tss2-tctildr.7.in 1.1 KB

  1. .\" Process this file with
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  4. .TH TCTILDR 7 "JULY 2019" "TPM2 Software Stack"
  5. .SH NAME
  6. tss2-tctildr \- Simplifiy management of TCTI instance lifecycle.
  8. This library simplifies the instantiation and finalization of TCTI
  9. instances.
  11. The TCTI dynamic loading and initialization protocol requires a lot of
  12. boilerplate code. To reduce duplication the tss2-tctildr library adds the
  13. .BR Tss2_TctiLdr_Initialize (),
  14. .BR Tss2_TctiLdr_Initialize_Ex (),
  15. and
  16. .BR Tss2_TctiLdr_Finalize ()
  17. functions to abstract away the machinery required
  18. to load, initialize, and finalize a TCTI context.
  19. To assist in the discovery of TCTIs this library provides the
  20. .BR Tss2_TctiLdr_GetInfo ()
  21. function. This function, paired with a \(oqfree\(cq
  22. function to free the memory allocated by \(oqGetInfo\(cq, provides a simple
  23. query interface for discovery of the available and default TCTIs
  24. available to the tss2-tctildr implementation
  25. The interface exposed by this library is defined in the \*(lqTSS System
  26. Level API and TPM Command Transmission Interface Specification\*(rq.