1. IZREADME_SMS (IZREADME.SMS): Info-ZIP for SMS/QDOS, last revised: 15-Jun-1998
  2. ===============================================================================
  3. [was "InfoZIP_SMSQDOS_ReadMe" in J. Hudson's original ports, ca. 08/1995]
  4. Info-ZIP Programs
  5. =================
  6. Zip
  7. UnZip
  8. UnZipSFX
  9. fUnZip
  10. Introduction
  11. ------------
  12. This archive is a result of frustrations with contemporary (August 95)
  13. versions of Zip and UnZip. While they use the same compression
  14. algorithms as the Info-ZIP programs, there the compatibility ends. If
  15. you just use Zip/UnZip only on SMS/QDOS, then perhaps this is not a
  16. problem (but I know for some users it still is); if you use Zip/UnZip
  17. to transport source code and data between diverse systems, then the
  18. disregard for Info-ZIP standards is inconvenient, particularly the
  19. fact that directories are not supported and files are always stored
  20. underscored.
  21. This release of Zip/UnZip offers:
  22. o zipfile/directory compatibility with all other supported
  23. platforms
  24. o SMS/QDOS compatibility and back-compatible with earlier
  25. versions.
  26. o Improved performance (Zip is typically 50% faster)
  27. o Command-line compatibility with Info-ZIP
  28. o Self-extracting archives (but not very elegantly)
  29. o Archives are marked as 'created by SMS/QDOS'.
  30. o Optional recursion into directories
  31. o Directory structure restored on unzip of Info-ZIP/PKZIP-
  32. compatible archives.
  33. o Config'urable for listing and unpack formats (Info-ZIP (.) or
  34. SMS/QDOS (_) and 'Press any key' timeouts. Override options
  35. from command line.
  36. Info-ZIP Standards
  37. ------------------
  38. This (rather long-winded and waffling) section discusses the
  39. conventions and standards used by Info-ZIP-compatible archivers and how
  40. "Info-ZIP for SMS/QDOS" achieves compatibility.
  41. Info-ZIP Zip/UnZip on all supported platforms (Unix, DOS, OS/2, NT,
  42. VAX/VMS, Amiga etc etc), works in a specific way. (Until now SMS/QDOS
  43. was neither 'supported' nor Info-ZIP-compliant.)
  44. a. The zipfile directory is in (/.) (Unix) format.
  45. b. When zips are listed, it is in 'zipfile' (Unix) format.
  46. c. When files are added, they are defined in native format.
  47. d. When files are added, this is shown in 'zipfile' format.
  48. e. When files are unpacked, this is done to native format, but
  49. selection is done in 'zipfile' format.
  50. Basically, the listing and stored format of a file is that of the
  51. destination.
  52. So, given a file structure at some arbitrary 'root' level.
  53. Makefile
  54. src (Dir)
  55. afile.c
  56. bfile.c
  57. docs (Dir)
  58. prog.txt
  59. hdr (Dir)
  60. cfile.h
  61. dfile.h
  62. Then these would be in Unix (and Amiga) as
  63. Makefile
  64. src/afile.c
  65. src/bfile.c
  66. src/docs/prog.txt
  67. hdr/cfile.h
  68. hdr/dfile.h
  69. This is also how the zipfile directory appears.
  70. And in DOS/OS2/NT
  71. Makefile
  72. src\afile.c
  73. src\docs\prog.txt
  74. hdr\cfile.h .. etc
  75. And in VMS (we SHOUT in VMS and have a silly file system)
  77. [SRC]AFILE.C
  79. [HDR]CFILE.H .. etc
  80. (OK VMS purist, [.SRC] etc. Only an example)
  81. And in SMS/QDOS (quiet again, but slightly ludicrous !)
  82. Makefile
  83. src_afile_c
  84. src_doc_prog_txt
  85. hdr_cfile_h .. etc
  86. The main problem regarding SMS/QDOS is not that of extensions - (after
  87. all, only VMS and DOS _really_ have extensions; Unix, AmigaDOS, NT and
  88. OS/2 (and Win95) allow multiple '.' in.long.file.names.
  89. The SMS/QDOS problem is that '_' is both a legal file name character
  90. and a directory separator. This creates the difficulties, as
  91. directories and files are somewhat different objects.
  92. It is the intention that these versions of SMS/QDOS Zip/UnZip will
  93. follow the Info-ZIP rules, thus providing compatibility with the other
  94. platforms. It is possible to zip the file structure described above on
  95. SMS/QDOS and unpack it on VMS and get the VMS structure as shown in the
  96. example (and vice-versa). [We only choose the most obtuse file
  97. systems for the examples].
  98. In order to achieve this, SMS/QDOS names are mapped into Unix-style
  99. ones when the zipfile is created and un-mapped when it is unpacked.
  100. There is an option to unpack in 'zipfile' format (i.e. with '.' rather
  101. than '_'), but there will be no option to pack to all '_'. That would
  102. contravene the standard. However, a file
  103. src_split_name_c (which is src->split_name_c !)
  104. src/split_name.c)
  105. where src is a hard directory, would be stored in the zip directory as
  106. src/split_name.c
  107. It does handle '_' with a little intelligence.
  108. The default UnZip option will be to translate '.' to '_'; this is
  109. because there are still many QDOS/Minerva users that cannot handle '.'
  110. without quotes, which is immensely inconvenient. For many SMS users
  111. '_' is also the most natural and convenient option. It also means that
  112. SMS/QDOS <-> SMS/QDOS Zip - UnZip sequences are transparent.
  113. There will, however, be two ways around this in UnZip.
  114. 1. It is possible to Config the UnZip default to be '.'
  115. translations (or not).
  116. 2. The UnZip -Q1 option will toggle the default (Config'ed)
  117. state.
  118. Examples:
  119. Given that we want/have
  120. Makefile (Makefile)
  121. src/afile.c (src_afile_c)
  122. src/bfile.c (src_bfile_c)
  123. src/docs/prog.txt (src_docs_prog_txt)
  124. hdr/cfile.h (hdr_cfile_h)
  125. hdr/dfile.h (hdr_dfile_h)
  126. Then on SMS/QDOS we might have added the *.c files as
  127. ex zip;'-r test *_c'
  128. (or VMS, just to do something different)
  129. zip -r test [.src]*.c
  130. In both cases the file lists as above (left).
  131. To unpack on SMS/QDOS (just the _c/.c files)
  132. ex unzip;'test src/*.c'
  133. (and VMS, unzip test src/*.c)
  134. i.e. in both cases using the 'zipfile' format. As a concession to
  135. SMS/QDOS, you could also have:
  136. ex unzip;'test src_*_c'
  137. but not unzip test [.src]*.c on VMS !!!!! Sorry, dinosaurs.
  138. Both SMS/QDOS commands unpack to
  139. src_afile_c etc, where src_ is a hard sub-directory.
  140. (and the VMS example would unpack to [.src]afile.c, (or to src\afile.c on
  141. DOS/NT/OS2 etc).
  142. Options & SMS/QDOS Features
  143. ---------------------------
  144. The options supported by Zip/UnZip are basically those documented in
  145. the Info-ZIP documents and shown in on-line 'usage'. In particular, -r
  146. and -j work as intended.
  147. PLEASE NOTE: Previous SMS/QDOS zip/unzips have NOT followed these
  148. conventions, for example -r was not implemented and -j was reversed.
  149. A number of -Q (SMS/QDOS-specific) options (not yet in the current
  150. documents or usage screens) are implemented.
  151. The Zip 2.0.1 (and later) default is to add SMS/QDOS headers where
  152. file type = 1 (exe) or 2 (rel) or (type > 0 && != 255 and (filesize %
  153. 64) != 0). Directories are included anyway, unless you zip -D.
  154. Where a header is added for an 'exe' file a '*' is displayed after the
  155. name in the zip display (and '#' for 'rel' files).
  156. The -Q options for Zip are:
  157. -Q1 Don't add headers for ANY files
  158. -Q2 Add headers for all files
  159. -Q4 Don't wait for interactive key press
  160. (additive, so -Q5 => no headers, no wait, -Q6 all headers,
  161. no wait etc)
  162. (the default is exec/rel headers, 5 sec wait)
  163. Zip has rationalised the file header storage in zipfiles. The
  164. previous Zip used to store a QDOS header for each file. This was very
  165. wasteful, for example compressing a SMS/QDOS release of PGP in this
  166. way came to 730Kb, too large for a DD disk. Changing the Zip program
  167. just to add a header record for the single PGP exe and the zipfile
  168. size went down to around 690Kb.
  169. And for UnZip
  170. -Q1 Toggle unpack format status ('.' <-> '_')
  171. -Q2 Toggle listing format
  172. -Q4 Don't wait for key press
  173. Files Types
  174. -----------
  175. The history of QDOS suffers from incompatible feature
  176. implementations. For example, Thor directories have file type 3, CST
  177. have type 4 and Level 2 have type 255. Some software writers (both
  178. amateur and otherwise) have used type 3 or 4 for other purposes
  179. (backward compatibility ?? who cares ??).
  180. In order to bypass problems cause by incompatible (inconsiderate ?)
  181. usage of file types, the file type denoting a directory is a
  182. Config'urable item. The default is set to -1 (65535 in Config terms),
  183. which means "determine directory type from the file header of the root
  184. directory". If this is appears unsuccessful on your system, the value
  185. can be Config'ed in the range 3-255.
  186. Zip assumes a file is a directory if:
  187. ((type == CONFIGed_type) && (file_size % 64) == 0)
  188. If you are unfortunate enough have files of that pass this test but
  189. are not directories, then Zip will loop endless, as SMS/QDOS opens the
  190. root directory again !!! (recursion: see recursion etc).
  191. I suggest you refrain from zipping such files and contact the software
  192. supplier and point out the error of their ways.
  193. File Naming Issues
  194. ------------------
  195. Zip will append a '_zip' suffix to the archive filename when the
  196. supplied name (i.e. excluding device/directory parts) does not
  197. contain a '_' or a '.'. This is broadly compatible with Info-ZIP,
  198. taking into account the '_' aberation.
  199. So
  200. ex zip;'ram2_test ...' >> ram2_test_zip
  201. ex zip;'ram2_test.zip ...' >> ram2_test.zip
  202. ex zip;'ram2_test_rep ... ' >> ram2_test_rep
  203. ex zip;'ram2_fdbbs.rep ... ' >> ram2_fdbbs.rep
  204. ex zip;'ram2_test_rep.zip ...' >> ram2_test_rep.zip
  205. This implies that if a file ram2_test.zip exists, and you do:
  206. ex zip;'ram2_test ...'
  207. Then a new file (test_zip) is created, rather than 'test.zip' being
  208. updated.
  209. Zip supports extensive recursive wild-carding, again the fact that '_'
  210. can be a directory separator as well as part of a file name makes this
  211. a bit tricky, but given the example:
  212. test1_bas
  213. test2_bas
  214. dir1->demo1_bas where -> indicates a sub dir
  215. dir2->demo2_bas
  216. ex zip;'ram2_test *_bas'
  217. just finds test1_bas, test2_bas
  218. ex zip;'-r ram2_test *_bas'
  219. recurses and finds all the files
  220. You might think that
  221. ex zip;'-r ram2_test *_*_bas'
  222. would just find the files in the subdirectories--well yes, but it will
  223. also find very other sub-dir'ed _bas file on the disk too. This is
  224. a feature.
  225. The pattern matching supports Unix-style 'regex' so you could:
  226. ex zip;'ram2_test dir?_*_bas'
  227. or
  228. ex zip;'ram2_test dir[12]_*_bas
  229. UnZip has now got a fixed -d option. This is used to specify the
  230. directory to unpack the zipfile into, it must follow immediately
  231. after the zip name.
  232. ex unzip;'ram2_test_zip -d ram3_ *_txt'
  233. would unpack all *_txt files to ram3_ .
  234. It is not necessary to set the default directory to pack files, Zip
  235. will remove any device names (and store any hard directory names,
  236. unless you zip -j).
  237. ex zip;'ram1_test flp1_*'
  238. ----->
  239. adding: file.dat (deflated 50%)
  240. adding: menu.rext # (deflated xx%)
  241. adding: zip * (deflated yy%)
  242. adding: hard_one (stored 0%)
  243. adding: hard_one/stuff.bas (deflated ...)
  244. Due to the way the file-mapping is implemented, it is not supported
  245. over the nX_ type network device.
  246. Config Options
  247. --------------
  248. A limited number of SMS/QDOS specific functions can be set using the
  249. QJump Config program.
  250. For Zip:
  251. Timeout for interactive 'Press any key' prompt
  252. 65535 Wait forever (aka -1)
  253. 0 No wait
  254. n (1-32767) Wait for 'n' clocks (1/50 sec)
  255. Other values are unsupported. Note Config works on 'unsigned'
  256. integer values (at least according to my manual).
  257. Directory file type key.
  258. Config will accept any value in the range 3-255, known useful
  259. values are 3 (Thor), 4 (CST) and 255 (Level 2 devices). A value
  260. of 65535 (aka -1) means "determine from device info".
  261. For UnZip:
  262. Timeout as above
  263. Unpack mode (SMS/QOS ('_') or Info-ZIP ('.')
  264. List format (Info-ZIP ('.') or SMS/QDOS ('_')
  265. When the 'Press a key' text is displayed, if you press ESC, then it
  266. waits until you press any other key, infinite timeout. This may be
  267. useful if you want (much) more time to study a listing etc.
  268. Defaults for timeout and directory type are 250 and -1 respectively.
  269. More Goodies
  270. ------------
  271. Part of the Zip compression code is now in assembler; it runs
  272. noticably faster than the previous version. Compressing some arbitrary
  273. files with the previous Zip it took 251 seconds, with Zip 2.0.1 it
  274. took (a mere) 170 seconds (68008 QL).
  275. More good news is that SMS/QDOS is just another system option on top
  276. of standard Info-ZIP, unlike the previous ports that were much more
  277. SMS/QDOS specific. For example, compiling the standard source with c68
  278. (i.e. #define QDOS), then you get an SMS/QDOS version.
  279. Compile with Linux/gcc and get the standard Linux version. Now, here's
  280. the cool bit; compile with Linux/gcc and "-DQLZIP", and get a standard
  281. Linux Zip/UnZip with SMS/QDOS (header) extensions.
  282. so, on Linux:
  283. zip -Q stuff.zip qtpi zip unzip
  284. the -Q tells Zip to look for XTc68/Lux68 cross-compiler data size
  285. blocks and produce a zipfile with SMS/QDOS headers in it (for exec
  286. type programs). This works for exec files produced by the XTc68/Lux68
  287. cross compilers and ANY SMS/QDOS files copied to a Unix or MS-DOS disk
  288. from an SMS/QDOS floppy using 'qltools v2.2' (or later).
  289. Self Extracting Archives
  290. ------------------------
  291. Info-ZIP self-extracting archives (_sfx) are created in a rather
  292. 'brute-force' way. The UnZipSFX program is prepended to a zipfile.
  293. i.e. file_sfx = unzipsfx + file_zip
  294. ex file_sfx
  295. Although the UnZipSFX program is a cut-down UnZip, it is still around
  296. 30Kb - 50Kb, depending on platform.
  297. The success of this approach depends on how the operating system
  298. loader loads executable files. On most systems where the loader only
  299. loads the actual program part (Unix, VMS, DOS et al), the this is
  300. quite efficient; if you make, say, a 4Mb zipfile and prepend a 30Kb
  301. UnZipSFX image, then the system only loads the 30Kb program and the
  302. process is efficient as the zipped data part is still unpacked from
  303. disk. These systems also supply the running UnZipSFX program stub with
  304. the path name of the file it was loaded from, so the program knows
  305. what it has to unpack (so on Linux, for example):
  306. cat /usr/bin/unzipsfx test.zip > test.sfx # concatenate the files
  307. chmod 755 test.sfx # make executable
  308. test.sfx # to extract, it
  309. # 'knows' it is "test.sfx"
  310. Unfortunately, the more simplistic nature of SMS/QDOS makes this much
  311. more difficult and rather less efficient as: (see note 1)
  312. a. The SMS/QDOS 'loader' loads the whole file into memory.
  313. b. The SMS/DOS 'loader'/c68 run-time system does not return the
  314. name of the file from which it was loaded.
  315. c. You cannot so easily create a image file by concatenating two
  316. files, it is also necessary to ensure the executable file
  317. header is set correctly.
  318. d. The show stopper. The data space required for the
  319. self-extracting archive is required, as not easily maintained
  320. during electronic transfer.
  321. If anyone is still interested, then the following support for UnZipSFX
  322. is provided.
  323. o A program 'makesfx' will combine a stub (callstub), UnZipSFX image
  324. and a zipfile to produce a sfx (self-extracting zip) file.
  325. o A callable interface is supplied. The user calls the SFX file,
  326. which creates the files necessary to do the extraction.
  327. The makesfx program concatenates the supplied files to standard
  328. output.
  329. So, to create a sfx of all the _c files in the default directory.
  330. # 1st create a zipfile of the required files
  331. ex zip;'ram1_test_zip *_c'
  332. # Now create the sfx file (ram2_test_sfx)
  333. # our UnZipSFX image is in 'win1_bin'
  334. # as is the call stub.
  335. ex makesfx;'-o test_sfx -x win1_bin_unzipsfx -s win1_bin_callstub -z ram1_test_zip'
  336. The arguments to makesfx are:
  337. -s stubfile
  338. -x UnZipSFX_program
  339. -z Zip_file
  340. -o Output_file
  341. You can now unpack the _sfx file on any SMS/QDOS-compatible
  342. system.
  343. f$ = "win2_tmp_test_sfx"
  344. a = alchp(flen(\f$))
  345. lbytes f$,a
  346. call a
  347. rechp(a)
  348. ZipInfo
  349. -------
  350. Given the above note concerning SMS/QDOS programs not knowing the name
  351. by which the program was invoked, then the usual symbolic-link-of-unzip-
  352. to-zipinfo trick is unavailable (presupposing there is some some SMS/QDOS
  353. trick to emulate symbolic links).
  354. ZipInfo functionality is only available via 'unzip -Z'. There is no
  355. separate ZipInfo program.
  356. Caveat ATP Users
  357. ----------------
  358. ATP for SMS/QDOS users should pay particular attention to the
  359. Zip/UnZip options in their atprc and compare with Info-ZIP Zip/UnZip
  360. usage. Older versions of Zip/UnZip screwed up -j.
  361. zip -jk
  362. unzip -jo
  363. Distribution & Copyright
  364. ------------------------
  365. This software is written by and largely copyrighted by the 'Info-ZIP'
  366. group whose members are noted in the accompanying documentation. This
  367. particular SMS/QDOS port plus 'makesfx' was written by, but is not
  368. copyrighted by, Jonathan R Hudson. The SMS/QDOS code in this release
  369. is written from scratch and is not dependent on previous SMS/QDOS
  370. releases, but is (largely) compatible.
  371. As a courtesy to the authors of this package, please ensure that the
  372. documentation is supplied when it is re-distributed.
  373. In particular, if this archive is split into Zip and UnZip components,
  374. ensure that this document ("IZREADME_SMS") is supplied in
  375. each component.
  376. SMS/QDOS version by:
  377. Jonathan R Hudson (jrhudson@bigfoot.com)
  378. I am grateful to Graham Goodwin for finding some most imaginative
  379. means of breaking the beta code.
  380. I'd also like to thank Thierry Godefroy for providing the 2.1/5.2
  381. source code and making the initial contact with the Info-ZIP group.
  382. And of course, many, many thanks to the Info-ZIP workers for making
  383. this code freely available.
  384. Note 1
  385. ------
  386. The 'C' language FAQ ('frequently asked questions' [comp.lang.c])
  387. notes on the matter of obtaining the load file name of a 'C' program:
  388. 16.5: How can my program discover the complete pathname to the
  389. executable file from which it was invoked?
  390. A: argv[0] may contain all or part of the pathname, or it may
  391. contain nothing. You may be able to duplicate the command
  392. language interpreter's search path logic to locate the
  393. executable if the name in argv[0] is present but incomplete.
  394. However, there is no guaranteed or portable solution.
  395. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  396. Note 2
  397. ------
  398. NUL files for SMS2. There appears to be a conflict between SMS2/LBASIC
  399. compiled programs and c68 programs using nul as stdin.
  400. EW zip,nul;'ram1_test *_bas' # will not work
  401. # This does work !
  402. EW zip,#FOP_IN('nul');'ram2_test *_bas' : CLOSE
  403. Note 3
  404. ------
  405. version number incremented to 2.0.1a and 5.12a to accomodate Erling
  406. Jacobsen's exit message requirements
  407. version number incremented to Zip 2.0.1b to fix bug on zipping files
  408. starting with leading underscore.
  409. version number incremented to UnZip 5.12b to fix UnZip problem on
  410. files zipped with leading './', and linked with revised (fixed) c68
  411. 'utime' function (could corrupt level 1 files). (source code _only_ as
  412. IZQ004.zip).
  413. Ported Zip 2.1 and UnZip 5.2 (July 1996). Released as INZIP005.zip
  414. All later versions --- see Info-ZIP release notes and documentation.