OO_009.phpt 957 B

  1. --TEST--
  2. XMLWriter: PI, Comment, CDATA
  4. xmlwriter
  5. --FILE--
  6. <?php
  7. /*
  8. Libxml 2.6.24 and up adds a new line after a processing instruction (PI)
  9. */
  10. $xw = new XMLWriter();
  11. $xw->openMemory();
  12. $xw->setIndent(TRUE);
  13. $xw->startDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
  14. $xw->startElement('root');
  15. $xw->writeAttribute('id', 'elem1');
  16. $xw->startElement('elem1');
  17. $xw->writeAttribute('attr1', 'first');
  18. $xw->writeComment('start PI');
  19. $xw->startElement('pi');
  20. $xw->writePi('php', 'echo "hello world"; ');
  21. $xw->endElement();
  22. $xw->startElement('cdata');
  23. $xw->startCdata();
  24. $xw->text('<>&"');
  25. $xw->endCdata();
  26. $xw->endElement();
  27. $xw->endElement();
  28. $xw->endElement();
  29. $xw->endDocument();
  30. // Force to write and empty the buffer
  31. $output = $xw->flush(true);
  32. print $output;
  33. ?>
  34. --EXPECTF--
  35. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  36. <root id="elem1">
  37. <elem1 attr1="first">
  38. <!--start PI-->
  39. <pi><?php echo "hello world"; ?>%w</pi>
  40. <cdata><![CDATA[<>&"]]></cdata>
  41. </elem1>
  42. </root>