123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- .TH "IFAPI_NV" 3 "Fri Oct 7 2022" "Version 3.2.0" "tpm2-tss" \" -*- nroff -*-
- .ad l
- .nh
- .br
- .PP
- .PP
- \fC#include <ifapi_keystore\&.h>\fP
- .SS "Data Fields"
- .in +1c
- .ti -1c
- .RI "TPM2B_NV_PUBLIC \fBpublic\fP"
- .br
- .ti -1c
- .RI "\fBUINT8_ARY\fP \fBserialization\fP"
- .br
- .ti -1c
- .RI "UINT32 \fBhierarchy\fP"
- .br
- .ti -1c
- .RI "char * \fBpolicyInstance\fP"
- .br
- .ti -1c
- .RI "char * \fBdescription\fP"
- .br
- .ti -1c
- .RI "\fBUINT8_ARY\fP \fBappData\fP"
- .br
- .ti -1c
- .RI "TPMI_YES_NO \fBwith_auth\fP"
- .br
- .ti -1c
- .RI "char * \fBevent_log\fP"
- .br
- .in -1c
- .SH "Detailed Description"
- .PP
- Type for representing a FAPI NV object
- .SH "Field Documentation"
- .PP
- .SS "\fBUINT8_ARY\fP appData"
- Application data
- .SS "char* description"
- Human readable description of key
- .SS "char* event_log"
- The event log if NV type is pcr
- .SS "UINT32 hierarchy"
- The hierarchy used for NV object creation
- .SS "char* policyInstance"
- Keys policy
- .SS "TPM2B_NV_PUBLIC public"
- The wrapped public portion of the object
- .SS "\fBUINT8_ARY\fP serialization"
- None
- .SS "TPMI_YES_NO with_auth"
- Authorization provided during creation
- .SH "Author"
- .PP
- Generated automatically by Doxygen for tpm2-tss from the source code\&.