7550 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
HISTORY 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
README 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
commacs 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
doit 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
macros 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
make 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
tandem.c 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
tandem.h 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
tannsk.h 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
tanzip.c 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
tanzip.h 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago
zipup.h 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 years ago


Tandem Port of Info ZIP (zip)

2. Changes for version 5.32d affected files:
- TANDEMC (changes to stat() for UNZIP)
- ZIPUPC (changes to use REVISIOH rather than REVISEH)
- ZIPFILEC (don't add ".zip" to ZIP name)
- FILEIOC (cosmetic missing "*/")
3. Fix to allow zipping of files called ZIP (e.g. DAVES.ZIP)
03/08/98 2.3e Process Tandem DEFINE names - use define name as internal name
Remove BITSO from build of ZIPLIB
New DOIT macro for extracting files from archive
17/08/98 2.3e Set USE_EF_UT_TIME to allow for timezone changes
18/08/98 2.3e Use define LICENSED to build object able to update timestamps
30/11/98 2.3h Updated mapname/chmod/in2ex, include licensing in MAKE
21/12/98 2.3i Add simple Enscribe file handling, consisting of:
- storing Enscribe files as LF delimited text files
- adding Tandem Extra Field, holding Enscribe file attributes
Create ZIP file with Tandem File Code 1001
Rationalised TANDEMH and TANDEMC wth UNZIP 5.40d
12/01/99 2.3i Correct bug stopping setting of last open timestamp
25/01/99 2.3k Add '-B' flag to zip Enscribe files with no record delimiters
26/01/99 2.3k Make CRLF the default delimiter for Structured and Text files
01/02/99 2.3k Use maximum size large transfer read (57344) as default, allow
smaller value as option
01/02/99 2.3k Redefine -B flag for Edit/Enscribe files as in table below.
Default (-B or -B0 or no flag) is add CR/LF

-B options at present are:
Bit 0 - Don't add delimiter (Edit/Enscribe)
Bit 1 - Use LF rather than CR/LF as delimiter (Edit/Enscribe)
Bit 2 - Space fill record to max record length (Enscribe)
Bit 3 - Trim trailing space (Edit/Enscribe)

Bit 8 - Force 30K (Expand) large read for Unstructured files

06/02/99 2.3k Attempt to catch Large Transfer mode failure (err 21) when
attempting 56K reads, add substitute 30K reads (Expand files)
24/03/99 2.3m Added TANNSKH to allow for declarations which require
structures defined in ZIPH after call to TANDEMH
11/05/99 2.3m Change zopen in TANZIPC to allow opening of files with
missing alt keys (err 4)
Assume not DST if can't resolve time (no DST table available)
27/09/99 2.3o Fixed bug in -B0 option causing files to be stored rather than
deflated. Created TANZIPH
29/04/02 2.4g Fixed contention on temporary file when multiple ZIPs run

A few notes about the files on this subvol

COMMACS - used by MAKE (compiler)
DOIT - macro to extract required Tandem files from archive and rename
MACROS - used by MAKE (bind)
MAKE - recompile ZIP code, attempts to only recompile changed code
README - this file
ZIPLIB - library of ZIP compiled routines, used by ZIP/ZIPNOTE etc
ZIPL - ZIP object (bound using LARGE memory model)
ZIPNOTE - ZIPNOTE object (bound using LARGE memory model)

*C - Source file
*H - Header files
*O - Individual object files (when compiled by MAKE)

Install Notes:
Stage 1 - get ZIP object onto Tandem
- download Tandem Zip executables archive from Web
- using PC unzip program (e.g. pkunzip/WinZip) extract ZIP
- copy ZIP from PC to Tandem in Binary mode s(FTP/IXF)
- alter file code to 100
- optionally place in $SYSTEM.SYSTEM to allow easy access from command line

Stage 2 - (optional) compile source code (requires UNZIP on Tandem)
- download ZIP source archive fwom web - contains all supported platforms
- copy archive onto Tandem as Binary
- extract Tandem DOIT macro ( UNZIP -j tandem/DOIT )
- update DOIT macro to point at archive file
- restore relevant files by running DOIT
- NOTE that revision.h must be restored as REVISIOH
- replace references to $T with a collector on your system
- replace references to SUPER.DAVES with whatever user id you use
- to compile run MAKE (compiles, accelerates, licences)
- NOTE: Always run the accelerated object on TNS/R systems, otherwise
it runs extremely slow.

Additional Notes - LICENSE the object:
If you wish to be able to update the last modified time of the zip file
(-o option) you need to add the line "#define LICENSED" to the TANDEMH file.
If you set this option then you MUST FUP LICENSE the file as SUPER.SUPER.
This is a Tandem restriction since we have to call a PRIV procedure to update
the file label. For ZIP the define is setup (default) in tandem.h