1. #
  2. # makeinit file for makefiles created with QMK386
  3. #
  4. # Novell's NetWare SDK - Release 15
  5. #
  6. # Directories for both the WATCOM and NOVELL tools
  7. #
  8. wat386loc = e:\watcom\
  9. nlm386loc = c:\novell\ndk\nwsdk\
  10. nlm386hdr = $(nlm386loc)INCLUDE\NLM;$(nlm386loc)INCLUDE;.
  11. nlm386imp = $(nlm386loc)IMPORTS
  12. nlm386lib = $(wat386loc)LIB386;$(wat386loc)LIB386\NETWARE
  13. #
  14. # Define this macro with your copyright statement
  15. #
  16. #copyright = (C) Copyright 199x NONAME, INC. All Rights Reserved
  17. #
  18. # Macros that point to various tools we'll need to compile
  19. #
  20. wcc386r = WCC386 # location of 386 real mode compiler
  21. wcc386p = WCC386P # protected compiler (last avail on Watcom v9.5
  22. wcc386 = $(wcc386r) # version we want to use
  23. linkr = WLINK # location of real mode linker
  24. linkp = WLINKP # protected linker (last avail on Watcom v9.5
  25. linker = $(linkr) # version we want to use
  26. nlmlinkr = $(nlm386loc)TOOLS\NLMLINKR # location of real mode Novell linker
  27. nlmlinkp = $(nlm386loc)TOOLS\NLMLINKX # location of protected Novell linker
  28. nlmlinker = $(nlmlinkr) # version we want to use
  29. nlmpackr = $(nlm386loc)TOOLS\NLMPACK # location of real mode NLM compression utility
  30. nlmpackp = $(nlm386loc)TOOLS\NLMPACKP # location of protected NLM compression utility
  31. nlmpack = $(nlmpackr) # location of NLM compression utility
  32. inc_386 = $(nlm386hdr)
  33. lib_386 = $(nlm386lib)
  34. code_386 = $(wat386loc)BIN\386WCGL.EXE # code generator (last avail on Watcom v9.01
  35. librarian = $(wat386loc)BINB\WLIB # location of librarian
  36. #
  37. # NLM Import Files
  38. #
  39. startup = $(nlm386imp)\PRELUDE.OBJ # other option is nwpre.obj
  40. allimp = $(nlm386imp)\ALL.IMP # import to include all imports
  41. clibimp = $(nlm386imp)\CLIB.IMP # the clib import file
  42. tliimp = $(nlm386imp)\TLI.IMP # the tli import file
  43. aioimp = $(nlm386imp)\AIO.IMP # the aio import file
  44. socklibimp = $(nlm386imp)\SOCKLIB.IMP # the socket import file
  45. mathlibimp = $(nlm386imp)\MATHLIB.IMP # the math library import file
  46. dsapiimp = $(nlm386imp)\DSAPI.IMP # the NDS import file
  47. nutimp = $(nlm386imp)\NWSNUT.IMP # the NWSNUT import file
  48. appleimp = $(nlm386imp)\APPLTLK.IMP # the AppleTalk import file
  49. nitimp = $(nlm386imp)\NIT.IMP # the legacy NLM import file
  50. nlmlibimp = $(nlm386imp)\NLMLIB.IMP # the NLM-specific import file
  51. requesterimp = $(nlm386imp)\REQUESTR.IMP # the Requester import file
  52. fpsmimp = $(nlm386imp)\FPSM.IMP # floating point support import file
  53. threadsimp = $(nlm386imp)\THREADS.IMP # the threads import file
  54. dseventimp = $(nlm386imp)\DSEVENT.IMP # DS Events import file
  55. psrvimp = $(nlm386imp)\NWPSRV.IMP # print services import file
  56. psrv3ximp = $(nlm386imp)\NWPSRV3X.IMP # 3.x print services import file
  57. streamsimp = $(nlm386imp)\STREAMS.IMP # streams import file
  58. unicodeimp = $(nlm386imp)\UNICODE.IMP # unicode import file
  59. agentimp = $(nlm386imp)\agent.imp # SNMP Agent import file
  60. smileimp = $(nlm386imp)\smile.imp # SMILE (SNMP) import file
  61. #
  62. # Cross-platform Import Files
  63. #
  64. audnlm32imp = $(nlm386imp)\AUDNLM32.IMP # auditing import file
  65. calnlm32imp = $(nlm386imp)\CALNLM32.IMP # NWCALLS import file
  66. clxnlm32imp = $(nlm386imp)\CLXNLM32.IMP # NWCLIENT import file
  67. locnlm32imp = $(nlm386imp)\LOCNLM32.IMP # NWLOCALE import file
  68. netnlm32imp = $(nlm386imp)\NETNLM32.IMP # NWNET import file