zip_msg.msg 1.7 KB

  1. ! VMS Error Message Source File for Zip
  2. !
  3. ! Because the facility code was formally assigned by HP, the .FACILITY
  4. ! directive below specifies /SYSTEM. Because the messages are, in
  5. ! general, specific to Zip, this file is not compiled with /SHARED.
  6. ! For example:
  7. !
  9. !
  10. ! LINK /SHAREABLE = [.dest]ZIP_MSG.EXE [.dest]ZIP_MSG.OBJ
  11. !
  12. !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. .TITLE Info-ZIP Zip Error Messages
  15. .IDENT 'V3.0-000'
  16. .BASE 0
  17. OK /SUCCESS <Normal successful completion>
  18. .BASE 4
  19. EOF /FATAL <Unexpected end of zip file>
  20. .BASE 6
  21. FORM /ERROR <Zip file structure invalid>
  22. .BASE 8
  23. MEM /FATAL <Out of memory>
  24. .BASE 10
  25. LOGIC /FATAL <Internal logic error>
  26. .BASE 12
  27. BIG /ERROR <Entry too big to split, read, or write>
  28. .BASE 14
  29. NOTE /ERROR <Invalid comment format>
  30. .BASE 16
  31. TEST /FATAL <Zip file invalid, could not spawn unzip, or wrong unzip>
  32. .BASE 18
  33. ABORT /ERROR <Interrupted>
  34. .BASE 20
  35. TEMP /FATAL <Temporary file failure>
  36. .BASE 22
  37. READ /FATAL <Input file read failure>
  38. .BASE 24
  39. NONE /WARNING <Nothing to do!>
  40. .BASE 26
  41. NAME /ERROR <Missing or empty zip file>
  42. .BASE 28
  43. WRITE /FATAL <Output file write failure>
  44. .BASE 30
  45. CREAT /FATAL <Could not create output file>
  46. .BASE 32
  47. PARMS /ERROR <Invalid command arguments>
  48. .BASE 36
  49. OPEN /ERROR <File not found or no read permission>
  50. .BASE 38
  51. COMPERR /FATAL <Not supported>
  52. .BASE 40
  53. ZIP64 /FATAL <Attempt to read unsupported Zip64 archive>
  54. .END