README.cbcp 2.0 KB

  1. Microsoft Call Back Configuration Protocol.
  2. by Pedro Roque Marques
  3. (updated by Paul Mackerras)
  4. The CBCP is a method by which the Microsoft Windows NT Server may
  5. implement additional security. It is possible to configure the server
  6. in such a manner so as to require that the client systems which
  7. connect with it are required that following a valid authentication to
  8. leave a method by which the number may be returned call.
  9. It is a requirement of servers to be so configured that the protocol be
  10. exchanged.
  11. So, this set of patches may be applied to the pppd process to enable
  12. the cbcp client *only* portion of the specification. It is primarily
  13. meant to permit connection with Windows NT Servers.
  14. The ietf-working specification may be obtained from
  15. in the developr/rfc directory.
  16. The ietf task group has decided to recommend that the LCP sequence be
  17. extended to permit the callback operation. For this reason, these
  18. patches are not 'part' of pppd but are an adjunct to the code.
  19. To enable CBCP support, all that is required is to uncomment the line
  20. in Makefile.linux that sets CBCP=y and recompile pppd.
  21. I use such script to make a callback:
  22. pppd debug nodetach /dev/modem 115200 crtscts modem \
  23. callback 222222 name NAME remotename SERVER \
  24. connect 'chat -v "" atz OK atdt111111 CONNECT ""'
  25. sleep 1
  26. pppd debug /dev/modem 115200 crtscts modem \
  27. name NAME remotename SERVER defaultroute \
  28. connect 'chat -v RING ATA CONNECT "\c"'
  29. First we invoke pppd with 'nodetach' option in order to not detach from
  30. the controlling terminal and 'callback NUMBER' option, then wait for
  31. 1 second and invoke pppd again which waits for a callback (RING) and
  32. then answers (ATA). Number 222222 is a callback number, i.e. server will
  33. call us back at this number, while number 111111 is the number we are
  34. calling to.
  35. You have to put in /etc/ppp/chap-secrets the following two lines:
  38. You have to use your real login name, remote server name and password.