1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018101910201021102210231024102510261027102810291030103110321033103410351036103710381039104010411042104310441045104610471048 |
- The Linux SYM-2 driver documentation file
- Written by Gerard Roudier <groudier@free.fr>
- 21 Rue Carnot
- Updated by Matthew Wilcox <matthew@wil.cx>
- 2004-10-09
- ===============================================================================
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Supported chips and SCSI features
- 3. Advantages of this driver for newer chips.
- 3.1 Optimized SCSI SCRIPTS
- 3.2 New features appeared with the SYM53C896
- 4. Memory mapped I/O versus normal I/O
- 5. Tagged command queueing
- 6. Parity checking
- 7. Profiling information
- 8. Control commands
- 8.1 Set minimum synchronous period
- 8.2 Set wide size
- 8.3 Set maximum number of concurrent tagged commands
- 8.4 Set debug mode
- 8.5 Set flag (no_disc)
- 8.6 Set verbose level
- 8.7 Reset all logical units of a target
- 8.8 Abort all tasks of all logical units of a target
- 9. Configuration parameters
- 10. Boot setup commands
- 10.1 Syntax
- 10.2 Available arguments
- 10.2.1 Default number of tagged commands
- 10.2.2 Burst max
- 10.2.3 LED support
- 10.2.4 Differential mode
- 10.2.5 IRQ mode
- 10.2.6 Check SCSI BUS
- 10.2.7 Suggest a default SCSI id for hosts
- 10.2.8 Verbosity level
- 10.2.9 Debug mode
- 10.2.10 Settle delay
- 10.2.11 Serial NVRAM
- 10.2.12 Exclude a host from being attached
- 10.3 Converting from old options
- 10.4 SCSI BUS checking boot option
- 11. SCSI problem troubleshooting
- 15.1 Problem tracking
- 15.2 Understanding hardware error reports
- 12. Serial NVRAM support (by Richard Waltham)
- 17.1 Features
- 17.2 Symbios NVRAM layout
- 17.3 Tekram NVRAM layout
- ===============================================================================
- 1. Introduction
- This driver supports the whole SYM53C8XX family of PCI-SCSI controllers.
- It also support the subset of LSI53C10XX PCI-SCSI controllers that are based
- on the SYM53C8XX SCRIPTS language.
- It replaces the sym53c8xx+ncr53c8xx driver bundle and shares its core code
- with the FreeBSD SYM-2 driver. The `glue' that allows this driver to work
- under Linux is contained in 2 files named sym_glue.h and sym_glue.c.
- Other drivers files are intended not to depend on the Operating System
- on which the driver is used.
- The history of this driver can be summarized as follows:
- 1993: ncr driver written for 386bsd and FreeBSD by:
- Wolfgang Stanglmeier <wolf@cologne.de>
- Stefan Esser <se@mi.Uni-Koeln.de>
- 1996: port of the ncr driver to Linux-1.2.13 and rename it ncr53c8xx.
- Gerard Roudier
- 1998: new sym53c8xx driver for Linux based on LOAD/STORE instruction and that
- adds full support for the 896 but drops support for early NCR devices.
- Gerard Roudier
- 1999: port of the sym53c8xx driver to FreeBSD and support for the LSI53C1010
- 33 MHz and 66MHz Ultra-3 controllers. The new driver is named `sym'.
- Gerard Roudier
- 2000: Add support for early NCR devices to FreeBSD `sym' driver.
- Break the driver into several sources and separate the OS glue
- code from the core code that can be shared among different O/Ses.
- Write a glue code for Linux.
- Gerard Roudier
- 2004: Remove FreeBSD compatibility code. Remove support for versions of
- Linux before 2.6. Start using Linux facilities.
- This README file addresses the Linux version of the driver. Under FreeBSD,
- the driver documentation is the sym.8 man page.
- Information about new chips is available at LSILOGIC web server:
- http://www.lsilogic.com/
- SCSI standard documentations are available at T10 site:
- http://www.t10.org/
- Useful SCSI tools written by Eric Youngdale are part of most Linux
- distributions:
- scsiinfo: command line tool
- scsi-config: TCL/Tk tool using scsiinfo
- 2. Supported chips and SCSI features
- The following features are supported for all chips:
- Synchronous negotiation
- Disconnection
- Tagged command queuing
- SCSI parity checking
- PCI Master parity checking
- Other features depends on chip capabilities.
- The driver notably uses optimized SCRIPTS for devices that support
- LOAD/STORE and handles PHASE MISMATCH from SCRIPTS for devices that
- support the corresponding feature.
- The following table shows some characteristics of the chip family.
- ---- --------- ---- --------- ---------- ---------- --------------
- 810 N N FAST10 10 MB/s N N
- 810A N N FAST10 10 MB/s Y N
- 815 Y N FAST10 10 MB/s N N
- 825 Y Y FAST10 20 MB/s N N
- 825A Y Y FAST10 20 MB/s Y N
- 860 N N FAST20 20 MB/s Y N
- 875 Y Y FAST20 40 MB/s Y N
- 875A Y Y FAST20 40 MB/s Y Y
- 876 Y Y FAST20 40 MB/s Y N
- 895 Y Y FAST40 80 MB/s Y N
- 895A Y Y FAST40 80 MB/s Y Y
- 896 Y Y FAST40 80 MB/s Y Y
- 897 Y Y FAST40 80 MB/s Y Y
- 1510D Y Y FAST40 80 MB/s Y Y
- 1010 Y Y FAST80 160 MB/s Y Y
- 1010_66* Y Y FAST80 160 MB/s Y Y
- * Chip supports 33MHz and 66MHz PCI bus clock.
- Summary of other supported features:
- Module: allow to load the driver
- Memory mapped I/O: increases performance
- Control commands: write operations to the proc SCSI file system
- Debugging information: written to syslog (expert only)
- Scatter / gather
- Shared interrupt
- Boot setup commands
- Serial NVRAM: Symbios and Tekram formats
- 3. Advantages of this driver for newer chips.
- 3.1 Optimized SCSI SCRIPTS.
- All chips except the 810, 815 and 825, support new SCSI SCRIPTS instructions
- named LOAD and STORE that allow to move up to 1 DWORD from/to an IO register
- to/from memory much faster that the MOVE MEMORY instruction that is supported
- by the 53c7xx and 53c8xx family.
- The LOAD/STORE instructions support absolute and DSA relative addressing
- modes. The SCSI SCRIPTS had been entirely rewritten using LOAD/STORE instead
- of MOVE MEMORY instructions.
- Due to the lack of LOAD/STORE SCRIPTS instructions by earlier chips, this
- driver also incorporates a different SCRIPTS set based on MEMORY MOVE, in
- order to provide support for the entire SYM53C8XX chips family.
- 3.2 New features appeared with the SYM53C896
- Newer chips (see above) allows handling of the phase mismatch context from
- SCRIPTS (avoids the phase mismatch interrupt that stops the SCSI processor
- until the C code has saved the context of the transfer).
- The 896 and 1010 chips support 64 bit PCI transactions and addressing,
- while the 895A supports 32 bit PCI transactions and 64 bit addressing.
- The SCRIPTS processor of these chips is not true 64 bit, but uses segment
- registers for bit 32-63. Another interesting feature is that LOAD/STORE
- instructions that address the on-chip RAM (8k) remain internal to the chip.
- 4. Memory mapped I/O versus normal I/O
- Memory mapped I/O has less latency than normal I/O and is the recommended
- way for doing IO with PCI devices. Memory mapped I/O seems to work fine on
- most hardware configurations, but some poorly designed chipsets may break
- this feature. A configuration option is provided for normal I/O to be
- used but the driver defaults to MMIO.
- 5. Tagged command queueing
- Queuing more than 1 command at a time to a device allows it to perform
- optimizations based on actual head positions and its mechanical
- characteristics. This feature may also reduce average command latency.
- In order to really gain advantage of this feature, devices must have
- a reasonable cache size (No miracle is to be expected for a low-end
- hard disk with 128 KB or less).
- Some known old SCSI devices do not properly support tagged command queuing.
- Generally, firmware revisions that fix this kind of problems are available
- at respective vendor web/ftp sites.
- All I can say is that I never have had problem with tagged queuing using
- this driver and its predecessors. Hard disks that behaved correctly for
- me using tagged commands are the following:
- - IBM S12 0662
- - Conner 1080S
- - Quantum Atlas I
- - Quantum Atlas II
- - Seagate Cheetah I
- - Quantum Viking II
- - Quantum Atlas IV
- - Seagate Cheetah II
- If your controller has NVRAM, you can configure this feature per target
- from the user setup tool. The Tekram Setup program allows to tune the
- maximum number of queued commands up to 32. The Symbios Setup only allows
- to enable or disable this feature.
- The maximum number of simultaneous tagged commands queued to a device
- is currently set to 16 by default. This value is suitable for most SCSI
- disks. With large SCSI disks (>= 2GB, cache >= 512KB, average seek time
- <= 10 ms), using a larger value may give better performances.
- This driver supports up to 255 commands per device, and but using more than
- 64 is generally not worth-while, unless you are using a very large disk or
- disk arrays. It is noticeable that most of recent hard disks seem not to
- accept more than 64 simultaneous commands. So, using more than 64 queued
- commands is probably just resource wasting.
- If your controller does not have NVRAM or if it is managed by the SDMS
- BIOS/SETUP, you can configure tagged queueing feature and device queue
- depths from the boot command-line. For example:
- sym53c8xx=tags:4/t2t3q15-t4q7/t1u0q32
- will set tagged commands queue depths as follow:
- - target 2 all luns on controller 0 --> 15
- - target 3 all luns on controller 0 --> 15
- - target 4 all luns on controller 0 --> 7
- - target 1 lun 0 on controller 1 --> 32
- - all other target/lun --> 4
- In some special conditions, some SCSI disk firmwares may return a
- QUEUE FULL status for a SCSI command. This behaviour is managed by the
- driver using the following heuristic:
- - Each time a QUEUE FULL status is returned, tagged queue depth is reduced
- to the actual number of disconnected commands.
- - Every 200 successfully completed SCSI commands, if allowed by the
- current limit, the maximum number of queueable commands is incremented.
- Since QUEUE FULL status reception and handling is resource wasting, the
- driver notifies by default this problem to user by indicating the actual
- number of commands used and their status, as well as its decision on the
- device queue depth change.
- The heuristic used by the driver in handling QUEUE FULL ensures that the
- impact on performances is not too bad. You can get rid of the messages by
- setting verbose level to zero, as follow:
- 1st method: boot your system using 'sym53c8xx=verb:0' option.
- 2nd method: apply "setverbose 0" control command to the proc fs entry
- corresponding to your controller after boot-up.
- 6. Parity checking
- The driver supports SCSI parity checking and PCI bus master parity
- checking. These features must be enabled in order to ensure safe
- data transfers. Some flawed devices or mother boards may have problems
- with parity. The options to defeat parity checking have been removed
- from the driver.
- 7. Profiling information
- This driver does not provide profiling information as did its predecessors.
- This feature was not this useful and added complexity to the code.
- As the driver code got more complex, I have decided to remove everything
- that didn't seem actually useful.
- 8. Control commands
- Control commands can be sent to the driver with write operations to
- the proc SCSI file system. The generic command syntax is the
- following:
- echo "<verb> <parameters>" >/proc/scsi/sym53c8xx/0
- (assumes controller number is 0)
- Using "all" for "<target>" parameter with the commands below will
- apply to all targets of the SCSI chain (except the controller).
- Available commands:
- 8.1 Set minimum synchronous period factor
- setsync <target> <period factor>
- target: target number
- period: minimum synchronous period.
- Maximum speed = 1000/(4*period factor) except for special
- cases below.
- Specify a period of 0, to force asynchronous transfer mode.
- 9 means 12.5 nano-seconds synchronous period
- 10 means 25 nano-seconds synchronous period
- 11 means 30 nano-seconds synchronous period
- 12 means 50 nano-seconds synchronous period
- 8.2 Set wide size
- setwide <target> <size>
- target: target number
- size: 0=8 bits, 1=16bits
- 8.3 Set maximum number of concurrent tagged commands
- settags <target> <tags>
- target: target number
- tags: number of concurrent tagged commands
- must not be greater than configured (default: 16)
- 8.4 Set debug mode
- setdebug <list of debug flags>
- Available debug flags:
- alloc: print info about memory allocations (ccb, lcb)
- queue: print info about insertions into the command start queue
- result: print sense data on CHECK CONDITION status
- scatter: print info about the scatter process
- scripts: print info about the script binding process
- tiny: print minimal debugging information
- timing: print timing information of the NCR chip
- nego: print information about SCSI negotiations
- phase: print information on script interruptions
- Use "setdebug" with no argument to reset debug flags.
- 8.5 Set flag (no_disc)
- setflag <target> <flag>
- target: target number
- For the moment, only one flag is available:
- no_disc: not allow target to disconnect.
- Do not specify any flag in order to reset the flag. For example:
- - setflag 4
- will reset no_disc flag for target 4, so will allow it disconnections.
- - setflag all
- will allow disconnection for all devices on the SCSI bus.
- 8.6 Set verbose level
- setverbose #level
- The driver default verbose level is 1. This command allows to change
- th driver verbose level after boot-up.
- 8.7 Reset all logical units of a target
- resetdev <target>
- target: target number
- The driver will try to send a BUS DEVICE RESET message to the target.
- 8.8 Abort all tasks of all logical units of a target
- cleardev <target>
- target: target number
- The driver will try to send a ABORT message to all the logical units
- of the target.
- 9. Configuration parameters
- Under kernel configuration tools (make menuconfig, for example), it is
- possible to change some default driver configuration parameters.
- If the firmware of all your devices is perfect enough, all the
- features supported by the driver can be enabled at start-up. However,
- if only one has a flaw for some SCSI feature, you can disable the
- support by the driver of this feature at linux start-up and enable
- this feature after boot-up only for devices that support it safely.
- Configuration parameters:
- Use normal IO (default answer: n)
- Answer "y" if you suspect your mother board to not allow memory mapped I/O.
- May slow down performance a little.
- Default tagged command queue depth (default answer: 16)
- Entering 0 defaults to tagged commands not being used.
- This parameter can be specified from the boot command line.
- Maximum number of queued commands (default answer: 32)
- This option allows you to specify the maximum number of tagged commands
- that can be queued to a device. The maximum supported value is 255.
- Synchronous transfers frequency (default answer: 80)
- This option allows you to specify the frequency in MHz the driver
- will use at boot time for synchronous data transfer negotiations.
- 0 means "asynchronous data transfers".
- 10. Boot setup commands
- 10.1 Syntax
- Setup commands can be passed to the driver either at boot time or as
- parameters to modprobe, as described in Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt
- Example of boot setup command under lilo prompt:
- lilo: linux root=/dev/sda2 sym53c8xx.cmd_per_lun=4 sym53c8xx.sync=10 sym53c8xx.debug=0x200
- - enable tagged commands, up to 4 tagged commands queued.
- - set synchronous negotiation speed to 10 Mega-transfers / second.
- - set DEBUG_NEGO flag.
- The following command will install the driver module with the same
- options as above.
- modprobe sym53c8xx cmd_per_lun=4 sync=10 debug=0x200
- 10.2 Available arguments
- 10.2.1 Default number of tagged commands
- cmd_per_lun=0 (or cmd_per_lun=1) tagged command queuing disabled
- cmd_per_lun=#tags (#tags > 1) tagged command queuing enabled
- #tags will be truncated to the max queued commands configuration parameter.
- 10.2.2 Burst max
- burst=0 burst disabled
- burst=255 get burst length from initial IO register settings.
- burst=#x burst enabled (1<<#x burst transfers max)
- #x is an integer value which is log base 2 of the burst transfers max.
- By default the driver uses the maximum value supported by the chip.
- 10.2.3 LED support
- led=1 enable LED support
- led=0 disable LED support
- Do not enable LED support if your scsi board does not use SDMS BIOS.
- (See 'Configuration parameters')
- 10.2.4 Differential mode
- diff=0 never set up diff mode
- diff=1 set up diff mode if BIOS set it
- diff=2 always set up diff mode
- diff=3 set diff mode if GPIO3 is not set
- 10.2.5 IRQ mode
- irqm=0 always open drain
- irqm=1 same as initial settings (assumed BIOS settings)
- irqm=2 always totem pole
- 10.2.6 Check SCSI BUS
- buschk=<option bits>
- Available option bits:
- 0x0: No check.
- 0x1: Check and do not attach the controller on error.
- 0x2: Check and just warn on error.
- 10.2.7 Suggest a default SCSI id for hosts
- hostid=255 no id suggested.
- hostid=#x (0 < x < 7) x suggested for hosts SCSI id.
- If a host SCSI id is available from the NVRAM, the driver will ignore
- any value suggested as boot option. Otherwise, if a suggested value
- different from 255 has been supplied, it will use it. Otherwise, it will
- try to deduce the value previously set in the hardware and use value
- 7 if the hardware value is zero.
- 10.2.8 Verbosity level
- verb=0 minimal
- verb=1 normal
- verb=2 too much
- 10.2.9 Debug mode
- debug=0 clear debug flags
- debug=#x set debug flags
- #x is an integer value combining the following power-of-2 values:
- DEBUG_NEGO 0x200
- DEBUG_TAGS 0x400
- You can play safely with DEBUG_NEGO. However, some of these flags may
- generate bunches of syslog messages.
- 10.2.10 Settle delay
- settle=n delay for n seconds
- After a bus reset, the driver will delay for n seconds before talking
- to any device on the bus. The default is 3 seconds and safe mode will
- default it to 10.
- 10.2.11 Serial NVRAM
- NB: option not currently implemented.
- nvram=n do not look for serial NVRAM
- nvram=y test controllers for onboard serial NVRAM
- (alternate binary form)
- nvram=<bits options>
- 0x01 look for NVRAM (equivalent to nvram=y)
- 0x02 ignore NVRAM "Synchronous negotiation" parameters for all devices
- 0x04 ignore NVRAM "Wide negotiation" parameter for all devices
- 0x08 ignore NVRAM "Scan at boot time" parameter for all devices
- 0x80 also attach controllers set to OFF in the NVRAM (sym53c8xx only)
- 10.2.12 Exclude a host from being attached
- excl=<io_address>,...
- Prevent host at a given io address from being attached.
- For example 'excl=0xb400,0xc000' indicate to the
- driver not to attach hosts at address 0xb400 and 0xc000.
- 10.3 Converting from old style options
- Previously, the sym2 driver accepted arguments of the form
- sym53c8xx=tags:4,sync:10,debug:0x200
- As a result of the new module parameters, this is no longer available.
- Most of the options have remained the same, but tags has become
- cmd_per_lun to reflect its different purposes. The sample above would
- be specified as:
- modprobe sym53c8xx cmd_per_lun=4 sync=10 debug=0x200
- or on the kernel boot line as:
- sym53c8xx.cmd_per_lun=4 sym53c8xx.sync=10 sym53c8xx.debug=0x200
- 10.4 SCSI BUS checking boot option.
- When this option is set to a non-zero value, the driver checks SCSI lines
- logic state, 100 micro-seconds after having asserted the SCSI RESET line.
- The driver just reads SCSI lines and checks all lines read FALSE except RESET.
- Since SCSI devices shall release the BUS at most 800 nano-seconds after SCSI
- RESET has been asserted, any signal to TRUE may indicate a SCSI BUS problem.
- Unfortunately, the following common SCSI BUS problems are not detected:
- - Only 1 terminator installed.
- - Misplaced terminators.
- - Bad quality terminators.
- On the other hand, either bad cabling, broken devices, not conformant
- devices, ... may cause a SCSI signal to be wrong when te driver reads it.
- 15. SCSI problem troubleshooting
- 15.1 Problem tracking
- Most SCSI problems are due to a non conformant SCSI bus or too buggy
- devices. If unfortunately you have SCSI problems, you can check the
- following things:
- - SCSI bus cables
- - terminations at both end of the SCSI chain
- - linux syslog messages (some of them may help you)
- If you do not find the source of problems, you can configure the
- driver or devices in the NVRAM with minimal features.
- - only asynchronous data transfers
- - tagged commands disabled
- - disconnections not allowed
- Now, if your SCSI bus is ok, your system has every chance to work
- with this safe configuration but performances will not be optimal.
- If it still fails, then you can send your problem description to
- appropriate mailing lists or news-groups. Send me a copy in order to
- be sure I will receive it. Obviously, a bug in the driver code is
- possible.
- My current email address: Gerard Roudier <groudier@free.fr>
- Allowing disconnections is important if you use several devices on
- your SCSI bus but often causes problems with buggy devices.
- Synchronous data transfers increases throughput of fast devices like
- hard disks. Good SCSI hard disks with a large cache gain advantage of
- tagged commands queuing.
- 15.2 Understanding hardware error reports
- When the driver detects an unexpected error condition, it may display a
- message of the following pattern.
- sym0:1: ERROR (0:48) (1-21-65) (f/95/0) @ (script 7c0:19000000).
- sym0: script cmd = 19000000
- sym0: regdump: da 10 80 95 47 0f 01 07 75 01 81 21 80 01 09 00.
- Some fields in such a message may help you understand the cause of the
- problem, as follows:
- sym0:1: ERROR (0:48) (1-21-65) (f/95/0) @ (script 7c0:19000000).
- .....A.........B.C....D.E..F....G.H..I.......J.....K...L.......
- Field A : target number.
- SCSI ID of the device the controller was talking with at the moment the
- error occurs.
- Field B : DSTAT io register (DMA STATUS)
- Bit 0x40 : MDPE Master Data Parity Error
- Data parity error detected on the PCI BUS.
- Bit 0x20 : BF Bus Fault
- PCI bus fault condition detected
- Bit 0x01 : IID Illegal Instruction Detected
- Set by the chip when it detects an Illegal Instruction format
- on some condition that makes an instruction illegal.
- Bit 0x80 : DFE Dma Fifo Empty
- Pure status bit that does not indicate an error.
- If the reported DSTAT value contains a combination of MDPE (0x40),
- BF (0x20), then the cause may be likely due to a PCI BUS problem.
- Field C : SIST io register (SCSI Interrupt Status)
- Indicates that the chip detected a severe error condition
- on the SCSI BUS that prevents the SCSI protocol from functioning
- properly.
- Bit 0x04 : UDC Unexpected Disconnection
- Indicates that the device released the SCSI BUS when the chip
- was not expecting this to happen. A device may behave so to
- indicate the SCSI initiator that an error condition not reportable using the SCSI protocol has occurred.
- Bit 0x02 : RST SCSI BUS Reset
- Generally SCSI targets do not reset the SCSI BUS, although any
- device on the BUS can reset it at any time.
- Bit 0x01 : PAR Parity
- SCSI parity error detected.
- On a faulty SCSI BUS, any error condition among SGE (0x08), UDC (0x04) and
- PAR (0x01) may be detected by the chip. If your SCSI system sometimes
- encounters such error conditions, especially SCSI GROSS ERROR, then a SCSI
- BUS problem is likely the cause of these errors.
- For fields D,E,F,G and H, you may look into the sym53c8xx_defs.h file
- that contains some minimal comments on IO register bits.
- Field D : SOCL Scsi Output Control Latch
- This register reflects the state of the SCSI control lines the
- chip want to drive or compare against.
- Field E : SBCL Scsi Bus Control Lines
- Actual value of control lines on the SCSI BUS.
- Field F : SBDL Scsi Bus Data Lines
- Actual value of data lines on the SCSI BUS.
- Field G : SXFER SCSI Transfer
- Contains the setting of the Synchronous Period for output and
- the current Synchronous offset (offset 0 means asynchronous).
- Field H : SCNTL3 Scsi Control Register 3
- Contains the setting of timing values for both asynchronous and
- synchronous data transfers.
- Field I : SCNTL4 Scsi Control Register 4
- Only meaningful for 53C1010 Ultra3 controllers.
- Understanding Fields J, K, L and dumps requires to have good knowledge of
- SCSI standards, chip cores functionnals and internal driver data structures.
- You are not required to decode and understand them, unless you want to help
- maintain the driver code.
- 17. Serial NVRAM (added by Richard Waltham: dormouse@farsrobt.demon.co.uk)
- 17.1 Features
- Enabling serial NVRAM support enables detection of the serial NVRAM included
- on Symbios and some Symbios compatible host adaptors, and Tekram boards. The
- serial NVRAM is used by Symbios and Tekram to hold set up parameters for the
- host adaptor and its attached drives.
- The Symbios NVRAM also holds data on the boot order of host adaptors in a
- system with more than one host adaptor. This information is no longer used
- as it's fundamentally incompatible with the hotplug PCI model.
- Tekram boards using Symbios chips, DC390W/F/U, which have NVRAM are detected
- and this is used to distinguish between Symbios compatible and Tekram host
- adaptors. This is used to disable the Symbios compatible "diff" setting
- incorrectly set on Tekram boards if the CONFIG_SCSI_53C8XX_SYMBIOS_COMPAT
- configuration parameter is set enabling both Symbios and Tekram boards to be
- used together with the Symbios cards using all their features, including
- "diff" support. ("led pin" support for Symbios compatible cards can remain
- enabled when using Tekram cards. It does nothing useful for Tekram host
- adaptors but does not cause problems either.)
- The parameters the driver is able to get from the NVRAM depend on the
- data format used, as follow:
- Tekram format Symbios format
- General and host parameters
- Boot order N Y
- Host SCSI ID Y Y
- SCSI parity checking Y Y
- Verbose boot messages N Y
- SCSI devices parameters
- Synchronous transfer speed Y Y
- Wide 16 / Narrow Y Y
- Tagged Command Queuing enabled Y Y
- Disconnections enabled Y Y
- Scan at boot time N Y
- In order to speed up the system boot, for each device configured without
- the "scan at boot time" option, the driver forces an error on the
- first TEST UNIT READY command received for this device.
- 17.2 Symbios NVRAM layout
- typical data at NVRAM address 0x100 (53c810a NVRAM)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 00 00
- 64 01
- 8e 0b
- 00 30 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 04 10 04 00 00
- 04 00 0f 00 00 10 00 50 00 00 01 00 00 62
- 04 00 03 00 00 10 00 58 00 00 01 00 00 63
- 04 00 01 00 00 10 00 48 00 00 01 00 00 61
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- fe fe
- 00 00
- 00 00
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- NVRAM layout details
- NVRAM Address 0x000-0x0ff not used
- 0x100-0x26f initialised data
- 0x270-0x7ff not used
- general layout
- header - 6 bytes,
- data - 356 bytes (checksum is byte sum of this data)
- trailer - 6 bytes
- ---
- total 368 bytes
- data area layout
- controller set up - 20 bytes
- boot configuration - 56 bytes (4x14 bytes)
- device set up - 128 bytes (16x8 bytes)
- unused (spare?) - 152 bytes (19x8 bytes)
- ---
- total 356 bytes
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- header
- 00 00 - ?? start marker
- 64 01 - byte count (lsb/msb excludes header/trailer)
- 8e 0b - checksum (lsb/msb excludes header/trailer)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- controller set up
- 00 30 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 04 10 04 00 00
- | | | |
- | | | -- host ID
- | | |
- | | --Removable Media Support
- | | 0x00 = none
- | | 0x01 = Bootable Device
- | | 0x02 = All with Media
- | |
- | --flag bits 2
- | 0x00000001= scan order hi->low
- | (default 0x00 - scan low->hi)
- --flag bits 1
- 0x00000001 scam enable
- 0x00000010 parity enable
- 0x00000100 verbose boot msgs
- remaining bytes unknown - they do not appear to change in my
- current set up for any of the controllers.
- default set up is identical for 53c810a and 53c875 NVRAM
- (Removable Media added Symbios BIOS version 4.09)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- boot configuration
- boot order set by order of the devices in this table
- 04 00 0f 00 00 10 00 50 00 00 01 00 00 62 -- 1st controller
- 04 00 03 00 00 10 00 58 00 00 01 00 00 63 2nd controller
- 04 00 01 00 00 10 00 48 00 00 01 00 00 61 3rd controller
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4th controller
- | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | ---- PCI io port adr
- | | | | | --0x01 init/scan at boot time
- | | | | --PCI device/function number (0xdddddfff)
- | | ----- ?? PCI vendor ID (lsb/msb)
- ----PCI device ID (lsb/msb)
- ?? use of this data is a guess but seems reasonable
- remaining bytes unknown - they do not appear to change in my
- current set up
- default set up is identical for 53c810a and 53c875 NVRAM
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- device set up (up to 16 devices - includes controller)
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 0
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00
- 0f 00 08 08 64 00 0a 00 - id 15
- | | | | | |
- | | | | ----timeout (lsb/msb)
- | | | --synch period (0x?? 40 Mtrans/sec- fast 40) (probably 0x28)
- | | | (0x30 20 Mtrans/sec- fast 20)
- | | | (0x64 10 Mtrans/sec- fast )
- | | | (0xc8 5 Mtrans/sec)
- | | | (0x00 asynchronous)
- | | -- ?? max sync offset (0x08 in NVRAM on 53c810a)
- | | (0x10 in NVRAM on 53c875)
- | --device bus width (0x08 narrow)
- | (0x10 16 bit wide)
- --flag bits
- 0x00000001 - disconnect enabled
- 0x00000010 - scan at boot time
- 0x00000100 - scan luns
- 0x00001000 - queue tags enabled
- remaining bytes unknown - they do not appear to change in my
- current set up
- ?? use of this data is a guess but seems reasonable
- (but it could be max bus width)
- default set up for 53c810a NVRAM
- default set up for 53c875 NVRAM - bus width - 0x10
- - sync offset ? - 0x10
- - sync period - 0x30
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- ?? spare device space (32 bit bus ??)
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (19x8bytes)
- .
- .
- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
- default set up is identical for 53c810a and 53c875 NVRAM
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- trailer
- fe fe - ? end marker ?
- 00 00
- 00 00
- default set up is identical for 53c810a and 53c875 NVRAM
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 17.3 Tekram NVRAM layout
- nvram 64x16 (1024 bit)
- Drive settings
- Drive ID 0-15 (addr 0x0yyyy0 = device setup, yyyy = ID)
- (addr 0x0yyyy1 = 0x0000)
- x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
- | | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | | ----- parity check 0 - off
- | | | | | | | | 1 - on
- | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | ------- sync neg 0 - off
- | | | | | | | 1 - on
- | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | --------- disconnect 0 - off
- | | | | | | 1 - on
- | | | | | |
- | | | | | ----------- start cmd 0 - off
- | | | | | 1 - on
- | | | | |
- | | | | -------------- tagged cmds 0 - off
- | | | | 1 - on
- | | | |
- | | | ---------------- wide neg 0 - off
- | | | 1 - on
- | | |
- --------------------------- sync rate 0 - 10.0 Mtrans/sec
- 1 - 8.0
- 2 - 6.6
- 3 - 5.7
- 4 - 5.0
- 5 - 4.0
- 6 - 3.0
- 7 - 2.0
- 7 - 2.0
- 8 - 20.0
- 9 - 16.7
- a - 13.9
- b - 11.9
- Global settings
- Host flags 0 (addr 0x100000, 32)
- x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
- | | | | | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | | ----------- host ID 0x00 - 0x0f
- | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | ----------------------- support for 0 - off
- | | | | | | | > 2 drives 1 - on
- | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | ------------------------- support drives 0 - off
- | | | | | | > 1Gbytes 1 - on
- | | | | | |
- | | | | | --------------------------- bus reset on 0 - off
- | | | | | power on 1 - on
- | | | | |
- | | | | ----------------------------- active neg 0 - off
- | | | | 1 - on
- | | | |
- | | | -------------------------------- imm seek 0 - off
- | | | 1 - on
- | | |
- | | ---------------------------------- scan luns 0 - off
- | | 1 - on
- | |
- -------------------------------------- removable 0 - disable
- as BIOS dev 1 - boot device
- 2 - all
- Host flags 1 (addr 0x100001, 33)
- x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
- | | | | | |
- | | | --------- boot delay 0 - 3 sec
- | | | 1 - 5
- | | | 2 - 10
- | | | 3 - 20
- | | | 4 - 30
- | | | 5 - 60
- | | | 6 - 120
- | | |
- --------------------------- max tag cmds 0 - 2
- 1 - 4
- 2 - 8
- 3 - 16
- 4 - 32
- Host flags 2 (addr 0x100010, 34)
- x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
- |
- ----- F2/F6 enable 0 - off ???
- 1 - on ???
- checksum (addr 0x111111)
- checksum = 0x1234 - (sum addr 0-63)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- default nvram data:
- 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000
- 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000
- 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000
- 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000 0x0037 0x0000
- 0x0f07 0x0400 0x0001 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
- 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
- 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
- 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0xfbbc
- ===============================================================================
- End of Linux SYM-2 driver documentation file