1. Zip 3.0 is the first Zip update adding large file support. For now Zip 2.3x
  2. remains available and supported, but users should switch to this new release.
  3. Testing for Zip 3.0 has focused mainly on Unix, VMS, Max OS X, and Win32,
  4. and some other ports may not be fully supported yet. If you find your
  5. favorite port is broke, send us the details or, better, send bug fixes. It's
  6. possible that support for some older ports may be dropped in the future.
  7. Copyright (c) 1990-2008 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
  8. See the accompanying file LICENSE (the contents of which are also included
  9. in unzip.h, zip.h and wiz.h) for terms of use. If, for some reason, all
  10. of these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license also may be found at:
  11. and
  13. Zip 3.0 is a compression and file packaging utility. It is compatible with
  14. PKZIP 2.04g (Phil Katz ZIP) for MSDOS systems. There is a companion to zip
  15. called unzip (of course) which you should be able to find in the same place
  16. you got zip. See the file 'WHERE' for details on ftp sites and mail
  17. servers.
  18. So far zip has been ported to a wide array of Unix and other mainframes,
  19. minis, and micros including VMS, OS/2, Minix, MSDOS, Windows, Atari, Amiga,
  20. BeOS and VM/CMS. Although highly compatible with PKware's PKZIP and PKUNZIP
  21. utilities of MSDOS fame, our primary objective has been one of portability
  22. and other-than-MSDOS functionality. Features not found in the PKWare version
  23. include creation of zip files in a pipe or on a device; VMS, BeOS and OS/2
  24. extended file attributes; conversion from Unix to MSDOS text file format; and,
  25. of course, the ability to run on most of your favorite operating systems. And
  26. it's free.
  27. See the file zip30.ann for a summary of new features in Zip 3.0 and WhatsNew
  28. for the detailed list of new features and changes since Zip 2.32. The file
  29. CHANGES details all day-to-day changes during development.
  30. Notes:
  31. Multi-volume support. This version does not support multi-volume spanned
  32. archives as in pkzip 2.04g, and there is no intention at this point to support
  33. spanned archives, but Zip 3.0 supports split archives. A split archive is an
  34. archive split into a set of files, each file a piece of the archive and each
  35. file using an extension, such as .z02 as in the file name archive.z02, that
  36. provides the order of the splits. In contrast, a spanned archive is the
  37. original multi-floppy archive supported by pkzip 2.0g where the split order
  38. is contained in the volume labels. The contents of split and spanned archives
  39. are mostly identical and there is a simple procedure to convert between the
  40. formats. Many current unzips now support split archives.
  41. Zip64 support. This version supports Zip64 archives as described in the
  42. PKWare AppNote. These archives use additional fields to support archives
  43. greater than 2 GB and files in archives over the 2 GB previous limit (4 GB
  44. on some ports). The Zip64 format also allows more than 64k entries in an
  45. archive. Support by the OS for files larger than 4 GB is needed for Zip to
  46. create and read large files and archives. On Unix, Win32, and some other
  47. ports, large file and Zip64 support is automatically checked for and
  48. compiled in if available. Use of Zip64 by Zip is automatic and to maximize
  49. backward compatibility the Zip64 fields will only be used if needed. A
  50. Zip64 archive requires a pkzip 4.5 compatible unzip, such as UnZip 6.0.
  51. Unicode support. This version has initial Unicode support. This allows
  52. paths and names of files in other character sets to be accurately recreated
  53. on OS that have sufficient character set support. On Win32, if wide
  54. character calls are supported (not Win 9x unless Unicode support has been
  55. added) all files (including paths with illegal characters in the current
  56. character set) should now be readable by zip. Unicode support is provided
  57. using a new set of UTF-8 path and comment extra fields and a new UTF-8 bit
  58. for flagging when the current character set is already UTF-8. Zip 3.0
  59. maintains backward compatibility with older archives and is mostly compliant
  60. with the new Unicode additions in the latest PKWare AppNote. The exception
  61. is UTF-8 comments, which are not supported if UTF-8 is not the native
  62. character set, but should be fully implemented in Zip 3.1.
  63. 16-bit OS support. Though Zip 3.0 is designed to support the latest zip
  64. standards and modern OS, some effort has been made to maintain support
  65. for older and smaller systems. If you find Zip 3.0 does not fit on or
  66. otherwise does not work well on a particular OS, send in the details and
  67. we might be able to help.
  68. Compression methods. In addition to the standard store and deflate methods,
  69. Zip now can use the bzip2 compression format using the bzip2 library. Though
  70. bzip2 compression generally takes longer, in many cases using bzip2 results
  71. in much better compression. However, many unzips may not yet support
  72. bzip2 compressed entries in archives, so test your unzip first before using
  73. bzip2 compression.
  74. Installation. Please read the file INSTALL for information on how to compile
  75. and install zip, zipsplit, zipcloak, and zipnote and please read the manual
  76. pages ZIP.txt, ZIPSPLIT.txt, ZIPCLOAK.txt, and ZIPNOTE.txt for information on
  77. how to use them. Also, if you are using MSDOS or Windows, note that text
  78. files in the distribution are generally in Unix line end format (LF only)
  79. and Windows and DOS users will need to either convert the files as needed to
  80. DOS line ends (CR LF) or extract the distribution contents using unzip -a.
  81. Utilities. At this point zipsplit, zipcloak, and zipnote should work with
  82. large files, but they currently do not handle split archives. A work around
  83. is to use zip to convert a split archive to a single file archive and then use
  84. the utilities on that archive.
  85. Encryption. This version supports standard zip encryption. Until recently
  86. the encryption code was distributed separately because of the US export
  87. regulations but now is part of the main distribution. See crypt.c for
  88. details. Decryption can be made with unzip 5.0p1 or later, or with zipcloak.
  89. Bug reports. All bug reports or patches should go to zip-bugs via the web
  90. site contact form at (we have discontinued
  91. the old email address because of too much spam lately)
  92. and suggestions for new features can be submitted there also (although we don't
  93. promise to use all of them). We also are on SourceForge at
  94. and now automatically get Bug Reports
  95. and Feature Requests submitted there. In addition, a new Info-ZIP discussion
  96. forum is available as well. See below. Though bug reports can be posted there,
  97. we don't have automatic monitoring of all postings set up yet so you may want
  98. to use the web form or SoureForge for a quicker response. A good approach may
  99. be to post the details on the forum so others can benefit from the posting,
  100. then use the web reply form to let us know you did that if you don't get a
  101. reply in a reasonable time.
  102. Ports. If you're considering a port, please check in with zip-bugs FIRST,
  103. since the code is constantly being updated behind the scenes. We'll
  104. arrange to give you access to the latest source.
  105. Discussion group. If you'd like to keep up to date with our Zip (and companion
  106. UnZip utility) development, join the ranks of BETA testers, add your own
  107. thoughts and contributions, etc., check out the new discussion forum. This is
  108. the latest offering, after the various Info-ZIP mailing-lists on
  109. (courtesy of Hunter Goatley) were no longer available
  110. and the temporary QuickTopic discussion group for Info-ZIP issues at
  111. died a horrible death due to large
  112. amounts of spam. The new discussion forum is now available at
  113. (thanks again to Hunter Goatley) and
  114. can be used to discuss issues, request features, and is one place new betas
  115. and releases are announced. It also is a place to post bug reports, and
  116. patches can be submitted as attachments. However, we don't yet get
  117. automatic notification of all postings there so try one of the other methods
  118. if you don't get a response. You can also post Bug Reports and Feature
  119. Requests at Source Forge. However, the web site contact form remains
  120. available if you would rather not post on the public forums.
  121. Frequently asked questions on zip and unzip:
  122. Q. When unzipping I get an error message about "compression method 8".
  123. A. This is standard deflate, which has been around for awhile. Please
  124. get a current version of unzip. See the file 'WHERE' for details.
  125. Q. How about "compression method 12"?
  126. A. Compression method 12 is bzip2 and requires a relatively modern unzip.
  127. Please get the latest version of unzip.
  128. Q. I can't extract this zip file that I just downloaded. I get
  129. "zipfile is part of multi-disk archive" or some other message.
  130. A. Please make sure that you made the transfer in binary mode. Check
  131. in particular that your copy has exactly the same size as the original.
  132. Note that the above message also may actually mean you have only part
  133. of a multi-part archive. Also note that UnZip 5.x does not and UnZip 6.0
  134. probably won't have multi-disk (split) archive support. A work around
  135. is to use Zip 3.0 to convert the split archive to a single-file archive
  136. then use UnZip on that archive. As a last result, if there's something
  137. readable in what you have, zip -FF should be able to recover it.
  138. Q. When running unzip, I get a message about "End-of-central-directory
  139. signature not found".
  140. A. This usually means that your zip archive is damaged, or that you
  141. have an uncompressed file with the same name in the same directory.
  142. In the first case, it makes more sense to contact the person you
  143. obtained the zip file from rather than the Info-ZIP software
  144. developers, and to make sure that your copy is strictly identical to
  145. the original. In the second case, use "unzip" instead
  146. of "unzip zipfile", to let unzip know which file is the zip archive
  147. you want to extract.
  148. Q. Why doesn't zip do <something> just like PKZIP does?
  149. A. Zip is not a PKZIP clone and is not intended to be one. In some
  150. cases we feel PKZIP does not do the right thing (e.g., not
  151. including pathnames by default); in some cases the operating system
  152. itself is responsible (e.g., under Unix it is the shell which
  153. expands wildcards, not zip). Info-ZIP's and PKWARE's zipfiles
  154. are interchangeable, not the programs.
  155. For example, if you are used to the following PKZIP command:
  156. pkzip -rP foo *.c
  157. you must use instead on Unix:
  158. zip -R foo "*.c"
  159. (the quotes are needed to let the shell know that it should
  160. not expand the *.c argument but instead pass it on to the program,
  161. but are not needed on ports that do not expand file paths like
  162. MSDOS)
  163. Q. Can I distribute zip and unzip sources and/or executables?
  164. A. You may redistribute the latest official distributions without any
  165. modification, without even asking us for permission. You can charge
  166. for the cost of the media (CDROM, diskettes, etc...) and a small copying
  167. fee. If you want to distribute modified versions please contact us at
  168. first. You must not distribute beta versions.
  169. The latest official distributions are always on in
  170. directory /pub/infozip and subdirectories and at SourceForge.
  171. Q. Can I use the executables of zip and unzip to distribute my software?
  172. A. Yes, so long as it is made clear in the product documentation that
  173. zip or unzip are not being sold, that the source code is freely
  174. available, and that there are no extra or hidden charges resulting
  175. from its use by or inclusion with the commercial product. See the
  176. Info-ZIP license for more. Here is an example of a suitable notice:
  177. NOTE: <Product> is packaged on this CD using Info-ZIP's compression
  178. utility. The installation program uses UnZip to read zip files from
  179. the CD. Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is
  180. freely distributed under the Info-ZIP license and can be obtained as
  181. source code or executables from various anonymous-ftp sites,
  182. including
  183. Q. Can I use the source code of zip and unzip in my commercial application?
  184. A. Yes, as long as the conditions in the Info-ZIP license are met. We
  185. recommend you include in your product documentation an acknowledgment
  186. and note that the original compression sources are available at
  187. If you have special requirements contact us.