cvthelp.tpu 5.5 KB

  2. ! IDENT 01-001
  3. !
  4. !++
  5. ! Copyright (c) 1990-2001 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
  6. !
  7. ! See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2000-Apr-09 or later
  8. ! (the contents of which are also included in zip.h) for terms of use.
  9. ! If, for some reason, all these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
  10. ! also may be found at:
  11. !
  12. !++
  13. !
  14. ! Program: CVTHELP.TPU
  15. !
  16. ! Author: Hunter Goatley
  17. !
  18. ! Date: January 12, 1992
  19. !
  20. ! Purpose: Convert .HELP files to RUNOFF .RNH files. Substitutes
  21. ! RUNOFF commands for tags imbedded in the .HELP file.
  22. !
  23. ! Calling sequence:
  24. !
  26. !
  27. ! Modified by:
  28. !
  29. ! 01-001 Hunter Goatley 7-FEB-2001 15:40
  30. ! Added <NEXT> for qualifier separators.
  31. !
  32. ! 01-000 Hunter Goatley 12-JAN-1992 15:15
  33. ! Original version.
  34. !
  35. !--
  36. Procedure eve_convert_help
  37. Local temp
  38. ,x
  39. ;
  40. qualifier_level := 0;
  41. hg$substitute_topic(current_buffer, "<MAIN>", ".indent-3", "1");
  42. hg$substitute_topic(current_buffer, "<QUALIFIER>", ".sk;.indent-3", "");
  43. hg$substitute_topic(current_buffer, "<TOPIC>", ".indent-3", "2");
  44. hg$substitute_topic(current_buffer, "<SUBTOPIC>", ".indent-3", "3");
  45. hg$substitute_topic(current_buffer, "<SUBSUBTOPIC>", ".indent-3", "4");
  46. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<QUALIFIERS>",".indent-3;2 Qualifiers");
  47. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<PARAMETER>",".indent-2");
  48. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<PTEXT>",".lm+3");
  49. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<TXETP>",".lm-3");
  50. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<ETEXT>",".lm+4");
  51. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<TXETE>",".lm-4");
  52. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<INIT>",".noflags;.lm3;.rm70");
  53. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<LITERAL>",".lm+4;.literal");
  54. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<LARETIL>",".end literal;.lm-4");
  55. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<LITERAL0>",".literal");
  56. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<0LARETIL>",".end literal");
  57. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<DOT1LIST>",'.list 1,"o"');
  58. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<DOT0LIST>",'.list 0,"o"');
  59. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<ENTRY>",".le");
  60. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<TSIL>",".end list");
  61. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<CENTER>",".center");
  62. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<FORMAT>",".sk;.indent2");
  63. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<NOTE>",".note");
  64. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<ETON>",".end note");
  65. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer, LINE_BEGIN & LINE_END,".sk");
  66. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer, LINE_BEGIN & "|", "");
  67. hg$substitute_comment(current_buffer,"<NEXT>",".br");
  68. EndProcedure; ! eve_convert_help
  69. Procedure hg$substitute_comment (the_buffer, target, new)
  70. Local temp
  71. ,save_pos
  72. ,x
  73. ;
  74. on_error;
  75. endon_error;
  76. save_pos := mark(none);
  77. position(beginning_of(the_buffer));
  78. loop
  79. x := search(target, forward);
  80. exitif x = 0;
  81. position (x);
  82. erase_character(length(x));
  83. copy_text(new);
  84. endloop;
  85. position(save_pos);
  86. EndProcedure; ! hg$substitute_comment
  87. Procedure hg$substitute_topic (the_buffer, target, new, level)
  88. Local temp
  89. ,save_pos
  90. ,x
  91. ;
  92. on_error;
  93. endon_error;
  94. save_pos := mark(none);
  95. position(beginning_of(the_buffer));
  96. loop
  97. x := search(target, forward);
  98. exitif x = 0;
  99. position (x);
  100. erase_character(length(x));
  101. move_vertical(-1);
  102. if (length(current_line) = 0)
  103. then copy_text("|");
  104. endif;
  105. move_vertical(1);
  106. copy_text(".!------------------------------------------------------");
  107. split_line;
  108. copy_text(new);
  109. move_horizontal(-current_offset);
  110. move_vertical(1);
  111. if level <> "" then
  112. copy_text(level + " ");
  113. ! else
  114. ! if qualifier_level = 0
  115. ! then
  116. ! copy_text("2 Qualifiers");
  117. ! split_line; split_line;
  118. ! copy_text(new); split_line;
  119. ! qualifier_level := 1;
  120. ! endif;
  121. endif;
  122. move_horizontal(-current_offset);
  123. move_vertical(1);
  124. if length(current_line) = 0
  125. then
  126. if (target = "<MAIN>") OR (target = "<TOPIC>")
  127. OR (target = "<SUBTOPIC>") or (target = "<SUBSUBTOPIC>")
  128. then copy_text(".br");
  129. else copy_text(".sk");
  130. endif;
  131. endif;
  132. endloop;
  133. position(save_pos);
  134. EndProcedure; ! hg$substitute_topic
  135. !===============================================================================
  136. Procedure tpu$init_procedure
  137. Local temp
  138. ,orig_filespec
  139. ,f
  140. ;
  141. on_error
  142. endon_error;
  143. !Prompt user for information
  144. orig_filespec := get_info(command_line, "file_name");
  145. if orig_filespec = ""
  146. then
  147. message("No .HELP file given");
  148. quit;
  149. endif;
  150. f := file_parse(orig_filespec, ".HELP"); !Add .LIS ending
  151. ! Create a buffer and window for editing
  152. main_buf := create_buffer ("MAIN",f);
  153. set (eob_text, main_buf, "[End of buffer]");
  154. position (beginning_of(main_buf));
  155. eve_convert_help;
  156. f := file_parse(orig_filespec,"","",NAME);
  157. write_file (main_buf, f+".RNH");
  158. quit;
  159. EndProcedure; !TPU$INIT_PROCEDURE
  160. tpu$init_procedure;