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- --TEST--
- ReflectionClass::setStaticPropertyValue() - type constraints must be enforced
- --FILE--
- <?php
- class Test {
- public static $x;
- public static int $y = 2;
- }
- $rc = new ReflectionClass('Test');
- try {
- $rc->setStaticPropertyValue("y", "foo");
- } catch (TypeError $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; }
- var_dump(Test::$y);
- $rc->setStaticPropertyValue("y", "21");
- var_dump(Test::$y);
- Test::$x =& Test::$y;
- try {
- $rc->setStaticPropertyValue("x", "foo");
- } catch (TypeError $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; }
- var_dump(Test::$y);
- $rc->setStaticPropertyValue("x", "42");
- var_dump(Test::$y);
- ?>
- --EXPECT--
- Cannot assign string to property Test::$y of type int
- int(2)
- int(21)
- Cannot assign string to reference held by property Test::$y of type int
- int(21)
- int(42)