123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329 |
- # Makefile for Zip, ZipNote, ZipCloak and ZipSplit
- # what you can make ...
- all:
- @echo ''
- @echo 'Make what? You must say what system to make Zip for--e.g.'
- @echo '"make generic".'
- @echo 'Choices: generic, generic_gcc, att6300nodir,'
- @echo 'coherent, cray_v3, cygwin, lynx, minix, os390,'
- @echo 'qnx, qnxnto, solaris, solaris_gcc'
- @echo 'Try first "make -f unix/Makefile generic" as'
- @echo 'it should autodetect and set the proper flags.'
- @echo 'To make the manuals use "make zipsman" after Zip is made.'
- @echo 'See the files INSTALL and zip.txt for more information.'
- @echo ''
- list: all
- #MAKE = make -f unix/Makefile
- MAKEF = -f unix/Makefile
- SHELL = /bin/sh
- LN = ln -s
- # (to use the GNU compiler, change cc to gcc in CC)
- CC = cc
- BIND = $(CC)
- AS = $(CC) -c
- CPP = /lib/cpp
- E =
- # probably can change this to 'install' if you have it
- # probably can change this to 'install -d' if you have it
- # XXX NextStep 3.3 and Openstep 4.x don't know about -p !
- INSTALL_D = mkdir -p
- CHMOD = chmod
- BINFLAGS = 755
- MANFLAGS = 644
- # target directories - where to install executables and man pages to
- prefix = /usr/local
- BINDIR = $(prefix)/bin
- MANDIR = $(prefix)/man/man$(MANEXT)
- ZIPMANUAL = zip.txt
- ZIPMANUALcloak = zipcloak.txt
- ZIPMANUALnote = zipnote.txt
- ZIPMANUALsplit = zipsplit.txt
- ZIPMANUALs = zip.txt zipcloak.txt zipnote.txt zipsplit.txt
- PKGDIR = IZzip
- VERSION = Version 3.0
- # Our bzip2 directory
- IZ_OUR_BZIP2_DIR = bzip2
- # flags
- # CFLAGS flags for C compile
- # LFLAGS1 flags after output file spec, before obj file list
- # LFLAGS2 flags after obj file list (libraries, etc)
- LFLAGS2 = -s
- # object file lists
- OBJZ = zip.o zipfile.o zipup.o fileio.o util.o globals.o crypt.o ttyio.o \
- unix.o crc32.o zbz2err.o
- OBJI = deflate.o trees.o
- OBJA =
- OCRCU8 =
- OCRCTB = crc32_.o
- OBJU = zipfile_.o fileio_.o util_.o globals.o unix_.o $(OCRCU8)
- OBJN = zipnote.o $(OBJU)
- OBJC = zipcloak.o $(OBJU) $(OCRCTB) crypt_.o ttyio.o
- OBJS = zipsplit.o $(OBJU)
- ZIP_H = zip.h ziperr.h tailor.h unix/osdep.h
- # suffix rules
- .SUFFIXES: _.o .o .c .doc .1
- .c_.o:
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DUTIL -o $@ $<
- .c.o:
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
- .1.doc:
- nroff -man $< | col -bx | uniq > $@
- # rules for zip, zipnote, zipcloak, zipsplit, and the Zip MANUALs.
- $(OBJZ): $(ZIP_H)
- $(OBJI): $(ZIP_H)
- $(OBJN): $(ZIP_H)
- $(OBJS): $(ZIP_H)
- $(OBJC): $(ZIP_H)
- zip.o zipup.o zipfile.o fileio.o crc32.o crypt.o: crc32.h
- zipcloak.o zipfile_.o fileio_.o crc32_.o crypt_.o: crc32.h
- zip.o zipup.o crypt.o ttyio.o zipcloak.o crypt_.o: crypt.h
- zip.o zipup.o zipnote.o zipcloak.o zipsplit.o: revision.h
- zip.o crypt.o ttyio.o zipcloak.o crypt_.o: ttyio.h
- zipup.o: unix/zipup.h
- match.o: match.S
- $(CPP) match.S > _match.s
- $(AS) _match.s
- mv _match.o match.o
- rm -f _match.s
- crc_i386.o: crc_i386.S
- $(CPP) crc_i386.S > _crc_i386.s
- $(AS) _crc_i386.s
- mv _crc_i386.o crc_i386.o
- rm -f _crc_i386.s
- unix.o: unix/unix.c
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) unix/unix.c
- unix_.o: unix/unix.c
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DUTIL -o $@ unix/unix.c
- ZIPS = zip$E zipcloak$E zipnote$E zipsplit$E
- zips: $(ZIPS)
- zipsman: $(ZIPS) $(ZIPMANUALs)
- zip$E: $(OBJZ) $(OBJI) $(OBJA) $(LIB_BZ)
- $(BIND) -o zip$E $(LFLAGS1) $(OBJZ) $(OBJI) $(OBJA) $(LFLAGS2)
- zipnote$E: $(OBJN)
- $(BIND) -o zipnote$E $(LFLAGS1) $(OBJN) $(LFLAGS2)
- zipcloak$E: $(OBJC) $(OCRCTB)
- $(BIND) -o zipcloak$E $(LFLAGS1) $(OBJC) $(LFLAGS2)
- zipsplit$E: $(OBJS)
- $(BIND) -o zipsplit$E $(LFLAGS1) $(OBJS) $(LFLAGS2)
- $(ZIPMANUAL): man/zip.1
- nroff -man man/zip.1 | col -bx | uniq > $(ZIPMANUAL)
- $(ZIPMANUALcloak): man/zipcloak.1
- nroff -man man/zipcloak.1 | col -bx | uniq > $(ZIPMANUALcloak)
- $(ZIPMANUALnote): man/zipnote.1
- nroff -man man/zipnote.1 | col -bx | uniq > $(ZIPMANUALnote)
- $(ZIPMANUALsplit): man/zipsplit.1
- nroff -man man/zipsplit.1 | col -bx | uniq > $(ZIPMANUALsplit)
- # bzip2 object library
- $(IZ_OUR_BZIP2_DIR)/libbz2.a : $(IZ_OUR_BZIP2_DIR)/Makefile
- @echo "Building bzip2 object library..."
- ( cd $(IZ_OUR_BZIP2_DIR); \
- $(MAKE) CC="$(CC_BZ)" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_BZ)" libbz2.a )
- @echo " bzip2 object library created."
- # install
- install: $(ZIPS)
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) man/zip.1 $(MANDIR)/zip.$(MANEXT)
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) man/zipcloak.1 $(MANDIR)/zipcloak.$(MANEXT)
- $(CHMOD) $(MANFLAGS) $(MANDIR)/zipcloak.$(MANEXT)
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) man/zipnote.1 $(MANDIR)/zipnote.$(MANEXT)
- $(CHMOD) $(MANFLAGS) $(MANDIR)/zipnote.$(MANEXT)
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) man/zipsplit.1 $(MANDIR)/zipsplit.$(MANEXT)
- $(CHMOD) $(MANFLAGS) $(MANDIR)/zipsplit.$(MANEXT)
- uninstall:
- -cd $(BINDIR); rm -f $(ZIPS)
- -cd $(MANDIR); rm -f \
- zip.$(MANEXT) zipcloak.$(MANEXT) zipnote.$(MANEXT) zipsplit.$(MANEXT)
- flags: unix/configure
- sh unix/configure "${CC}" "${CFLAGS_NOOPT}" "${IZ_BZIP2}"
- # These symbols, when #defined using -D have these effects on compilation:
- # ZMEM - includes C language versions of memset(), memcpy(),
- # and memcmp() (util.c).
- # HAVE_DIRENT_H - use <dirent.h> instead of <sys/dir.h>
- # NODIR - for 3B1, which has neither getdents() nor opendir().
- # HAVE_NDIR_H - use <ndir.h> (unix/unix.c).
- # HAVE_SYS_DIR_H - use <sys/dir.h>
- # HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H - use <sys/ndir.h>
- # UTIL - select routines for utilities (note, cloak, split)
- # NO_RMDIR - remove directories using a system("rmdir ...") call.
- # NO_PROTO - cannot handle ANSI prototypes
- # NO_CONST - cannot handle ANSI const
- # NO_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT - do not enable Large File support even if available.
- # NO_ZIP64_SUPPORT - do not enable Zip64 archive support even if available.
- # NO_UNICODE_SUPPORT - do not enable Unicode support even if available.
- # NO_BZIP2_SUPPORT - do not compile in bzip2 code even if available.
- # Generic targets:
- generic: flags
- eval $(MAKE) $(MAKEF) zips `cat flags`
- generic_gcc:
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEF) generic CC=gcc CPP="gcc -E"
- # AT&T 6300 PLUS (don't know yet how to allocate 64K bytes):
- att6300nodir:
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEF) zips LFLAGS1="-Ml -s" \
- "LFLAGS2="
- # Coherent (AS definition not needed for gcc)
- coherent:
- AS="as -gx" OBJA=match.o
- # Cray Unicos 6.1, Standard C compiler 3.0 (all routines except trees.c
- # may be compiled with vector3; internal compiler bug in and
- # earlier requires vector2 for trees.c)
- cray_v3:
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEF) zips CC="scc" \
- CFLAGS="-DUNIX -I. -O -h vector2 -h scalar3 -DHAVE_DIRENT_H"
- # Cygwin
- cygwin:
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEF) generic CC="gcc" CPP="gcc -E" EXE=".exe"
- # LynxOS
- lynx:
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEF) generic CC=gcc CPP="gcc -E" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) \
- # MINIX 1.5.10 with Bruce Evans 386 patches and gcc/GNU make
- minix:
- chmem =262144 zip
- # IBM OS/390 (formerly MVS) compiled under "OpenEdition" shell
- # You can make the zip executable with IBM's make, but you will
- # get errors dealing with the _.o targets for the other executables
- # (zipcloak, etc). GNU make will build all the executables.
- # If you have GNU make in your path as gmake, you can uncomment
- # the following, but it shouldn't be needed:
- #MAKE = gmake
- os390:
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEF) zips CFLAGS="$(CF) -I. -DUNIX -DOS390 -DEBCDIC \
- # QNX is "special" because out /bin/sh is ksh and it doesn't grok the
- # configure script properly, generating a bad flags file. D'oh! [cjh]
- #
- # QNX/Neutrino is "special" because you don't have any native development
- # tools yet. Set ARCH to "x86", "ppcbe", "ppcle", "mipsbe", or "mipsle"
- # to produce x86, PowerPC (big- or little-endian) and MIPS (big-
- # or little-endian) using gcc. [cjh]
- qnx:
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEF) zips LN=ln CC=cc CFLAGS="-DUNIX -I. -O \
- qnxnto:
- @if [ "$(ARCH)" = "" ] ; then \
- echo "You didn't set ARCH; I'll assume you meant ARCH=x86..." ; \
- echo "" ; \
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEF) zips LN=ln CC="qcc -Vgcc_ntox86" \
- LFLAGS2=-g ; \
- else \
- echo "Making zip for $(ARCH)..." ; \
- echo "" ; \
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEF) zips LN=ln CC="qcc -Vgcc_nto$(ARCH)" \
- LFLAGS2=-g ; \
- fi
- # Solaris: Generic, plus generation of installable package.
- solaris: generic svr4package
- # Solaris with GCC: generic_gcc, plus generation of installable package
- solaris_gcc: generic_gcc svr4package
- # Package generation interface (by JBush). Originally tested under Sun Solaris.
- # Other SVr4s may be very similar, and could possibly use this.
- # Note: Expects version info to be stored in VERSION macro variable.
- # See "README" under ./unix/Packaging
- svr4package:
- @echo "Creating SVR4 package for Unix ..."
- -@rm -rf ./$(PKGDIR) ./$(PKGDIR)_`uname -p`.pkg
- -@sed -e "s/.VERSION./$(VERSION)/g" \
- -e "s/.PSTAMP./$(LOGNAME)_`date | tr ' ' '_'`/g" \
- -e "s/.ARCH./Solaris_`uname -rp | tr ' ' ','`/g" \
- ./unix/Packaging/pkginfo.in > ./unix/Packaging/pkginfo
- -@sed -e "s/.ARCH./`uname -p`/g" \
- ./unix/Packaging/preinstall.in > ./unix/Packaging/preinstall
- /usr/bin/pkgmk -d . -b . -r . -f ./unix/Packaging/prototype $(PKGDIR)
- /usr/bin/pkgtrans -o -s . $(PKGDIR)_`uname -p`.pkg $(PKGDIR)
- @echo " "
- @echo "To install, copy $(PKGDIR)_`uname -p`.pkg to the target system, and"
- @echo "issue the command (as root): pkgadd -d $(PKGDIR)_`uname -p`.pkg"
- @echo " "
- # make a distribution
- dist: $(ZIPMANUAL)
- eval zip -r9 zip`sed -e '/VERSION/!d' -e 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/' \
- -e 's/[.]//g' -e 's/ .*//g' -e q revision.h` *
- # clean up after making stuff and installing it
- clean:
- rm -f *.o $(ZIPS) flags
- rm -rf $(PKGDIR)
- clean_bzip2 :
- @if test -f "$(IZ_OUR_BZIP2_DIR)/Makefile"; then \
- ( cd $(IZ_OUR_BZIP2_DIR); make clean ); \
- else \
- if test -z "$(IZ_OUR_BZIP2_DIR)"; then \
- echo "No bzip2 directory (\"IZ_OUR_BZIP2_DIR\") specified."; \
- else \
- echo "No bzip2 make file found: $(IZ_OUR_BZIP2_DIR)/Makefile."; \
- fi; \
- fi
- clean_exe :
- rm -f $(ZIPS)
- #