% tpm2_print(1) tpm2-tools | General Commands Manual
tpm2_print(1) - Prints TPM data structures
tpm2_print [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENT or STDIN]
tpm2_print(1) - Decodes a TPM data structure and prints enclosed elements to stdout as YAML. A file path containing a TPM object may be specified as the path argument. Reads from stdin if unspecified.
-t, --type:
Required. Type of data structure. The option supports the following arguments:
ARGUMENT the command line argument specifies the path of the TPM data.
context object format details the methods for specifying OBJECT.
authorization formatting details the methods for specifying AUTH.
common options collection of common options that provide information many users may expect.
common tcti options collection of options used to configure the various known TCTI modules.
common options collection of common options that provide information many users may expect.
common tcti options collection of options used to configure the various known TCTI modules.
tpm2_createprimary -C e -c primary.ctx
tpm2_create -C primary.ctx -u key.pub -r key.priv
tpm2_load -C primary.ctx -u key.pub -r key.priv -c key.ctx
tpm2_quote -c key.ctx -l 0x0004:16,17,18+0x000b:16,17,18 -g sha256 -m msg.dat
tpm2_print -t TPMS_ATTEST msg.dat
tpm2_print -t TPM2B_PUBLIC key.pub
tpm2_readpublic -c key.ctx -f tpmt -o key.tpmt
tpm2_print -t TPMT_PUBLIC key.tpmt