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- --TEST--
- tidy_repair_*() and invalid parameters
- tidy
- --FILE--
- <?php
- $l = 1;
- $s = "";
- tidy_repair_string($s, $l, $l);
- tidy_repair_string($s, $s, $s);
- tidy_repair_string($l, $l, $l);
- try {
- tidy_repair_file($s, $l, $l, $l);
- } catch (\ValueError $e) {
- echo $e->getMessage() . \PHP_EOL;
- }
- try {
- tidy_repair_file($s, $s, $s, $s);
- } catch (\ValueError $e) {
- echo $e->getMessage() . \PHP_EOL;
- }
- tidy_repair_file($l, $l, $l ,$l); // This doesn't emit any warning, TODO look into
- echo "Done\n";
- ?>
- Warning: tidy_repair_string(): Could not load configuration file "1" in %s on line %d
- Warning: tidy_repair_string(): Could not set encoding "1" in %s on line %d
- Warning: tidy_repair_string(): Could not load configuration file "" in %s on line %d
- Warning: tidy_repair_string(): Could not load configuration file "1" in %s on line %d
- Warning: tidy_repair_string(): Could not set encoding "1" in %s on line %d
- Path cannot be empty
- Path cannot be empty
- Done