123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228 |
- #!/usr/bin/env php
- <?php
- $usage = <<<USAGE
- Usage: php find_tested.php [path_to_test_files] ([extension])
- Outputs test coverage information for functions and methods in csv format.
- Supplying an optional extension name outputs only information for functions and methods from that extension.
- Output format:
- Extension, Class Name, Method/Function Name, Test Status, Test Files
- A test status of "verify" for a method means that there is at least one other method of the same name, so test coverage must be verified manually.
- /* method record fields */
- define("CLASS_NAME", "CLASS_NAME");
- define("IS_TESTED", "IS_TESTED");
- define("TESTS", "TESTS");
- // process command line args
- $num_params = $argc;
- if ($num_params < 2 || $num_params > 3) {
- die($usage);
- }
- $extension_test_path = $argv[1];
- if ($num_params == 3) {
- $extension_name = $argv[2];
- // check extension exists
- $extensions = get_loaded_extensions();
- if (!in_array($extension_name, $extensions)) {
- echo "Error: extension $extension_name is not loaded. Loaded extensions:\n";
- foreach($extensions as $extension) {
- echo "$extension\n";
- }
- die();
- }
- } else {
- $extension_name = false;
- }
- $method_info = populate_method_info();
- if ($extension_name != false) {
- // get only the methods from the extension we are querying
- $extension_method_info = array();
- foreach($method_info as $method_record) {
- if (strcasecmp($extension_name, $method_record[EXTENSION_NAME]) == 0) {
- $extension_method_info[] = $method_record;
- }
- }
- } else {
- $extension_method_info = $method_info;
- }
- get_phpt_files($extension_test_path, $count, $phpt_files);
- $extension_method_info = mark_methods_as_tested($extension_method_info, $phpt_files);
- /**
- * The loop to output the test coverage info
- * Should output: Extension, Class Name, Method/Function Name, Test Status, Test Files
- */
- foreach($extension_method_info as $record) {
- echo $record[EXTENSION_NAME] . ",";
- echo $record[CLASS_NAME] . ",";
- echo $record[METHOD_NAME] . ",";
- echo $record[IS_TESTED] . ",";
- echo $record[TESTS] . "\n";
- }
- /**
- * Marks the "tested" status of methods in $method_info according
- * to whether they are tested in $phpt_files
- */
- function mark_methods_as_tested($method_info, $phpt_files) {
- foreach($phpt_files as $phpt_file) {
- $tested_functions = extract_tests($phpt_file);
- foreach($tested_functions as $tested_function) {
- // go through method info array marking this function as tested
- foreach($method_info as &$current_method_record) {
- if (strcasecmp($tested_function, $current_method_record[METHOD_NAME]) == 0) {
- // matched the method name
- if ($current_method_record[IS_DUPLICATE] == true) {
- // we cannot be sure which class this method corresponds to,
- // so mark method as needing to be verified
- $current_method_record[IS_TESTED] = "verify";
- } else {
- $current_method_record[IS_TESTED] = "yes";
- }
- $current_method_record[TESTS] .= $phpt_file . "; ";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $method_info;
- }
- /**
- * returns an array containing a record for each defined method.
- */
- function populate_method_info() {
- $method_info = array();
- // get functions
- $all_functions = get_defined_functions();
- $internal_functions = $all_functions["internal"];
- foreach ($internal_functions as $function) {
- // populate new method record
- $function_record = array();
- $function_record[CLASS_NAME] = "Function";
- $function_record[METHOD_NAME] = $function;
- $function_record[IS_TESTED] = "no";
- $function_record[TESTS] = "";
- $function_record[IS_DUPLICATE] = false;
- // record the extension that the function belongs to
- $reflectionFunction = new ReflectionFunction($function);
- $extension = $reflectionFunction->getExtension();
- if ($extension != null) {
- $function_record[EXTENSION_NAME] = $extension->getName();
- } else {
- $function_record[EXTENSION_NAME] = "";
- }
- // insert new method record into info array
- $method_info[] = $function_record;
- }
- // get methods
- $all_classes = get_declared_classes();
- foreach ($all_classes as $class) {
- $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($class);
- $methods = $reflectionClass->getMethods();
- foreach ($methods as $method) {
- // populate new method record
- $new_method_record = array();
- $new_method_record[CLASS_NAME] = $reflectionClass->getName();
- $new_method_record[METHOD_NAME] = $method->getName();
- $new_method_record[IS_TESTED] = "no";
- $new_method_record[TESTS] = "";
- $extension = $reflectionClass->getExtension();
- if ($extension != null) {
- $new_method_record[EXTENSION_NAME] = $extension->getName();
- } else {
- $new_method_record[EXTENSION_NAME] = "";
- }
- // check for duplicate method names
- $new_method_record[IS_DUPLICATE] = false;
- foreach ($method_info as &$current_record) {
- if (strcmp($current_record[METHOD_NAME], $new_method_record[METHOD_NAME]) == 0) {
- $new_method_record[IS_DUPLICATE] = true;
- $current_record[IS_DUPLICATE] = true;
- }
- }
- // insert new method record into info array
- $method_info[] = $new_method_record;
- }
- }
- return $method_info;
- }
- function get_phpt_files($dir, &$phpt_file_count, &$all_phpt)
- {
- $thisdir = dir($dir.'/'); //include the trailing slash
- while(($file = $thisdir->read()) !== false) {
- if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
- $path = $thisdir->path.$file;
- if(is_dir($path) == true) {
- get_phpt_files($path , $phpt_file_count , $all_phpt);
- } else {
- if (preg_match("/\w+\.phpt$/", $file)) {
- $all_phpt[$phpt_file_count] = $path;
- $phpt_file_count++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Extract tests from a specified file, returns an array of tested function tokens
- */
- function extract_tests($file) {
- $code = file_get_contents($file);
- if (!preg_match('/--FILE--\s*(.*)\s*--(EXPECTF|EXPECTREGEX|EXPECT)?--/is', $code, $r)) {
- //print "Unable to get code in ".$file."\n";
- return array();
- }
- $tokens = token_get_all($r[1]);
- $functions = array_filter($tokens, 'filter_functions');
- $functions = array_map( 'map_token_value',$functions);
- $functions = array_unique($functions);
- return $functions;
- }
- function filter_functions($x) {
- return $x[0] == 307;
- }
- function map_token_value($x) {
- return $x[1];
- }
- ?>