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- --TEST--
- SPL: Test class_implements() function : variation - no interfaces and autoload
- --FILE--
- <?php
- echo "*** Testing class_implements() : variation ***\n";
- echo "--- testing no interfaces ---\n";
- class fs {}
- var_dump(class_implements(new fs));
- var_dump(class_implements('fs'));
- spl_autoload_register(function ($classname) {
- echo "attempting to autoload $classname\n";
- });
- echo "\n--- testing autoload ---\n";
- var_dump(class_implements('non_existent'));
- var_dump(class_implements('non_existent2', false));
- ?>
- *** Testing class_implements() : variation ***
- --- testing no interfaces ---
- array(0) {
- }
- array(0) {
- }
- --- testing autoload ---
- attempting to autoload non_existent
- Warning: class_implements(): Class non_existent does not exist and could not be loaded in %s on line %d
- bool(false)
- Warning: class_implements(): Class non_existent2 does not exist in %s on line %d
- bool(false)