release-notes.txt 1.2 KB

  1. Release notes for Linux Kernel VFP support code
  2. -----------------------------------------------
  3. Date: 20 May 2004
  4. Author: Russell King
  5. This is the first release of the Linux Kernel VFP support code. It
  6. provides support for the exceptions bounced from VFP hardware found
  7. on ARM926EJ-S.
  8. This release has been validated against the SoftFloat-2b library by
  9. John R. Hauser using the TestFloat-2a test suite. Details of this
  10. library and test suite can be found at:
  12. The operations which have been tested with this package are:
  13. - fdiv
  14. - fsub
  15. - fadd
  16. - fmul
  17. - fcmp
  18. - fcmpe
  19. - fcvtd
  20. - fcvts
  21. - fsito
  22. - ftosi
  23. - fsqrt
  24. All the above pass softfloat tests with the following exceptions:
  25. - fadd/fsub shows some differences in the handling of +0 / -0 results
  26. when input operands differ in signs.
  27. - the handling of underflow exceptions is slightly different. If a
  28. result underflows before rounding, but becomes a normalised number
  29. after rounding, we do not signal an underflow exception.
  30. Other operations which have been tested by basic assembly-only tests
  31. are:
  32. - fcpy
  33. - fabs
  34. - fneg
  35. - ftoui
  36. - ftosiz
  37. - ftouiz
  38. The combination operations have not been tested:
  39. - fmac
  40. - fnmac
  41. - fmsc
  42. - fnmsc
  43. - fnmul