- }
- if (sort__mode == SORT_MODE__BRANCH) {
- if (!is_pipe &&
- !(sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_STACK)) {
- ui__error("Selected -b but no branch data. "
- "Did you call perf record without -b?\n");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (symbol_conf.use_callchain || symbol_conf.cumulate_callchain) {
- if ((sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_REGS_USER) &&
- (sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_STACK_USER))
- callchain_param.record_mode = CALLCHAIN_DWARF;
- else if (sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_STACK)
- callchain_param.record_mode = CALLCHAIN_LBR;
- else
- callchain_param.record_mode = CALLCHAIN_FP;
- }
- /* ??? handle more cases than just ANY? */
- if (!(perf_evlist__combined_branch_type(session->evlist) &
- rep->nonany_branch_mode = true;
- return 0;
- }
- static void sig_handler(int sig __maybe_unused)
- {
- session_done = 1;
- }
- static size_t hists__fprintf_nr_sample_events(struct hists *hists, struct report *rep,
- const char *evname, FILE *fp)
- {
- size_t ret;
- char unit;
- unsigned long nr_samples = hists->stats.nr_events[PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE];
- u64 nr_events = hists->stats.total_period;
- struct perf_evsel *evsel = hists_to_evsel(hists);
- char buf[512];
- size_t size = sizeof(buf);
- int socked_id = hists->socket_filter;
- if (symbol_conf.filter_relative) {
- nr_samples = hists->stats.nr_non_filtered_samples;
- nr_events = hists->stats.total_non_filtered_period;
- }
- if (perf_evsel__is_group_event(evsel)) {
- struct perf_evsel *pos;
- perf_evsel__group_desc(evsel, buf, size);
- evname = buf;
- for_each_group_member(pos, evsel) {
- const struct hists *pos_hists = evsel__hists(pos);
- if (symbol_conf.filter_relative) {
- nr_samples += pos_hists->stats.nr_non_filtered_samples;
- nr_events += pos_hists->stats.total_non_filtered_period;
- } else {
- nr_samples += pos_hists->stats.nr_events[PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE];
- nr_events += pos_hists->stats.total_period;
- }
- }
- }
- nr_samples = convert_unit(nr_samples, &unit);
- ret = fprintf(fp, "# Samples: %lu%c", nr_samples, unit);
- if (evname != NULL)
- ret += fprintf(fp, " of event '%s'", evname);
- if (symbol_conf.show_ref_callgraph &&
- strstr(evname, "call-graph=no")) {
- ret += fprintf(fp, ", show reference callgraph");
- }
- if (rep->mem_mode) {
- ret += fprintf(fp, "\n# Total weight : %" PRIu64, nr_events);
- ret += fprintf(fp, "\n# Sort order : %s", sort_order ? : default_mem_sort_order);
- } else
- ret += fprintf(fp, "\n# Event count (approx.): %" PRIu64, nr_events);
- if (socked_id > -1)
- ret += fprintf(fp, "\n# Processor Socket: %d", socked_id);
- return ret + fprintf(fp, "\n#\n");
- }
- static int perf_evlist__tty_browse_hists(struct perf_evlist *evlist,
- struct report *rep,
- const char *help)
- {
- struct perf_evsel *pos;
- fprintf(stdout, "#\n# Total Lost Samples: %" PRIu64 "\n#\n", evlist->stats.total_lost_samples);
- evlist__for_each_entry(evlist, pos) {
- struct hists *hists = evsel__hists(pos);
- const char *evname = perf_evsel__name(pos);
- if (symbol_conf.event_group &&
- !perf_evsel__is_group_leader(pos))
- continue;
- hists__fprintf_nr_sample_events(hists, rep, evname, stdout);
- hists__fprintf(hists, true, 0, 0, rep->min_percent, stdout,
- symbol_conf.use_callchain);
- fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
- }
- if (sort_order == NULL &&
- parent_pattern == default_parent_pattern)
- fprintf(stdout, "#\n# (%s)\n#\n", help);
- if (rep->show_threads) {
- bool style = !strcmp(rep->pretty_printing_style, "raw");
- perf_read_values_display(stdout, &rep->show_threads_values,
- style);
- perf_read_values_destroy(&rep->show_threads_values);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void report__warn_kptr_restrict(const struct report *rep)
- {
- struct map *kernel_map = machine__kernel_map(&rep->session->machines.host);
- struct kmap *kernel_kmap = kernel_map ? map__kmap(kernel_map) : NULL;
- if (kernel_map == NULL ||
- (kernel_map->dso->hit &&
- (kernel_kmap->ref_reloc_sym == NULL ||
- kernel_kmap->ref_reloc_sym->addr == 0))) {
- const char *desc =
- "As no suitable kallsyms nor vmlinux was found, kernel samples\n"
- "can't be resolved.";
- if (kernel_map) {
- const struct dso *kdso = kernel_map->dso;
- if (!RB_EMPTY_ROOT(&kdso->symbols[MAP__FUNCTION])) {
- desc = "If some relocation was applied (e.g. "
- "kexec) symbols may be misresolved.";
- }
- }
- ui__warning(
- "Kernel address maps (/proc/{kallsyms,modules}) were restricted.\n\n"
- "Check /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict before running 'perf record'.\n\n%s\n\n"
- "Samples in kernel modules can't be resolved as well.\n\n",
- desc);
- }
- }
- static int report__gtk_browse_hists(struct report *rep, const char *help)
- {
- int (*hist_browser)(struct perf_evlist *evlist, const char *help,
- struct hist_browser_timer *timer, float min_pcnt);
- hist_browser = dlsym(perf_gtk_handle, "perf_evlist__gtk_browse_hists");
- if (hist_browser == NULL) {
- ui__error("GTK browser not found!\n");
- return -1;
- }
- return hist_browser(rep->session->evlist, help, NULL, rep->min_percent);
- }
- static int report__browse_hists(struct report *rep)
- {
- int ret;
- struct perf_session *session = rep->session;
- struct perf_evlist *evlist = session->evlist;
- const char *help = perf_tip(system_path(TIPDIR));
- if (help == NULL) {
- /* fallback for people who don't install perf ;-) */
- help = perf_tip(DOCDIR);
- if (help == NULL)
- help = "Cannot load tips.txt file, please install perf!";
- }
- switch (use_browser) {
- case 1:
- ret = perf_evlist__tui_browse_hists(evlist, help, NULL,
- rep->min_percent,
- &session->header.env);
- /*
- * Usually "ret" is the last pressed key, and we only
- * care if the key notifies us to switch data file.
- */
- if (ret != K_SWITCH_INPUT_DATA)
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- ret = report__gtk_browse_hists(rep, help);
- break;
- default:
- ret = perf_evlist__tty_browse_hists(evlist, rep, help);
- break;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static int report__collapse_hists(struct report *rep)
- {
- struct ui_progress prog;
- struct perf_evsel *pos;
- int ret = 0;
- ui_progress__init(&prog, rep->nr_entries, "Merging related events...");
- evlist__for_each_entry(rep->session->evlist, pos) {
- struct hists *hists = evsel__hists(pos);
- if (pos->idx == 0)
- hists->symbol_filter_str = rep->symbol_filter_str;
- hists->socket_filter = rep->socket_filter;
- ret = hists__collapse_resort(hists, &prog);
- if (ret < 0)
- break;
- /* Non-group events are considered as leader */
- if (symbol_conf.event_group &&
- !perf_evsel__is_group_leader(pos)) {
- struct hists *leader_hists = evsel__hists(pos->leader);
- hists__match(leader_hists, hists);
- hists__link(leader_hists, hists);
- }
- }
- ui_progress__finish();
- return ret;
- }
- static void report__output_resort(struct report *rep)
- {
- struct ui_progress prog;
- struct perf_evsel *pos;
- ui_progress__init(&prog, rep->nr_entries, "Sorting events for output...");
- evlist__for_each_entry(rep->session->evlist, pos)
- perf_evsel__output_resort(pos, &prog);
- ui_progress__finish();
- }
- static int __cmd_report(struct report *rep)
- {
- int ret;
- struct perf_session *session = rep->session;
- struct perf_evsel *pos;
- struct perf_data_file *file = session->file;
- signal(SIGINT, sig_handler);
- if (rep->cpu_list) {
- ret = perf_session__cpu_bitmap(session, rep->cpu_list,
- rep->cpu_bitmap);
- if (ret) {
- ui__error("failed to set cpu bitmap\n");
- return ret;
- }
- }
- if (rep->show_threads)
- perf_read_values_init(&rep->show_threads_values);
- ret = report__setup_sample_type(rep);
- if (ret) {
- /* report__setup_sample_type() already showed error message */
- return ret;
- }
- ret = perf_session__process_events(session);
- if (ret) {
- ui__error("failed to process sample\n");
- return ret;
- }
- report__warn_kptr_restrict(rep);
- evlist__for_each_entry(session->evlist, pos)
- rep->nr_entries += evsel__hists(pos)->nr_entries;
- if (use_browser == 0) {
- if (verbose > 3)
- perf_session__fprintf(session, stdout);
- if (verbose > 2)
- perf_session__fprintf_dsos(session, stdout);
- if (dump_trace) {
- perf_session__fprintf_nr_events(session, stdout);
- perf_evlist__fprintf_nr_events(session->evlist, stdout);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- ret = report__collapse_hists(rep);
- if (ret) {
- ui__error("failed to process hist entry\n");
- return ret;
- }
- if (session_done())
- return 0;
- /*
- * recalculate number of entries after collapsing since it
- * might be changed during the collapse phase.
- */
- rep->nr_entries = 0;
- evlist__for_each_entry(session->evlist, pos)
- rep->nr_entries += evsel__hists(pos)->nr_entries;
- if (rep->nr_entries == 0) {
- ui__error("The %s file has no samples!\n", file->path);
- return 0;
- }
- report__output_resort(rep);
- return report__browse_hists(rep);
- }
- static int
- report_parse_callchain_opt(const struct option *opt, const char *arg, int unset)
- {
- struct callchain_param *callchain = opt->value;
- callchain->enabled = !unset;
- /*
- * --no-call-graph
- */
- if (unset) {
- symbol_conf.use_callchain = false;
- callchain->mode = CHAIN_NONE;
- return 0;
- }
- return parse_callchain_report_opt(arg);
- }
- int
- report_parse_ignore_callees_opt(const struct option *opt __maybe_unused,
- const char *arg, int unset __maybe_unused)
- {
- if (arg) {
- int err = regcomp(&ignore_callees_regex, arg, REG_EXTENDED);
- if (err) {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- regerror(err, &ignore_callees_regex, buf, sizeof(buf));
- pr_err("Invalid --ignore-callees regex: %s\n%s", arg, buf);
- return -1;
- }
- have_ignore_callees = 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- parse_branch_mode(const struct option *opt __maybe_unused,
- const char *str __maybe_unused, int unset)
- {
- int *branch_mode = opt->value;
- *branch_mode = !unset;
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- parse_percent_limit(const struct option *opt, const char *str,
- int unset __maybe_unused)
- {
- struct report *rep = opt->value;
- double pcnt = strtof(str, NULL);
- rep->min_percent = pcnt;
- callchain_param.min_percent = pcnt;
- return 0;
- }
- #define CALLCHAIN_DEFAULT_OPT "graph,0.5,caller,function,percent"
- const char report_callchain_help[] = "Display call graph (stack chain/backtrace):\n\n"
- "\n\t\t\t\tDefault: " CALLCHAIN_DEFAULT_OPT;
- int cmd_report(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix __maybe_unused)
- {
- struct perf_session *session;
- struct itrace_synth_opts itrace_synth_opts = { .set = 0, };
- struct stat st;
- bool has_br_stack = false;
- int branch_mode = -1;
- bool branch_call_mode = false;
- char callchain_default_opt[] = CALLCHAIN_DEFAULT_OPT;
- const char * const report_usage[] = {
- "perf report [<options>]",
- };
- struct report report = {
- .tool = {
- .sample = process_sample_event,
- .mmap = perf_event__process_mmap,
- .mmap2 = perf_event__process_mmap2,
- .comm = perf_event__process_comm,
- .exit = perf_event__process_exit,
- .fork = perf_event__process_fork,
- .lost = perf_event__process_lost,
- .read = process_read_event,
- .attr = perf_event__process_attr,
- .tracing_data = perf_event__process_tracing_data,
- .build_id = perf_event__process_build_id,
- .id_index = perf_event__process_id_index,
- .auxtrace_info = perf_event__process_auxtrace_info,
- .auxtrace = perf_event__process_auxtrace,
- .ordered_events = true,
- .ordering_requires_timestamps = true,
- },
- .max_stack = PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH,
- .pretty_printing_style = "normal",
- .socket_filter = -1,
- };
- const struct option options[] = {
- OPT_STRING('i', "input", &input_name, "file",
- "input file name"),
- OPT_INCR('v', "verbose", &verbose,
- "be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN('D', "dump-raw-trace", &dump_trace,
- "dump raw trace in ASCII"),
- OPT_STRING('k', "vmlinux", &symbol_conf.vmlinux_name,
- "file", "vmlinux pathname"),
- OPT_STRING(0, "kallsyms", &symbol_conf.kallsyms_name,
- "file", "kallsyms pathname"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN('f', "force", &symbol_conf.force, "don't complain, do it"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN('m', "modules", &symbol_conf.use_modules,
- "load module symbols - WARNING: use only with -k and LIVE kernel"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN('n', "show-nr-samples", &symbol_conf.show_nr_samples,
- "Show a column with the number of samples"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN('T', "threads", &report.show_threads,
- "Show per-thread event counters"),
- OPT_STRING(0, "pretty", &report.pretty_printing_style, "key",
- "pretty printing style key: normal raw"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "tui", &report.use_tui, "Use the TUI interface"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "gtk", &report.use_gtk, "Use the GTK2 interface"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "stdio", &report.use_stdio,
- "Use the stdio interface"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "header", &report.header, "Show data header."),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "header-only", &report.header_only,
- "Show only data header."),
- OPT_STRING('s', "sort", &sort_order, "key[,key2...]",
- "sort by key(s): pid, comm, dso, symbol, parent, cpu, srcline, ..."
- " Please refer the man page for the complete list."),
- OPT_STRING('F', "fields", &field_order, "key[,keys...]",
- "output field(s): overhead, period, sample plus all of sort keys"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "show-cpu-utilization", &symbol_conf.show_cpu_utilization,
- "Show sample percentage for different cpu modes"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN_FLAG(0, "showcpuutilization", &symbol_conf.show_cpu_utilization,
- "Show sample percentage for different cpu modes", PARSE_OPT_HIDDEN),
- OPT_STRING('p', "parent", &parent_pattern, "regex",
- "regex filter to identify parent, see: '--sort parent'"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN('x', "exclude-other", &symbol_conf.exclude_other,
- "Only display entries with parent-match"),
- OPT_CALLBACK_DEFAULT('g', "call-graph", &callchain_param,
- "print_type,threshold[,print_limit],order,sort_key[,branch],value",
- report_callchain_help, &report_parse_callchain_opt,
- callchain_default_opt),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "children", &symbol_conf.cumulate_callchain,
- "Accumulate callchains of children and show total overhead as well"),
- OPT_INTEGER(0, "max-stack", &report.max_stack,
- "Set the maximum stack depth when parsing the callchain, "
- "anything beyond the specified depth will be ignored. "
- "Default: kernel.perf_event_max_stack or " __stringify(PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH)),
- OPT_BOOLEAN('G', "inverted", &report.inverted_callchain,
- "alias for inverted call graph"),
- OPT_CALLBACK(0, "ignore-callees", NULL, "regex",
- "ignore callees of these functions in call graphs",
- report_parse_ignore_callees_opt),
- OPT_STRING('d', "dsos", &symbol_conf.dso_list_str, "dso[,dso...]",
- "only consider symbols in these dsos"),
- OPT_STRING('c', "comms", &symbol_conf.comm_list_str, "comm[,comm...]",
- "only consider symbols in these comms"),
- OPT_STRING(0, "pid", &symbol_conf.pid_list_str, "pid[,pid...]",
- "only consider symbols in these pids"),
- OPT_STRING(0, "tid", &symbol_conf.tid_list_str, "tid[,tid...]",
- "only consider symbols in these tids"),
- OPT_STRING('S', "symbols", &symbol_conf.sym_list_str, "symbol[,symbol...]",
- "only consider these symbols"),
- OPT_STRING(0, "symbol-filter", &report.symbol_filter_str, "filter",
- "only show symbols that (partially) match with this filter"),
- OPT_STRING('w', "column-widths", &symbol_conf.col_width_list_str,
- "width[,width...]",
- "don't try to adjust column width, use these fixed values"),
- OPT_STRING_NOEMPTY('t', "field-separator", &symbol_conf.field_sep, "separator",
- "separator for columns, no spaces will be added between "
- "columns '.' is reserved."),
- OPT_BOOLEAN('U', "hide-unresolved", &symbol_conf.hide_unresolved,
- "Only display entries resolved to a symbol"),
- OPT_CALLBACK(0, "symfs", NULL, "directory",
- "Look for files with symbols relative to this directory",
- symbol__config_symfs),
- OPT_STRING('C', "cpu", &report.cpu_list, "cpu",
- "list of cpus to profile"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN('I', "show-info", &report.show_full_info,
- "Display extended information about perf.data file"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "source", &symbol_conf.annotate_src,
- "Interleave source code with assembly code (default)"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "asm-raw", &symbol_conf.annotate_asm_raw,
- "Display raw encoding of assembly instructions (default)"),
- OPT_STRING('M', "disassembler-style", &disassembler_style, "disassembler style",
- "Specify disassembler style (e.g. -M intel for intel syntax)"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "show-total-period", &symbol_conf.show_total_period,
- "Show a column with the sum of periods"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "group", &symbol_conf.event_group,
- "Show event group information together"),
- OPT_CALLBACK_NOOPT('b', "branch-stack", &branch_mode, "",
- "use branch records for per branch histogram filling",
- parse_branch_mode),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "branch-history", &branch_call_mode,
- "add last branch records to call history"),
- OPT_STRING(0, "objdump", &objdump_path, "path",
- "objdump binary to use for disassembly and annotations"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "demangle", &symbol_conf.demangle,
- "Disable symbol demangling"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "demangle-kernel", &symbol_conf.demangle_kernel,
- "Enable kernel symbol demangling"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "mem-mode", &report.mem_mode, "mem access profile"),
- OPT_CALLBACK(0, "percent-limit", &report, "percent",
- "Don't show entries under that percent", parse_percent_limit),
- OPT_CALLBACK(0, "percentage", NULL, "relative|absolute",
- "how to display percentage of filtered entries", parse_filter_percentage),
- OPT_CALLBACK_OPTARG(0, "itrace", &itrace_synth_opts, NULL, "opts",
- "Instruction Tracing options",
- itrace_parse_synth_opts),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "full-source-path", &srcline_full_filename,
- "Show full source file name path for source lines"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "show-ref-call-graph", &symbol_conf.show_ref_callgraph,
- "Show callgraph from reference event"),
- OPT_INTEGER(0, "socket-filter", &report.socket_filter,
- "only show processor socket that match with this filter"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "raw-trace", &symbol_conf.raw_trace,
- "Show raw trace event output (do not use print fmt or plugins)"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "hierarchy", &symbol_conf.report_hierarchy,
- "Show entries in a hierarchy"),
- OPT_CALLBACK_DEFAULT(0, "stdio-color", NULL, "mode",
- "'always' (default), 'never' or 'auto' only applicable to --stdio mode",
- stdio__config_color, "always"),
- };
- struct perf_data_file file = {
- };
- int ret = hists__init();
- if (ret < 0)
- return ret;
- perf_config(report__config, &report);
- argc = parse_options(argc, argv, options, report_usage, 0);
- if (argc) {
- /*
- * Special case: if there's an argument left then assume that
- * it's a symbol filter:
- */
- if (argc > 1)
- usage_with_options(report_usage, options);
- report.symbol_filter_str = argv[0];
- }
- if (symbol_conf.vmlinux_name &&
- access(symbol_conf.vmlinux_name, R_OK)) {
- pr_err("Invalid file: %s\n", symbol_conf.vmlinux_name);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (symbol_conf.kallsyms_name &&
- access(symbol_conf.kallsyms_name, R_OK)) {
- pr_err("Invalid file: %s\n", symbol_conf.kallsyms_name);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (report.use_stdio)
- use_browser = 0;
- else if (report.use_tui)
- use_browser = 1;
- else if (report.use_gtk)
- use_browser = 2;
- if (report.inverted_callchain)
- callchain_param.order = ORDER_CALLER;
- if (symbol_conf.cumulate_callchain && !callchain_param.order_set)
- callchain_param.order = ORDER_CALLER;
- if (itrace_synth_opts.callchain &&
- (int)itrace_synth_opts.callchain_sz > report.max_stack)
- report.max_stack = itrace_synth_opts.callchain_sz;
- if (!input_name || !strlen(input_name)) {
- if (!fstat(STDIN_FILENO, &st) && S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode))
- input_name = "-";
- else
- input_name = "perf.data";
- }
- file.path = input_name;
- file.force = symbol_conf.force;
- repeat:
- session = perf_session__new(&file, false, &report.tool);
- if (session == NULL)
- return -1;
- if (report.queue_size) {
- ordered_events__set_alloc_size(&session->ordered_events,
- report.queue_size);
- }
- session->itrace_synth_opts = &itrace_synth_opts;
- report.session = session;
- has_br_stack = perf_header__has_feat(&session->header,
- if (itrace_synth_opts.last_branch)
- has_br_stack = true;
- /*
- * Branch mode is a tristate:
- * -1 means default, so decide based on the file having branch data.
- * 0/1 means the user chose a mode.
- */
- if (((branch_mode == -1 && has_br_stack) || branch_mode == 1) &&
- !branch_call_mode) {
- sort__mode = SORT_MODE__BRANCH;
- symbol_conf.cumulate_callchain = false;
- }
- if (branch_call_mode) {
- callchain_param.key = CCKEY_ADDRESS;
- callchain_param.branch_callstack = 1;
- symbol_conf.use_callchain = true;
- callchain_register_param(&callchain_param);
- if (sort_order == NULL)
- sort_order = "srcline,symbol,dso";
- }
- if (report.mem_mode) {
- if (sort__mode == SORT_MODE__BRANCH) {
- pr_err("branch and mem mode incompatible\n");
- goto error;
- }
- sort__mode = SORT_MODE__MEMORY;
- symbol_conf.cumulate_callchain = false;
- }
- if (symbol_conf.report_hierarchy) {
- /* disable incompatible options */
- symbol_conf.cumulate_callchain = false;
- if (field_order) {
- pr_err("Error: --hierarchy and --fields options cannot be used together\n");
- parse_options_usage(report_usage, options, "F", 1);
- parse_options_usage(NULL, options, "hierarchy", 0);
- goto error;
- }
- perf_hpp_list.need_collapse = true;
- }
- /* Force tty output for header output and per-thread stat. */
- if (report.header || report.header_only || report.show_threads)
- use_browser = 0;
- if (strcmp(input_name, "-") != 0)
- setup_browser(true);
- else
- use_browser = 0;
- if (setup_sorting(session->evlist) < 0) {
- if (sort_order)
- parse_options_usage(report_usage, options, "s", 1);
- if (field_order)
- parse_options_usage(sort_order ? NULL : report_usage,
- options, "F", 1);
- goto error;
- }
- if (report.header || report.header_only) {
- perf_session__fprintf_info(session, stdout,
- report.show_full_info);
- if (report.header_only) {
- ret = 0;
- goto error;
- }
- } else if (use_browser == 0) {
- fputs("# To display the perf.data header info, please use --header/--header-only options.\n#\n",
- stdout);
- }
- /*
- * Only in the TUI browser we are doing integrated annotation,
- * so don't allocate extra space that won't be used in the stdio
- * implementation.
- */
- if (ui__has_annotation()) {
- ret = symbol__annotation_init();
- if (ret < 0)
- goto error;
- /*
- * For searching by name on the "Browse map details".
- * providing it only in verbose mode not to bloat too
- * much struct symbol.
- */
- if (verbose) {
- /*
- * XXX: Need to provide a less kludgy way to ask for
- * more space per symbol, the u32 is for the index on
- * the ui browser.
- * See symbol__browser_index.
- */
- symbol_conf.priv_size += sizeof(u32);
- symbol_conf.sort_by_name = true;
- }
- }
- if (symbol__init(&session->header.env) < 0)
- goto error;
- sort__setup_elide(stdout);
- ret = __cmd_report(&report);
- if (ret == K_SWITCH_INPUT_DATA) {
- perf_session__delete(session);
- goto repeat;
- } else
- ret = 0;
- error:
- perf_session__delete(session);
- return ret;
- }