bug_50755.phpt 572 B

  1. --TEST--
  2. PDO_DBLIB: Out of memory on large recordsets
  4. pdo_dblib
  5. --SKIPIF--
  6. <?php
  7. if (getenv('SKIP_REPEAT')) die('skip May fail on repeat');
  8. require __DIR__ . '/config.inc';
  9. ?>
  10. --FILE--
  11. <?php
  12. require __DIR__ . '/config.inc';
  13. /* This should be sufficient to overflow any buffers */
  14. $stmt = $db->prepare("select *
  15. from information_schema.columns ic1
  16. cross join information_schema.columns ic2
  17. cross join information_schema.columns ic3");
  18. $x = $stmt->execute();
  19. $n = 0;
  20. while (($r = $stmt->fetch())) {
  21. $n++;
  22. }
  23. $stmt = null;
  24. echo "OK\n";
  25. ?>
  26. --EXPECT--
  27. OK