1. A free Macintosh Port of Info-ZIP's
  2. Zip and UnZip
  3. By Dirk Haase, d_haase@sitec.net
  4. Home page: www.sitec.net/maczip
  5. Mirror page:
  6. www.haase-online.de/dirk/maczip
  7. ================================
  8. Release MacZip ver1.07 beta 1
  9. 22. Februray 2001
  10. -----------------
  11. 1) CHG: {unzip} switch to latest final release
  12. unzip 5.42
  13. 2) CHG: {zip} switch to latest beta release
  14. zip 2.40a
  15. Release MacZip ver1.06 final
  16. 22. Februray 2001
  17. -----------------
  18. 1) CHG: {unzip} switch to latest final release
  19. unzip 5.42
  20. 2) CHG: switch to latest release of Apples
  21. Universal Interfaces 3.3.2
  22. 3) CHG: switch to latest release of
  23. Morefiles 1.5
  24. Release MacZip ver1.06 beta 2
  25. 02. August 2000
  26. ---------------
  27. 1) CHG: {unzip} switch to latest beta release
  28. unzip 5.42d
  29. Release MacZip ver1.06 beta 1
  30. 27. July 2000
  31. -------------
  32. 1) CHG: {zip} switch to latest beta release
  33. unzip 2.30
  34. 2) CHG: {unzip} switch to latest beta release
  35. unzip 5.42c
  36. Release MacZip ver1.05 final
  37. 27. July 2000
  38. -------------
  39. 1) CHG: {unzip} switch to latest final release
  40. unzip 5.41
  41. 2) FIX: {unzip} Fixed "unique unzip folder" foldername handling
  42. 3) FIX: {unzip} added prototype crc32() in macbin3.c
  43. 4) CHG: {unzip/zip} added exported Codewarrior project-file in xml-format
  44. 5) ADD: {unzip} added extra-field recognition for Mac SmartZip in
  45. zipinfo.c and unzpriv.h.
  46. Release MacZip ver1.04 final
  47. 25. January 2000
  48. ----------------
  49. Final release of MacZip. All parts now
  50. in final release state !!
  51. 1) Switch to MW Codewarrior pro 5.3
  52. 2) CHG: {zip} switch (back) to latest final release
  53. unzip 2.30
  54. 3) CHG: {unzip} switch (back) to latest final release
  55. unzip 5.40
  56. Release MacZip ver1.04 beta 3
  57. 05. October 1999
  58. ----------------
  59. 1) CHG: {zip} switch to latest source level
  60. unzip 2.30o beta release
  61. 2) CHG: {unzip} switch to latest source level
  62. unzip 5.41c beta release
  63. 3) ADD: {console} added menu to print the license
  64. Release MacZip ver1.04 beta 2
  65. 02. June 1999
  66. --------------
  67. 1) FIX: {unzip} added one more criteria to make the recognition
  68. of macbinary more save.
  69. 2) FIX: {unzip} sometimes, archive entries without any extra field
  70. caused problems; the default setting of the extra field
  71. was not set back to 'unknown' properly.
  72. 3) FIX: {zip} Archive filename with invalid characters like '/' gets
  73. renamed. However, I do not check the complete path - needs
  74. some more work here.
  75. 4) FIX: {zip} Filename match was case sensitive.
  76. 6) CHG: {zip} switch to latest source level
  77. unzip 2.30m beta release
  78. 7) CHG: {unzip} switch to latest source level
  79. unzip 5.41b beta release
  80. 8) FIX: {zip/unzip 68k only) I have found a wrong compiler setting
  81. for the 68k version. Because of this wrong setting the 68k
  82. version crashed.
  83. Release MacZip ver1.04 beta 1
  84. 30. March 1999
  85. --------------
  86. 1) CHG: {unzip) switch to latest source level
  87. unzip 5.41a beta release
  88. 2) ADD: {all} Added message logging support for Syslogd
  89. by Brian Bergstrand. Syslogd can be found at
  90. http://www.classicalguitar.net/brian/apps/syslogd/
  91. This feature is 'under construction'.
  92. 3) FIX: {all} many small fixes and code cleanups
  93. Release MacZip ver1.03
  94. 27. March 1999
  95. --------------
  96. 1) CHG: {console} Like Stuffit Expander MacZip quits automatically when
  97. used with drag'n drop or as Helper App (Web-Browser).
  98. 2) CHG: {console} Since Macintosh users are used to be guided by their
  99. software in order not to do something stupid, I added a check
  100. to post an extra warning if the options -m and data fork only
  101. are both checked.
  102. This behavior can be disabled: See Applescript example and
  103. "maczip.env".
  104. 3) CHG: {zip} switch from immediate deletion to moving to the
  105. trash. Immediate deletion is now an option in "maczip.env".
  106. 4) CHG: {zip} enhanced progress display.
  107. 5) CHG: {zip) switch to latest source level
  108. zip 2.3l beta release
  109. 6) CHG: {unzip} The zip archive contains file names greater than
  110. 31 characters. When MacZip tries to unzip the file, the
  111. FSpCreate command fails because the filename length is to
  112. long. MacZip correct this problem by trying to truncate
  113. the file names to the 31 character limit.
  114. 7) FIX: {zip/console} A couple of minor fixes
  115. 8) CHG: {zip} Switched file-globbing to the Info-ZIP version.
  116. Release MacZip ver1.02
  117. 14. February 1999
  118. -----------------
  119. 1) CHG: {zip} Changed the rule of file inclusion if switch '-X'
  120. is set. Following conditions are checked:
  121. a) if length of resource-fork is equal zero *and* the
  122. length of data-fork is equal zero include the file.
  123. b) if length of resource-fork greater zero *and* the
  124. length of data-fork is equal zero don't include the file.
  125. c) if length of data-fork greater zero include the file.
  126. 2) CHG: {Console} Some users are very confused by the buttons "START PATH"
  127. and "ZIP ARCHIVE". Somehow, it wasn't clear what the intended
  128. meaning was. I changed the buttons to more clear labels on
  129. them like: "file or folder to compress" and "location of
  130. compressed file"
  131. 3) CHG: {Console} I changed the menu structure to be more intuitive.
  132. 4) FIX: {Console} Found a nasty bug which sometimes caused crashes
  133. when the Zip / Unzip Dialogbox was used.
  134. 5) CHG: {Console} Handling of file dialog is now a bit more restricted:
  135. e.g: it's not possible to select a file if you have to select
  136. a folder.
  137. Release MacZip ver1.01
  138. 30. January 1999
  139. ----------------------
  140. 1) CHG: {console} The use of the "Current App" mechanism was clumsy
  141. and forces the user into the Zip or Unzip modes. This kind
  142. of modality is not so good for the command line. It's now
  143. neccessary to enter zip or unzip to choose the action.
  144. 2) FIX: {console} When Applescript sends quit to MacZip the script
  145. that is running shows a spinning cursor and MacZip
  146. does not quit.
  147. 3) FIX: {console} MacZip gots accidentally the wrong creator code
  148. (from BBedit)
  149. Final Release MacZip ver1.0
  150. ---------------------------
  151. Released 21. January 1999
  152. 9. Beta release 06.December.1998
  153. ---------------------------------
  154. 1) CHG: {console} The checkbox of Filedialog (for extract path and file path)
  155. "Show all files" is now selected by default.
  156. 2) CHG: {unzip/standalone} changed prototypes of mac[f]printf() to return
  157. an int number (better ANSI conformance);
  158. 3) FIX: {unzip} repaired "stdout/stderr" mode of macwrite(). So func
  159. MacMessagePrnt() is now obsolete and removed.
  160. 4) ADD: {zip/unzip} Compressed Mac3 extra-fields are now supported
  161. (Thanks to Christian Spieler)
  162. 5) ADD: {unzip} Extraction of ZipIt archive are now supported. This support
  163. is not complete: Filenames are correct but folder names are only
  164. restored with the public directory names.
  165. 6) ADD: {zip/unzip} Improved documentation.
  166. 7) FIX: {unzip} Function isZipfile() is completely rewritten.
  167. 8) CHG: {zip/unzip) switch to latest source level
  168. zip 2.3i beta and unzip 5.4 final release
  169. 9) ADD: Applescript event "do_cmd".
  170. Unless there are big bugs found, this release will be the last
  171. beta release. The final release will come out in January 1999.
  172. 8. Beta release 20.November.1998
  173. ---------------------------------
  174. 1) CHG: {zip/unzip) switch to latest source level
  175. zip 2.3h beta and unzip 5.4 final release
  176. 2) ADD: {zip} Zip finds "namelocked" files also, if switch "-S"
  177. is set.
  178. 3) FIX: {unzip} Function isZipfile() fails if the zip archive
  179. has a comment.
  180. 4) CHG: {zip} added some small speed improvements to pattern matching and
  181. isZipFile() function.
  182. 5) FIX: {unzip} Display of comments is fixed.
  183. UzpMessagePrnt() is replaced by MacMessagePrnt(). I do not care
  184. about ansi-bombs. I'm not sure, so this fix may be changed later.
  185. 6) RMV: {unzip} Buildin More capability is removed since it's already built
  186. into the GUI-App.
  187. 7. Beta release 09.November.1998
  188. ---------------------------------
  189. 1) CHG: {all} switched to Metrowerks Codewarrior Pro 4
  190. 2) FIX: {unzip} Display of comments stored in the zip-file is
  191. now fixed
  192. 3) FIX: {zip} Fixed display of the zip help-screen.
  193. 4) CHG: {zip/unzip} Changed special dir 'Re$0urce.Fk' to 'XtraStuf.mac'
  194. (see entry at 13.June.1998 item 3). I found it more descriptive for
  195. users outside the mac-community.
  196. 5) CHG: {all} switched to MoreFiles 1.4.9.
  197. 6) CHG: {console} changed behaivor of the file open dialog: The select
  198. button is now always enabled.
  199. 7) ADD: {all} Environment variables are now supported.
  200. Basically, it is possible to add timezone (= TZ environment variable)
  201. support here, but it's not yet implemented.
  202. See "MacZip.Env" for further info.
  203. 8) RMV: {console} Targets "zip only" and "unzip only" are removed.
  204. 6. Beta release 09.September.1998
  205. ---------------------------------
  206. 1) CHG: {Zip/Unzip} Metrowerks Standardlibrary time funktions are
  207. rather broken and incomplete so I was forced to rewrite the
  208. funktions: mktime(), localtime(), gmtime() and time().
  209. 2) ADD: {Console} Added Pause Funktion for screen output.
  210. The Pause-Function is selfadjusting: Count of lines is depending
  211. on the window size.
  212. 3) CHG: Extra-Field layout is changed: All datas are now in little-endian
  213. format (see appnote)
  214. 4) ADD: {Console} Added an option to test the archive automatically
  215. after zipping. This option is only via Zip-Dialogbox available
  216. because it needs the unzip-module also.
  217. 5) CHG: {Zip} code is now up to date with the latest beta 2.3f.
  218. 6) ADD: {Console} Added (drag'n) drop support. Drop on the MacZip icon.
  219. The following situations are supported:
  220. 1. drop of one or more zipfiles (action = unzip)
  221. each archive will be extracted in a separate folder
  222. 2. drop of a folder (action = zip -r )
  223. The complete folder (inclusive sub-folders)
  224. will be zipped
  225. Not (yet) supported is currently: dropping more than one file
  226. to compress. Workaround: Put all your files in one folder and
  227. drop that folder on MacZip.
  228. MacZip recognize zip-archives automatically.
  229. 5. Beta release 21.Aug.1998
  230. ----------------------------
  231. 1) ADD: {Console} Userinterface has now a Statusbar to show the
  232. Progress.
  233. 2) ADD: {Console} It's now possible to stop the run of Zip/Unzip
  234. with the well known shortcut [Command] + [.]
  235. 3) CHG: {Console} Improved user-entry routine.
  236. 4) ADD: {Zip/Unzip} Crypt-code added. It's now possible to
  237. encrypt/decrypt archives.
  238. 5) RMV: {Unzip} Removed the warning of PKZip/Mac archive.
  239. Unzip gets confused with the extra field of PKZip/Mac. So I assume
  240. the extra field isn't compatible with Info-ZIP's definition.
  241. 6) CHG: switched to Metrowerks Codewarrior Pro 3
  242. this includes:
  243. - new Universal Interfaces 3.1 Headers
  244. - improved codegeneration
  245. 7) CHG: {Zip} code is now up to date with the latest beta 2.3e.
  246. 8) CHG: {Unzip} changed function names wprintf, wgets .. to macprintf, macgets ..
  247. to avoid naming conflict standart library.
  248. 9) ADD: {Zip/Unzip} FXinfo, Mac-Pathname, file-dates and Finder-Comments
  249. are now stored in the extra-field. Extra-field layout is
  250. changed accordingly. Unzip uses now the filename stored in the
  251. extra-field when unzipping.
  252. 10) CHG: {Unzip} code is now up to date with the latest beta 5.33g.
  253. 11) CHG: {Unzip} code is (again) up to date with the latest beta 5.33h.
  254. 12) ADD: {Unzip} following switches were added:
  255. -J [MacOS only] ignore mac extra info. All macintosh
  256. info are not restored. Datafork and resource-fork
  257. are restored separatly.
  258. -i [MacOS only] ignore filenames stored in mac extra
  259. field. Use the most compatible filename stored in
  260. the public field.
  261. -E [MacOS only] show mac extra field during restoring
  262. 13) ADD: {Zip/Unzip} Charset MacRoman to ISO8859 Latin and vice versa
  263. 14) RMV: {Zip} -N option removed. This MacZip crashes using this option.
  264. I will fix it later.
  265. I think I'm very close for a final release of "MacZip 1.0" :-)
  266. 4. Beta release 27.June.1998
  267. ----------------------------
  268. 26.June.1998
  269. ------------
  270. 1) FIX: {Zip} extra field size value was wrong.
  271. 25.June.1998
  272. ------------
  273. 1) CHG: {Zip} code is now up to date with the latest beta 2.3d.
  274. So both modules, zip & unzip, uses now latest beta.
  275. 2) ADD: {Zip} added a UT extra-field for better compatibility.
  276. 3) CHG: {Unzip} changed the code to find the mac extra-field.
  277. Unzip has to look for a mac extra-field because
  278. mac-archives has now two extra-fields (UT + M3).
  279. 4) CHG: {Unzip} changed the method to move extra-field data to
  280. the internal extra-structure.
  281. Old method was just BlockMove of the ef_structptr to ef_memptr.
  282. This method was dangerous because not all members of the
  283. structure seamless aligned. There are may be some fill
  284. bytes in the structure depending on the compiler setting.
  285. 5) ADD: {Unzip} added a warning if unzipping a ZipIt/PKZip archive.
  286. ZipIt/PKZip archives are usually additionally coded somehow.
  287. InfoZip's Unzip will *not* decode the files. So extracted
  288. files are may be not decoded. (see also 6. and 7.)
  289. 6) ADD: ZipIt (the Shareware Tool) has now a new extra-field signature:
  290. 0x2705. Found in "ZipIt 1.3.8". I added a new macro: EF_ZIPIT2
  291. 7) ADD: Added PKWare's extra-field signature: 0xCF77.
  292. Found in "PKZIP v2.03". I added a new macro: EF_PKMAC
  293. 8) ADD: {console} It's now possible to save all screen outputs
  294. to the disk.
  295. 9) RMV: {console} this is the first beta without expire-date.
  296. 16.June.1998
  297. ------------
  298. 1) FIX: {Unzip/console} Extract path now defaults to current-dir if
  299. no path is given.
  300. 2> CHG: {Unzip} creates now a extract-folder by default. This behavior
  301. differs to the commandline tool of Unzip on other platforms.
  302. However, for a mac-user is this behavior more convenient.
  303. 3. Beta release 15.June.1998
  304. ----------------------------
  305. 15.June.1998
  306. ------------
  307. 1) CHG: {unzip/zip} I changed the layout of the extra field
  308. to support more data.
  309. 14.June.1998
  310. ------------
  311. 1) FIX: {Unzip} adjusted time_t value with an correct offset value.
  312. 2) FIX: {Unzip} removed all unused code based on unfinished ideas by
  313. former porter(s).
  314. 3) CHG: use of shared code izshr 032.
  315. 13.June.1998
  316. ------------
  317. 1) FIX: {Unzip} Filenames are only converted when needed. When zipping
  318. with the switch 'datafork only' the filenames are shorted which
  319. was wrong.
  320. 2) CHG: {Unzip} code is now up to date with the latest beta 5.33f.
  321. 3) CHG: {Zip} Changed the naming rule of filenames from old Johnny Lee's
  322. to my implementation. Johnny Lee's idea is based on change of the
  323. filenames which cases several problems when unziping on a non mac
  324. plattform. My idea is to add a special directory: 'Re$0urce.Fk'.
  325. For the future: Zip will create archives according the new nameing
  326. rule. However unzip will be compatible with old nameing rule.
  327. See also 4.
  328. 4} ADD: {Unzip} Added a new nameing rule for resource forks filename.
  329. Resource forks are now stored in a special directory: 'Re$0urce.Fk'.
  330. This naming rule make it easier to for other platforms to use
  331. mac zip-files.
  332. 11.June.1998
  333. ------------
  334. 1) FIX: {Zip} Internal file attribute is set to BINARY by default
  335. when zipping resource forks otherwise Unzip will create
  336. sometimes wrong resource-forks.
  337. 2) CHG: {Unzip} code is now up to date with the latest beta 5.33e.
  338. 2. Beta release 10.June.1998
  339. --------------------------
  340. 1) FIX: {Unzip} Long pathname fix solved. Unzip is now able to extract
  341. archives with path longer than 256 chars.
  342. 2) CHG: {Unzip} removed all conversion from c-style string to
  343. pascal-string (see fix 1)
  344. 3) ADD: {Unzip} Finderinfo of folders are also restored.
  345. 4) ADD: {Console} Added info about current path in the command-line box.
  346. 5) FIX: {Console} Construction of the command-line of the unzip-dialog
  347. box fixed.
  348. First beta release 06.June.1998
  349. -----------------------------
  350. no history.
  351. Just to many code was neccessary to build the first mac-port.
  352. Start of the port MacZip
  353. February 1998
  354. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  355. Legende:
  356. FIX: fixes a bug
  357. CHG: inform about changed items.
  358. ADD: added feature
  359. RMV: removed Item
  360. {Unzip} -> only related to the Unzip-module
  361. {Zip} -> only related to the Zip-module
  362. These are just libraries and are linked into the console-app.
  363. {Console} -> only related to the Userinterface (not SIOUX)
  364. MacOS has no tool like a command-line. So it's neccessary
  365. to write wrapper around the command-line tools.
  366. Dirk Haase