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- --TEST--
- Test dir() function : usage variations - non-existent directory
- --SKIPIF--
- <?php
- if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
- die('skip.. Not valid for Windows');
- }
- ?>
- --FILE--
- <?php
- /*
- * Passing a non-existent directory as argument to dir() function
- * and checking to see if proper warning message is output.
- */
- echo "*** Testing dir() : open a non-existent directory ***\n";
- // create the temporary directory
- $file_path = __DIR__;
- $dir_path = $file_path."/dir_variation6";
- @mkdir($dir_path);
- // open existent directory
- $d = dir($dir_path);
- $d->close(); //close the dir
- // remove directory and try to open the same(non-existent) directory again
- rmdir($dir_path);
- clearstatcache();
- echo "-- opening previously removed directory --\n";
- var_dump( dir($dir_path) );
- // point to a non-existent directory
- $non_existent_dir = $file_path."/non_existent_dir";
- echo "-- opening non-existent directory --\n";
- $d = dir($non_existent_dir);
- var_dump( $d );
- echo "Done";
- ?>
- *** Testing dir() : open a non-existent directory ***
- -- opening previously removed directory --
- Warning: dir(%s): Failed to open directory: %s in %s on line %d
- bool(false)
- -- opening non-existent directory --
- Warning: dir(%s): Failed to open directory: %s in %s on line %d
- bool(false)
- Done