123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772 |
- .TH POPT 3 "June 30, 1998" "" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
- popt \- Parse command line options
- .nf
- .B #include <popt.h>
- .sp
- .BI "poptContext poptGetContext(const char * " name ", int " argc ,
- .BI " const char ** "argv ,
- .BI " const struct poptOption * " options ,
- .BI " int " flags );
- .sp
- .BI "void poptFreeContext(poptContext " con );
- .sp
- .BI "void poptResetContext(poptContext " con );
- .sp
- .BI "int poptGetNextOpt(poptContext " con );
- .sp
- .BI "const char * poptGetOptArg(poptContext " con );
- .sp
- .BI "const char * poptGetArg(poptContext " con );
- .sp
- .BI "const char * poptPeekArg(poptContext " con );
- .sp
- .BI "const char ** poptGetArgs(poptContext " con );
- .sp
- .BI "const char *const poptStrerror(const int " error );
- .sp
- .BI "const char * poptBadOption(poptContext " con ", int " flags );
- .sp
- .BI "int poptReadDefaultConfig(poptContext " con ", int " flags );
- .sp
- .BI "int poptReadConfigFile(poptContext " con ", char * " fn );
- .sp
- .BI "int poptAddAlias(poptContext " con ", struct poptAlias " alias ,
- .BI " int " flags );
- .sp
- .BI "int poptParseArgvString(char * " s ", int * " argcPtr ,
- .BI " const char *** " argvPtr );
- .sp
- .BI "int poptDupArgv(int " argc ", const char ** " argv ", int * " argcPtr ",
- .BI " const char *** " argvPtr ");"
- .sp
- .BI "int poptStuffArgs(poptContext " con ", const char ** " argv );
- .sp
- .fi
- The popt library exists essentially for parsing command-line
- options. It is found superior in many ways when compared to
- parsing the argv array by hand or using the getopt functions
- .B getopt()
- and
- .B getopt_long()
- [see
- .BR getopt "(3)]."
- Some specific advantages of popt are: it does not utilize global
- .RI "variables, thus enabling multiple passes in parsing " argv
- .RI "; it can parse an arbitrary array of " argv "-style elements, "
- allowing parsing of command-line-strings from any source;
- it provides a standard method of option aliasing (to be
- discussed at length below.); it can exec external option filters; and,
- finally, it can automatically generate help and usage messages for
- the application.
- .sp
- Like
- .BR getopt_long() ,
- the popt library supports short and long style options. Recall
- that a
- .B short option
- consists of a - character followed by a single alphanumeric character.
- A
- .BR "long option" ,
- common in GNU utilities, consists of two - characters followed by a
- string made up of letters, numbers and hyphens. Long options are
- optionally allowed to begin with a single -, primarily to allow command-line
- compatibility between popt applications and X toolkit applications.
- Either type of option may be followed by an argument. A space separates a
- short option from its arguments; either a space or an = separates a long
- option from an argument.
- .sp
- The popt library is highly portable and should work on any POSIX
- platform. The latest version is distributed with rpm and is always available
- from: ftp://ftp.rpm.org/pub/rpm/dist.
- .sp
- It may be redistributed under the X consortium license, see the file COPYING
- in the popt source distribution for details.
- Applications provide popt with information on their command-line
- options by means of an "option table," i.e., an array of
- .B struct poptOption
- structures:
- .sp
- #include <popt.h>
- .sp
- .nf
- struct poptOption {
- const char * longName; /* may be NULL */
- char shortName; /* may be '\\0' */
- int argInfo;
- void * arg; /* depends on argInfo */
- int val; /* 0 means don't return, just update flag */
- char * descrip; /* description for autohelp -- may be NULL */
- char * argDescrip; /* argument description for autohelp */
- };
- .fi
- .sp
- Each member of the table defines a single option that may be
- passed to the program. Long and short options are considered
- a single option that may occur in two different forms. The
- first two members,
- .IR longName " and " shortName ", define the names of the option;"
- the first is a long name, while the latter is a single character.
- .sp
- The
- .IR argInfo " member tells popt what type of argument is expected"
- after the option. If no argument is expected,
- should be used.
- The rest of the valid values are shown in the following table:
- .sp
- .TS
- lfB lfB lfB
- lfB lfR lfR.
- Value Description arg Type
- POPT_ARG_NONE No argument expected int
- POPT_ARG_STRING No type checking to be performed char *
- POPT_ARG_ARGV No type checking to be performed char **
- POPT_ARG_SHORT An short argument is expected short
- POPT_ARG_INT An integer argument is expected int
- POPT_ARG_LONG A long integer is expected long
- POPT_ARG_LONGLONG A long long integer is expected long long
- POPT_ARG_VAL Integer value taken from \f(CWval\fR int
- POPT_ARG_FLOAT An float argument is expected float
- POPT_ARG_DOUBLE A double argument is expected double
- .TE
- .sp
- For numeric values, if the \fIargInfo\fR value is bitwise or'd with one of
- the value is saved by performing an OR, AND, or XOR.
- If the \fIargInfo\fR value is bitwise or'd with \fBPOPT_ARGFLAG_NOT\fR,
- the value will be negated before saving. For the common operations of
- setting and/or clearing bits, \fBPOPT_BIT_SET\fR and \fBPOPT_BIT_CLR\fR
- have the appropriate flags set to perform bit operations.
- .sp
- If the \fIargInfo\fR value is bitwise or'd with \fBPOPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH\fR,
- the long argument may be given with a single - instead of two. For example,
- if \fB--longopt\fR is an option with \fBPOPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH\fR, is
- specified, \fB-longopt\fR is accepted as well.
- .sp
- .RI "The next element, " arg ", allows popt to automatically update "
- .RI "program variables when the option is used. If " arg " is "
- .BR NULL ", it is ignored and popt takes no special action. "
- Otherwise it should point to a variable of the type indicated in the
- .RB "right-most column of the table above. A " POPT_ARG_ARGV " arg will
- (re-)allocate an array of char * string pointers, append the string argument, and add a
- .BR NULL " sentinel at the end of the array as needed."
- .RB "The target char ** address of a " POPT_ARG_ARGV " arg should be initialized to " NULL "."
- .sp
- .RI "If the option takes no argument (" argInfo " is "
- .BR POPT_ARG_NONE "), the variable pointed to by "
- .IR arg " is set to 1 when the option is used. (Incidentally, it "
- will perhaps not escape the attention of hunt-and-peck typists that
- .RB "the value of " POPT_ARG_NONE " is 0.) If the option does take "
- an argument, the variable that
- .IR arg " points to is updated to reflect the value of the argument."
- .RB "Any string is acceptable for " POPT_ARG_STRING " and " POPT_ARG_ARGV " arguments, but "
- .BR POPT_ARG_DOUBLE " are converted to the appropriate type, and an "
- error returned if the conversion fails.
- .sp
- \fBPOPT_ARG_VAL\fR causes \fIarg\fP to be set to the (integer) value of
- \fIval\fP when the argument is found. This is most often useful for
- mutually-exclusive arguments in cases where it is not an error for
- multiple arguments to occur and where you want the last argument
- specified to win; for example, "rm -i -f". \fBPOPT_ARG_VAL\fP causes
- the parsing function not to return a value, since the value of \fIval\fP
- has already been used.
- .sp
- If the \fIargInfo\fR value is bitwise or'd with \fBPOPT_ARGFLAG_OPTIONAL\fR,
- the argument to the long option may be omitted. If the long option
- is used without an argument, a default value of zero or NULL will be saved
- (if the arg pointer is present), otherwise behavior will be identical to
- a long option with argument.
- .sp
- .RI "The next option, " val ", is the value popt's parsing function
- should return when the option is encountered. If it is 0, the parsing
- function does not return a value, instead parsing the next
- command-line argument.
- .sp
- .RI "The last two options, " descrip " and " argDescrip " are only required
- if automatic help messages are desired (automatic usage messages can
- .RI "be generated without them). " descrip " is a text description of the
- .RI "argument and " argdescrip " is a short summary of the type of arguments
- .RI "the option expects, or NULL if the option doesn't require any
- arguments.
- .sp
- .RB "If popt should automatically provide " --usage " and " --help " (" -? ")
- .RB "options, one line in the table should be the macro " POPT_AUTOHELP ".
- .RB "This macro includes another option table (via " POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE
- ; see below) in the main one which provides the table entries for these
- .RB "arguments. When " --usage " or " --help " are passed to programs which
- use popt's automatical help, popt displays the appropriate message on
- stderr as soon as it finds the option, and exits the program with a
- return code of 0. If you want to use popt's automatic help generation in
- a different way, you need to explicitly add the option entries to your programs
- .RB "option table instead of using " POPT_AUTOHELP ".
- .sp
- If the \fIargInfo\fR value is bitwise or'd with \fBPOPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN\fR,
- the argument will not be shown in help output.
- .sp
- If the \fIargInfo\fR value is bitwise or'd with \fBPOPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT\fR,
- the inital value of the arg will be shown in help output.
- .sp
- The final structure in the table should have all the pointer values set
- .RB "to " NULL " and all the arithmetic values set to 0, marking the "
- .RB "end of the table. The macro " POPT_TABLEEND " is provided to do that.
- .sp
- There are two types of option table entries which do not specify command
- line options. When either of these types of entries are used, the
- \fIlongName\fR element must be \fBNULL\fR and the \fBshortName\fR element
- must be \fB'\\0'\fR.
- .sp
- The first of these special entry types allows the application to nest
- another option table in the current one; such nesting may extend quite
- deeply (the actual depth is limited by the program's stack). Including
- other option tables allows a library to provide a standard set of
- command-line options to every program which uses it (this is often done
- in graphical programming toolkits, for example). To do this, set
- the \fIargInfo\fR field to \fBPOPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE\fR and the
- \fRarg\fR field to point to the table which is being included. If
- automatic help generation is being used, the \fIdescrip\fR field should
- contain a overall description of the option table being included.
- .sp
- The other special option table entry type tells popt to call a function (a
- callback) when any option in that table is found. This is especially usefull
- when included option tables are being used, as the program which provides
- the top-level option table doesn't need to be aware of the other options
- which are provided by the included table. When a callback is set for
- a table, the parsing function never returns information on an option in
- the table. Instead, options information must be retained via the callback
- or by having popt set a variable through the option's \fIarg\fR field.
- Option callbacks should match the following prototype:
- .sp
- .nf
- .BI "void poptCallbackType(poptContext con,
- .BI " const struct poptOption * opt,
- .BI " const char * arg, void * data);
- .fi
- .sp
- The first parameter is the context which is being parsed (see the next
- section for information on contexts), \fIopt\fR points to the option
- which triggered this callback, and \fIarg\fR is the option's argument.
- If the option does not take an argument, \fIarg\fR is \fBNULL\fR. The
- final parameter, \fIdata\fR is taken from the \fIdescrip\fR field
- of the option table entry which defined the callback. As \fIdescrip\fR
- is a pointer, this allows callback functions to be passed an arbitrary
- set of data (though a typecast will have to be used).
- .sp
- The option table entry which defines a callback has an \fIargInfo\fR of
- \fBPOPT_ARG_CALLBACK\fR, an \fIarg\fR which points to the callback
- function, and a \fIdescrip\fR field which specifies an arbitrary pointer
- to be passed to the callback.
- popt can interleave the parsing of multiple command-line sets. It allows
- this by keeping all the state information for a particular set of
- command-line arguments in a
- .BR poptContext " data structure, an opaque type that should not be "
- modified outside the popt library.
- .sp
- .RB "New popt contexts are created by " poptGetContext() ":"
- .sp
- .nf
- .BI "poptContext poptGetContext(const char * " name ", int "argc ",
- .BI " const char ** "argv ",
- .BI " const struct poptOption * "options ",
- .BI " int "flags ");"
- .fi
- .sp
- The first parameter,
- .IR name ", is used only for alias handling (discussed later). It "
- should be the name of the application whose options are being parsed,
- .RB "or should be " NULL " if no option aliasing is desired. The next "
- two arguments specify the command-line arguments to parse. These are
- .RB "generally passed to " poptGetContext() " exactly as they were "
- .RB "passed to the program's " main() " function. The "
- .IR options " parameter points to the table of command-line options, "
- which was described in the previous section. The final parameter,
- .IR flags ,
- can take one of three values:
- .br
- .TS
- lfB lfB
- lfB lfR.
- Value Description
- POPT_CONTEXT_NO_EXEC Ignore exec expansions
- POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST Do not ignore argv[0]
- POPT_CONTEXT_POSIXMEHARDER Options cannot follow arguments
- .TE
- .sp
- .RB "A " poptContext " keeps track of which options have already been "
- parsed and which remain, among other things. If a program wishes to
- restart option processing of a set of arguments, it can reset the
- .BR poptContext " by passing the context as the sole argument to "
- .BR poptResetContext() .
- .sp
- When argument processing is complete, the process should free the
- .BR poptContext " as it contains dynamically allocated components. The "
- .BR poptFreeContext() " function takes a "
- .BR poptContext " as its sole argument and frees the resources the "
- context is using.
- .sp
- .RB "Here are the prototypes of both " poptResetContext() " and "
- .BR poptFreeContext() :
- .sp
- .nf
- .B #include <popt.h>
- .BI "void poptFreeContext(poptContext " con ");"
- .BI "void poptResetContext(poptContext " con ");"
- .fi
- .sp
- .RB "After an application has created a " poptContext ", it may begin "
- .RB "parsing arguments. " poptGetNextOpt() " performs the actual "
- argument parsing.
- .sp
- .nf
- .B #include <popt.h>
- .BI "int poptGetNextOpt(poptContext " con ");"
- .fi
- .sp
- Taking the context as its sole argument, this function parses the next
- command-line argument found. After finding the next argument in the
- option table, the function fills in the object pointed to by the option
- .RI "table entry's " arg
- .RB "pointer if it is not " NULL ". If the val entry for the option is "
- non-0, the function then returns that value. Otherwise,
- .BR poptGetNextOpt() " continues on to the next argument."
- .sp
- .BR poptGetNextOpt() " returns -1 when the final argument has been "
- parsed, and other negative values when errors occur. This makes it a
- good idea to
- .RI "keep the " val " elements in the options table greater than 0."
- .sp
- .RI "If all of the command-line options are handled through " arg
- pointers, command-line parsing is reduced to the following line of code:
- .sp
- .nf
- rc = poptGetNextOpt(poptcon);
- .fi
- .sp
- Many applications require more complex command-line parsing than this,
- however, and use the following structure:
- .sp
- .nf
- while ((rc = poptGetNextOpt(poptcon)) > 0) {
- switch (rc) {
- /* specific arguments are handled here */
- }
- }
- .fi
- .sp
- When returned options are handled, the application needs to know the
- value of any arguments that were specified after the option. There are two
- ways to discover them. One is to ask popt to fill in a variable with the
- .RI "value of the option through the option table's " arg " elements. The "
- .RB "other is to use " poptGetOptArg() ":"
- .sp
- .nf
- .B #include <popt.h>
- .BI "char * poptGetOptArg(poptContext " con ");"
- .fi
- .sp
- This function returns the argument given for the final option returned by
- .BR poptGetNextOpt() ", or it returns " NULL " if no argument was specified."
- The calling function is responsible for deallocating this string.
- .sp
- Many applications take an arbitrary number of command-line arguments,
- such as a list of file names. When popt encounters an argument that does
- not begin with a -, it assumes it is such an argument and adds it to a list
- of leftover arguments. Three functions allow applications to access such
- arguments:
- .nf
- .HP
- .BI "const char * poptGetArg(poptContext " con ");"
- .fi
- This function returns the next leftover argument and marks it as
- processed.
- .PP
- .nf
- .HP
- .BI "const char * poptPeekArg(poptContext " con ");"
- .fi
- The next leftover argument is returned but not marked as processed.
- This allows an application to look ahead into the argument list,
- without modifying the list.
- .PP
- .nf
- .HP
- .BI "const char ** poptGetArgs(poptContext " con ");"
- .fi
- All the leftover arguments are returned in a manner identical to
- .IR argv ". The final element in the returned array points to "
- .BR NULL ", indicating the end of the arguments.
- .sp
- The \fBpopt\fR library can automatically generate help messages which
- describe the options a program accepts. There are two types of help
- messages which can be generated. Usage messages are a short messages
- which lists valid options, but does not describe them. Help messages
- describe each option on one (or more) lines, resulting in a longer, but
- more useful, message. Whenever automatic help messages are used, the
- \fBdescrip\fR and \fBargDescrip\fR fields \fBstruct poptOption\fR members
- should be filled in for each option.
- .sp
- The \fBPOPT_AUTOHELP\fR macro makes it easy to add \fB--usage\fR and
- \fB--help\fR messages to your program, and is described in part 1
- of this man page. If more control is needed over your help messages,
- the following two functions are available:
- .sp
- .nf
- .B #include <popt.h>
- .BI "void poptPrintHelp(poptContext " con ", FILE * " f ", int " flags ");
- .BI "void poptPrintUsage(poptContext " con ", FILE * " f ", int " flags ");
- .fi
- .sp
- \fBpoptPrintHelp()\fR displays the standard help message to the stdio file
- descriptor f, while \fBpoptPrintUsage()\fR displays the shorter usage
- message. Both functions currently ignore the \fBflags\fR argument; it is
- there to allow future changes.
- .sp
- All of the popt functions that can return errors return integers.
- When an error occurs, a negative error code is returned. The
- following table summarizes the error codes that occur:
- .sp
- .nf
- .B " Error Description"
- .BR "POPT_ERROR_NOARG " "Argument missing for an option."
- .BR "POPT_ERROR_BADOPT " "Option's argument couldn't be parsed."
- .BR "POPT_ERROR_OPTSTOODEEP " "Option aliasing nested too deeply."
- .BR "POPT_ERROR_BADQUOTE " "Quotations do not match."
- .BR "POPT_ERROR_BADNUMBER " "Option couldn't be converted to number."
- .BR "POPT_ERROR_OVERFLOW " "A given number was too big or small."
- .fi
- .sp
- Here is a more detailed discussion of each error:
- .sp
- .TP
- An option that requires an argument was specified on the command
- line, but no argument was given. This can be returned only by
- .BR poptGetNextOpt() .
- .sp
- .TP
- .RI "An option was specified in " argv " but is not in the option
- .RB "table. This error can be returned only from " poptGetNextOpt() .
- .sp
- .TP
- A set of option aliases is nested too deeply. Currently, popt
- follows options only 10 levels to prevent infinite recursion. Only
- .BR poptGetNextOpt() " can return this error."
- .sp
- .TP
- A parsed string has a quotation mismatch (such as a single quotation
- .RB "mark). " poptParseArgvString() ", " poptReadConfigFile() ", or "
- .BR poptReadDefaultConfig() " can return this error."
- .sp
- .TP
- A conversion from a string to a number (int or long) failed due
- to the string containing nonnumeric characters. This occurs when
- .BR poptGetNextOpt() " is processing an argument of type "
- .sp
- .TP
- A string-to-number conversion failed because the number was too
- .RB "large or too small. Like " POPT_ERROR_BADNUMBER ", this error
- .RB "can occur only when " poptGetNextOpt() " is processing an "
- .RB "argument of type " POPT_ARG_INT ", " POPT_ARG_SHORT ", " POPT_ARG_LONG ", " POPT_ARG_LONGLONG ", "
- .sp
- .TP
- .RI "A system call returned with an error, and " errno " still
- contains the error from the system call. Both
- .BR poptReadConfigFile() " and " poptReadDefaultConfig() " can "
- return this error.
- .sp
- .PP
- Two functions are available to make it easy for applications to provide
- good error messages.
- .HP
- .nf
- .BI "const char *const poptStrerror(const int " error ");"
- .fi
- This function takes a popt error code and returns a string describing
- .RB "the error, just as with the standard " strerror() " function."
- .PP
- .HP
- .nf
- .BI "const char * poptBadOption(poptContext " con ", int " flags ");"
- .fi
- .RB "If an error occurred during " poptGetNextOpt() ", this function "
- .RI "returns the option that caused the error. If the " flags " argument"
- .RB "is set to " POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS ", the outermost option is "
- .RI "returned. Otherwise, " flags " should be 0, and the option that is "
- returned may have been specified through an alias.
- .PP
- These two functions make popt error handling trivial for most
- applications. When an error is detected from most of the functions,
- an error message is printed along with the error string from
- .BR poptStrerror() ". When an error occurs during argument parsing, "
- code similiar to the following displays a useful error message:
- .sp
- .nf
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\\n",
- poptBadOption(optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS),
- poptStrerror(rc));
- .fi
- .sp
- .RB "One of the primary benefits of using popt over " getopt() " is the "
- ability to use option aliasing. This lets the user specify options that
- popt expands into other options when they are specified. If the standard
- .RB "grep program made use of popt, users could add a " --text " option "
- .RB "that expanded to " "-i -n -E -2" " to let them more easily find "
- information in text files.
- .sp
- .RI "Aliases are normally specified in two places: " /etc/popt
- .RB "and the " .popt " file in the user's home directory (found through "
- .RB "the " HOME " environment variable). Both files have the same format, "
- an arbitrary number of lines formatted like this:
- .sp
- .IB appname " alias " newoption "" " expansion"
- .sp
- .RI "The " appname " is the name of the application, which must be the "
- .RI "same as the " name " parameter passed to "
- .BR poptGetContext() ". This allows each file to specify aliases for "
- .RB "multiple programs. The " alias " keyword specifies that an alias is "
- being defined; currently popt configuration files support only aliases, but
- other abilities may be added in the future. The next option is the option
- that should be aliased, and it may be either a short or a long option. The
- rest of the line specifies the expansion for the alias. It is parsed
- similarly to a shell command, which allows \\, ", and ' to be used for
- quoting. If a backslash is the final character on a line, the next line
- in the file is assumed to be a logical continuation of the line containing
- the backslash, just as in shell.
- .sp
- .RB "The following entry would add a " --text " option to the grep command, "
- as suggested at the beginning of this section.
- .sp
- .B "grep alias --text -i -n -E -2"
- .RB "An application must enable alias expansion for a " poptContext
- .RB "before calling " poptGetNextArg() " for the first time. There are "
- three functions that define aliases for a context:
- .HP
- .nf
- .BI "int poptReadDefaultConfig(poptContext " con ", int " flags ");"
- .fi
- .RI "This function reads aliases from " /etc/popt " and the "
- .BR .popt " file in the user's home directory. Currently, "
- .IR flags " should be "
- .BR NULL ", as it is provided only for future expansion."
- .PP
- .HP
- .nf
- .BI "int poptReadConfigFile(poptContext " con ", char * " fn ");"
- .fi
- .RI "The file specified by " fn " is opened and parsed as a popt "
- configuration file. This allows programs to use program-specific
- configuration files.
- .PP
- .HP
- .nf
- .BI "int poptAddAlias(poptContext " con ", struct poptAlias " alias ",
- .BI " int " flags ");"
- .fi
- Occasionally, processes want to specify aliases without having to
- read them from a configuration file. This function adds a new alias
- .RI "to a context. The " flags " argument should be 0, as it is "
- currently reserved for future expansion. The new alias is specified
- .RB "as a " "struct poptAlias" ", which is defined as:"
- .sp
- .nf
- struct poptAlias {
- const char * longName; /* may be NULL */
- char shortName; /* may be '\\0' */
- int argc;
- const char ** argv; /* must be free()able */
- };
- .fi
- .sp
- .RI "The first two elements, " longName " and " shortName ", specify "
- .RI "the option that is aliased. The final two, " argc " and " argv ","
- define the expansion to use when the aliases option is encountered.
- .PP
- Although popt is usually used for parsing arguments already divided into
- .RI "an " argv "-style array, some programs need to parse strings that "
- are formatted identically to command lines. To facilitate this, popt
- provides a function that parses a string into an array of strings,
- using rules similiar to normal shell parsing.
- .sp
- .nf
- .B "#include <popt.h>"
- .BI "int poptParseArgvString(char * " s ", int * " argcPtr ",
- .BI " char *** " argvPtr ");"
- .BI "int poptDupArgv(int " argc ", const char ** " argv ", int * " argcPtr ",
- .BI " const char *** " argvPtr ");"
- .fi
- .sp
- .RI "The string s is parsed into an " argv "-style array. The integer "
- .RI "pointed to by the " argcPtr " parameter contains the number of elements "
- .RI "parsed, and the final " argvPtr " parameter contains the address of the"
- newly created array.
- .RB "The routine " poptDupArgv() " can be used to make a copy of an existing "
- argument array.
- .sp
- .RI "The " argvPtr
- .RB "created by " poptParseArgvString() " or " poptDupArgv() " is suitable to pass directly "
- .RB "to " poptGetContext() .
- Both routines return a single dynamically allocated contiguous
- .RB "block of storage and should be " free() "ed when the application is"
- finished with the storage.
- Some applications implement the equivalent of option aliasing but need
- .RB "to do so through special logic. The " poptStuffArgs() " function "
- allows an application to insert new arguments into the current
- .BR poptContext .
- .sp
- .nf
- .B "#include <popt.h>"
- .BI "int poptStuffArgs(poptContext "con ", const char ** " argv ");"
- .fi
- .sp
- .RI "The passed " argv
- .RB "must have a " NULL " pointer as its final element. When "
- .BR poptGetNextOpt() " is next called, the "
- "stuffed" arguments are the first to be parsed. popt returns to the
- normal arguments once all the stuffed arguments have been exhausted.
- The following example is a simplified version of the program "robin"
- which appears in Chapter 15 of the text cited below. Robin has
- been stripped of everything but its argument-parsing logic, slightly
- reworked, and renamed "parse." It may prove useful in illustrating
- at least some of the features of the extremely rich popt library.
- .sp
- .nf
- #include <popt.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- void usage(poptContext optCon, int exitcode, char *error, char *addl) {
- poptPrintUsage(optCon, stderr, 0);
- if (error) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", error, addl);
- exit(exitcode);
- }
- int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- char c; /* used for argument parsing */
- int i = 0; /* used for tracking options */
- char *portname;
- int speed = 0; /* used in argument parsing to set speed */
- int raw = 0; /* raw mode? */
- int j;
- char buf[BUFSIZ+1];
- poptContext optCon; /* context for parsing command-line options */
- struct poptOption optionsTable[] = {
- { "bps", 'b', POPT_ARG_INT, &speed, 0,
- "signaling rate in bits-per-second", "BPS" },
- { "crnl", 'c', 0, 0, 'c',
- "expand cr characters to cr/lf sequences", NULL },
- { "hwflow", 'h', 0, 0, 'h',
- "use hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control", NULL },
- { "noflow", 'n', 0, 0, 'n',
- "use no flow control", NULL },
- { "raw", 'r', 0, &raw, 0,
- "don't perform any character conversions", NULL },
- { "swflow", 's', 0, 0, 's',
- "use software (XON/XOF) flow control", NULL } ,
- { NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0 }
- };
- optCon = poptGetContext(NULL, argc, argv, optionsTable, 0);
- poptSetOtherOptionHelp(optCon, "[OPTIONS]* <port>");
- if (argc < 2) {
- poptPrintUsage(optCon, stderr, 0);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Now do options processing, get portname */
- while ((c = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) >= 0) {
- switch (c) {
- case 'c':
- buf[i++] = 'c';
- break;
- case 'h':
- buf[i++] = 'h';
- break;
- case 's':
- buf[i++] = 's';
- break;
- case 'n':
- buf[i++] = 'n';
- break;
- }
- }
- portname = poptGetArg(optCon);
- if((portname == NULL) || !(poptPeekArg(optCon) == NULL))
- usage(optCon, 1, "Specify a single port", ".e.g., /dev/cua0");
- if (c < -1) {
- /* an error occurred during option processing */
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\\n",
- poptBadOption(optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS),
- poptStrerror(c));
- return 1;
- }
- /* Print out options, portname chosen */
- printf("Options chosen: ");
- for(j = 0; j < i ; j++)
- printf("-%c ", buf[j]);
- if(raw) printf("-r ");
- if(speed) printf("-b %d ", speed);
- printf("\\nPortname chosen: %s\\n", portname);
- poptFreeContext(optCon);
- exit(0);
- }
- .fi
- .sp
- RPM, a popular Linux package management program, makes heavy use
- of popt's features. Many of its command-line arguments are implemented
- through popt aliases, which makes RPM an excellent example of how to
- take advantage of the popt library. For more information on RPM, see
- http://www.rpm.org. The popt source code distribution includes test
- program(s) which use all of the features of the popt libraries in
- various ways. If a feature isn't working for you, the popt test code
- is the first place to look.
- None presently known.
- Erik W. Troan <ewt@redhat.com>
- .PP
- This man page is derived in part from
- .IR "Linux Application Development"
- by Michael K. Johnson and Erik W. Troan, Copyright (c) 1998 by Addison
- Wesley Longman, Inc., and included in the popt documentation with the
- permission of the Publisher and the appreciation of the Authors.
- .PP
- Thanks to Robert Lynch for his extensive work on this man page.
- .BR getopt (3)
- .sp
- .IR "Linux Application Development" ", by Michael K. Johnson and "
- Erik W. Troan (Addison-Wesley, 1998; ISBN 0-201-30821-5), Chapter 24.
- .sp
- .BR popt.ps " is a Postscript version of the above cited book "
- chapter. It can be found in the source archive for popt available at:
- ftp://ftp.rpm.org/pub/rpm.