ReflectionObject___toString_basic1.phpt 456 B

  1. --TEST--
  2. ReflectionObject::__toString() : very basic test with no dynamic properties
  3. --FILE--
  4. <?php
  5. class Foo {
  6. public $bar = 1;
  7. }
  8. $f = new foo;
  9. echo new ReflectionObject($f);
  10. ?>
  11. --EXPECTF--
  12. Object of class [ <user> class Foo ] {
  13. @@ %s 3-5
  14. - Constants [0] {
  15. }
  16. - Static properties [0] {
  17. }
  18. - Static methods [0] {
  19. }
  20. - Properties [1] {
  21. Property [ public $bar = 1 ]
  22. }
  23. - Dynamic properties [0] {
  24. }
  25. - Methods [0] {
  26. }
  27. }