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The snmp extension tests

To enable these tests, you must have:

  • PHP compiled with SNMP --with-snmp
  • An SNMP server running.

How to test

You need to give credentials with environment vars if default ones are not suitable (see for more info):

SNMP_HOSTNAME : IPv4 of remote SNMP agent
SNMP_HOSTNAME : IPv6 or remote SNMP agent
SNMP_PORT : SNMP port for queries
SNMP_COMMUNITY : community name
SNMP_COMMUNITY_WRITE : community used for write tests (snmpset()).
SNMP_MIBDIR : Directory containing MIBS

To run test suite you may use this command (presuming that you pwd is where this README file is located):

make -C ../../.. test TESTS="`cd ../../..; /bin/ls -1 ext/snmp/tests/*.phpt | xargs echo`"

Running run-tests.php directly will clear your environment and therefore tests will fail if your SNMP configuration does not fit into default values specified in

Configuring the SNMPD server

On Linux/FreeBSD

  • On Ubuntu, install snmpd and snmp-mibs-downloader. (May be net-snmpd on other distributions.)
  • Replace config file (by default this is /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf on Linux and /usr/local/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf on FreeBSD) with snmpd.conf supplied.

Before launching daemon make sure that there is no file /var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf. Delete it if exists. Forgetting to do so will fail SNMPv3 tests.

  • Place ext/snmp/tests/bigtest near snmpd.conf, tune path to it in snmpd.conf.
  • Launch snmpd (service snmpd start or /etc/init.d/snmpd start). Alternatively you can start snmpd daemon using following command line:

    sudo snmpd -C -c ./snmpd.conf -f -Le