ZipPorts 14 KB

  1. __________________________________________________________________________
  2. This is the Info-ZIP file ZipPorts, last updated on 17 February 1996.
  3. __________________________________________________________________________
  4. This document defines a set of rules and guidelines for those who wish to
  5. contribute patches to Zip and UnZip (or even entire ports to new operating
  6. systems). The list below is something between a style sheet and a "Miss
  7. Manners" etiquette guide. While Info-ZIP encourages contributions and
  8. fixes from anyone who finds something worth changing, we are also aware
  9. of the fact that no two programmers have the programming style and that
  10. unrestrained changes by a few dozen contributors would result in hideously
  11. ugly (and unmaintainable) Frankenstein code. So consider the following an
  12. attempt by the maintainers to maintain sanity as well as useful code.
  13. (The first version of this document was called either "ZipRules" or the
  14. "No Feelthy ..." file and was compiled by David Kirschbaum in consulta-
  15. tion with Mark Adler, Cave McNewt and others. The current incarnation
  16. expands upon the original with insights gained from a few more years of
  17. happy hacking...)
  18. Summary:
  19. (0) The Platinum Rule: DON'T BREAK EXISTING PORTS
  21. (0.2) The Silver Rule: DO UNTO THE LATEST BETA CODE
  22. (0.3) The Bronze Rule: NO FEELTHY PIGGYBACKS
  30. Explanations:
  31. (0) The Platinum Rule: DON'T BREAK EXISTING PORTS
  32. No doubt about it, this is the one which really pisses us off and
  33. pretty much guarantees that your port or patch will be ignored and/
  34. or laughed at. Examples range from the *really* severe cases which
  35. "port" by ripping out all of the existing multi-OS code, to more
  36. subtle oopers like relying on a local capability which doesn't exist
  37. on other OSes or in older compilers (e.g., the use of ANSI "#elif"
  38. or "#pragma" or "##" constructs, C++ comments, GNU extensions, etc.).
  39. As to the former, use #ifdefs for your new code (see rule 0.3). And
  40. as to the latter, trust us--there are few things we'd like better
  41. than to be able to use some of the elegant "new" features out there
  42. (many of which have been around for a decade or more). But our code
  43. still compiles on machines dating back even longer, at least in spirit
  44. --e.g., the AT&T 3B1 family and Dynix/ptx. Until we say otherwise,
  45. dinosaurs are supported.
  47. In other words, try to fit into the local style of programming--no
  48. matter how painful it may be. This includes cosmetic aspects like
  49. indenting the same amount (both in the main C code and in the in-
  50. clude files), using braces and comments similarly, NO TABS (see rule
  51. #1), etc.; but also more substantive things like (for UnZip) putting
  52. character strings into static (far) variables and using the LoadFar-
  53. String macros to avoid overflowing limited MS-DOS data segments, and
  54. using the ugly Info() macro instead of the more usual *printf()
  55. functions so that dynamic-link-library ports are simpler. NEVER put
  56. single-OS code (e.g., OS/2) of more than two or three lines into the
  57. main (generic) modules; those are shared by everybody, and nobody else
  58. cares about it or wants to see it.
  59. Note that not only do Zip and UnZip differ in these respects, so do
  60. individual parts of each program. While it would be nice to have
  61. global consistency, cosmetic changes are not a high priority; for
  62. now we'll settle for local consistency--i.e., don't make things any
  63. worse than they already are.
  64. Exception (BIG exception): single-letter variable names. Despite
  65. the prevailing practice in much of Zip and parts of UnZip, and de-
  66. spite the fact that one-letter variables allow you to pack really
  67. cool, compact and complicated expressions onto one line, they also
  68. make the code very difficult to maintain and are therefore *strongly*
  69. discouraged. Don't ask us who is responsible in the first place;
  70. while this sort of brain damage is not uncommon among former BASIC
  71. programmers, it is nevertheless a lifelong embarrassment, and we do
  72. try to pity the poor sod (that is, when we're not chasing bugs and
  73. cursing him). :-)
  74. (0.2) The Silver Rule: DO UNTO THE LATEST BETA CODE
  75. Few things are as annoying as receiving a large patch which obviously
  76. represents a lot of time and careful work but which is relative to
  77. an old version of Info-ZIP code. As wonderful as Larry Wall's patch
  78. program is at applying context diffs to modified code, we regularly
  79. make near-global changes and/or reorganize big chunks of the sources
  80. (particularly in UnZip), and "patch" can't work miracles--big changes
  81. invariably break any patch which is relative to an old version of the
  82. code.
  83. Bottom line: contact the Info-ZIP core team FIRST (via the zip-bugs
  84. e-mail address) and get up to date with the latest code before begin-
  85. ning a big new port. And try to *stay* up to date while working on
  86. your port--at least, as much as possible.
  87. (0.3) The Bronze Rule: NO FEELTHY PIGGYBACKS
  88. UnZip is currently ported to something like 12 operating systems
  89. (a few more or less depending on how one counts), and each of these,
  90. with the possible exception of VM/CMS, has a unique macro identifying
  91. it: AMIGA, ATARI_ST, __human68k__, MACOS, MSDOS, MVS, OS2, TOPS20,
  92. UNIX, VMS, WIN32. Zip is moving in the same direction. New ports
  93. should NOT piggyback one of the existing ports unless they are sub-
  94. stantially similar--for example, Minix and Coherent are basically Unix
  95. and therefore are included in the UNIX macro, but DOS djgpp ports and
  96. OS/2 emx ports (both of which use the Unix-originated GNU C compiler
  97. and often have "unix" defined by default) are obviously *not* Unix.
  98. [The existing MTS port is a special exception; basically only one per-
  99. son knows what MTS really is, and he's not telling. Presumably it's
  100. not very close to Unix, but it's not worth arguing about it now.]
  101. Along the same lines, neither OS/2 nor Human68K is the same as (or
  102. even close to) MS-DOS. MVS and VM/CMS, on the other hand, are quite
  103. similar to each other and are therefore combined in most places.
  104. Bottom line: when adding a new port (e.g., QDOS), create a new macro
  105. for it ("QDOS"), a new subdirectory ("qdos") and a new source file for
  106. OS-specific code ("qdos/qdos.c"). Use #ifdefs to fit any OS-specific
  107. changes into the existing code (e.g., unzpriv.h). If it's close enough
  108. to an existing port that piggybacking is a temptation, define a new
  109. "combination macro" (e.g., "CMS_MVS") and replace the old macros as
  110. required. (This last applies to UnZip, at least; the old preference
  111. in Zip was fewer macros and long #ifdef lines, so talk to Onno or Jean-
  112. loup about that.) See also rule 0.1.
  113. (Note that, for UnZip, new ports need not attempt to deal with all
  114. features. Among other things, the wildcard-zipfile code in do_wild()
  115. may be replaced with a supplied dummy version, since opendir/readdir/
  116. closedir() or the equivalent can be difficult to implement.)
  117. (1) NO FEELTHY TABS
  118. Some editors and e-mail systems either have no capability to use
  119. and/or display tab characters (ASCII 9) correctly, or they use non-
  120. standard or variable-width tab columns, or other horrors. Some edi-
  121. tors auto-convert spaces to tabs, after which the blind use of "diff
  122. -c" results in a huge and mostly useless patch. Yes, *we* know about
  123. diff's "-b" option, but not everyone does. And yes, we also know this
  124. makes the source files bigger, even after compression; so be it. If
  125. we *really* cared that much about the size of the sources, we'd still
  126. be writing Unix-only utilities.
  127. Bottom line: use spaces, not tabs.
  128. Exception: some of the makefiles (the Unix one in particular) require
  129. tabs as part of the syntax.
  130. Related utility programs:
  131. Unix, OS/2 and MS-DOS: expand, unexpand.
  132. MS-DOS: Buerg's TABS; Toad Hall's TOADSOFT.
  133. And some editors have the conversion built-in.
  135. All source, documentation and other text files shall have Unix style
  136. line endings (LF only, a.k.a. ctrl-J), not the DOS/OS2/NT CR+LF or Mac
  137. CR-only line endings.
  138. Reason: "real programmers" in any environment can convert back and
  139. forth between Unix and DOS/Mac style. All PC compilers but a few old
  140. Borland versions can use either Unix or MS-DOS end-of-lines. Buerg's
  141. LIST (file-display utility) for MS-DOS can use Unix or MS-DOS EOLs.
  142. Both Zip and UnZip can convert line-endings as appropriate. But Unix
  143. utilities like diff and patch die a horrible death (or produce horrible
  144. output) if the target files have CRs.
  145. Related utilities: flip for Unix, OS/2 and MS-DOS; Unix "tr".
  146. Exceptions: documentation in pre-compiled binary distributions should
  147. be in the local (target) format.
  149. Do all your editing in a plain-text ASCII editor. No WordPerfect, MS
  150. Word, WordStar document mode, or other word processor files, thenkyew.
  151. No desktop publishing. *Especially* no EBCDIC. No TIFFs, no GIFs, no
  152. embedded pictures or dancing ladies (too bad, Cave Newt). [Sigh... -CN]
  153. Reason: compatibility with different consoles. My old XT clone is
  154. the most limited!
  155. Exceptions: some Macintosh makefiles apparently require some 8-bit
  156. characters; the Human68k port uses 8-bit characters for Kanji or Kana
  157. comments (I think); etc.
  158. Related utilities: vi, emacs, EDLIN, Turbo C editor, other programmers'
  159. editors, various word processor -> text conversion utilities.
  161. Always precede repeated dashes (------) with one or more leading non-
  162. dash characters: spaces, tabs, pound signs (#), comments (/*), what-
  163. ever.
  164. Reason: sooner or later your source file will be e-mailed through an
  165. undigestifier utility, most of which treat leading dashes as end-of-
  166. message separators. We'd rather not have your code broken up into a
  167. dozen separate untitled messages, thank you.
  169. Assume the worst: that someone on a brain-damaged DOS system has to
  170. work with everything your magic fingers produced. Keep the filenames
  171. unimaginative and within MS-DOS limits (i.e., ordinary A..Z, 1..9,
  172. "-$_!"-type characters, in the 8.3 "filename.ext" format). Mac and
  173. Unix users, giggle all you want, but no spaces or multiple dots.
  174. Reason: compatibility with different file systems. MS-DOS FAT is the
  175. most limited, with the exception of CompuServe (6.3, argh).
  176. Exceptions: slightly longer names are occasionally acceptable within
  177. OS-specific subdirectories, but don't do that unless there's a good
  178. reason for it.
  180. Beta testers and developers are in general expected to have both
  181. ftp capability and the ability to deal with zipfiles. Those without
  182. should either find a friend who does or else learn about ftp-mailers.
  183. Reason: the core development team barely has time to work on the
  184. code, much less prepare oddball formats and/or mail betas out (and
  185. the situation is getting worse, sigh).
  186. Exceptions: anyone seriously proposing to do a new port will be
  187. given special treatment, particularly with respect to UnZip; we
  188. obviously realize that bootstrapping a completely new port can be
  189. quite difficult and have no desire to make it even harder due to
  190. lack of access to the latest code (rule 0.2).
  191. Public releases of UnZip, on the other hand, will be available in
  192. two formats: .tar.Z (16-bit compress'd tar) and .zip (either "plain"
  193. or self-extracting). Zip sources and executables will generally only
  194. be distributed in .zip format, since Zip is pretty much useless without
  195. UnZip.
  197. Binary files (e.g., executables, test zipfiles, etc.) should NEVER
  198. be mailed raw. Where possible, they should be uploaded via ftp in
  199. BINARY mode; if that's impossible, Mark's "ship" ASCII-encoder should
  200. be used; and if that's unavailable, uuencode or xxencode should be
  201. used. Weirdo NeXTmail, mailtool and MIME formats are also Right Out.
  202. Files larger than 50KB may need to be broken into pieces for mailing
  203. (be sure to label them in order!), unless "ship" is used (it can
  204. auto-split, label and mail files if told to do so). If Down Under
  205. is involved, files must be broken into under-20KB chunks.
  206. Reasons: to prevent sounds of gagging mailers from resounding through-
  207. out the land. To be relatively efficient in the binary->ASCII conver-
  208. sion. (Yeah, yeah, I know, there's better conversions out there. But
  209. not as widely known, and they often break on BITNET gateways.)
  210. Related utilities: ship, uuencode, uudecode, uuxfer20, quux, others.
  211. Just make sure they don't leave embedded or trailing spaces (that is,
  212. they should use the "`" character in place of ASCII 32). Otherwise
  213. mailers are prone to truncate or whatever.
  214. Greg Roelofs (a.k.a. Cave Newt)
  215. Info-ZIP UnZip maintainer
  216. David Kirschbaum
  217. former Info-ZIP Coordinator