123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377 |
- Distribution specific notes on Wireless Configuration
- -----------------------------------------------------
- ***** HELP *****
- If people send me information about the specifics of each
- distribution, I'll try to collect that here. Don't forget to mention
- to which distribution those instructions apply, the tool used (if any)
- and the files modified.
- Actually, the people packaging my tools for a specific
- distribution have a moral obligation to send me the exact detailed
- instructions of what they have done. I will list in the wireless.7
- man page only distributions that give me an official answer.
- ***** HELP *****
- -----
- ------------
- The tools enable users to change the card settings at run time
- (when running iwconfig, for example). However, most users want the
- card to be configured either at boot time or when the card is
- activated in the system.
- Each distribution has its own configuration scripts, and
- therefore is slightly different. Some distributions even add some
- graphical setup tool (nice). This file describe the procedure for a
- few of them.
- Note : if you install the Pcmcia package in source form from
- the official Linux-Pcmcia web site (as opposed to precompiled by a
- distribution, please use the PCMCIA method).
- Please remember : I don't use your distribution, and I have
- absolutely no clue about how your distribution works. I'm just
- collecting random information here without beeing able to verify it.
- -----
- ----------------
- Most Linux wireless drivers support Wireless Extensions, and
- therefore may be configure via Wireless Tools and the methods
- described in this file.
- However, a few drivers have no support or limited support for
- Wireless Extensions (like read only). In those cases, these are your
- options :
- o read the driver documentation.
- o use the driver specific interface or tools to
- configure the card, and try to integrate that in your distribution.
- o implement Wireless Extension support in the driver.
- In some cases, there are easier workaround. Different version
- of the driver may add Wireless Extension (often alongside the
- proprietary method). In some other case, there may be another driver
- supporting the same card and with support for Wireless Extensions.
- Some Linux wireless drivers don't export all wireless settings
- via Wireless Extensions, not even through iwpriv. Those setting may be
- available through the driver specific interface. Refer to previous
- section for workarounds.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------
- (Contributed by Jean Tourrilhes <jt@hpl.hp.com>)
- This method work for *all* distributions.
- For Pcmcia cards, it is possible to overwrite the Pcmcia
- configuration files of the distribution with the original Pcmcia
- configuration files from the Pcmcia package (/etc/pcmcia/*). If you
- install the Pcmcia package in source form from the official
- Linux-Pcmcia web site, this will be done automatically.
- Once this is done, you can no longer use the specific tools
- and configuration files of the distribution, and are required to use
- Pcmcia style of configuration (see Pcmcia Howto).
- In such a case, Wireless configuration is done through
- wireless.opts, and documented in the file PCMCIA.txt.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- DEBIAN 2.2 (and earlier)
- ----------
- (Contributed by Jean Tourrilhes <jt@hpl.hp.com>)
- Debian 2.2 (and earlier) doesn't support any Wireless
- Configuration. You are required to use the Pcmcia method. Also, the
- Wireless Tools package is not part of the standard packages.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- DEBIAN 3.0 (and later)
- ----------
- (Contributed by Guus Sliepen <guus@sliepen.eu.org>)
- Debian also has another way of configuring network devices,
- controlled by /etc/network/interfaces. Users can add a wireless
- interface to /etc/network/interfaces, using the standard options to
- set the address and such, but the wireless-tools package adds new
- option statements that can be used to configure keys, channel,
- etcetera.
- From the README.Debian script that comes with wireless-tools:
- /etc/network/interfaces
- -----------------------
- You can now add extra statements to the iface sections of the files in
- /etc/network/interfaces that are specific for wireless interfaces. They
- are of the form:
- wireless-<function> <value>
- Before the interface is brought up, such a statement will result in the
- execution of the following command:
- iwconfig <interface> <function> <value>
- Example:
- iface eth0 inet static
- address
- network
- netmask
- broadcast
- wireless-essid Home
- wireless-mode ad-hoc
- The current Debian script support all arguments present in
- wireless.opts apart from Nickname. You can check this in the script
- /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wireless-tool.
- You will need of course to install the Wireless Tools package
- if it's not already done, which is part of the standard package list
- (use dselect, dpkg, apt or anything you like to get it).
- -----
- (Contributed by Joey Hess <joey@dragon.kitenet.net>)
- /etc/network/interfaces is much more flexible than it appears. It can probably
- do everything pcmcia schemes can do, and more. Here is part of mine:
- auto wlan0
- mapping wlan0
- script /usr/local/bin/ifscheme-mapping
- iface wlan0-home inet static
- address
- gateway
- netmask
- wireless-mode ad-hoc
- wireless-essid wortroot
- wireless-nick dragon
- wireless-channel 1
- iface wlan0-away inet dhcp
- wireless-mode managed
- Now I can type 'ifscheme -s away' when I leave home, rather like
- cardctl scheme.
- The ifscheme script is at http://bugs.debian.org/154444. If the request in
- bug #154442 is implemented, it will become very flexible indeed..
- Debian will hopefully be using this same file eventually for pcmcia network
- devices too. It's already doable but takes a little work. This is all rather
- rough and badly documented so far.
- You can also do mapping based on the MAC address, if you want specific
- configuration on specific card. See
- /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/get-mac-address.sh and the stanza in
- /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz that uses it.
- This comes back to the problem I alluded to with mapping scripts not
- being "nestable" yet, and bug #154442. You can do what you want today,
- but you may need to write your own mapping script which uses a
- combination of MAC address and scheme info to return a stanza name to
- ifupdown.
- -----
- (Contributed by Jean Tourrilhes <jt@hpl.hp.com>)
- The 'ifscheme' scripts mentionned above are now available in
- Debian Sarge, in the 'ifscheme' package.
- The MAC address based mapping mentioned above is deprecated,
- you should use 'ifrename' to assign a consistent interface name to
- each of your network interface. This is documented in
- HOTPLUG.txt. This enable the combination of MAC address identification
- of interfaces with scheme multi-configuration.
- -----
- If you need automatic wireless configuration, you can look at
- the following packages :
- o ifupdown-roaming :
- http://panopticon.csustan.edu/thood/ifupdown-roaming.html
- o waproamd
- http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/waproamd/
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- SuSE 8.0 and later
- --------
- (Contributed by Christian Zoz <zoz@suse.de>)
- All network configuration is done in the directory
- /etc/sysconfig/network. It does not matter if it's a build in NIC or
- PCMCIA, USB, etc. The files network.opts and wireless.opts in
- /etc/pcmcia are not used any longer. There is /sbin/ifup to set up all
- kind of network interface.
- There is a file /etc/sysconfig/network/wireless where you may
- set most of the options of iwconfig in seperate variables (they are
- named like the options). Additionally you may use
- WIRELESS_IWCONFIG_OPTIONS e.g. for setting key 2, 3 or 4 or
- unsupported iwconfig commands. This file is documented and its
- settings are used for any wlan NIC.
- Configuration of wireless variable looks like :
- WIRELESS_ESSID="<essid>"
- Every variable from file wireless may be used in the interface
- configuration files /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-* as well. As
- expectable this overwrites the global setting in wireless. For
- sophisticated use of the ifcfg-* files read 'man ifup'.
- Hint for PCMCIA and USB users:
- You need not to use the iterface name for the configuration as
- this may vary from one plugin to another. You may use a description of
- your hardware instead (ifcfg-<MACADDRESS> or ifcfg-pcmcia-1 for card
- in Slot 1)
- Some of the variables can be set with YaST2 as well.
- If you miss the 'schemes' functionality from the pcmcia-cs
- packages use the tool SCPM (System Configuration Profile Management)
- instead. This extends the pcmcia schemes to the whole system
- configuration. Read 'info scpm'. Since SuSE 8.1 there also is a YaST2
- modul for SCPM.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- RED-HAT 7.2
- -----------
- (Grabbed from various source - Google is your friend)
- Configuration is done in the file :
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethN
- Where 'ethN' is the name of the wireless interface (such as
- eth0, eth1, ...).
- The following lines may be added in this file :
- MODE=<mode>
- ESSID="<essid>"
- RATE=<rate>
- TXPOWER=<txpower>
- KEY="<key>"
- The full list of configuration can be found in the file :
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-wireless
- Note that Brad Allison has other tips for 7.2 :
- http://jackal.dnsalias.com:8080/public/misc/wireless/wireless.html
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- RED-HAT 7.3 and later
- -----------
- (Cut'n'pasted from Brad Allison web page)
- http://jackal.dnsalias.com:8080/public/misc/wireless/wireless.html
- If you are running RedHat 7.3, I would tell you to simply run
- /usr/bin/redhat-config-network and click "Devices", Click "Add", then
- select "Wireless Connection". You can find the full instructions in
- RedHat's Customization Guide for RH7.3 in Chapter 6, Network
- Configuration: Wireless Connection.
- http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/
- http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-7.3-Manual/custom-guide/s1-network-config-wireless.html
- However, according to the Errata: The version of the Red Hat
- Network Administration Tool that shipped with Red Hat Linux 7.3 did
- not include wireless connection in the configuration wizard. An
- enhancement errata will be released soon with this feature. You can
- download the newest version of redhat-config-network from rpmfind.net.
- http://www.redhat.com/docs/errata/RHL-7.3-Manual/
- http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=redhat-config-network&submit=Search+...
- -----
- (Grabbed from various source - Google is your friend)
- The current graphical user interface support :
- ESSID, Mode, Freq, Channel, Rate, Key
- Compared to Red-Hat 7.2, the Wireless Setting in the
- configuration file have change to include the WIRELESS_ prefix :
- WIRELESS_ESSID='<essid>'
- The underlying configuration files and configurations options
- seems to be indentical to what is done in Mandrake 8.2 (or vice
- versa), so please check the section below. This allow configuration of
- additional wireless settings not available in the GUI.
- -----
- (Extrapolated from web page of Martin Pot <m.t.pot@ieee.org>)
- http://ii.net/~mpot/wireless/router.cgi
- Red-Hat 7.3 also seem to support configuration in
- wireless.opts to some extent. But for compatibility with the network
- admin tools, I would still recommend to use the above method.
- Red-Hat 7.3 seems to load wvlan_cs for Orinoco cards and
- friends. The above web page explain how to switch it to orinoco_cs.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- RED-HAT 9.0 and later
- -----------
- (Cut'n'pasted from Dax Kelson web page)
- http://www.gurulabs.com/RedHatLinux9-review.html
- A little known fact is that newer versions of RHL support
- multiple network profiles. This is useful for machines that commonly
- plug into different networks (think laptops). The easy way to create
- network profiles is to use the redhat-config-network command. The
- question then becomes, what happens when you type "ifup eth0"? The
- behavior wasn't defined in previous versions, however, now in RHL 9
- the following behavior is defined;
- search path for:
- # ifup $DEV
- is:
- /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/$CURRENT_PROFILE/ifcfg-$DEV
- /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/ifcfg-$DEV
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$DEV
- A cool trick is to boot your RHL box directly into a profile
- from the GRUB boot screen. To do this, create a separate
- /etc/boot/grub.conf entry for each network profile, and in each entry
- add the kernel argument netprofile=profilename.
- -----
- I'm pretty certain the profile scheme above also apply to
- wireless settings, which is good news...
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- MANDRAKE 8.2 and later
- ------------
- (Grabbed from various source - Google is your friend)
- Configuration is done in the file :
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethN
- Where 'ethN' is the name of the wireless interface (such as
- eth0, eth1, ...).
- The following lines may be added in this file :
- WIRELESS_FREQ=<freq/channel>
- WIRELESS_SENS=<sensitivity>
- WIRELESS_IWCONFIG=<iwconfig command>
- WIRELESS_IWSPY=<iwspy command>
- WIRELESS_IWPRIV=<iwpriv command>
- Most likely, you only need to add a few of those lines and not
- all of them. The script doing the configuration and where you can
- check the details is :
- /etc/network/network-scripts/ifup-wireless
- You will of course need the Wireless Tools package :
- rpm -Uvh wireless-tools-XX-Xmdk.XXX.rpm
- Mandrake can also have wireless setting added to its
- Auto-Install procedure :
- http://members.shaw.ca/mandrake/drakx/8.2/HTML/section4-13.html
- -----
- (in e-mail from Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com>)
- You may use the following tool :
- o drakconnect
- You may read the following documentation :
- o ifcfg
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Have fun...
- Jean