1. .TH "IFAPI_PCR" 3 "Fri Oct 7 2022" "Version 3.2.0" "tpm2-tss" \" -*- nroff -*-
  2. .ad l
  3. .nh
  4. .SH NAME
  7. .br
  8. .PP
  9. .PP
  10. \fC#include <fapi_int\&.h>\fP
  11. .SS "Data Fields"
  12. .in +1c
  13. .ti -1c
  14. .RI "TPML_DIGEST_VALUES \fBdigest_list\fP"
  15. .br
  16. .ti -1c
  17. .RI "TPML_DIGEST_VALUES * \fBevent_digests\fP"
  18. .br
  19. .ti -1c
  20. .RI "\fBESYS_TR\fP \fBPCR\fP"
  21. .br
  22. .ti -1c
  23. .RI "TPML_PCR_SELECTION \fBpcr_selection\fP"
  24. .br
  25. .ti -1c
  26. .RI "TPML_PCR_SELECTION * \fBpcr_selection_out\fP"
  27. .br
  28. .ti -1c
  29. .RI "UINT32 \fBupdate_count\fP"
  30. .br
  31. .ti -1c
  32. .RI "TPML_DIGEST * \fBpcrValues\fP"
  33. .br
  34. .ti -1c
  35. .RI "TPM2_HANDLE \fBpcrIndex\fP"
  36. .br
  37. .ti -1c
  38. .RI "TPMI_ALG_HASH \fBhashAlg\fP"
  39. .br
  40. .ti -1c
  41. .RI "const char * \fBkeyPath\fP"
  42. .br
  43. .ti -1c
  44. .RI "\fBESYS_TR\fP \fBhandle\fP"
  45. .br
  46. .ti -1c
  47. .RI "\fBIFAPI_OBJECT\fP * \fBkey_object\fP"
  48. .br
  49. .ti -1c
  50. .RI "TPMS_CAPABILITY_DATA * \fBcapabilityData\fP"
  51. .br
  52. .ti -1c
  53. .RI "uint32_t * \fBpcrList\fP"
  54. .br
  55. .ti -1c
  56. .RI "size_t \fBpcrListSize\fP"
  57. .br
  58. .ti -1c
  59. .RI "TPM2B_DATA \fBqualifyingData\fP"
  60. .br
  61. .ti -1c
  62. .RI "uint8_t const * \fBeventData\fP"
  63. .br
  64. .ti -1c
  65. .RI "TPM2B_EVENT \fBevent\fP"
  66. .br
  67. .ti -1c
  68. .RI "size_t \fBeventDataSize\fP"
  69. .br
  70. .ti -1c
  71. .RI "uint32_t const * \fBhashAlgs\fP"
  72. .br
  73. .ti -1c
  74. .RI "uint32_t * \fBhashAlgs2\fP"
  75. .br
  76. .ti -1c
  77. .RI "size_t \fBnumHashAlgs\fP"
  78. .br
  79. .ti -1c
  80. .RI "char const * \fBquoteInfo\fP"
  81. .br
  82. .ti -1c
  83. .RI "TPM2B_ATTEST * \fBtpm_quoted\fP"
  84. .br
  85. .ti -1c
  86. .RI "TPMT_SIGNATURE * \fBtpm_signature\fP"
  87. .br
  88. .ti -1c
  89. .RI "uint8_t * \fBsignature\fP"
  90. .br
  91. .ti -1c
  92. .RI "size_t \fBsignatureSize\fP"
  93. .br
  94. .ti -1c
  95. .RI "char const * \fBlogData\fP"
  96. .br
  97. .ti -1c
  98. .RI "char * \fBpcrLog\fP"
  99. .br
  100. .ti -1c
  101. .RI "\fBIFAPI_EVENT\fP \fBpcr_event\fP"
  102. .br
  103. .ti -1c
  104. .RI "json_object * \fBevent_list\fP"
  105. .br
  106. .ti -1c
  107. .RI "\fBFAPI_QUOTE_INFO\fP \fBfapi_quote_info\fP"
  108. .br
  109. .ti -1c
  110. .RI "uint8_t * \fBpcrValue\fP"
  111. .br
  112. .ti -1c
  113. .RI "size_t \fBpcrValueSize\fP"
  114. .br
  115. .ti -1c
  116. .RI "char * \fBevent_log_file\fP"
  117. .br
  118. .in -1c
  119. .SH "Detailed Description"
  120. .PP
  121. The data structure holding internal state of Fapi_PCR commands\&.
  122. .SH "Field Documentation"
  123. .PP
  124. .SS "TPML_DIGEST_VALUES digest_list"
  125. The digest list computed for the event
  126. .SS "TPML_DIGEST_VALUES* event_digests"
  127. The digest list computed by TPM2_Event
  128. .SS "\fBESYS_TR\fP handle"
  129. The ESYS handle of the signing key
  130. .SS "\fBIFAPI_OBJECT\fP* key_object"
  131. The IPAPI object of the signing key
  132. .SS "const char* keyPath"
  133. The implicit key path for PCR_Quote
  134. .SS "\fBESYS_TR\fP PCR"
  135. The handle of the PCR register to be extended
  136. .SS "TPML_PCR_SELECTION pcr_selection"
  137. Selection used for Read and Quote
  138. .SS "TPML_PCR_SELECTION* pcr_selection_out"
  139. Selection returned by PCR_Read
  140. .SS "uint32_t* pcrList"
  141. Array of PCR numbers
  142. .SS "size_t pcrListSize"
  143. Size of PCR array
  144. .SS "TPM2B_DATA qualifyingData"
  145. Nonce for quote command
  146. .SH "Author"
  147. .PP
  148. Generated automatically by Doxygen for tpm2-tss from the source code\&.