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ZipLib.h 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 жил өмнө
ZipSx.h 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 жил өмнө
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readme.1st 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 жил өмнө
zipup.h 3602ad0575 1.First upload. 5 жил өмнө


A free Macintosh Port of Info-ZIP's
Zip and UnZip
By Dirk Haase, d_haase@sitec.net
Home page: www.sitec.net/maczip
Mirror page:

MacZip is a cross-platform compatible tool that includes
both Zip (for compression) and UnZip (for extraction).

Zip is a compression and file packaging utility for Unix,
VMS, MSDOS, OS/2, Windows 9x, Windows NT, Atari, Macintosh,
Amiga, Acorn RISC OS, and other systems.

UnZip unpacks zip archives. The Zip and UnZip programs can
process archives produced by PKZIP, and PKZIP and PKUNZIP
can work with archives produced by zip. Zip version 2.2 is
compatible with PKZIP 2.04.

If you are new to MacZip please read first the file

Copyright (c) 1990-2001 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.

See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2000-Apr-09 or later
(the contents of which are also included in unzip.h) for terms of use.
If, for some reason, all these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
also may be found at: ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/license.html

MacZip requires at least System 7 and a Macintosh with a
minimum of a Motorola 68020 or PowerPC 601 processor. Other
configurations may work but it is not tested at all.

The application is distributed as a fat binary with both
regular 68K and native PowerPC versions included.

Move the executable(s) somewhere--for example, drag it (or
them) to your Applications folder. For easy access, make an
alias in the Launcher Control Panel or directly on your
desktop. The GUI is very simple. It was not my intention to
make a full-blown GUI, however I think it is comfortable
enough to use it as regular tool.

This port supports also Apple-event. So you can install it
in your WWW-Browser as a helper app.

For more Info about the contents of this package, take a
look into the "macos/Contents" (or :macos:Contents) file.
Some notes on how to rebuild the Macintosh applications can
be found in INSTALL.


Basically there are four ways to start MacZip:

a) Drag'n Drop
b) using the Dialog box (Menu: File -> Zip/Unzip):

Please read the file "ReadMe.1st"
for the description of the items a and b.

c) Using the Command line (Menu: File->Command Line):
The Zip & UnZip tools are command line tools. So the
behavior is exactly the same like the Zip & UnZip tools on
Unix or Windows/DOS. This means, if you want to zip some
files, you have to write a command line like this: "zip
[switches] path_to_zip_archive path_to_files_folders"

- Go to "File", select "Command Line" and the
"MacZip Entry box" Dialog Box appears.

An example:

a: your zip may be created at
Macintosh HD:applications:archive.zip

b: your files may be found at
Macintosh HD:somewhere:my_folder_to_archive:*

Note: At the end of the path there must be a filename or
a wild card !
(see Footnotes: 1 wild card, 2 Mac path names)

So the command line should look like (one line!):

zip "Macintosh HD:applications:archive.zip" "Macintosh HD:somewhere:my_folder_to_archive:*"

- Click on "Enter" to start the task.

Since you can not set a default folder you have to enter
always a full qualified path names. Full-qualified path
names are path names including the Volume name ! (see
Footnote: 2 Mac path names)

d) Using Applescript:

There is only one additional event defined: "do_cmd". You
can enter every valid command line. The first word must be
"zip" or "unzip" to select the action (compress or

See sample Applescript:

tell application "MacZip (PPC)"
with timeout of 90000 seconds
do_cmd "zip -rjjN Volume:archive \"My Volume:*\" "
end timeout
end tell

This script opens MacZip, brings it to the foreground on the
Mac, starts the zip action with the command line: zip -rjjN
Volume:archive "My Volume:*" .

A short introduction is also available online:

It's possible to stop the run of Zip/Unzip with the well
known shortcut [Command] + [.].


There are some Mac-specific switches available.
Zip Module:
-df [MacOS] Include only data-fork of files zipped into
the archive. Good for exporting files to foreign
operating-systems. Resource-forks will be ignored
at all.

-jj [MacOS] record Fullpath (+ Volname). The complete
path including volume will be stored. By default
the relative path will be stored.

-S [MSDOS, OS/2, WIN32 and ATARI] Include system and
hidden files.
[MacOS] Includes finder invisible files, which are
ignored otherwise.

Unzip Module:
-E [MacOS only] display contents of MacOS extra field
during restore operation.

-i [MacOS only] ignore filenames stored in MacOS extra
fields. Instead, the most compatible filename
stored in the generic part of the entry's header is

-J [MacOS only] ignore MacOS extra fields. All Macin-
tosh specific info is skipped. Data-fork and
resource-fork are restored as separate files.

Select [File]->[Get Help on Zip/Unzip] for a complete list
of switches.

Limitations / Problems:

- Aliases are not supported. I tried, but I got broken
aliases. This port will silently ignore all aliases.
It's on my to-do list for future releases.

- Zip needs much memory to compress many files: You may need
to increase the 'Preferred Size' in 'Get Info'. Values of 12
Megabytes or more are possible

- Unzip needs about 500 Kbytes of memory to unzip no matter
how many files were compressed and expanded.

- and finally one big macintosh-related problem:
This port has one weak point: It's based on path names.
As you may be already know: Path names are not unique on a Mac !
The main reason is that an attempt to implement support exact
saving of the MacOS specific internal file structures would
require a throughout rewrite of major parts of shared code,
probably sacrifying compatibility with other systems. I have
no solution at the moment. The port will just warn you if you
try zip from / to a volume which has a duplicate name.
MacZip has problems to find the archive or the files. My
(Big) recommendation: Name all your volumes with a unique
name and MacZip will run without any problem.

Known Bugs:

- crypted files in a zip archive are sometimes corrupt:
I get an error message: invalid compressed data to inflate.
Appearance of this error is purely be chance: I did a small
test: Unzipping an archive containing 3589 files 56 files
fails to unzip, so about 1.5%. Root cause is completely
unclear to me :(

I strongly recommend to test your archive (e.g. unzip -t archive).

Zip Programs / Macintosh Extra-Data:
A brief overview:
Currently, as far as I know, there are 6 Zip programs
available for the Macintosh platform. These programs build
(of course) different variants of Zip files:

- Info-ZIP's first Port of Zip. Ported by Johnny Lee
This port is rather outdated and no longer supported (since 1992).
68K only. Only minimal Mac-info is stored
(Creator/Type, Finder attributes). Creator/Type: '????' / '????'
Until year 1998, only UnZip 5.32 survived.

- ZipIt by Tom Brown. This is Shareware and still supported I think.
ZipIt has a nice GUI, but I found it can't handle large Zip files
quite well. ZipIt compresses Macintosh files using the Mac Binary
format. So, transferring files to other platforms is not so easy.
Only minimal Mac-info is stored (Creator/Type, Finder attributes).
Mac filenames are changed to a most compatible filename.
Creator/Type: 'ZIP ' / 'ZIP '

- PKZIP/mac v2.03/210d. This is Shareware.
This Zip implementation for the Mac can be found on ASI's web site
(http://www.asizip.com/products/products.htm). The name of this
program is misleading, it is NOT a product from PKWARE. ASI's last
release version is v2.03, and they also offer a newer beta version
PKZIP/mac 210d. But even the Beta version is rather outdated (1995).
Only minimal Mac-info is stored (Creator/Type, Finder attributes).
The Zipfile format looks like incompatible to other platforms.
(More details about the compatibility issue can be found in
proginfo/3rdparty.bug!). Type: 'PKz1'
Mac filenames are restored without any change.

- Aladdin DropZip 1999, This is Shareware. Aladdin chose
the format of ZipIt. Therefore, it has the some drawbacks
like ZipIt.
Creator/Type: 'SITx' / 'ZIP '

- SmartZip 1.0 1999 - by Marco Bambini Vampire Software.
This is Shareware. SmartZip compresses Macintosh files using the
Mac Binary. Therefore, it has the same drawbacks like ZipIt.
Creator/Type: 'dZIP' / 'ZIP '

and finally:
- Info-ZIP's latest Port of Zip. MacZip 1.0. Ported by me :-)
It is supported (of course) and up to date. Full set of macintosh
info is stored: Creator/Type, Finder attributes, Finder comments,
MacOS 8.0 Folder settings, Icon/Folder Positions ...
Mac filenames are restored without any change.
Creator/Type: 'IZip' / 'ZIP '

Compatibility of my port; Extraction:
- Archives from Info-ZIP's first port (by Johnny Lee) are
still compatible.
- Extraction of ZipIt archives is supported. This support
is not complete: Filenames are correct but Directory names
are sometimes mangled to a DOS compatible form. Segmented
archives are not supported.
- PKZiP/mac archive files are extracted without resource-forks
and without any Finder info. I have no information about
that zip format.

Compatibility of my port; Compression:
- My port supports only the new Info-ZIP format (introduced
with this port). Therefore archives created by MacZip 1.0
(March 1999) must be extracted with this version or later
releases of Info-ZIP's UnZip to restore the complete set of
Macintosh attributes.

Note: This port is complete unrelated to the shareware ZipIt.
Even more, handling of special Macintosh attributes is
incompatible with ZipIt. This port (MacZip) may be used to
extract archives created by ZipIt, but make sure that you
get the result as you expected.

Macintosh Files; File Forks:

All Macintosh files comprise two forks, known as the data
fork and the resource fork. Unlike the bytes stored in the
resource fork, the bytes in the data fork do not have to
exhibit any particular internal structure. The application
is responsible for interpreting the bytes in the data fork
in whatever manner is appropriate. The bytes in the resource
fork usually have a defined internal structure and contain
data object like menus, dialog boxes, icons and pictures.
Although all Macintosh files contain both a data fork and a
resource fork, one or both of these forks may be empty.

MacZip stores data-forks and resource-forks separately. The
Zipfile format does not allow to store two archive entries
using exactly the same name. My solution is to modify the
Path name of the resource-fork. All resource-fork names are
prepended with a leading special directory named
"XtraStuf.mac". So, when extracting on a Mac, you should
never see this directory "XtraStuf.mac" on your *disk*.

On all foreign systems that support directories in filenames
(e.g.: OS/2, Unix, DOS/Windows, VMS) you will get a
directory "XtraStuf.mac" when extracting MacZip archives.
You can delete the complete directory "XtraStuf.mac" since
Mac resources do not make much sense outside the MacOS

Text encoding; Charsets of the Filenames:

The following information is only important if you plan to
transfer archives across different platforms/language systems:

A typical Zip archive does not support different charsets.
All filenames stored in the public area (= accessible by
foreign systems other than MacOS) must be coded in the
charset ISO-8859-1 (CP1252 in the Microsoft Windows world)
or CP850 (DOSLatin1). The latter should only be used by Zip
programs that mark the archive entries as "created under
DOS". Apart from Macs, the commonly used platforms either
support ISO-8859-1 directly, or are compatible with it. To
achieve maximum compatibility, MacZip convert filenames from
the Mac OS Roman character set to ISO-8859-1 and vice versa.
But not every char of the charset MacRoman has their
equivalent in ISO-8859-1. To make the mapping in most cases
possible, I chose most similar chars or at least the MIDDLE

Mac OS Roman character set is used for at least the
following Mac OS localizations: U.S., British, Canadian
French, French, Swiss French, German, Swiss German, Italian,
Swiss Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish,
Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Brazilian, and the default
International system.

In all Mac OS encodings, character codes 0x00-0x7F are
identical to ASCII, except that
- in Mac OS Japanese, yen sign replaces reverse solidus
- in Mac OS Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew, some of the
punctuation in this range is treated as having strong
left-right directionality, although the corresponding
Unicode characters have neutral directionality
So, for best compatibility, confine filenames to the standard
7-bit ASCII character set.

If you generate a filename list of your archive (unzip -l),
you will see the converted filenames. Your can also extract
the archive with the switch '-i' (= ignore mac filenames),
and test your result.

This MacZip port uses its own filename stored in the
archive. At the moment, the filename will be not converted.
However, I'm planning to add support for Unicode.

Currently, the following Mac OS encodings are NOT supported:
Japanese, ChineseTrad, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek,
Cyrillic, Devanagari, Gurmukhi, Gujarati, Oriya, Bengali,
Tamil, Telugu Kannada, Malayalam, Sinhalese, Burmese, Khmer,
Thai, Laotian, Georgian, Armenian, ChineseSimp, Tibetan,
Mongolian, Ethiopic, Vietnamese, ExtArabic and finally:
Symbol - this is the encoding for the font named "Symbol".
Dingbats - this is the encoding for the font named "Zapf Dingbats".
If you extract an archive coded with one of these
charsets you will probably get filenames with funny

These problems apply only to filenames and NOT to the file
of course: The content of the files will NEVER be converted !!

File-/Creator Type:

This port uses the creator type 'IZip' and it is registered
at Apple (since 08. March 1998). File types can not be
registered any more. This port uses 'ZIP ' for Zip archive
files. The creator 'IZip' type should be used for all future
versions of MacZip.

Hints for proper restoration of file-time stamps:

UnZip requires the host computer to have proper time zone
information in order to handle certain tasks correctly (see
unzip.txt). To set the time zone on the Macintosh, go to
the Map Control Panel and enter the correct number of hours
(and, in a few locales, minutes) offset from Universal
Time/Greenwich Mean Time. For example, the US Pacific time
zone is -8 hours from UTC/GMT during standard (winter) time
and -7 hours from UTC/GMT during Daylight Savings Time. The
US Eastern time zone is -5 hours during the winter and -4
hours during the summer.

Discussion of Daylight Savings Time
The setting in the Date & Time control panel for Daylight
Savings time is a universal setting. That is, it assumes
everybody in the world is observing Daylight Savings time
when its check box is selected.

If other areas of the world are not observing Daylight
Savings time when the check box is selected in the Date &
Time control panel, then the Map control panel will be off
by an hour for all areas that are not recognizing Daylight
Savings time.

Conversely, if you set the Map control panel to an area that
does not observe Daylight Savings time and deselect/uncheck
the check box for Daylight Savings time in the Date & Time
control panel, then time in all areas celebrating Daylight
Savings time will be off by an hour in the Map control

In the case of Hawaiians, sometimes they are three hours
behind Pacific Standard Time (PST) and sometimes two hours
behind Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). The Map control panel
can only calculate differences between time zones relative
to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Hawaii will always show up as
three hours past the Pacific time zone and five hours past
the Central time zone.

When Hawaiians are not observing Daylight Savings time, but
the rest of the country is, there is no combination of
settings in Map and Date & Time control panels which will
enable you to display Hawaiian local time correctly AND
concurrently display the correct time in other places that
do observe Daylight Savings time.

The knowledge about which countries observe Daylight Savings
time and which do not is not built into the Map control
panel, so it does not allow for such a complex calculation.

This same situation also occurs in other parts of the world
besides Hawaii. Phoenix, Arizona is an example of an area of
the U.S. which also does not observe Daylight Savings time.

MacZip only knows the GMT and DST offsets of the
current time, not for the time in question.

Projects & Packages:

A Note to version numbers: Version of MacZip is currently
1.06 and is based on the zip code version 2.3 and unzip code
version 5.42. See About Box for current version and compiler
build date.

Because of the amount of sources I splitted this port into
several projects. See http://www.sitec.net/maczip for

- core source parts:
These archives contains the main parts of the port. You can
build libraries and a standalone App with Metrowerks
standard console SIOUX. They contain only sources, no
executables. These archives are exact copies of the standard
Info-ZIP source distributions; they were only repackaged
under MacOS using MacZip, with one minor addition: For those
files that are stored in BinHex'ed format in the Info-ZIP
reference source archives, unpacked version that are ready
for use have been added.

- additional source part:
MacZipxxx.zip: contains all the GUI stuff and the project
files to build the main-app. Only sources of the GUI, no
zip or unzip code. To build MacZip successfully you will
need to also download the zip and unzip packages.

- executables:
MacZipxxxnc.hqx: contains only executables and 'README.TXT',
This version is without en-/decryption support !
MacZipxxxc.hqx: contains only executables and 'README.TXT',
This version supports en-/decryption !

- encryption sources:
zcryptxx.zip: To build crypt versions of MacZip.
download from ftp://ftp.icce.rug.nl/infozip/ (and subdirectories)

- documentation:
MacZipDocu.zip: contains some further docus about the algorithm,
limits, Info-ZIP's appnote and a How-to-do Webpage.


Macstuff.c and recurse.c: All the functions are from More Files.
More Files fixes many of the broken or underfunctional parts of
the file system. Thanks to Jim Luther. (see morefiles.doc)


1. wild card:
The '*' is a wild card and means 'all files'
Just in case you don't know wild cards:
'*' is a place holder for any character.
"this*" matches with "this_file" or "this_textfile" but it
doesn't match with "only_this_file" or "first_this_textfile"
"*this*" matches with "this_file" or "this_textfile" AND
matches with "only_this_file" or "first_this_textfile"

2. Mac pathnames:
The following characteristics of Macintosh pathnames should
be noted:

A full pathname never begins with a colon, but must contain
at least one colon.
A partial pathname always begins with a colon separator except
in the case where the file partial pathname is a simple file or
directory name.
Single trailing separator colons in full or partial pathnames
are ignored except in the case of full pathnames to volumes.
In full pathnames to volumes, the trailing separator colon is
Consecutive separator colons can be used to ascend a level
from a directory to its parent directory. Two consecutive
separator colons will ascend one level, three consecutive
separator colons will ascend two levels, and so on. Ascending
can only occur from a directory; not a file.


Dirk Haase