smbutil.c 63 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1995-1999
  3. *
  4. * This software may be distributed either under the terms of the
  5. * BSD-style license that accompanies tcpdump or the GNU GPL version 2
  6. * or later
  7. */
  8. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
  9. #include "config.h"
  10. #endif
  11. #include <netdissect-stdinc.h>
  12. #include <stdio.h>
  13. #include <stdlib.h>
  14. #include <string.h>
  15. #include "netdissect.h"
  16. #include "extract.h"
  17. #include "smb.h"
  18. static uint32_t stringlen;
  19. extern const u_char *startbuf;
  20. /*
  21. * interpret a 32 bit dos packed date/time to some parameters
  22. */
  23. static void
  24. interpret_dos_date(uint32_t date, struct tm *tp)
  25. {
  26. uint32_t p0, p1, p2, p3;
  27. p0 = date & 0xFF;
  28. p1 = ((date & 0xFF00) >> 8) & 0xFF;
  29. p2 = ((date & 0xFF0000) >> 16) & 0xFF;
  30. p3 = ((date & 0xFF000000) >> 24) & 0xFF;
  31. tp->tm_sec = 2 * (p0 & 0x1F);
  32. tp->tm_min = ((p0 >> 5) & 0xFF) + ((p1 & 0x7) << 3);
  33. tp->tm_hour = (p1 >> 3) & 0xFF;
  34. tp->tm_mday = (p2 & 0x1F);
  35. tp->tm_mon = ((p2 >> 5) & 0xFF) + ((p3 & 0x1) << 3) - 1;
  36. tp->tm_year = ((p3 >> 1) & 0xFF) + 80;
  37. }
  38. /*
  39. * common portion:
  40. * create a unix date from a dos date
  41. */
  42. static time_t
  43. int_unix_date(uint32_t dos_date)
  44. {
  45. struct tm t;
  46. if (dos_date == 0)
  47. return(0);
  48. interpret_dos_date(dos_date, &t);
  49. t.tm_wday = 1;
  50. t.tm_yday = 1;
  51. t.tm_isdst = 0;
  52. return (mktime(&t));
  53. }
  54. /*
  55. * create a unix date from a dos date
  56. * in network byte order
  57. */
  58. static time_t
  59. make_unix_date(const u_char *date_ptr)
  60. {
  61. uint32_t dos_date = 0;
  62. dos_date = EXTRACT_LE_32BITS(date_ptr);
  63. return int_unix_date(dos_date);
  64. }
  65. /*
  66. * create a unix date from a dos date
  67. * in halfword-swapped network byte order!
  68. */
  69. static time_t
  70. make_unix_date2(const u_char *date_ptr)
  71. {
  72. uint32_t x, x2;
  73. x = EXTRACT_LE_32BITS(date_ptr);
  74. x2 = ((x & 0xFFFF) << 16) | ((x & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
  75. return int_unix_date(x2);
  76. }
  77. /*
  78. * interpret an 8 byte "filetime" structure to a time_t
  79. * It's originally in "100ns units since jan 1st 1601"
  80. */
  81. static time_t
  82. interpret_long_date(const u_char *p)
  83. {
  84. double d;
  85. time_t ret;
  86. /* this gives us seconds since jan 1st 1601 (approx) */
  87. d = (EXTRACT_LE_32BITS(p + 4) * 256.0 + p[3]) * (1.0e-7 * (1 << 24));
  88. /* now adjust by 369 years to make the secs since 1970 */
  89. d -= 369.0 * 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60;
  90. /* and a fudge factor as we got it wrong by a few days */
  91. d += (3 * 24 * 60 * 60 + 6 * 60 * 60 + 2);
  92. if (d < 0)
  93. return(0);
  94. ret = (time_t)d;
  95. return(ret);
  96. }
  97. /*
  98. * interpret the weird netbios "name". Return the name type, or -1 if
  99. * we run past the end of the buffer
  100. */
  101. static int
  102. name_interpret(netdissect_options *ndo,
  103. const u_char *in, const u_char *maxbuf, char *out)
  104. {
  105. int ret;
  106. int len;
  107. if (in >= maxbuf)
  108. return(-1); /* name goes past the end of the buffer */
  109. ND_TCHECK2(*in, 1);
  110. len = (*in++) / 2;
  111. *out=0;
  112. if (len > 30 || len < 1)
  113. return(0);
  114. while (len--) {
  115. ND_TCHECK2(*in, 2);
  116. if (in + 1 >= maxbuf)
  117. return(-1); /* name goes past the end of the buffer */
  118. if (in[0] < 'A' || in[0] > 'P' || in[1] < 'A' || in[1] > 'P') {
  119. *out = 0;
  120. return(0);
  121. }
  122. *out = ((in[0] - 'A') << 4) + (in[1] - 'A');
  123. in += 2;
  124. out++;
  125. }
  126. *out = 0;
  127. ret = out[-1];
  128. return(ret);
  129. trunc:
  130. return(-1);
  131. }
  132. /*
  133. * find a pointer to a netbios name
  134. */
  135. static const u_char *
  136. name_ptr(netdissect_options *ndo,
  137. const u_char *buf, int ofs, const u_char *maxbuf)
  138. {
  139. const u_char *p;
  140. u_char c;
  141. p = buf + ofs;
  142. if (p >= maxbuf)
  143. return(NULL); /* name goes past the end of the buffer */
  144. ND_TCHECK2(*p, 1);
  145. c = *p;
  146. /* XXX - this should use the same code that the DNS dissector does */
  147. if ((c & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
  148. uint16_t l;
  149. ND_TCHECK2(*p, 2);
  150. if ((p + 1) >= maxbuf)
  151. return(NULL); /* name goes past the end of the buffer */
  152. l = EXTRACT_16BITS(p) & 0x3FFF;
  153. if (l == 0) {
  154. /* We have a pointer that points to itself. */
  155. return(NULL);
  156. }
  157. p = buf + l;
  158. if (p >= maxbuf)
  159. return(NULL); /* name goes past the end of the buffer */
  160. ND_TCHECK2(*p, 1);
  161. }
  162. return(p);
  163. trunc:
  164. return(NULL); /* name goes past the end of the buffer */
  165. }
  166. /*
  167. * extract a netbios name from a buf
  168. */
  169. static int
  170. name_extract(netdissect_options *ndo,
  171. const u_char *buf, int ofs, const u_char *maxbuf, char *name)
  172. {
  173. const u_char *p = name_ptr(ndo, buf, ofs, maxbuf);
  174. if (p == NULL)
  175. return(-1); /* error (probably name going past end of buffer) */
  176. name[0] = '\0';
  177. return(name_interpret(ndo, p, maxbuf, name));
  178. }
  179. /*
  180. * return the total storage length of a mangled name
  181. */
  182. static int
  183. name_len(netdissect_options *ndo,
  184. const unsigned char *s, const unsigned char *maxbuf)
  185. {
  186. const unsigned char *s0 = s;
  187. unsigned char c;
  188. if (s >= maxbuf)
  189. return(-1); /* name goes past the end of the buffer */
  190. ND_TCHECK2(*s, 1);
  191. c = *s;
  192. if ((c & 0xC0) == 0xC0)
  193. return(2);
  194. while (*s) {
  195. if (s >= maxbuf)
  196. return(-1); /* name goes past the end of the buffer */
  197. ND_TCHECK2(*s, 1);
  198. s += (*s) + 1;
  199. ND_TCHECK2(*s, 1);
  200. }
  201. return(PTR_DIFF(s, s0) + 1);
  202. trunc:
  203. return(-1); /* name goes past the end of the buffer */
  204. }
  205. static void
  206. print_asc(netdissect_options *ndo,
  207. const unsigned char *buf, int len)
  208. {
  209. int i;
  210. for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
  211. safeputchar(ndo, buf[i]);
  212. }
  213. static const char *
  214. name_type_str(int name_type)
  215. {
  216. const char *f = NULL;
  217. switch (name_type) {
  218. case 0: f = "Workstation"; break;
  219. case 0x03: f = "Client?"; break;
  220. case 0x20: f = "Server"; break;
  221. case 0x1d: f = "Master Browser"; break;
  222. case 0x1b: f = "Domain Controller"; break;
  223. case 0x1e: f = "Browser Server"; break;
  224. default: f = "Unknown"; break;
  225. }
  226. return(f);
  227. }
  228. void
  229. smb_print_data(netdissect_options *ndo, const unsigned char *buf, int len)
  230. {
  231. int i = 0;
  232. if (len <= 0)
  233. return;
  234. ND_PRINT((ndo, "[%03X] ", i));
  235. for (i = 0; i < len; /*nothing*/) {
  236. ND_TCHECK(buf[i]);
  237. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%02X ", buf[i] & 0xff));
  238. i++;
  239. if (i%8 == 0)
  240. ND_PRINT((ndo, " "));
  241. if (i % 16 == 0) {
  242. print_asc(ndo, &buf[i - 16], 8);
  243. ND_PRINT((ndo, " "));
  244. print_asc(ndo, &buf[i - 8], 8);
  245. ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n"));
  246. if (i < len)
  247. ND_PRINT((ndo, "[%03X] ", i));
  248. }
  249. }
  250. if (i % 16) {
  251. int n;
  252. n = 16 - (i % 16);
  253. ND_PRINT((ndo, " "));
  254. if (n>8)
  255. ND_PRINT((ndo, " "));
  256. while (n--)
  257. ND_PRINT((ndo, " "));
  258. n = min(8, i % 16);
  259. print_asc(ndo, &buf[i - (i % 16)], n);
  260. ND_PRINT((ndo, " "));
  261. n = (i % 16) - n;
  262. if (n > 0)
  263. print_asc(ndo, &buf[i - n], n);
  264. ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n"));
  265. }
  266. return;
  267. trunc:
  268. ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n"));
  269. ND_PRINT((ndo, "WARNING: Short packet. Try increasing the snap length\n"));
  270. }
  271. static void
  272. write_bits(netdissect_options *ndo,
  273. unsigned int val, const char *fmt)
  274. {
  275. const char *p = fmt;
  276. int i = 0;
  277. while ((p = strchr(fmt, '|'))) {
  278. size_t l = PTR_DIFF(p, fmt);
  279. if (l && (val & (1 << i)))
  280. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%.*s ", (int)l, fmt));
  281. fmt = p + 1;
  282. i++;
  283. }
  284. }
  285. /* convert a UCS-2 string into an ASCII string */
  286. #define MAX_UNISTR_SIZE 1000
  287. static const char *
  288. unistr(netdissect_options *ndo,
  289. const u_char *s, uint32_t *len, int use_unicode)
  290. {
  291. static char buf[MAX_UNISTR_SIZE+1];
  292. size_t l = 0;
  293. uint32_t strsize;
  294. const u_char *sp;
  295. if (use_unicode) {
  296. /*
  297. * Skip padding that puts the string on an even boundary.
  298. */
  299. if (((s - startbuf) % 2) != 0) {
  300. ND_TCHECK(s[0]);
  301. s++;
  302. }
  303. }
  304. if (*len == 0) {
  305. /*
  306. * Null-terminated string.
  307. */
  308. strsize = 0;
  309. sp = s;
  310. if (!use_unicode) {
  311. for (;;) {
  312. ND_TCHECK(sp[0]);
  313. *len += 1;
  314. if (sp[0] == 0)
  315. break;
  316. sp++;
  317. }
  318. strsize = *len - 1;
  319. } else {
  320. for (;;) {
  321. ND_TCHECK2(sp[0], 2);
  322. *len += 2;
  323. if (sp[0] == 0 && sp[1] == 0)
  324. break;
  325. sp += 2;
  326. }
  327. strsize = *len - 2;
  328. }
  329. } else {
  330. /*
  331. * Counted string.
  332. */
  333. strsize = *len;
  334. }
  335. if (!use_unicode) {
  336. while (strsize != 0) {
  337. ND_TCHECK(s[0]);
  338. if (l >= MAX_UNISTR_SIZE)
  339. break;
  340. if (ND_ISPRINT(s[0]))
  341. buf[l] = s[0];
  342. else {
  343. if (s[0] == 0)
  344. break;
  345. buf[l] = '.';
  346. }
  347. l++;
  348. s++;
  349. strsize--;
  350. }
  351. } else {
  352. while (strsize != 0) {
  353. ND_TCHECK2(s[0], 2);
  354. if (l >= MAX_UNISTR_SIZE)
  355. break;
  356. if (s[1] == 0 && ND_ISPRINT(s[0])) {
  357. /* It's a printable ASCII character */
  358. buf[l] = s[0];
  359. } else {
  360. /* It's a non-ASCII character or a non-printable ASCII character */
  361. if (s[0] == 0 && s[1] == 0)
  362. break;
  363. buf[l] = '.';
  364. }
  365. l++;
  366. s += 2;
  367. if (strsize == 1)
  368. break;
  369. strsize -= 2;
  370. }
  371. }
  372. buf[l] = 0;
  373. return buf;
  374. trunc:
  375. return NULL;
  376. }
  377. static const u_char *
  378. smb_fdata1(netdissect_options *ndo,
  379. const u_char *buf, const char *fmt, const u_char *maxbuf,
  380. int unicodestr)
  381. {
  382. int reverse = 0;
  383. const char *attrib_fmt = "READONLY|HIDDEN|SYSTEM|VOLUME|DIR|ARCHIVE|";
  384. while (*fmt && buf<maxbuf) {
  385. switch (*fmt) {
  386. case 'a':
  387. ND_TCHECK(buf[0]);
  388. write_bits(ndo, buf[0], attrib_fmt);
  389. buf++;
  390. fmt++;
  391. break;
  392. case 'A':
  393. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 2);
  394. write_bits(ndo, EXTRACT_LE_16BITS(buf), attrib_fmt);
  395. buf += 2;
  396. fmt++;
  397. break;
  398. case '{':
  399. {
  400. char bitfmt[128];
  401. char *p;
  402. int l;
  403. p = strchr(++fmt, '}');
  404. l = PTR_DIFF(p, fmt);
  405. if ((unsigned int)l > sizeof(bitfmt) - 1)
  406. l = sizeof(bitfmt)-1;
  407. strncpy(bitfmt, fmt, l);
  408. bitfmt[l] = '\0';
  409. fmt = p + 1;
  410. ND_TCHECK(buf[0]);
  411. write_bits(ndo, buf[0], bitfmt);
  412. buf++;
  413. break;
  414. }
  415. case 'P':
  416. {
  417. int l = atoi(fmt + 1);
  418. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], l);
  419. buf += l;
  420. fmt++;
  421. while (isdigit((unsigned char)*fmt))
  422. fmt++;
  423. break;
  424. }
  425. case 'r':
  426. reverse = !reverse;
  427. fmt++;
  428. break;
  429. case 'b':
  430. {
  431. unsigned int x;
  432. ND_TCHECK(buf[0]);
  433. x = buf[0];
  434. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%u (0x%x)", x, x));
  435. buf += 1;
  436. fmt++;
  437. break;
  438. }
  439. case 'd':
  440. {
  441. unsigned int x;
  442. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 2);
  443. x = reverse ? EXTRACT_16BITS(buf) :
  444. EXTRACT_LE_16BITS(buf);
  445. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%d (0x%x)", x, x));
  446. buf += 2;
  447. fmt++;
  448. break;
  449. }
  450. case 'D':
  451. {
  452. unsigned int x;
  453. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 4);
  454. x = reverse ? EXTRACT_32BITS(buf) :
  455. EXTRACT_LE_32BITS(buf);
  456. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%d (0x%x)", x, x));
  457. buf += 4;
  458. fmt++;
  459. break;
  460. }
  461. case 'L':
  462. {
  463. uint64_t x;
  464. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 8);
  465. x = reverse ? EXTRACT_64BITS(buf) :
  466. EXTRACT_LE_64BITS(buf);
  467. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%" PRIu64 " (0x%" PRIx64 ")", x, x));
  468. buf += 8;
  469. fmt++;
  470. break;
  471. }
  472. case 'M':
  473. {
  474. /* Weird mixed-endian length values in 64-bit locks */
  475. uint32_t x1, x2;
  476. uint64_t x;
  477. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 8);
  478. x1 = reverse ? EXTRACT_32BITS(buf) :
  479. EXTRACT_LE_32BITS(buf);
  480. x2 = reverse ? EXTRACT_32BITS(buf + 4) :
  481. EXTRACT_LE_32BITS(buf + 4);
  482. x = (((uint64_t)x1) << 32) | x2;
  483. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%" PRIu64 " (0x%" PRIx64 ")", x, x));
  484. buf += 8;
  485. fmt++;
  486. break;
  487. }
  488. case 'B':
  489. {
  490. unsigned int x;
  491. ND_TCHECK(buf[0]);
  492. x = buf[0];
  493. ND_PRINT((ndo, "0x%X", x));
  494. buf += 1;
  495. fmt++;
  496. break;
  497. }
  498. case 'w':
  499. {
  500. unsigned int x;
  501. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 2);
  502. x = reverse ? EXTRACT_16BITS(buf) :
  503. EXTRACT_LE_16BITS(buf);
  504. ND_PRINT((ndo, "0x%X", x));
  505. buf += 2;
  506. fmt++;
  507. break;
  508. }
  509. case 'W':
  510. {
  511. unsigned int x;
  512. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 4);
  513. x = reverse ? EXTRACT_32BITS(buf) :
  514. EXTRACT_LE_32BITS(buf);
  515. ND_PRINT((ndo, "0x%X", x));
  516. buf += 4;
  517. fmt++;
  518. break;
  519. }
  520. case 'l':
  521. {
  522. fmt++;
  523. switch (*fmt) {
  524. case 'b':
  525. ND_TCHECK(buf[0]);
  526. stringlen = buf[0];
  527. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%u", stringlen));
  528. buf += 1;
  529. break;
  530. case 'd':
  531. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 2);
  532. stringlen = reverse ? EXTRACT_16BITS(buf) :
  533. EXTRACT_LE_16BITS(buf);
  534. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%u", stringlen));
  535. buf += 2;
  536. break;
  537. case 'D':
  538. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 4);
  539. stringlen = reverse ? EXTRACT_32BITS(buf) :
  540. EXTRACT_LE_32BITS(buf);
  541. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%u", stringlen));
  542. buf += 4;
  543. break;
  544. }
  545. fmt++;
  546. break;
  547. }
  548. case 'S':
  549. case 'R': /* like 'S', but always ASCII */
  550. {
  551. /*XXX unistr() */
  552. const char *s;
  553. uint32_t len;
  554. len = 0;
  555. s = unistr(ndo, buf, &len, (*fmt == 'R') ? 0 : unicodestr);
  556. if (s == NULL)
  557. goto trunc;
  558. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%s", s));
  559. buf += len;
  560. fmt++;
  561. break;
  562. }
  563. case 'Z':
  564. case 'Y': /* like 'Z', but always ASCII */
  565. {
  566. const char *s;
  567. uint32_t len;
  568. ND_TCHECK(*buf);
  569. if (*buf != 4 && *buf != 2) {
  570. ND_PRINT((ndo, "Error! ASCIIZ buffer of type %u", *buf));
  571. return maxbuf; /* give up */
  572. }
  573. len = 0;
  574. s = unistr(ndo, buf + 1, &len, (*fmt == 'Y') ? 0 : unicodestr);
  575. if (s == NULL)
  576. goto trunc;
  577. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%s", s));
  578. buf += len + 1;
  579. fmt++;
  580. break;
  581. }
  582. case 's':
  583. {
  584. int l = atoi(fmt + 1);
  585. ND_TCHECK2(*buf, l);
  586. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%-*.*s", l, l, buf));
  587. buf += l;
  588. fmt++;
  589. while (isdigit((unsigned char)*fmt))
  590. fmt++;
  591. break;
  592. }
  593. case 'c':
  594. {
  595. ND_TCHECK2(*buf, stringlen);
  596. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%-*.*s", (int)stringlen, (int)stringlen, buf));
  597. buf += stringlen;
  598. fmt++;
  599. while (isdigit((unsigned char)*fmt))
  600. fmt++;
  601. break;
  602. }
  603. case 'C':
  604. {
  605. const char *s;
  606. s = unistr(ndo, buf, &stringlen, unicodestr);
  607. if (s == NULL)
  608. goto trunc;
  609. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%s", s));
  610. buf += stringlen;
  611. fmt++;
  612. break;
  613. }
  614. case 'h':
  615. {
  616. int l = atoi(fmt + 1);
  617. ND_TCHECK2(*buf, l);
  618. while (l--)
  619. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%02x", *buf++));
  620. fmt++;
  621. while (isdigit((unsigned char)*fmt))
  622. fmt++;
  623. break;
  624. }
  625. case 'n':
  626. {
  627. int t = atoi(fmt+1);
  628. char nbuf[255];
  629. int name_type;
  630. int len;
  631. switch (t) {
  632. case 1:
  633. name_type = name_extract(ndo, startbuf, PTR_DIFF(buf, startbuf),
  634. maxbuf, nbuf);
  635. if (name_type < 0)
  636. goto trunc;
  637. len = name_len(ndo, buf, maxbuf);
  638. if (len < 0)
  639. goto trunc;
  640. buf += len;
  641. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%-15.15s NameType=0x%02X (%s)", nbuf, name_type,
  642. name_type_str(name_type)));
  643. break;
  644. case 2:
  645. ND_TCHECK(buf[15]);
  646. name_type = buf[15];
  647. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%-15.15s NameType=0x%02X (%s)", buf, name_type,
  648. name_type_str(name_type)));
  649. buf += 16;
  650. break;
  651. }
  652. fmt++;
  653. while (isdigit((unsigned char)*fmt))
  654. fmt++;
  655. break;
  656. }
  657. case 'T':
  658. {
  659. time_t t;
  660. struct tm *lt;
  661. const char *tstring;
  662. uint32_t x;
  663. switch (atoi(fmt + 1)) {
  664. case 1:
  665. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 4);
  666. x = EXTRACT_LE_32BITS(buf);
  667. if (x == 0 || x == 0xFFFFFFFF)
  668. t = 0;
  669. else
  670. t = make_unix_date(buf);
  671. buf += 4;
  672. break;
  673. case 2:
  674. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 4);
  675. x = EXTRACT_LE_32BITS(buf);
  676. if (x == 0 || x == 0xFFFFFFFF)
  677. t = 0;
  678. else
  679. t = make_unix_date2(buf);
  680. buf += 4;
  681. break;
  682. case 3:
  683. ND_TCHECK2(buf[0], 8);
  684. t = interpret_long_date(buf);
  685. buf += 8;
  686. break;
  687. default:
  688. t = 0;
  689. break;
  690. }
  691. if (t != 0) {
  692. lt = localtime(&t);
  693. if (lt != NULL)
  694. tstring = asctime(lt);
  695. else
  696. tstring = "(Can't convert time)\n";
  697. } else
  698. tstring = "NULL\n";
  699. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%s", tstring));
  700. fmt++;
  701. while (isdigit((unsigned char)*fmt))
  702. fmt++;
  703. break;
  704. }
  705. default:
  706. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%c", *fmt));
  707. fmt++;
  708. break;
  709. }
  710. }
  711. if (buf >= maxbuf && *fmt)
  712. ND_PRINT((ndo, "END OF BUFFER\n"));
  713. return(buf);
  714. trunc:
  715. ND_PRINT((ndo, "\n"));
  716. ND_PRINT((ndo, "WARNING: Short packet. Try increasing the snap length\n"));
  717. return(NULL);
  718. }
  719. const u_char *
  720. smb_fdata(netdissect_options *ndo,
  721. const u_char *buf, const char *fmt, const u_char *maxbuf,
  722. int unicodestr)
  723. {
  724. static int depth = 0;
  725. char s[128];
  726. char *p;
  727. while (*fmt) {
  728. switch (*fmt) {
  729. case '*':
  730. fmt++;
  731. while (buf < maxbuf) {
  732. const u_char *buf2;
  733. depth++;
  734. buf2 = smb_fdata(ndo, buf, fmt, maxbuf, unicodestr);
  735. depth--;
  736. if (buf2 == NULL)
  737. return(NULL);
  738. if (buf2 == buf)
  739. return(buf);
  740. buf = buf2;
  741. }
  742. return(buf);
  743. case '|':
  744. fmt++;
  745. if (buf >= maxbuf)
  746. return(buf);
  747. break;
  748. case '%':
  749. fmt++;
  750. buf = maxbuf;
  751. break;
  752. case '#':
  753. fmt++;
  754. return(buf);
  755. break;
  756. case '[':
  757. fmt++;
  758. if (buf >= maxbuf)
  759. return(buf);
  760. memset(s, 0, sizeof(s));
  761. p = strchr(fmt, ']');
  762. if ((size_t)(p - fmt + 1) > sizeof(s)) {
  763. /* overrun */
  764. return(buf);
  765. }
  766. strncpy(s, fmt, p - fmt);
  767. s[p - fmt] = '\0';
  768. fmt = p + 1;
  769. buf = smb_fdata1(ndo, buf, s, maxbuf, unicodestr);
  770. if (buf == NULL)
  771. return(NULL);
  772. break;
  773. default:
  774. ND_PRINT((ndo, "%c", *fmt));
  775. fmt++;
  776. break;
  777. }
  778. }
  779. if (!depth && buf < maxbuf) {
  780. size_t len = PTR_DIFF(maxbuf, buf);
  781. ND_PRINT((ndo, "Data: (%lu bytes)\n", (unsigned long)len));
  782. smb_print_data(ndo, buf, len);
  783. return(buf + len);
  784. }
  785. return(buf);
  786. }
  787. typedef struct {
  788. const char *name;
  789. int code;
  790. const char *message;
  791. } err_code_struct;
  792. /* DOS Error Messages */
  793. static const err_code_struct dos_msgs[] = {
  794. { "ERRbadfunc", 1, "Invalid function." },
  795. { "ERRbadfile", 2, "File not found." },
  796. { "ERRbadpath", 3, "Directory invalid." },
  797. { "ERRnofids", 4, "No file descriptors available" },
  798. { "ERRnoaccess", 5, "Access denied." },
  799. { "ERRbadfid", 6, "Invalid file handle." },
  800. { "ERRbadmcb", 7, "Memory control blocks destroyed." },
  801. { "ERRnomem", 8, "Insufficient server memory to perform the requested function." },
  802. { "ERRbadmem", 9, "Invalid memory block address." },
  803. { "ERRbadenv", 10, "Invalid environment." },
  804. { "ERRbadformat", 11, "Invalid format." },
  805. { "ERRbadaccess", 12, "Invalid open mode." },
  806. { "ERRbaddata", 13, "Invalid data." },
  807. { "ERR", 14, "reserved." },
  808. { "ERRbaddrive", 15, "Invalid drive specified." },
  809. { "ERRremcd", 16, "A Delete Directory request attempted to remove the server's current directory." },
  810. { "ERRdiffdevice", 17, "Not same device." },
  811. { "ERRnofiles", 18, "A File Search command can find no more files matching the specified criteria." },
  812. { "ERRbadshare", 32, "The sharing mode specified for an Open conflicts with existing FIDs on the file." },
  813. { "ERRlock", 33, "A Lock request conflicted with an existing lock or specified an invalid mode, or an Unlock requested attempted to remove a lock held by another process." },
  814. { "ERRfilexists", 80, "The file named in a Create Directory, Make New File or Link request already exists." },
  815. { "ERRbadpipe", 230, "Pipe invalid." },
  816. { "ERRpipebusy", 231, "All instances of the requested pipe are busy." },
  817. { "ERRpipeclosing", 232, "Pipe close in progress." },
  818. { "ERRnotconnected", 233, "No process on other end of pipe." },
  819. { "ERRmoredata", 234, "There is more data to be returned." },
  820. { NULL, -1, NULL }
  821. };
  822. /* Server Error Messages */
  823. static const err_code_struct server_msgs[] = {
  824. { "ERRerror", 1, "Non-specific error code." },
  825. { "ERRbadpw", 2, "Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid." },
  826. { "ERRbadtype", 3, "reserved." },
  827. { "ERRaccess", 4, "The requester does not have the necessary access rights within the specified context for the requested function. The context is defined by the TID or the UID." },
  828. { "ERRinvnid", 5, "The tree ID (TID) specified in a command was invalid." },
  829. { "ERRinvnetname", 6, "Invalid network name in tree connect." },
  830. { "ERRinvdevice", 7, "Invalid device - printer request made to non-printer connection or non-printer request made to printer connection." },
  831. { "ERRqfull", 49, "Print queue full (files) -- returned by open print file." },
  832. { "ERRqtoobig", 50, "Print queue full -- no space." },
  833. { "ERRqeof", 51, "EOF on print queue dump." },
  834. { "ERRinvpfid", 52, "Invalid print file FID." },
  835. { "ERRsmbcmd", 64, "The server did not recognize the command received." },
  836. { "ERRsrverror", 65, "The server encountered an internal error, e.g., system file unavailable." },
  837. { "ERRfilespecs", 67, "The file handle (FID) and pathname parameters contained an invalid combination of values." },
  838. { "ERRreserved", 68, "reserved." },
  839. { "ERRbadpermits", 69, "The access permissions specified for a file or directory are not a valid combination. The server cannot set the requested attribute." },
  840. { "ERRreserved", 70, "reserved." },
  841. { "ERRsetattrmode", 71, "The attribute mode in the Set File Attribute request is invalid." },
  842. { "ERRpaused", 81, "Server is paused." },
  843. { "ERRmsgoff", 82, "Not receiving messages." },
  844. { "ERRnoroom", 83, "No room to buffer message." },
  845. { "ERRrmuns", 87, "Too many remote user names." },
  846. { "ERRtimeout", 88, "Operation timed out." },
  847. { "ERRnoresource", 89, "No resources currently available for request." },
  848. { "ERRtoomanyuids", 90, "Too many UIDs active on this session." },
  849. { "ERRbaduid", 91, "The UID is not known as a valid ID on this session." },
  850. { "ERRusempx", 250, "Temp unable to support Raw, use MPX mode." },
  851. { "ERRusestd", 251, "Temp unable to support Raw, use standard read/write." },
  852. { "ERRcontmpx", 252, "Continue in MPX mode." },
  853. { "ERRreserved", 253, "reserved." },
  854. { "ERRreserved", 254, "reserved." },
  855. { "ERRnosupport", 0xFFFF, "Function not supported." },
  856. { NULL, -1, NULL }
  857. };
  858. /* Hard Error Messages */
  859. static const err_code_struct hard_msgs[] = {
  860. { "ERRnowrite", 19, "Attempt to write on write-protected diskette." },
  861. { "ERRbadunit", 20, "Unknown unit." },
  862. { "ERRnotready", 21, "Drive not ready." },
  863. { "ERRbadcmd", 22, "Unknown command." },
  864. { "ERRdata", 23, "Data error (CRC)." },
  865. { "ERRbadreq", 24, "Bad request structure length." },
  866. { "ERRseek", 25 , "Seek error." },
  867. { "ERRbadmedia", 26, "Unknown media type." },
  868. { "ERRbadsector", 27, "Sector not found." },
  869. { "ERRnopaper", 28, "Printer out of paper." },
  870. { "ERRwrite", 29, "Write fault." },
  871. { "ERRread", 30, "Read fault." },
  872. { "ERRgeneral", 31, "General failure." },
  873. { "ERRbadshare", 32, "A open conflicts with an existing open." },
  874. { "ERRlock", 33, "A Lock request conflicted with an existing lock or specified an invalid mode, or an Unlock requested attempted to remove a lock held by another process." },
  875. { "ERRwrongdisk", 34, "The wrong disk was found in a drive." },
  876. { "ERRFCBUnavail", 35, "No FCBs are available to process request." },
  877. { "ERRsharebufexc", 36, "A sharing buffer has been exceeded." },
  878. { NULL, -1, NULL }
  879. };
  880. static const struct {
  881. int code;
  882. const char *class;
  883. const err_code_struct *err_msgs;
  884. } err_classes[] = {
  885. { 0, "SUCCESS", NULL },
  886. { 0x01, "ERRDOS", dos_msgs },
  887. { 0x02, "ERRSRV", server_msgs },
  888. { 0x03, "ERRHRD", hard_msgs },
  889. { 0x04, "ERRXOS", NULL },
  890. { 0xE1, "ERRRMX1", NULL },
  891. { 0xE2, "ERRRMX2", NULL },
  892. { 0xE3, "ERRRMX3", NULL },
  893. { 0xFF, "ERRCMD", NULL },
  894. { -1, NULL, NULL }
  895. };
  896. /*
  897. * return a SMB error string from a SMB buffer
  898. */
  899. char *
  900. smb_errstr(int class, int num)
  901. {
  902. static char ret[128];
  903. int i, j;
  904. ret[0] = 0;
  905. for (i = 0; err_classes[i].class; i++)
  906. if (err_classes[i].code == class) {
  907. if (err_classes[i].err_msgs) {
  908. const err_code_struct *err = err_classes[i].err_msgs;
  909. for (j = 0; err[j].name; j++)
  910. if (num == err[j].code) {
  911. snprintf(ret, sizeof(ret), "%s - %s (%s)",
  912. err_classes[i].class, err[j].name, err[j].message);
  913. return ret;
  914. }
  915. }
  916. snprintf(ret, sizeof(ret), "%s - %d", err_classes[i].class, num);
  917. return ret;
  918. }
  919. snprintf(ret, sizeof(ret), "ERROR: Unknown error (%d,%d)", class, num);
  920. return(ret);
  921. }
  922. typedef struct {
  923. uint32_t code;
  924. const char *name;
  925. } nt_err_code_struct;
  926. /*
  927. * NT Error codes
  928. */
  929. static const nt_err_code_struct nt_errors[] = {
  930. { 0x00000000, "STATUS_SUCCESS" },
  931. { 0x00000000, "STATUS_WAIT_0" },
  932. { 0x00000001, "STATUS_WAIT_1" },
  933. { 0x00000002, "STATUS_WAIT_2" },
  934. { 0x00000003, "STATUS_WAIT_3" },
  935. { 0x0000003F, "STATUS_WAIT_63" },
  936. { 0x00000080, "STATUS_ABANDONED" },
  937. { 0x00000080, "STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0" },
  938. { 0x000000BF, "STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_63" },
  939. { 0x000000C0, "STATUS_USER_APC" },
  940. { 0x00000100, "STATUS_KERNEL_APC" },
  941. { 0x00000101, "STATUS_ALERTED" },
  942. { 0x00000102, "STATUS_TIMEOUT" },
  943. { 0x00000103, "STATUS_PENDING" },
  944. { 0x00000104, "STATUS_REPARSE" },
  945. { 0x00000105, "STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES" },
  946. { 0x00000106, "STATUS_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED" },
  947. { 0x00000107, "STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED" },
  948. { 0x00000108, "STATUS_OPLOCK_BREAK_IN_PROGRESS" },
  949. { 0x00000109, "STATUS_VOLUME_MOUNTED" },
  950. { 0x0000010A, "STATUS_RXACT_COMMITTED" },
  951. { 0x0000010B, "STATUS_NOTIFY_CLEANUP" },
  952. { 0x0000010C, "STATUS_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR" },
  953. { 0x0000010D, "STATUS_NO_QUOTAS_FOR_ACCOUNT" },
  955. { 0x00000110, "STATUS_PAGE_FAULT_TRANSITION" },
  956. { 0x00000111, "STATUS_PAGE_FAULT_DEMAND_ZERO" },
  957. { 0x00000112, "STATUS_PAGE_FAULT_COPY_ON_WRITE" },
  958. { 0x00000113, "STATUS_PAGE_FAULT_GUARD_PAGE" },
  959. { 0x00000114, "STATUS_PAGE_FAULT_PAGING_FILE" },
  960. { 0x00000115, "STATUS_CACHE_PAGE_LOCKED" },
  961. { 0x00000116, "STATUS_CRASH_DUMP" },
  962. { 0x00000117, "STATUS_BUFFER_ALL_ZEROS" },
  963. { 0x00000118, "STATUS_REPARSE_OBJECT" },
  964. { 0x0000045C, "STATUS_NO_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS" },
  965. { 0x40000000, "STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_EXISTS" },
  966. { 0x40000001, "STATUS_THREAD_WAS_SUSPENDED" },
  967. { 0x40000002, "STATUS_WORKING_SET_LIMIT_RANGE" },
  968. { 0x40000003, "STATUS_IMAGE_NOT_AT_BASE" },
  969. { 0x40000004, "STATUS_RXACT_STATE_CREATED" },
  970. { 0x40000005, "STATUS_SEGMENT_NOTIFICATION" },
  971. { 0x40000006, "STATUS_LOCAL_USER_SESSION_KEY" },
  972. { 0x40000007, "STATUS_BAD_CURRENT_DIRECTORY" },
  973. { 0x40000008, "STATUS_SERIAL_MORE_WRITES" },
  974. { 0x40000009, "STATUS_REGISTRY_RECOVERED" },
  976. { 0x4000000B, "STATUS_FT_WRITE_RECOVERY" },
  977. { 0x4000000C, "STATUS_SERIAL_COUNTER_TIMEOUT" },
  978. { 0x4000000D, "STATUS_NULL_LM_PASSWORD" },
  980. { 0x4000000F, "STATUS_RECEIVE_PARTIAL" },
  981. { 0x40000010, "STATUS_RECEIVE_EXPEDITED" },
  982. { 0x40000011, "STATUS_RECEIVE_PARTIAL_EXPEDITED" },
  983. { 0x40000012, "STATUS_EVENT_DONE" },
  984. { 0x40000013, "STATUS_EVENT_PENDING" },
  985. { 0x40000014, "STATUS_CHECKING_FILE_SYSTEM" },
  986. { 0x40000015, "STATUS_FATAL_APP_EXIT" },
  987. { 0x40000016, "STATUS_PREDEFINED_HANDLE" },
  988. { 0x40000017, "STATUS_WAS_UNLOCKED" },
  989. { 0x40000018, "STATUS_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION" },
  990. { 0x40000019, "STATUS_WAS_LOCKED" },
  991. { 0x4000001A, "STATUS_LOG_HARD_ERROR" },
  992. { 0x4000001B, "STATUS_ALREADY_WIN32" },
  993. { 0x4000001C, "STATUS_WX86_UNSIMULATE" },
  994. { 0x4000001D, "STATUS_WX86_CONTINUE" },
  995. { 0x4000001E, "STATUS_WX86_SINGLE_STEP" },
  996. { 0x4000001F, "STATUS_WX86_BREAKPOINT" },
  997. { 0x40000020, "STATUS_WX86_EXCEPTION_CONTINUE" },
  998. { 0x40000021, "STATUS_WX86_EXCEPTION_LASTCHANCE" },
  999. { 0x40000022, "STATUS_WX86_EXCEPTION_CHAIN" },
  1001. { 0x40000024, "STATUS_NO_YIELD_PERFORMED" },
  1002. { 0x40000025, "STATUS_TIMER_RESUME_IGNORED" },
  1003. { 0x80000001, "STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION" },
  1004. { 0x80000002, "STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT" },
  1005. { 0x80000003, "STATUS_BREAKPOINT" },
  1006. { 0x80000004, "STATUS_SINGLE_STEP" },
  1007. { 0x80000005, "STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW" },
  1008. { 0x80000006, "STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES" },
  1009. { 0x80000007, "STATUS_WAKE_SYSTEM_DEBUGGER" },
  1010. { 0x8000000A, "STATUS_HANDLES_CLOSED" },
  1011. { 0x8000000B, "STATUS_NO_INHERITANCE" },
  1012. { 0x8000000C, "STATUS_GUID_SUBSTITUTION_MADE" },
  1013. { 0x8000000D, "STATUS_PARTIAL_COPY" },
  1014. { 0x8000000E, "STATUS_DEVICE_PAPER_EMPTY" },
  1015. { 0x8000000F, "STATUS_DEVICE_POWERED_OFF" },
  1016. { 0x80000010, "STATUS_DEVICE_OFF_LINE" },
  1017. { 0x80000011, "STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY" },
  1018. { 0x80000012, "STATUS_NO_MORE_EAS" },
  1019. { 0x80000013, "STATUS_INVALID_EA_NAME" },
  1020. { 0x80000014, "STATUS_EA_LIST_INCONSISTENT" },
  1021. { 0x80000015, "STATUS_INVALID_EA_FLAG" },
  1022. { 0x80000016, "STATUS_VERIFY_REQUIRED" },
  1023. { 0x80000017, "STATUS_EXTRANEOUS_INFORMATION" },
  1024. { 0x80000018, "STATUS_RXACT_COMMIT_NECESSARY" },
  1025. { 0x8000001A, "STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES" },
  1026. { 0x8000001B, "STATUS_FILEMARK_DETECTED" },
  1027. { 0x8000001C, "STATUS_MEDIA_CHANGED" },
  1028. { 0x8000001D, "STATUS_BUS_RESET" },
  1029. { 0x8000001E, "STATUS_END_OF_MEDIA" },
  1030. { 0x8000001F, "STATUS_BEGINNING_OF_MEDIA" },
  1031. { 0x80000020, "STATUS_MEDIA_CHECK" },
  1032. { 0x80000021, "STATUS_SETMARK_DETECTED" },
  1033. { 0x80000022, "STATUS_NO_DATA_DETECTED" },
  1034. { 0x80000023, "STATUS_REDIRECTOR_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES" },
  1035. { 0x80000024, "STATUS_SERVER_HAS_OPEN_HANDLES" },
  1036. { 0x80000025, "STATUS_ALREADY_DISCONNECTED" },
  1037. { 0x80000026, "STATUS_LONGJUMP" },
  1038. { 0x80040111, "MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED" },
  1039. { 0x80090300, "SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY" },
  1040. { 0x80090301, "SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE" },
  1041. { 0x80090302, "SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION" },
  1042. { 0x8009030B, "SEC_E_NO_IMPERSONATION" },
  1043. { 0x8009030D, "SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS" },
  1044. { 0x8009030E, "SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS" },
  1045. { 0x8009030F, "SEC_E_MESSAGE_ALTERED" },
  1046. { 0x80090310, "SEC_E_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE" },
  1047. { 0x80090311, "SEC_E_NO_AUTHENTICATING_AUTHORITY" },
  1048. { 0xC0000001, "STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL" },
  1049. { 0xC0000002, "STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED" },
  1050. { 0xC0000003, "STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS" },
  1051. { 0xC0000004, "STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH" },
  1052. { 0xC0000005, "STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION" },
  1053. { 0xC0000006, "STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR" },
  1054. { 0xC0000007, "STATUS_PAGEFILE_QUOTA" },
  1055. { 0xC0000008, "STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE" },
  1056. { 0xC0000009, "STATUS_BAD_INITIAL_STACK" },
  1057. { 0xC000000A, "STATUS_BAD_INITIAL_PC" },
  1058. { 0xC000000B, "STATUS_INVALID_CID" },
  1059. { 0xC000000C, "STATUS_TIMER_NOT_CANCELED" },
  1060. { 0xC000000D, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER" },
  1061. { 0xC000000E, "STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE" },
  1062. { 0xC000000F, "STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE" },
  1063. { 0xC0000010, "STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST" },
  1064. { 0xC0000011, "STATUS_END_OF_FILE" },
  1065. { 0xC0000012, "STATUS_WRONG_VOLUME" },
  1066. { 0xC0000013, "STATUS_NO_MEDIA_IN_DEVICE" },
  1067. { 0xC0000014, "STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA" },
  1068. { 0xC0000015, "STATUS_NONEXISTENT_SECTOR" },
  1069. { 0xC0000016, "STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED" },
  1070. { 0xC0000017, "STATUS_NO_MEMORY" },
  1071. { 0xC0000018, "STATUS_CONFLICTING_ADDRESSES" },
  1072. { 0xC0000019, "STATUS_NOT_MAPPED_VIEW" },
  1073. { 0xC000001A, "STATUS_UNABLE_TO_FREE_VM" },
  1074. { 0xC000001B, "STATUS_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_SECTION" },
  1075. { 0xC000001C, "STATUS_INVALID_SYSTEM_SERVICE" },
  1076. { 0xC000001D, "STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION" },
  1077. { 0xC000001E, "STATUS_INVALID_LOCK_SEQUENCE" },
  1078. { 0xC000001F, "STATUS_INVALID_VIEW_SIZE" },
  1079. { 0xC0000020, "STATUS_INVALID_FILE_FOR_SECTION" },
  1080. { 0xC0000021, "STATUS_ALREADY_COMMITTED" },
  1081. { 0xC0000022, "STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED" },
  1082. { 0xC0000023, "STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" },
  1083. { 0xC0000024, "STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH" },
  1085. { 0xC0000026, "STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION" },
  1086. { 0xC0000027, "STATUS_UNWIND" },
  1087. { 0xC0000028, "STATUS_BAD_STACK" },
  1088. { 0xC0000029, "STATUS_INVALID_UNWIND_TARGET" },
  1089. { 0xC000002A, "STATUS_NOT_LOCKED" },
  1090. { 0xC000002B, "STATUS_PARITY_ERROR" },
  1091. { 0xC000002C, "STATUS_UNABLE_TO_DECOMMIT_VM" },
  1092. { 0xC000002D, "STATUS_NOT_COMMITTED" },
  1094. { 0xC000002F, "STATUS_PORT_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG" },
  1095. { 0xC0000030, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_MIX" },
  1096. { 0xC0000031, "STATUS_INVALID_QUOTA_LOWER" },
  1097. { 0xC0000032, "STATUS_DISK_CORRUPT_ERROR" },
  1098. { 0xC0000033, "STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID" },
  1099. { 0xC0000034, "STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND" },
  1100. { 0xC0000035, "STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION" },
  1101. { 0xC0000037, "STATUS_PORT_DISCONNECTED" },
  1102. { 0xC0000038, "STATUS_DEVICE_ALREADY_ATTACHED" },
  1103. { 0xC0000039, "STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID" },
  1104. { 0xC000003A, "STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND" },
  1105. { 0xC000003B, "STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_SYNTAX_BAD" },
  1106. { 0xC000003C, "STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN" },
  1107. { 0xC000003D, "STATUS_DATA_LATE_ERROR" },
  1108. { 0xC000003E, "STATUS_DATA_ERROR" },
  1109. { 0xC000003F, "STATUS_CRC_ERROR" },
  1110. { 0xC0000040, "STATUS_SECTION_TOO_BIG" },
  1111. { 0xC0000041, "STATUS_PORT_CONNECTION_REFUSED" },
  1112. { 0xC0000042, "STATUS_INVALID_PORT_HANDLE" },
  1113. { 0xC0000043, "STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION" },
  1114. { 0xC0000044, "STATUS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED" },
  1115. { 0xC0000045, "STATUS_INVALID_PAGE_PROTECTION" },
  1116. { 0xC0000046, "STATUS_MUTANT_NOT_OWNED" },
  1117. { 0xC0000047, "STATUS_SEMAPHORE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" },
  1118. { 0xC0000048, "STATUS_PORT_ALREADY_SET" },
  1119. { 0xC0000049, "STATUS_SECTION_NOT_IMAGE" },
  1120. { 0xC000004A, "STATUS_SUSPEND_COUNT_EXCEEDED" },
  1121. { 0xC000004B, "STATUS_THREAD_IS_TERMINATING" },
  1122. { 0xC000004C, "STATUS_BAD_WORKING_SET_LIMIT" },
  1123. { 0xC000004D, "STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE_MAP" },
  1124. { 0xC000004E, "STATUS_SECTION_PROTECTION" },
  1125. { 0xC000004F, "STATUS_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED" },
  1126. { 0xC0000050, "STATUS_EA_TOO_LARGE" },
  1127. { 0xC0000051, "STATUS_NONEXISTENT_EA_ENTRY" },
  1128. { 0xC0000052, "STATUS_NO_EAS_ON_FILE" },
  1129. { 0xC0000053, "STATUS_EA_CORRUPT_ERROR" },
  1130. { 0xC0000054, "STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT" },
  1131. { 0xC0000055, "STATUS_LOCK_NOT_GRANTED" },
  1132. { 0xC0000056, "STATUS_DELETE_PENDING" },
  1133. { 0xC0000057, "STATUS_CTL_FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED" },
  1134. { 0xC0000058, "STATUS_UNKNOWN_REVISION" },
  1135. { 0xC0000059, "STATUS_REVISION_MISMATCH" },
  1136. { 0xC000005A, "STATUS_INVALID_OWNER" },
  1137. { 0xC000005B, "STATUS_INVALID_PRIMARY_GROUP" },
  1138. { 0xC000005C, "STATUS_NO_IMPERSONATION_TOKEN" },
  1139. { 0xC000005D, "STATUS_CANT_DISABLE_MANDATORY" },
  1140. { 0xC000005E, "STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS" },
  1141. { 0xC000005F, "STATUS_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION" },
  1142. { 0xC0000060, "STATUS_NO_SUCH_PRIVILEGE" },
  1143. { 0xC0000061, "STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD" },
  1144. { 0xC0000062, "STATUS_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME" },
  1145. { 0xC0000063, "STATUS_USER_EXISTS" },
  1146. { 0xC0000064, "STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER" },
  1147. { 0xC0000065, "STATUS_GROUP_EXISTS" },
  1148. { 0xC0000066, "STATUS_NO_SUCH_GROUP" },
  1149. { 0xC0000067, "STATUS_MEMBER_IN_GROUP" },
  1150. { 0xC0000068, "STATUS_MEMBER_NOT_IN_GROUP" },
  1151. { 0xC0000069, "STATUS_LAST_ADMIN" },
  1152. { 0xC000006A, "STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD" },
  1153. { 0xC000006B, "STATUS_ILL_FORMED_PASSWORD" },
  1154. { 0xC000006C, "STATUS_PASSWORD_RESTRICTION" },
  1155. { 0xC000006D, "STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE" },
  1156. { 0xC000006E, "STATUS_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION" },
  1157. { 0xC000006F, "STATUS_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS" },
  1158. { 0xC0000070, "STATUS_INVALID_WORKSTATION" },
  1159. { 0xC0000071, "STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED" },
  1160. { 0xC0000072, "STATUS_ACCOUNT_DISABLED" },
  1161. { 0xC0000073, "STATUS_NONE_MAPPED" },
  1162. { 0xC0000074, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_LUIDS_REQUESTED" },
  1163. { 0xC0000075, "STATUS_LUIDS_EXHAUSTED" },
  1164. { 0xC0000076, "STATUS_INVALID_SUB_AUTHORITY" },
  1165. { 0xC0000077, "STATUS_INVALID_ACL" },
  1166. { 0xC0000078, "STATUS_INVALID_SID" },
  1167. { 0xC0000079, "STATUS_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR" },
  1168. { 0xC000007A, "STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND" },
  1169. { 0xC000007B, "STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT" },
  1170. { 0xC000007C, "STATUS_NO_TOKEN" },
  1171. { 0xC000007D, "STATUS_BAD_INHERITANCE_ACL" },
  1172. { 0xC000007E, "STATUS_RANGE_NOT_LOCKED" },
  1173. { 0xC000007F, "STATUS_DISK_FULL" },
  1174. { 0xC0000080, "STATUS_SERVER_DISABLED" },
  1175. { 0xC0000081, "STATUS_SERVER_NOT_DISABLED" },
  1176. { 0xC0000082, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_GUIDS_REQUESTED" },
  1177. { 0xC0000083, "STATUS_GUIDS_EXHAUSTED" },
  1178. { 0xC0000084, "STATUS_INVALID_ID_AUTHORITY" },
  1179. { 0xC0000085, "STATUS_AGENTS_EXHAUSTED" },
  1180. { 0xC0000086, "STATUS_INVALID_VOLUME_LABEL" },
  1181. { 0xC0000087, "STATUS_SECTION_NOT_EXTENDED" },
  1182. { 0xC0000088, "STATUS_NOT_MAPPED_DATA" },
  1183. { 0xC0000089, "STATUS_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND" },
  1184. { 0xC000008A, "STATUS_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND" },
  1185. { 0xC000008B, "STATUS_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND" },
  1186. { 0xC000008C, "STATUS_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED" },
  1187. { 0xC000008D, "STATUS_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND" },
  1188. { 0xC000008E, "STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO" },
  1189. { 0xC000008F, "STATUS_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT" },
  1190. { 0xC0000090, "STATUS_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION" },
  1191. { 0xC0000091, "STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW" },
  1192. { 0xC0000092, "STATUS_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK" },
  1193. { 0xC0000093, "STATUS_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW" },
  1194. { 0xC0000094, "STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO" },
  1195. { 0xC0000095, "STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW" },
  1196. { 0xC0000096, "STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION" },
  1197. { 0xC0000097, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_PAGING_FILES" },
  1198. { 0xC0000098, "STATUS_FILE_INVALID" },
  1199. { 0xC0000099, "STATUS_ALLOTTED_SPACE_EXCEEDED" },
  1201. { 0xC000009B, "STATUS_DFS_EXIT_PATH_FOUND" },
  1202. { 0xC000009C, "STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR" },
  1203. { 0xC000009D, "STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED" },
  1204. { 0xC000009E, "STATUS_DEVICE_POWER_FAILURE" },
  1205. { 0xC000009F, "STATUS_FREE_VM_NOT_AT_BASE" },
  1206. { 0xC00000A0, "STATUS_MEMORY_NOT_ALLOCATED" },
  1207. { 0xC00000A1, "STATUS_WORKING_SET_QUOTA" },
  1208. { 0xC00000A2, "STATUS_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED" },
  1209. { 0xC00000A3, "STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY" },
  1212. { 0xC00000A6, "STATUS_CANT_OPEN_ANONYMOUS" },
  1213. { 0xC00000A7, "STATUS_BAD_VALIDATION_CLASS" },
  1214. { 0xC00000A8, "STATUS_BAD_TOKEN_TYPE" },
  1215. { 0xC00000A9, "STATUS_BAD_MASTER_BOOT_RECORD" },
  1218. { 0xC00000AC, "STATUS_PIPE_NOT_AVAILABLE" },
  1219. { 0xC00000AD, "STATUS_INVALID_PIPE_STATE" },
  1220. { 0xC00000AE, "STATUS_PIPE_BUSY" },
  1221. { 0xC00000AF, "STATUS_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION" },
  1222. { 0xC00000B0, "STATUS_PIPE_DISCONNECTED" },
  1223. { 0xC00000B1, "STATUS_PIPE_CLOSING" },
  1224. { 0xC00000B2, "STATUS_PIPE_CONNECTED" },
  1225. { 0xC00000B3, "STATUS_PIPE_LISTENING" },
  1226. { 0xC00000B4, "STATUS_INVALID_READ_MODE" },
  1227. { 0xC00000B5, "STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT" },
  1228. { 0xC00000B6, "STATUS_FILE_FORCED_CLOSED" },
  1229. { 0xC00000B7, "STATUS_PROFILING_NOT_STARTED" },
  1230. { 0xC00000B8, "STATUS_PROFILING_NOT_STOPPED" },
  1231. { 0xC00000B9, "STATUS_COULD_NOT_INTERPRET" },
  1232. { 0xC00000BA, "STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY" },
  1233. { 0xC00000BB, "STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED" },
  1234. { 0xC00000BC, "STATUS_REMOTE_NOT_LISTENING" },
  1235. { 0xC00000BD, "STATUS_DUPLICATE_NAME" },
  1236. { 0xC00000BE, "STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH" },
  1237. { 0xC00000BF, "STATUS_NETWORK_BUSY" },
  1238. { 0xC00000C0, "STATUS_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST" },
  1239. { 0xC00000C1, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_COMMANDS" },
  1240. { 0xC00000C2, "STATUS_ADAPTER_HARDWARE_ERROR" },
  1243. { 0xC00000C5, "STATUS_BAD_REMOTE_ADAPTER" },
  1244. { 0xC00000C6, "STATUS_PRINT_QUEUE_FULL" },
  1245. { 0xC00000C7, "STATUS_NO_SPOOL_SPACE" },
  1246. { 0xC00000C8, "STATUS_PRINT_CANCELLED" },
  1247. { 0xC00000C9, "STATUS_NETWORK_NAME_DELETED" },
  1249. { 0xC00000CB, "STATUS_BAD_DEVICE_TYPE" },
  1250. { 0xC00000CC, "STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME" },
  1251. { 0xC00000CD, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_NAMES" },
  1252. { 0xC00000CE, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS" },
  1253. { 0xC00000CF, "STATUS_SHARING_PAUSED" },
  1254. { 0xC00000D0, "STATUS_REQUEST_NOT_ACCEPTED" },
  1255. { 0xC00000D1, "STATUS_REDIRECTOR_PAUSED" },
  1256. { 0xC00000D2, "STATUS_NET_WRITE_FAULT" },
  1257. { 0xC00000D3, "STATUS_PROFILING_AT_LIMIT" },
  1258. { 0xC00000D4, "STATUS_NOT_SAME_DEVICE" },
  1259. { 0xC00000D5, "STATUS_FILE_RENAMED" },
  1260. { 0xC00000D6, "STATUS_VIRTUAL_CIRCUIT_CLOSED" },
  1261. { 0xC00000D7, "STATUS_NO_SECURITY_ON_OBJECT" },
  1262. { 0xC00000D8, "STATUS_CANT_WAIT" },
  1263. { 0xC00000D9, "STATUS_PIPE_EMPTY" },
  1265. { 0xC00000DB, "STATUS_CANT_TERMINATE_SELF" },
  1266. { 0xC00000DC, "STATUS_INVALID_SERVER_STATE" },
  1267. { 0xC00000DD, "STATUS_INVALID_DOMAIN_STATE" },
  1268. { 0xC00000DE, "STATUS_INVALID_DOMAIN_ROLE" },
  1269. { 0xC00000DF, "STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN" },
  1270. { 0xC00000E0, "STATUS_DOMAIN_EXISTS" },
  1271. { 0xC00000E1, "STATUS_DOMAIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" },
  1272. { 0xC00000E2, "STATUS_OPLOCK_NOT_GRANTED" },
  1274. { 0xC00000E4, "STATUS_INTERNAL_DB_CORRUPTION" },
  1275. { 0xC00000E5, "STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR" },
  1276. { 0xC00000E6, "STATUS_GENERIC_NOT_MAPPED" },
  1277. { 0xC00000E7, "STATUS_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_FORMAT" },
  1278. { 0xC00000E8, "STATUS_INVALID_USER_BUFFER" },
  1279. { 0xC00000E9, "STATUS_UNEXPECTED_IO_ERROR" },
  1283. { 0xC00000ED, "STATUS_NOT_LOGON_PROCESS" },
  1284. { 0xC00000EE, "STATUS_LOGON_SESSION_EXISTS" },
  1285. { 0xC00000EF, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1" },
  1286. { 0xC00000F0, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2" },
  1287. { 0xC00000F1, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3" },
  1288. { 0xC00000F2, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_4" },
  1289. { 0xC00000F3, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_5" },
  1290. { 0xC00000F4, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_6" },
  1291. { 0xC00000F5, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_7" },
  1292. { 0xC00000F6, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_8" },
  1293. { 0xC00000F7, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_9" },
  1294. { 0xC00000F8, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_10" },
  1295. { 0xC00000F9, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_11" },
  1296. { 0xC00000FA, "STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_12" },
  1298. { 0xC00000FC, "STATUS_REDIRECTOR_STARTED" },
  1299. { 0xC00000FD, "STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW" },
  1300. { 0xC00000FE, "STATUS_NO_SUCH_PACKAGE" },
  1301. { 0xC00000FF, "STATUS_BAD_FUNCTION_TABLE" },
  1302. { 0xC0000100, "STATUS_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND" },
  1303. { 0xC0000101, "STATUS_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY" },
  1304. { 0xC0000102, "STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR" },
  1305. { 0xC0000103, "STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY" },
  1306. { 0xC0000104, "STATUS_BAD_LOGON_SESSION_STATE" },
  1307. { 0xC0000105, "STATUS_LOGON_SESSION_COLLISION" },
  1308. { 0xC0000106, "STATUS_NAME_TOO_LONG" },
  1309. { 0xC0000107, "STATUS_FILES_OPEN" },
  1310. { 0xC0000108, "STATUS_CONNECTION_IN_USE" },
  1311. { 0xC0000109, "STATUS_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND" },
  1312. { 0xC000010A, "STATUS_PROCESS_IS_TERMINATING" },
  1313. { 0xC000010B, "STATUS_INVALID_LOGON_TYPE" },
  1314. { 0xC000010C, "STATUS_NO_GUID_TRANSLATION" },
  1315. { 0xC000010D, "STATUS_CANNOT_IMPERSONATE" },
  1316. { 0xC000010E, "STATUS_IMAGE_ALREADY_LOADED" },
  1317. { 0xC000010F, "STATUS_ABIOS_NOT_PRESENT" },
  1318. { 0xC0000110, "STATUS_ABIOS_LID_NOT_EXIST" },
  1319. { 0xC0000111, "STATUS_ABIOS_LID_ALREADY_OWNED" },
  1320. { 0xC0000112, "STATUS_ABIOS_NOT_LID_OWNER" },
  1321. { 0xC0000113, "STATUS_ABIOS_INVALID_COMMAND" },
  1322. { 0xC0000114, "STATUS_ABIOS_INVALID_LID" },
  1324. { 0xC0000116, "STATUS_ABIOS_INVALID_SELECTOR" },
  1325. { 0xC0000117, "STATUS_NO_LDT" },
  1326. { 0xC0000118, "STATUS_INVALID_LDT_SIZE" },
  1327. { 0xC0000119, "STATUS_INVALID_LDT_OFFSET" },
  1328. { 0xC000011A, "STATUS_INVALID_LDT_DESCRIPTOR" },
  1329. { 0xC000011B, "STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_NE_FORMAT" },
  1330. { 0xC000011C, "STATUS_RXACT_INVALID_STATE" },
  1331. { 0xC000011D, "STATUS_RXACT_COMMIT_FAILURE" },
  1332. { 0xC000011E, "STATUS_MAPPED_FILE_SIZE_ZERO" },
  1333. { 0xC000011F, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_OPENED_FILES" },
  1334. { 0xC0000120, "STATUS_CANCELLED" },
  1335. { 0xC0000121, "STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE" },
  1336. { 0xC0000122, "STATUS_INVALID_COMPUTER_NAME" },
  1337. { 0xC0000123, "STATUS_FILE_DELETED" },
  1338. { 0xC0000124, "STATUS_SPECIAL_ACCOUNT" },
  1339. { 0xC0000125, "STATUS_SPECIAL_GROUP" },
  1340. { 0xC0000126, "STATUS_SPECIAL_USER" },
  1341. { 0xC0000127, "STATUS_MEMBERS_PRIMARY_GROUP" },
  1342. { 0xC0000128, "STATUS_FILE_CLOSED" },
  1343. { 0xC0000129, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_THREADS" },
  1344. { 0xC000012A, "STATUS_THREAD_NOT_IN_PROCESS" },
  1345. { 0xC000012B, "STATUS_TOKEN_ALREADY_IN_USE" },
  1347. { 0xC000012D, "STATUS_COMMITMENT_LIMIT" },
  1348. { 0xC000012E, "STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_LE_FORMAT" },
  1349. { 0xC000012F, "STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_NOT_MZ" },
  1350. { 0xC0000130, "STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_PROTECT" },
  1351. { 0xC0000131, "STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_WIN_16" },
  1352. { 0xC0000132, "STATUS_LOGON_SERVER_CONFLICT" },
  1353. { 0xC0000133, "STATUS_TIME_DIFFERENCE_AT_DC" },
  1355. { 0xC0000135, "STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND" },
  1356. { 0xC0000136, "STATUS_OPEN_FAILED" },
  1357. { 0xC0000137, "STATUS_IO_PRIVILEGE_FAILED" },
  1358. { 0xC0000138, "STATUS_ORDINAL_NOT_FOUND" },
  1359. { 0xC0000139, "STATUS_ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND" },
  1360. { 0xC000013A, "STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT" },
  1361. { 0xC000013B, "STATUS_LOCAL_DISCONNECT" },
  1362. { 0xC000013C, "STATUS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT" },
  1363. { 0xC000013D, "STATUS_REMOTE_RESOURCES" },
  1364. { 0xC000013E, "STATUS_LINK_FAILED" },
  1365. { 0xC000013F, "STATUS_LINK_TIMEOUT" },
  1366. { 0xC0000140, "STATUS_INVALID_CONNECTION" },
  1367. { 0xC0000141, "STATUS_INVALID_ADDRESS" },
  1368. { 0xC0000142, "STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED" },
  1369. { 0xC0000143, "STATUS_MISSING_SYSTEMFILE" },
  1370. { 0xC0000144, "STATUS_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION" },
  1371. { 0xC0000145, "STATUS_APP_INIT_FAILURE" },
  1372. { 0xC0000146, "STATUS_PAGEFILE_CREATE_FAILED" },
  1373. { 0xC0000147, "STATUS_NO_PAGEFILE" },
  1374. { 0xC0000148, "STATUS_INVALID_LEVEL" },
  1375. { 0xC0000149, "STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD_CORE" },
  1376. { 0xC000014A, "STATUS_ILLEGAL_FLOAT_CONTEXT" },
  1377. { 0xC000014B, "STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN" },
  1378. { 0xC000014C, "STATUS_REGISTRY_CORRUPT" },
  1379. { 0xC000014D, "STATUS_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED" },
  1380. { 0xC000014E, "STATUS_NO_EVENT_PAIR" },
  1381. { 0xC000014F, "STATUS_UNRECOGNIZED_VOLUME" },
  1382. { 0xC0000150, "STATUS_SERIAL_NO_DEVICE_INITED" },
  1383. { 0xC0000151, "STATUS_NO_SUCH_ALIAS" },
  1384. { 0xC0000152, "STATUS_MEMBER_NOT_IN_ALIAS" },
  1385. { 0xC0000153, "STATUS_MEMBER_IN_ALIAS" },
  1386. { 0xC0000154, "STATUS_ALIAS_EXISTS" },
  1387. { 0xC0000155, "STATUS_LOGON_NOT_GRANTED" },
  1388. { 0xC0000156, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_SECRETS" },
  1389. { 0xC0000157, "STATUS_SECRET_TOO_LONG" },
  1390. { 0xC0000158, "STATUS_INTERNAL_DB_ERROR" },
  1391. { 0xC0000159, "STATUS_FULLSCREEN_MODE" },
  1392. { 0xC000015A, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_CONTEXT_IDS" },
  1393. { 0xC000015B, "STATUS_LOGON_TYPE_NOT_GRANTED" },
  1394. { 0xC000015C, "STATUS_NOT_REGISTRY_FILE" },
  1397. { 0xC000015F, "STATUS_FT_MISSING_MEMBER" },
  1398. { 0xC0000160, "STATUS_ILL_FORMED_SERVICE_ENTRY" },
  1399. { 0xC0000161, "STATUS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER" },
  1400. { 0xC0000162, "STATUS_UNMAPPABLE_CHARACTER" },
  1401. { 0xC0000163, "STATUS_UNDEFINED_CHARACTER" },
  1402. { 0xC0000164, "STATUS_FLOPPY_VOLUME" },
  1403. { 0xC0000165, "STATUS_FLOPPY_ID_MARK_NOT_FOUND" },
  1404. { 0xC0000166, "STATUS_FLOPPY_WRONG_CYLINDER" },
  1405. { 0xC0000167, "STATUS_FLOPPY_UNKNOWN_ERROR" },
  1406. { 0xC0000168, "STATUS_FLOPPY_BAD_REGISTERS" },
  1407. { 0xC0000169, "STATUS_DISK_RECALIBRATE_FAILED" },
  1408. { 0xC000016A, "STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED" },
  1409. { 0xC000016B, "STATUS_DISK_RESET_FAILED" },
  1410. { 0xC000016C, "STATUS_SHARED_IRQ_BUSY" },
  1411. { 0xC000016D, "STATUS_FT_ORPHANING" },
  1413. { 0xC0000172, "STATUS_PARTITION_FAILURE" },
  1414. { 0xC0000173, "STATUS_INVALID_BLOCK_LENGTH" },
  1415. { 0xC0000174, "STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_PARTITIONED" },
  1416. { 0xC0000175, "STATUS_UNABLE_TO_LOCK_MEDIA" },
  1417. { 0xC0000176, "STATUS_UNABLE_TO_UNLOAD_MEDIA" },
  1418. { 0xC0000177, "STATUS_EOM_OVERFLOW" },
  1419. { 0xC0000178, "STATUS_NO_MEDIA" },
  1420. { 0xC000017A, "STATUS_NO_SUCH_MEMBER" },
  1421. { 0xC000017B, "STATUS_INVALID_MEMBER" },
  1422. { 0xC000017C, "STATUS_KEY_DELETED" },
  1423. { 0xC000017D, "STATUS_NO_LOG_SPACE" },
  1424. { 0xC000017E, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_SIDS" },
  1426. { 0xC0000180, "STATUS_KEY_HAS_CHILDREN" },
  1427. { 0xC0000181, "STATUS_CHILD_MUST_BE_VOLATILE" },
  1429. { 0xC0000183, "STATUS_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR" },
  1430. { 0xC0000184, "STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_STATE" },
  1431. { 0xC0000185, "STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR" },
  1432. { 0xC0000186, "STATUS_DEVICE_PROTOCOL_ERROR" },
  1433. { 0xC0000187, "STATUS_BACKUP_CONTROLLER" },
  1434. { 0xC0000188, "STATUS_LOG_FILE_FULL" },
  1435. { 0xC0000189, "STATUS_TOO_LATE" },
  1436. { 0xC000018A, "STATUS_NO_TRUST_LSA_SECRET" },
  1437. { 0xC000018B, "STATUS_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT" },
  1438. { 0xC000018C, "STATUS_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_FAILURE" },
  1440. { 0xC000018E, "STATUS_EVENTLOG_FILE_CORRUPT" },
  1441. { 0xC000018F, "STATUS_EVENTLOG_CANT_START" },
  1442. { 0xC0000190, "STATUS_TRUST_FAILURE" },
  1443. { 0xC0000191, "STATUS_MUTANT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" },
  1444. { 0xC0000192, "STATUS_NETLOGON_NOT_STARTED" },
  1445. { 0xC0000193, "STATUS_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED" },
  1446. { 0xC0000194, "STATUS_POSSIBLE_DEADLOCK" },
  1448. { 0xC0000196, "STATUS_REMOTE_SESSION_LIMIT" },
  1449. { 0xC0000197, "STATUS_EVENTLOG_FILE_CHANGED" },
  1454. { 0xC000019C, "STATUS_FS_DRIVER_REQUIRED" },
  1455. { 0xC0000202, "STATUS_NO_USER_SESSION_KEY" },
  1456. { 0xC0000203, "STATUS_USER_SESSION_DELETED" },
  1457. { 0xC0000204, "STATUS_RESOURCE_LANG_NOT_FOUND" },
  1458. { 0xC0000205, "STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES" },
  1459. { 0xC0000206, "STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE" },
  1461. { 0xC0000208, "STATUS_INVALID_ADDRESS_WILDCARD" },
  1462. { 0xC0000209, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_ADDRESSES" },
  1463. { 0xC000020A, "STATUS_ADDRESS_ALREADY_EXISTS" },
  1464. { 0xC000020B, "STATUS_ADDRESS_CLOSED" },
  1466. { 0xC000020D, "STATUS_CONNECTION_RESET" },
  1467. { 0xC000020E, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_NODES" },
  1468. { 0xC000020F, "STATUS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED" },
  1469. { 0xC0000210, "STATUS_TRANSACTION_TIMED_OUT" },
  1470. { 0xC0000211, "STATUS_TRANSACTION_NO_RELEASE" },
  1471. { 0xC0000212, "STATUS_TRANSACTION_NO_MATCH" },
  1472. { 0xC0000213, "STATUS_TRANSACTION_RESPONDED" },
  1473. { 0xC0000214, "STATUS_TRANSACTION_INVALID_ID" },
  1474. { 0xC0000215, "STATUS_TRANSACTION_INVALID_TYPE" },
  1475. { 0xC0000216, "STATUS_NOT_SERVER_SESSION" },
  1476. { 0xC0000217, "STATUS_NOT_CLIENT_SESSION" },
  1477. { 0xC0000218, "STATUS_CANNOT_LOAD_REGISTRY_FILE" },
  1478. { 0xC0000219, "STATUS_DEBUG_ATTACH_FAILED" },
  1480. { 0xC000021B, "STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED" },
  1481. { 0xC000021C, "STATUS_NO_BROWSER_SERVERS_FOUND" },
  1482. { 0xC000021D, "STATUS_VDM_HARD_ERROR" },
  1483. { 0xC000021E, "STATUS_DRIVER_CANCEL_TIMEOUT" },
  1484. { 0xC000021F, "STATUS_REPLY_MESSAGE_MISMATCH" },
  1485. { 0xC0000220, "STATUS_MAPPED_ALIGNMENT" },
  1486. { 0xC0000221, "STATUS_IMAGE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH" },
  1487. { 0xC0000222, "STATUS_LOST_WRITEBEHIND_DATA" },
  1489. { 0xC0000224, "STATUS_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE" },
  1490. { 0xC0000225, "STATUS_NOT_FOUND" },
  1491. { 0xC0000226, "STATUS_NOT_TINY_STREAM" },
  1492. { 0xC0000227, "STATUS_RECOVERY_FAILURE" },
  1493. { 0xC0000228, "STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW_READ" },
  1494. { 0xC0000229, "STATUS_FAIL_CHECK" },
  1495. { 0xC000022A, "STATUS_DUPLICATE_OBJECTID" },
  1496. { 0xC000022B, "STATUS_OBJECTID_EXISTS" },
  1497. { 0xC000022C, "STATUS_CONVERT_TO_LARGE" },
  1498. { 0xC000022D, "STATUS_RETRY" },
  1499. { 0xC000022E, "STATUS_FOUND_OUT_OF_SCOPE" },
  1500. { 0xC000022F, "STATUS_ALLOCATE_BUCKET" },
  1501. { 0xC0000230, "STATUS_PROPSET_NOT_FOUND" },
  1502. { 0xC0000231, "STATUS_MARSHALL_OVERFLOW" },
  1503. { 0xC0000232, "STATUS_INVALID_VARIANT" },
  1505. { 0xC0000234, "STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT" },
  1506. { 0xC0000235, "STATUS_HANDLE_NOT_CLOSABLE" },
  1507. { 0xC0000236, "STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED" },
  1508. { 0xC0000237, "STATUS_GRACEFUL_DISCONNECT" },
  1510. { 0xC0000239, "STATUS_ADDRESS_NOT_ASSOCIATED" },
  1511. { 0xC000023A, "STATUS_CONNECTION_INVALID" },
  1512. { 0xC000023B, "STATUS_CONNECTION_ACTIVE" },
  1513. { 0xC000023C, "STATUS_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE" },
  1514. { 0xC000023D, "STATUS_HOST_UNREACHABLE" },
  1515. { 0xC000023E, "STATUS_PROTOCOL_UNREACHABLE" },
  1516. { 0xC000023F, "STATUS_PORT_UNREACHABLE" },
  1517. { 0xC0000240, "STATUS_REQUEST_ABORTED" },
  1518. { 0xC0000241, "STATUS_CONNECTION_ABORTED" },
  1519. { 0xC0000242, "STATUS_BAD_COMPRESSION_BUFFER" },
  1520. { 0xC0000243, "STATUS_USER_MAPPED_FILE" },
  1521. { 0xC0000244, "STATUS_AUDIT_FAILED" },
  1522. { 0xC0000245, "STATUS_TIMER_RESOLUTION_NOT_SET" },
  1523. { 0xC0000246, "STATUS_CONNECTION_COUNT_LIMIT" },
  1524. { 0xC0000247, "STATUS_LOGIN_TIME_RESTRICTION" },
  1525. { 0xC0000248, "STATUS_LOGIN_WKSTA_RESTRICTION" },
  1526. { 0xC0000249, "STATUS_IMAGE_MP_UP_MISMATCH" },
  1527. { 0xC0000250, "STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_LOGON_INFO" },
  1528. { 0xC0000251, "STATUS_BAD_DLL_ENTRYPOINT" },
  1529. { 0xC0000252, "STATUS_BAD_SERVICE_ENTRYPOINT" },
  1530. { 0xC0000253, "STATUS_LPC_REPLY_LOST" },
  1531. { 0xC0000254, "STATUS_IP_ADDRESS_CONFLICT1" },
  1532. { 0xC0000255, "STATUS_IP_ADDRESS_CONFLICT2" },
  1533. { 0xC0000256, "STATUS_REGISTRY_QUOTA_LIMIT" },
  1534. { 0xC0000257, "STATUS_PATH_NOT_COVERED" },
  1535. { 0xC0000258, "STATUS_NO_CALLBACK_ACTIVE" },
  1536. { 0xC0000259, "STATUS_LICENSE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED" },
  1537. { 0xC000025A, "STATUS_PWD_TOO_SHORT" },
  1538. { 0xC000025B, "STATUS_PWD_TOO_RECENT" },
  1539. { 0xC000025C, "STATUS_PWD_HISTORY_CONFLICT" },
  1540. { 0xC000025E, "STATUS_PLUGPLAY_NO_DEVICE" },
  1542. { 0xC0000260, "STATUS_INVALID_HW_PROFILE" },
  1544. { 0xC0000262, "STATUS_DRIVER_ORDINAL_NOT_FOUND" },
  1546. { 0xC0000264, "STATUS_RESOURCE_NOT_OWNED" },
  1547. { 0xC0000265, "STATUS_TOO_MANY_LINKS" },
  1548. { 0xC0000266, "STATUS_QUOTA_LIST_INCONSISTENT" },
  1549. { 0xC0000267, "STATUS_FILE_IS_OFFLINE" },
  1550. { 0xC0000268, "STATUS_EVALUATION_EXPIRATION" },
  1551. { 0xC0000269, "STATUS_ILLEGAL_DLL_RELOCATION" },
  1552. { 0xC000026A, "STATUS_LICENSE_VIOLATION" },
  1553. { 0xC000026B, "STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED_LOGOFF" },
  1554. { 0xC000026C, "STATUS_DRIVER_UNABLE_TO_LOAD" },
  1555. { 0xC000026D, "STATUS_DFS_UNAVAILABLE" },
  1556. { 0xC000026E, "STATUS_VOLUME_DISMOUNTED" },
  1557. { 0xC000026F, "STATUS_WX86_INTERNAL_ERROR" },
  1558. { 0xC0000270, "STATUS_WX86_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK" },
  1559. { 0xC0000271, "STATUS_VALIDATE_CONTINUE" },
  1560. { 0xC0000272, "STATUS_NO_MATCH" },
  1561. { 0xC0000273, "STATUS_NO_MORE_MATCHES" },
  1562. { 0xC0000275, "STATUS_NOT_A_REPARSE_POINT" },
  1563. { 0xC0000276, "STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_INVALID" },
  1564. { 0xC0000277, "STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_MISMATCH" },
  1565. { 0xC0000278, "STATUS_IO_REPARSE_DATA_INVALID" },
  1566. { 0xC0000279, "STATUS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_NOT_HANDLED" },
  1567. { 0xC0000280, "STATUS_REPARSE_POINT_NOT_RESOLVED" },
  1568. { 0xC0000281, "STATUS_DIRECTORY_IS_A_REPARSE_POINT" },
  1569. { 0xC0000282, "STATUS_RANGE_LIST_CONFLICT" },
  1570. { 0xC0000283, "STATUS_SOURCE_ELEMENT_EMPTY" },
  1571. { 0xC0000284, "STATUS_DESTINATION_ELEMENT_FULL" },
  1572. { 0xC0000285, "STATUS_ILLEGAL_ELEMENT_ADDRESS" },
  1573. { 0xC0000286, "STATUS_MAGAZINE_NOT_PRESENT" },
  1575. { 0x80000288, "STATUS_DEVICE_REQUIRES_CLEANING" },
  1576. { 0x80000289, "STATUS_DEVICE_DOOR_OPEN" },
  1577. { 0xC000028A, "STATUS_ENCRYPTION_FAILED" },
  1578. { 0xC000028B, "STATUS_DECRYPTION_FAILED" },
  1579. { 0xC000028C, "STATUS_RANGE_NOT_FOUND" },
  1580. { 0xC000028D, "STATUS_NO_RECOVERY_POLICY" },
  1581. { 0xC000028E, "STATUS_NO_EFS" },
  1582. { 0xC000028F, "STATUS_WRONG_EFS" },
  1583. { 0xC0000290, "STATUS_NO_USER_KEYS" },
  1584. { 0xC0000291, "STATUS_FILE_NOT_ENCRYPTED" },
  1585. { 0xC0000292, "STATUS_NOT_EXPORT_FORMAT" },
  1586. { 0xC0000293, "STATUS_FILE_ENCRYPTED" },
  1587. { 0x40000294, "STATUS_WAKE_SYSTEM" },
  1588. { 0xC0000295, "STATUS_WMI_GUID_NOT_FOUND" },
  1589. { 0xC0000296, "STATUS_WMI_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND" },
  1590. { 0xC0000297, "STATUS_WMI_ITEMID_NOT_FOUND" },
  1591. { 0xC0000298, "STATUS_WMI_TRY_AGAIN" },
  1592. { 0xC0000299, "STATUS_SHARED_POLICY" },
  1593. { 0xC000029A, "STATUS_POLICY_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND" },
  1594. { 0xC000029B, "STATUS_POLICY_ONLY_IN_DS" },
  1595. { 0xC000029C, "STATUS_VOLUME_NOT_UPGRADED" },
  1598. { 0xC000029F, "STATUS_NO_TRACKING_SERVICE" },
  1599. { 0xC00002A0, "STATUS_SERVER_SID_MISMATCH" },
  1600. { 0xC00002A1, "STATUS_DS_NO_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE" },
  1604. { 0xC00002A5, "STATUS_DS_BUSY" },
  1605. { 0xC00002A6, "STATUS_DS_UNAVAILABLE" },
  1606. { 0xC00002A7, "STATUS_DS_NO_RIDS_ALLOCATED" },
  1607. { 0xC00002A8, "STATUS_DS_NO_MORE_RIDS" },
  1608. { 0xC00002A9, "STATUS_DS_INCORRECT_ROLE_OWNER" },
  1609. { 0xC00002AA, "STATUS_DS_RIDMGR_INIT_ERROR" },
  1610. { 0xC00002AB, "STATUS_DS_OBJ_CLASS_VIOLATION" },
  1611. { 0xC00002AC, "STATUS_DS_CANT_ON_NON_LEAF" },
  1612. { 0xC00002AD, "STATUS_DS_CANT_ON_RDN" },
  1613. { 0xC00002AE, "STATUS_DS_CANT_MOD_OBJ_CLASS" },
  1614. { 0xC00002AF, "STATUS_DS_CROSS_DOM_MOVE_FAILED" },
  1615. { 0xC00002B0, "STATUS_DS_GC_NOT_AVAILABLE" },
  1618. { 0xC00002B3, "STATUS_CANT_ENABLE_DENY_ONLY" },
  1619. { 0xC00002B4, "STATUS_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_FAULTS" },
  1620. { 0xC00002B5, "STATUS_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_TRAPS" },
  1621. { 0xC00002B6, "STATUS_DEVICE_REMOVED" },
  1623. { 0xC00002B8, "STATUS_JOURNAL_NOT_ACTIVE" },
  1624. { 0xC00002B9, "STATUS_NOINTERFACE" },
  1625. { 0xC00002C1, "STATUS_DS_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" },
  1626. { 0xC00002C2, "STATUS_DRIVER_FAILED_SLEEP" },
  1628. { 0xC00002C4, "STATUS_CORRUPT_SYSTEM_FILE" },
  1630. { 0xC00002C6, "STATUS_WMI_READ_ONLY" },
  1631. { 0xC00002C7, "STATUS_WMI_SET_FAILURE" },
  1632. { 0xC00002C8, "STATUS_COMMITMENT_MINIMUM" },
  1633. { 0xC00002C9, "STATUS_REG_NAT_CONSUMPTION" },
  1634. { 0xC00002CA, "STATUS_TRANSPORT_FULL" },
  1635. { 0xC00002CB, "STATUS_DS_SAM_INIT_FAILURE" },
  1636. { 0xC00002CC, "STATUS_ONLY_IF_CONNECTED" },
  1642. { 0xC00002D2, "STATUS_PNP_REBOOT_REQUIRED" },
  1643. { 0xC00002D3, "STATUS_POWER_STATE_INVALID" },
  1644. { 0xC00002D4, "STATUS_DS_INVALID_GROUP_TYPE" },
  1653. { 0xC00002DD, "STATUS_WMI_NOT_SUPPORTED" },
  1654. { 0xC00002DE, "STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_POWER" },
  1656. { 0xC00002E0, "STATUS_SAM_NEED_BOOTKEY_FLOPPY" },
  1657. { 0xC00002E1, "STATUS_DS_CANT_START" },
  1658. { 0xC00002E2, "STATUS_DS_INIT_FAILURE" },
  1659. { 0xC00002E3, "STATUS_SAM_INIT_FAILURE" },
  1660. { 0xC00002E4, "STATUS_DS_GC_REQUIRED" },
  1665. { 0xC0000300, "STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_SBS" },
  1666. { 0xC0009898, "STATUS_WOW_ASSERTION" },
  1667. { 0xC0020001, "RPC_NT_INVALID_STRING_BINDING" },
  1668. { 0xC0020002, "RPC_NT_WRONG_KIND_OF_BINDING" },
  1669. { 0xC0020003, "RPC_NT_INVALID_BINDING" },
  1670. { 0xC0020004, "RPC_NT_PROTSEQ_NOT_SUPPORTED" },
  1671. { 0xC0020005, "RPC_NT_INVALID_RPC_PROTSEQ" },
  1672. { 0xC0020006, "RPC_NT_INVALID_STRING_UUID" },
  1673. { 0xC0020007, "RPC_NT_INVALID_ENDPOINT_FORMAT" },
  1674. { 0xC0020008, "RPC_NT_INVALID_NET_ADDR" },
  1675. { 0xC0020009, "RPC_NT_NO_ENDPOINT_FOUND" },
  1676. { 0xC002000A, "RPC_NT_INVALID_TIMEOUT" },
  1677. { 0xC002000B, "RPC_NT_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND" },
  1678. { 0xC002000C, "RPC_NT_ALREADY_REGISTERED" },
  1679. { 0xC002000D, "RPC_NT_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED" },
  1680. { 0xC002000E, "RPC_NT_ALREADY_LISTENING" },
  1681. { 0xC002000F, "RPC_NT_NO_PROTSEQS_REGISTERED" },
  1682. { 0xC0020010, "RPC_NT_NOT_LISTENING" },
  1683. { 0xC0020011, "RPC_NT_UNKNOWN_MGR_TYPE" },
  1684. { 0xC0020012, "RPC_NT_UNKNOWN_IF" },
  1685. { 0xC0020013, "RPC_NT_NO_BINDINGS" },
  1686. { 0xC0020014, "RPC_NT_NO_PROTSEQS" },
  1687. { 0xC0020015, "RPC_NT_CANT_CREATE_ENDPOINT" },
  1688. { 0xC0020016, "RPC_NT_OUT_OF_RESOURCES" },
  1689. { 0xC0020017, "RPC_NT_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE" },
  1690. { 0xC0020018, "RPC_NT_SERVER_TOO_BUSY" },
  1691. { 0xC0020019, "RPC_NT_INVALID_NETWORK_OPTIONS" },
  1692. { 0xC002001A, "RPC_NT_NO_CALL_ACTIVE" },
  1693. { 0xC002001B, "RPC_NT_CALL_FAILED" },
  1694. { 0xC002001C, "RPC_NT_CALL_FAILED_DNE" },
  1695. { 0xC002001D, "RPC_NT_PROTOCOL_ERROR" },
  1696. { 0xC002001F, "RPC_NT_UNSUPPORTED_TRANS_SYN" },
  1697. { 0xC0020021, "RPC_NT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE" },
  1698. { 0xC0020022, "RPC_NT_INVALID_TAG" },
  1699. { 0xC0020023, "RPC_NT_INVALID_BOUND" },
  1700. { 0xC0020024, "RPC_NT_NO_ENTRY_NAME" },
  1701. { 0xC0020025, "RPC_NT_INVALID_NAME_SYNTAX" },
  1702. { 0xC0020026, "RPC_NT_UNSUPPORTED_NAME_SYNTAX" },
  1703. { 0xC0020028, "RPC_NT_UUID_NO_ADDRESS" },
  1704. { 0xC0020029, "RPC_NT_DUPLICATE_ENDPOINT" },
  1705. { 0xC002002A, "RPC_NT_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_TYPE" },
  1706. { 0xC002002B, "RPC_NT_MAX_CALLS_TOO_SMALL" },
  1707. { 0xC002002C, "RPC_NT_STRING_TOO_LONG" },
  1708. { 0xC002002D, "RPC_NT_PROTSEQ_NOT_FOUND" },
  1709. { 0xC002002E, "RPC_NT_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE" },
  1710. { 0xC002002F, "RPC_NT_BINDING_HAS_NO_AUTH" },
  1711. { 0xC0020030, "RPC_NT_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_SERVICE" },
  1712. { 0xC0020031, "RPC_NT_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_LEVEL" },
  1713. { 0xC0020032, "RPC_NT_INVALID_AUTH_IDENTITY" },
  1714. { 0xC0020033, "RPC_NT_UNKNOWN_AUTHZ_SERVICE" },
  1715. { 0xC0020034, "EPT_NT_INVALID_ENTRY" },
  1716. { 0xC0020035, "EPT_NT_CANT_PERFORM_OP" },
  1717. { 0xC0020036, "EPT_NT_NOT_REGISTERED" },
  1718. { 0xC0020037, "RPC_NT_NOTHING_TO_EXPORT" },
  1719. { 0xC0020038, "RPC_NT_INCOMPLETE_NAME" },
  1720. { 0xC0020039, "RPC_NT_INVALID_VERS_OPTION" },
  1721. { 0xC002003A, "RPC_NT_NO_MORE_MEMBERS" },
  1722. { 0xC002003B, "RPC_NT_NOT_ALL_OBJS_UNEXPORTED" },
  1723. { 0xC002003C, "RPC_NT_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND" },
  1724. { 0xC002003D, "RPC_NT_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS" },
  1725. { 0xC002003E, "RPC_NT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND" },
  1726. { 0xC002003F, "RPC_NT_NAME_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" },
  1727. { 0xC0020040, "RPC_NT_INVALID_NAF_ID" },
  1728. { 0xC0020041, "RPC_NT_CANNOT_SUPPORT" },
  1729. { 0xC0020042, "RPC_NT_NO_CONTEXT_AVAILABLE" },
  1730. { 0xC0020043, "RPC_NT_INTERNAL_ERROR" },
  1731. { 0xC0020044, "RPC_NT_ZERO_DIVIDE" },
  1732. { 0xC0020045, "RPC_NT_ADDRESS_ERROR" },
  1733. { 0xC0020046, "RPC_NT_FP_DIV_ZERO" },
  1734. { 0xC0020047, "RPC_NT_FP_UNDERFLOW" },
  1735. { 0xC0020048, "RPC_NT_FP_OVERFLOW" },
  1736. { 0xC0021007, "RPC_P_RECEIVE_ALERTED" },
  1737. { 0xC0021008, "RPC_P_CONNECTION_CLOSED" },
  1738. { 0xC0021009, "RPC_P_RECEIVE_FAILED" },
  1739. { 0xC002100A, "RPC_P_SEND_FAILED" },
  1740. { 0xC002100B, "RPC_P_TIMEOUT" },
  1741. { 0xC002100C, "RPC_P_SERVER_TRANSPORT_ERROR" },
  1742. { 0xC002100E, "RPC_P_EXCEPTION_OCCURED" },
  1743. { 0xC0021012, "RPC_P_CONNECTION_SHUTDOWN" },
  1744. { 0xC0021015, "RPC_P_THREAD_LISTENING" },
  1745. { 0xC0030001, "RPC_NT_NO_MORE_ENTRIES" },
  1746. { 0xC0030002, "RPC_NT_SS_CHAR_TRANS_OPEN_FAIL" },
  1747. { 0xC0030003, "RPC_NT_SS_CHAR_TRANS_SHORT_FILE" },
  1748. { 0xC0030004, "RPC_NT_SS_IN_NULL_CONTEXT" },
  1749. { 0xC0030005, "RPC_NT_SS_CONTEXT_MISMATCH" },
  1750. { 0xC0030006, "RPC_NT_SS_CONTEXT_DAMAGED" },
  1751. { 0xC0030007, "RPC_NT_SS_HANDLES_MISMATCH" },
  1752. { 0xC0030008, "RPC_NT_SS_CANNOT_GET_CALL_HANDLE" },
  1753. { 0xC0030009, "RPC_NT_NULL_REF_POINTER" },
  1754. { 0xC003000A, "RPC_NT_ENUM_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE" },
  1755. { 0xC003000B, "RPC_NT_BYTE_COUNT_TOO_SMALL" },
  1756. { 0xC003000C, "RPC_NT_BAD_STUB_DATA" },
  1757. { 0xC0020049, "RPC_NT_CALL_IN_PROGRESS" },
  1758. { 0xC002004A, "RPC_NT_NO_MORE_BINDINGS" },
  1759. { 0xC002004B, "RPC_NT_GROUP_MEMBER_NOT_FOUND" },
  1760. { 0xC002004C, "EPT_NT_CANT_CREATE" },
  1761. { 0xC002004D, "RPC_NT_INVALID_OBJECT" },
  1762. { 0xC002004F, "RPC_NT_NO_INTERFACES" },
  1763. { 0xC0020050, "RPC_NT_CALL_CANCELLED" },
  1764. { 0xC0020051, "RPC_NT_BINDING_INCOMPLETE" },
  1765. { 0xC0020052, "RPC_NT_COMM_FAILURE" },
  1766. { 0xC0020053, "RPC_NT_UNSUPPORTED_AUTHN_LEVEL" },
  1767. { 0xC0020054, "RPC_NT_NO_PRINC_NAME" },
  1768. { 0xC0020055, "RPC_NT_NOT_RPC_ERROR" },
  1769. { 0x40020056, "RPC_NT_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY" },
  1770. { 0xC0020057, "RPC_NT_SEC_PKG_ERROR" },
  1771. { 0xC0020058, "RPC_NT_NOT_CANCELLED" },
  1772. { 0xC0030059, "RPC_NT_INVALID_ES_ACTION" },
  1773. { 0xC003005A, "RPC_NT_WRONG_ES_VERSION" },
  1774. { 0xC003005B, "RPC_NT_WRONG_STUB_VERSION" },
  1775. { 0xC003005C, "RPC_NT_INVALID_PIPE_OBJECT" },
  1776. { 0xC003005D, "RPC_NT_INVALID_PIPE_OPERATION" },
  1777. { 0xC003005E, "RPC_NT_WRONG_PIPE_VERSION" },
  1778. { 0x400200AF, "RPC_NT_SEND_INCOMPLETE" },
  1779. { 0, NULL }
  1780. };
  1781. /*
  1782. * return an NT error string from a SMB buffer
  1783. */
  1784. const char *
  1785. nt_errstr(uint32_t err)
  1786. {
  1787. static char ret[128];
  1788. int i;
  1789. ret[0] = 0;
  1790. for (i = 0; nt_errors[i].name; i++) {
  1791. if (err == nt_errors[i].code)
  1792. return nt_errors[i].name;
  1793. }
  1794. snprintf(ret, sizeof(ret), "0x%08x", err);
  1795. return ret;
  1796. }