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Building tpm2-tools

Below you will find instructions to build and install the tpm2-tools project.

Download the Source

To obtain the tpm2-tools sources you must clone them as below:

git clone


To build and install the tpm2-tools software the following software is required:

  • GNU Autoconf (version >= 2019.01.06)
  • GNU Automake
  • GNU Libtool
  • pkg-config
  • C compiler
  • C Library Development Libraries and Header Files (for pthreads headers)
  • ESAPI - TPM2.0 TSS ESAPI library (tss2-esys) and header files
  • OpenSSL libcrypto library and header files
  • Curl library and header files
  • Universally Unique ID library (UUID)

Optional Dependencies:

  • To build the man pages you need pandoc
  • FAPI - TPM2.0 TSS FAPI library (tss2-fapi) and header files
  • To enable the new userspace resource manager, one must get tpm2-tabrmd (recommended).
  • When ./configure is invoked with --enable-unit or --enable-unit=abrmd, the tests are run towards a resource manager, tpm2-abrmd, which must be on $PATH.
  • When ./configure is invoked with --enable-unit=mssim, the tests are run directly towards tpm_server, without resource manager.
  • For the tests, with or without resource manager, tpm_server must be installed.
  • Some tests pass only if xxd, expect, bash and python with PyYAML are available
  • Some tests optionally use (but do not require) curl

Typical Distro Dependency Installation

Here we are going to satisfy tpm2-tools dependencies with:

Which are necessary for the build example section at the bottom of this file, we need to satisfy the dependencies for each item named above except for the simulator.

Ubuntu 16.04

Satisfying the dependencies for tpm2-tools falls into two general steps, stuff you can easily get via the package manager, and stuff you cannot.

NOTE: The tpm2 Userspace Dependencies may not be the correct version in your distros package manager.


The packages in the below command can be ascertained via the package manager.

sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config gcc \
    libssl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev uuid-dev python-yaml


  • One can substitute gcc for clang if they desire.
  • On pre-ubuntu 16.04 libcurl4-gnutls-dev was provided by libcurl-dev
    • The libcurl dependency can be satisfied in many ways, and likely change with Ubuntu versions:
      • libcurl4-openssl-dev 7.47.0-1ubuntu2.2
      • libcurl4-nss-dev 7.47.0-1ubuntu2.2
      • libcurl4-gnutls-dev 7.47.0-1ubuntu2.2
  • One needs autoconf archive, which is too old in the packagemanager. You can get working version from here

tpm2 Userspace Dependencies:

The following tpm2 userspace dependencies can be satisfied by getting the source, building and installing them. They can be located here:


In case you want to build from source the next command block should cover all the dependencies for tpm2-tools, the enhanced system API (tpm2-tss) and the userspace resource manager (tpm2-abrmd).

$ sudo dnf -y update && sudo dnf -y install automake libtool \
autoconf autoconf-archive libstdc++-devel gcc pkg-config \
uriparser-devel libgcrypt-devel dbus-devel glib2-devel \
compat-openssl10-devel libcurl-devel PyYAML

Some distros have the dependencies already packaged, you can simply install the package that contains the needed build requirements.

$ sudo dnf builddep tpm2-tools

The package installed above contains all the dependencies for tpm2-tools included the projects mentioned at the beginning of this section (tpm2-tss and tpm2-abrmd)

For more detailed information about the dependencies of tpm2-tss and tmp2-abrmd, please consult the corresponding links for each project. You can find these links in the Dependency-Matrix


To compile tpm2-tools execute the following commands from the root of the source directory:

$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure
$ make

This is sufficient for running as long as you alter PATH so that it points to the tools directory, or just execute them via a full path.

For Example:

./tools/tpm2_getrandom 4

Building from source example

Now we can start building the projects, there are four major steps for building the projects from source:

Bootstrapping the build

With the bootstrap command we run a script which generates the list of source files along with the configure script.

In the project directory:

$  ./bootstrap

Configuring the build

Here we run the configure script, this generates the makefiles needed for the compilation.

$ ./configure

Depending of the project, you can add additional information to the configure script, please refer to the links provided below for more information about the custom options.

Compiling the Libraries

We use the make command for compile the code.

$ make -j$(nproc)

Installing the Libraries

Once we have finish building the projects it's time to install them.

$ sudo make install

Now putting all together:

  • Tpm2-tss
    $ git clone
    $ cd tpm2-tss
    $ ./bootstrap
    $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
    $ make -j5
    $ sudo make install
  • Tpm2-abrmd
    $ git clone
    $ cd tpm2-abrmd
    $ ./bootstrap
    $ ./configure --with-dbuspolicydir=/etc/dbus-1/system.d
    --libdir=/usr/lib64 --prefix=/usr
    $ make -j5
    $ sudo make install
  • Tpm2-tools
    $ git clone
    $ cd tpm2-tools
    $ ./bootstrap
    $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
    $ make -j5
    $ sudo make install
  • TPM simulator
    $ mkdir ibmtpm && cd ibmtpm
    $ wget -O ibmtpm.tar.gz
    $ tar -zxvf ibmtpm.tar.gz
    $ cd src
    $ make -j5

And it's done, you are ready to run the projects.