preg_replace_basic.phpt 1.6 KB

  1. --TEST--
  2. Test preg_replace() function : basic functionality
  3. --FILE--
  4. <?php
  5. /*
  6. * Function is implemented in ext/pcre/php_pcre.c
  7. */
  8. $string = '123456789 - Hello, world - This is a string.';
  9. var_dump($string);
  10. var_dump(preg_replace('<- This is a string$>', 'This shouldn\'t work', $string)); //tries to find '- This is a string' at the end of a string but can't so replaces nothing and prints the unchanged $string.
  11. var_dump(preg_replace('<[0-35-9]>', '4', $string)); //finds any number that's not 4 and replaces it with a 4 ('444444444')
  12. var_dump(preg_replace('<\b[hH]\w{2,4}>', 'Bonjour', $string)); //finds h or H at the beginning of a word followed by 2-4 characters and replaces it with Bonjour (i.e. Hello -> Bonjour) (was finding the 'his' in This and replacing it)
  13. var_dump(preg_replace('<(\w)\s*-\s*(\w)>', '\\1. \\2', $string)); //finds dashes with an indefinite amount of whitespace around them and replaces them with a full stop precedeby no spaces and followed by one space
  14. var_dump(preg_replace('<(^[a-z]\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+)\.([a-z]{2,}$)>', '\\1 at \\2 dot \\3 dot \\4', '')); //finds the e-mail address and replaces the @ and . with "at" and "dot" (uses backreferences) ('josmessa at uk dot ibm dot com')
  15. ?>
  16. --EXPECT--
  17. string(54) "123456789 - Hello, world - This is a string."
  18. string(54) "123456789 - Hello, world - This is a string."
  19. string(54) "444444444 - Hello, world - This is a string."
  20. string(56) "123456789 - Bonjour, world - This is a string."
  21. string(42) "123456789. Hello, world. This is a string."
  22. string(30) "josmessa at uk dot ibm dot com"