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- --TEST--
- XMLWriter: libxml2 XML Writer, Write Raw
- Mark Baker mark@lange.demon.co.uk at the PHPNW2017 Conference for PHP Testfest 2017
- xmlwriter
- --FILE--
- <?php
- $cDataString = "<cdataElement><![CDATA[Text for inclusion within CData tags can include characters like <, >, &, and quotes like ' and \"]]></cdataElement>";
- $xmlWriter = new XmlWriter();
- $xmlWriter->openMemory();
- $xmlWriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
- $xmlWriter->startElement('myDocumentRoot');
- $xmlWriter->startElement('myElement');
- // CData output
- $xmlWriter->writeRaw($cDataString);
- // end the document and output
- $xmlWriter->endElement();
- $xmlWriter->endElement();
- echo $xmlWriter->outputMemory(true);
- ?>
- --EXPECT--
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <myDocumentRoot><myElement><cdataElement><![CDATA[Text for inclusion within CData tags can include characters like <, >, &, and quotes like ' and "]]></cdataElement></myElement></myDocumentRoot>