029.phpt 576 B

  1. --TEST--
  2. session_decode(); should not segfault
  4. session
  5. --SKIPIF--
  6. <?php include('skipif.inc'); ?>
  7. --INI--
  8. session.use_cookies=0
  9. session.cache_limiter=
  10. --FILE--
  11. <?php
  12. error_reporting(E_ALL);
  13. session_decode("garbage data and no session started");
  14. session_decode("userid|s:5:\"mazen\";chatRoom|s:1:\"1\";");
  15. print "I live\n";
  16. ?>
  17. --EXPECTF--
  18. Warning: session_decode(): Session data cannot be decoded when there is no active session in %s on line %d
  19. Warning: session_decode(): Session data cannot be decoded when there is no active session in %s on line %d
  20. I live