pcre2_tables.c 35 KB

  1. /*************************************************
  2. * Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions *
  3. *************************************************/
  4. /* PCRE is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax
  5. and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language.
  6. Written by Philip Hazel
  7. Original API code Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge
  8. New API code Copyright (c) 2016-2019 University of Cambridge
  9. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  11. modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  12. * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
  13. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  14. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
  15. notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
  16. documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  17. * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its
  18. contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
  19. this software without specific prior written permission.
  31. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. */
  33. /* This module contains some fixed tables that are used by more than one of the
  34. PCRE2 code modules. The tables are also #included by the pcre2test program,
  35. which uses macros to change their names from _pcre2_xxx to xxxx, thereby
  36. avoiding name clashes with the library. In this case, PCRE2_PCRE2TEST is
  37. defined. */
  38. #ifndef PCRE2_PCRE2TEST /* We're compiling the library */
  39. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
  40. #include "config.h"
  41. #endif
  42. #include "pcre2_internal.h"
  43. #endif /* PCRE2_PCRE2TEST */
  44. /* Table of sizes for the fixed-length opcodes. It's defined in a macro so that
  45. the definition is next to the definition of the opcodes in pcre2_internal.h.
  46. This is mode-dependent, so is skipped when this file is included by pcre2test. */
  47. #ifndef PCRE2_PCRE2TEST
  48. const uint8_t PRIV(OP_lengths)[] = { OP_LENGTHS };
  49. #endif
  50. /* Tables of horizontal and vertical whitespace characters, suitable for
  51. adding to classes. */
  52. const uint32_t PRIV(hspace_list)[] = { HSPACE_LIST };
  53. const uint32_t PRIV(vspace_list)[] = { VSPACE_LIST };
  54. /* These tables are the pairs of delimiters that are valid for callout string
  55. arguments. For each starting delimiter there must be a matching ending
  56. delimiter, which in fact is different only for bracket-like delimiters. */
  57. const uint32_t PRIV(callout_start_delims)[] = {
  61. const uint32_t PRIV(callout_end_delims[]) = {
  65. /*************************************************
  66. * Tables for UTF-8 support *
  67. *************************************************/
  68. /* These tables are required by pcre2test in 16- or 32-bit mode, as well
  69. as for the library in 8-bit mode, because pcre2test uses UTF-8 internally for
  70. handling wide characters. */
  71. #if defined PCRE2_PCRE2TEST || \
  72. (defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && \
  73. defined PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH && \
  75. /* These are the breakpoints for different numbers of bytes in a UTF-8
  76. character. */
  77. const int PRIV(utf8_table1)[] =
  78. { 0x7f, 0x7ff, 0xffff, 0x1fffff, 0x3ffffff, 0x7fffffff};
  79. const int PRIV(utf8_table1_size) = sizeof(PRIV(utf8_table1)) / sizeof(int);
  80. /* These are the indicator bits and the mask for the data bits to set in the
  81. first byte of a character, indexed by the number of additional bytes. */
  82. const int PRIV(utf8_table2)[] = { 0, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc};
  83. const int PRIV(utf8_table3)[] = { 0xff, 0x1f, 0x0f, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01};
  84. /* Table of the number of extra bytes, indexed by the first byte masked with
  85. 0x3f. The highest number for a valid UTF-8 first byte is in fact 0x3d. */
  86. const uint8_t PRIV(utf8_table4)[] = {
  87. 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
  88. 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
  89. 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,
  90. 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5 };
  91. #endif /* UTF-8 support needed */
  92. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  93. /* Table to translate from particular type value to the general value. */
  94. const uint32_t PRIV(ucp_gentype)[] = {
  95. ucp_C, ucp_C, ucp_C, ucp_C, ucp_C, /* Cc, Cf, Cn, Co, Cs */
  96. ucp_L, ucp_L, ucp_L, ucp_L, ucp_L, /* Ll, Lu, Lm, Lo, Lt */
  97. ucp_M, ucp_M, ucp_M, /* Mc, Me, Mn */
  98. ucp_N, ucp_N, ucp_N, /* Nd, Nl, No */
  99. ucp_P, ucp_P, ucp_P, ucp_P, ucp_P, /* Pc, Pd, Pe, Pf, Pi */
  100. ucp_P, ucp_P, /* Ps, Po */
  101. ucp_S, ucp_S, ucp_S, ucp_S, /* Sc, Sk, Sm, So */
  102. ucp_Z, ucp_Z, ucp_Z /* Zl, Zp, Zs */
  103. };
  104. /* This table encodes the rules for finding the end of an extended grapheme
  105. cluster. Every code point has a grapheme break property which is one of the
  106. ucp_gbXX values defined in pcre2_ucp.h. These changed between Unicode versions
  107. 10 and 11. The 2-dimensional table is indexed by the properties of two adjacent
  108. code points. The left property selects a word from the table, and the right
  109. property selects a bit from that word like this:
  110. PRIV(ucp_gbtable)[left-property] & (1u << right-property)
  111. The value is non-zero if a grapheme break is NOT permitted between the relevant
  112. two code points. The breaking rules are as follows:
  113. 1. Break at the start and end of text (pretty obviously).
  114. 2. Do not break between a CR and LF; otherwise, break before and after
  115. controls.
  116. 3. Do not break Hangul syllable sequences, the rules for which are:
  117. L may be followed by L, V, LV or LVT
  118. LV or V may be followed by V or T
  119. LVT or T may be followed by T
  120. 4. Do not break before extending characters or zero-width-joiner (ZWJ).
  121. The following rules are only for extended grapheme clusters (but that's what we
  122. are implementing).
  123. 5. Do not break before SpacingMarks.
  124. 6. Do not break after Prepend characters.
  125. 7. Do not break within emoji modifier sequences or emoji zwj sequences. That
  126. is, do not break between characters with the Extended_Pictographic property.
  127. Extend and ZWJ characters are allowed between the characters; this cannot be
  128. represented in this table, the code has to deal with it.
  129. 8. Do not break within emoji flag sequences. That is, do not break between
  130. regional indicator (RI) symbols if there are an odd number of RI characters
  131. before the break point. This table encodes "join RI characters"; the code
  132. has to deal with checking for previous adjoining RIs.
  133. 9. Otherwise, break everywhere.
  134. */
  135. #define ESZ (1<<ucp_gbExtend)|(1<<ucp_gbSpacingMark)|(1<<ucp_gbZWJ)
  136. const uint32_t PRIV(ucp_gbtable)[] = {
  137. (1u<<ucp_gbLF), /* 0 CR */
  138. 0, /* 1 LF */
  139. 0, /* 2 Control */
  140. ESZ, /* 3 Extend */
  141. ESZ|(1u<<ucp_gbPrepend)| /* 4 Prepend */
  142. (1u<<ucp_gbL)|(1u<<ucp_gbV)|(1u<<ucp_gbT)|
  143. (1u<<ucp_gbLV)|(1u<<ucp_gbLVT)|(1u<<ucp_gbOther)|
  144. (1u<<ucp_gbRegionalIndicator),
  145. ESZ, /* 5 SpacingMark */
  146. ESZ|(1u<<ucp_gbL)|(1u<<ucp_gbV)|(1u<<ucp_gbLV)| /* 6 L */
  147. (1u<<ucp_gbLVT),
  148. ESZ|(1u<<ucp_gbV)|(1u<<ucp_gbT), /* 7 V */
  149. ESZ|(1u<<ucp_gbT), /* 8 T */
  150. ESZ|(1u<<ucp_gbV)|(1u<<ucp_gbT), /* 9 LV */
  151. ESZ|(1u<<ucp_gbT), /* 10 LVT */
  152. (1u<<ucp_gbRegionalIndicator), /* 11 RegionalIndicator */
  153. ESZ, /* 12 Other */
  154. ESZ, /* 13 ZWJ */
  155. ESZ|(1u<<ucp_gbExtended_Pictographic) /* 14 Extended Pictographic */
  156. };
  157. #undef ESZ
  158. #ifdef SUPPORT_JIT
  159. /* This table reverses PRIV(ucp_gentype). We can save the cost
  160. of a memory load. */
  161. const int PRIV(ucp_typerange)[] = {
  162. ucp_Cc, ucp_Cs,
  163. ucp_Ll, ucp_Lu,
  164. ucp_Mc, ucp_Mn,
  165. ucp_Nd, ucp_No,
  166. ucp_Pc, ucp_Ps,
  167. ucp_Sc, ucp_So,
  168. ucp_Zl, ucp_Zs,
  169. };
  170. #endif /* SUPPORT_JIT */
  171. /* The PRIV(utt)[] table below translates Unicode property names into type and
  172. code values. It is searched by binary chop, so must be in collating sequence of
  173. name. Originally, the table contained pointers to the name strings in the first
  174. field of each entry. However, that leads to a large number of relocations when
  175. a shared library is dynamically loaded. A significant reduction is made by
  176. putting all the names into a single, large string and then using offsets in the
  177. table itself. Maintenance is more error-prone, but frequent changes to this
  178. data are unlikely.
  179. July 2008: There is now a script called maint/GenerateUtt.py that can be used
  180. to generate this data automatically instead of maintaining it by hand.
  181. The script was updated in March 2009 to generate a new EBCDIC-compliant
  182. version. Like all other character and string literals that are compared against
  183. the regular expression pattern, we must use STR_ macros instead of literal
  184. strings to make sure that UTF-8 support works on EBCDIC platforms. */
  185. #define STRING_Adlam0 STR_A STR_d STR_l STR_a STR_m "\0"
  186. #define STRING_Ahom0 STR_A STR_h STR_o STR_m "\0"
  187. #define STRING_Anatolian_Hieroglyphs0 STR_A STR_n STR_a STR_t STR_o STR_l STR_i STR_a STR_n STR_UNDERSCORE STR_H STR_i STR_e STR_r STR_o STR_g STR_l STR_y STR_p STR_h STR_s "\0"
  188. #define STRING_Any0 STR_A STR_n STR_y "\0"
  189. #define STRING_Arabic0 STR_A STR_r STR_a STR_b STR_i STR_c "\0"
  190. #define STRING_Armenian0 STR_A STR_r STR_m STR_e STR_n STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  191. #define STRING_Avestan0 STR_A STR_v STR_e STR_s STR_t STR_a STR_n "\0"
  192. #define STRING_Balinese0 STR_B STR_a STR_l STR_i STR_n STR_e STR_s STR_e "\0"
  193. #define STRING_Bamum0 STR_B STR_a STR_m STR_u STR_m "\0"
  194. #define STRING_Bassa_Vah0 STR_B STR_a STR_s STR_s STR_a STR_UNDERSCORE STR_V STR_a STR_h "\0"
  195. #define STRING_Batak0 STR_B STR_a STR_t STR_a STR_k "\0"
  196. #define STRING_Bengali0 STR_B STR_e STR_n STR_g STR_a STR_l STR_i "\0"
  197. #define STRING_Bhaiksuki0 STR_B STR_h STR_a STR_i STR_k STR_s STR_u STR_k STR_i "\0"
  198. #define STRING_Bopomofo0 STR_B STR_o STR_p STR_o STR_m STR_o STR_f STR_o "\0"
  199. #define STRING_Brahmi0 STR_B STR_r STR_a STR_h STR_m STR_i "\0"
  200. #define STRING_Braille0 STR_B STR_r STR_a STR_i STR_l STR_l STR_e "\0"
  201. #define STRING_Buginese0 STR_B STR_u STR_g STR_i STR_n STR_e STR_s STR_e "\0"
  202. #define STRING_Buhid0 STR_B STR_u STR_h STR_i STR_d "\0"
  203. #define STRING_C0 STR_C "\0"
  204. #define STRING_Canadian_Aboriginal0 STR_C STR_a STR_n STR_a STR_d STR_i STR_a STR_n STR_UNDERSCORE STR_A STR_b STR_o STR_r STR_i STR_g STR_i STR_n STR_a STR_l "\0"
  205. #define STRING_Carian0 STR_C STR_a STR_r STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  206. #define STRING_Caucasian_Albanian0 STR_C STR_a STR_u STR_c STR_a STR_s STR_i STR_a STR_n STR_UNDERSCORE STR_A STR_l STR_b STR_a STR_n STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  207. #define STRING_Cc0 STR_C STR_c "\0"
  208. #define STRING_Cf0 STR_C STR_f "\0"
  209. #define STRING_Chakma0 STR_C STR_h STR_a STR_k STR_m STR_a "\0"
  210. #define STRING_Cham0 STR_C STR_h STR_a STR_m "\0"
  211. #define STRING_Cherokee0 STR_C STR_h STR_e STR_r STR_o STR_k STR_e STR_e "\0"
  212. #define STRING_Chorasmian0 STR_C STR_h STR_o STR_r STR_a STR_s STR_m STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  213. #define STRING_Cn0 STR_C STR_n "\0"
  214. #define STRING_Co0 STR_C STR_o "\0"
  215. #define STRING_Common0 STR_C STR_o STR_m STR_m STR_o STR_n "\0"
  216. #define STRING_Coptic0 STR_C STR_o STR_p STR_t STR_i STR_c "\0"
  217. #define STRING_Cs0 STR_C STR_s "\0"
  218. #define STRING_Cuneiform0 STR_C STR_u STR_n STR_e STR_i STR_f STR_o STR_r STR_m "\0"
  219. #define STRING_Cypriot0 STR_C STR_y STR_p STR_r STR_i STR_o STR_t "\0"
  220. #define STRING_Cypro_Minoan0 STR_C STR_y STR_p STR_r STR_o STR_UNDERSCORE STR_M STR_i STR_n STR_o STR_a STR_n "\0"
  221. #define STRING_Cyrillic0 STR_C STR_y STR_r STR_i STR_l STR_l STR_i STR_c "\0"
  222. #define STRING_Deseret0 STR_D STR_e STR_s STR_e STR_r STR_e STR_t "\0"
  223. #define STRING_Devanagari0 STR_D STR_e STR_v STR_a STR_n STR_a STR_g STR_a STR_r STR_i "\0"
  224. #define STRING_Dives_Akuru0 STR_D STR_i STR_v STR_e STR_s STR_UNDERSCORE STR_A STR_k STR_u STR_r STR_u "\0"
  225. #define STRING_Dogra0 STR_D STR_o STR_g STR_r STR_a "\0"
  226. #define STRING_Duployan0 STR_D STR_u STR_p STR_l STR_o STR_y STR_a STR_n "\0"
  227. #define STRING_Egyptian_Hieroglyphs0 STR_E STR_g STR_y STR_p STR_t STR_i STR_a STR_n STR_UNDERSCORE STR_H STR_i STR_e STR_r STR_o STR_g STR_l STR_y STR_p STR_h STR_s "\0"
  228. #define STRING_Elbasan0 STR_E STR_l STR_b STR_a STR_s STR_a STR_n "\0"
  229. #define STRING_Elymaic0 STR_E STR_l STR_y STR_m STR_a STR_i STR_c "\0"
  230. #define STRING_Ethiopic0 STR_E STR_t STR_h STR_i STR_o STR_p STR_i STR_c "\0"
  231. #define STRING_Georgian0 STR_G STR_e STR_o STR_r STR_g STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  232. #define STRING_Glagolitic0 STR_G STR_l STR_a STR_g STR_o STR_l STR_i STR_t STR_i STR_c "\0"
  233. #define STRING_Gothic0 STR_G STR_o STR_t STR_h STR_i STR_c "\0"
  234. #define STRING_Grantha0 STR_G STR_r STR_a STR_n STR_t STR_h STR_a "\0"
  235. #define STRING_Greek0 STR_G STR_r STR_e STR_e STR_k "\0"
  236. #define STRING_Gujarati0 STR_G STR_u STR_j STR_a STR_r STR_a STR_t STR_i "\0"
  237. #define STRING_Gunjala_Gondi0 STR_G STR_u STR_n STR_j STR_a STR_l STR_a STR_UNDERSCORE STR_G STR_o STR_n STR_d STR_i "\0"
  238. #define STRING_Gurmukhi0 STR_G STR_u STR_r STR_m STR_u STR_k STR_h STR_i "\0"
  239. #define STRING_Han0 STR_H STR_a STR_n "\0"
  240. #define STRING_Hangul0 STR_H STR_a STR_n STR_g STR_u STR_l "\0"
  241. #define STRING_Hanifi_Rohingya0 STR_H STR_a STR_n STR_i STR_f STR_i STR_UNDERSCORE STR_R STR_o STR_h STR_i STR_n STR_g STR_y STR_a "\0"
  242. #define STRING_Hanunoo0 STR_H STR_a STR_n STR_u STR_n STR_o STR_o "\0"
  243. #define STRING_Hatran0 STR_H STR_a STR_t STR_r STR_a STR_n "\0"
  244. #define STRING_Hebrew0 STR_H STR_e STR_b STR_r STR_e STR_w "\0"
  245. #define STRING_Hiragana0 STR_H STR_i STR_r STR_a STR_g STR_a STR_n STR_a "\0"
  246. #define STRING_Imperial_Aramaic0 STR_I STR_m STR_p STR_e STR_r STR_i STR_a STR_l STR_UNDERSCORE STR_A STR_r STR_a STR_m STR_a STR_i STR_c "\0"
  247. #define STRING_Inherited0 STR_I STR_n STR_h STR_e STR_r STR_i STR_t STR_e STR_d "\0"
  248. #define STRING_Inscriptional_Pahlavi0 STR_I STR_n STR_s STR_c STR_r STR_i STR_p STR_t STR_i STR_o STR_n STR_a STR_l STR_UNDERSCORE STR_P STR_a STR_h STR_l STR_a STR_v STR_i "\0"
  249. #define STRING_Inscriptional_Parthian0 STR_I STR_n STR_s STR_c STR_r STR_i STR_p STR_t STR_i STR_o STR_n STR_a STR_l STR_UNDERSCORE STR_P STR_a STR_r STR_t STR_h STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  250. #define STRING_Javanese0 STR_J STR_a STR_v STR_a STR_n STR_e STR_s STR_e "\0"
  251. #define STRING_Kaithi0 STR_K STR_a STR_i STR_t STR_h STR_i "\0"
  252. #define STRING_Kannada0 STR_K STR_a STR_n STR_n STR_a STR_d STR_a "\0"
  253. #define STRING_Katakana0 STR_K STR_a STR_t STR_a STR_k STR_a STR_n STR_a "\0"
  254. #define STRING_Kayah_Li0 STR_K STR_a STR_y STR_a STR_h STR_UNDERSCORE STR_L STR_i "\0"
  255. #define STRING_Kharoshthi0 STR_K STR_h STR_a STR_r STR_o STR_s STR_h STR_t STR_h STR_i "\0"
  256. #define STRING_Khitan_Small_Script0 STR_K STR_h STR_i STR_t STR_a STR_n STR_UNDERSCORE STR_S STR_m STR_a STR_l STR_l STR_UNDERSCORE STR_S STR_c STR_r STR_i STR_p STR_t "\0"
  257. #define STRING_Khmer0 STR_K STR_h STR_m STR_e STR_r "\0"
  258. #define STRING_Khojki0 STR_K STR_h STR_o STR_j STR_k STR_i "\0"
  259. #define STRING_Khudawadi0 STR_K STR_h STR_u STR_d STR_a STR_w STR_a STR_d STR_i "\0"
  260. #define STRING_L0 STR_L "\0"
  262. #define STRING_Lao0 STR_L STR_a STR_o "\0"
  263. #define STRING_Latin0 STR_L STR_a STR_t STR_i STR_n "\0"
  264. #define STRING_Lepcha0 STR_L STR_e STR_p STR_c STR_h STR_a "\0"
  265. #define STRING_Limbu0 STR_L STR_i STR_m STR_b STR_u "\0"
  266. #define STRING_Linear_A0 STR_L STR_i STR_n STR_e STR_a STR_r STR_UNDERSCORE STR_A "\0"
  267. #define STRING_Linear_B0 STR_L STR_i STR_n STR_e STR_a STR_r STR_UNDERSCORE STR_B "\0"
  268. #define STRING_Lisu0 STR_L STR_i STR_s STR_u "\0"
  269. #define STRING_Ll0 STR_L STR_l "\0"
  270. #define STRING_Lm0 STR_L STR_m "\0"
  271. #define STRING_Lo0 STR_L STR_o "\0"
  272. #define STRING_Lt0 STR_L STR_t "\0"
  273. #define STRING_Lu0 STR_L STR_u "\0"
  274. #define STRING_Lycian0 STR_L STR_y STR_c STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  275. #define STRING_Lydian0 STR_L STR_y STR_d STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  276. #define STRING_M0 STR_M "\0"
  277. #define STRING_Mahajani0 STR_M STR_a STR_h STR_a STR_j STR_a STR_n STR_i "\0"
  278. #define STRING_Makasar0 STR_M STR_a STR_k STR_a STR_s STR_a STR_r "\0"
  279. #define STRING_Malayalam0 STR_M STR_a STR_l STR_a STR_y STR_a STR_l STR_a STR_m "\0"
  280. #define STRING_Mandaic0 STR_M STR_a STR_n STR_d STR_a STR_i STR_c "\0"
  281. #define STRING_Manichaean0 STR_M STR_a STR_n STR_i STR_c STR_h STR_a STR_e STR_a STR_n "\0"
  282. #define STRING_Marchen0 STR_M STR_a STR_r STR_c STR_h STR_e STR_n "\0"
  283. #define STRING_Masaram_Gondi0 STR_M STR_a STR_s STR_a STR_r STR_a STR_m STR_UNDERSCORE STR_G STR_o STR_n STR_d STR_i "\0"
  284. #define STRING_Mc0 STR_M STR_c "\0"
  285. #define STRING_Me0 STR_M STR_e "\0"
  286. #define STRING_Medefaidrin0 STR_M STR_e STR_d STR_e STR_f STR_a STR_i STR_d STR_r STR_i STR_n "\0"
  287. #define STRING_Meetei_Mayek0 STR_M STR_e STR_e STR_t STR_e STR_i STR_UNDERSCORE STR_M STR_a STR_y STR_e STR_k "\0"
  288. #define STRING_Mende_Kikakui0 STR_M STR_e STR_n STR_d STR_e STR_UNDERSCORE STR_K STR_i STR_k STR_a STR_k STR_u STR_i "\0"
  289. #define STRING_Meroitic_Cursive0 STR_M STR_e STR_r STR_o STR_i STR_t STR_i STR_c STR_UNDERSCORE STR_C STR_u STR_r STR_s STR_i STR_v STR_e "\0"
  290. #define STRING_Meroitic_Hieroglyphs0 STR_M STR_e STR_r STR_o STR_i STR_t STR_i STR_c STR_UNDERSCORE STR_H STR_i STR_e STR_r STR_o STR_g STR_l STR_y STR_p STR_h STR_s "\0"
  291. #define STRING_Miao0 STR_M STR_i STR_a STR_o "\0"
  292. #define STRING_Mn0 STR_M STR_n "\0"
  293. #define STRING_Modi0 STR_M STR_o STR_d STR_i "\0"
  294. #define STRING_Mongolian0 STR_M STR_o STR_n STR_g STR_o STR_l STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  295. #define STRING_Mro0 STR_M STR_r STR_o "\0"
  296. #define STRING_Multani0 STR_M STR_u STR_l STR_t STR_a STR_n STR_i "\0"
  297. #define STRING_Myanmar0 STR_M STR_y STR_a STR_n STR_m STR_a STR_r "\0"
  298. #define STRING_N0 STR_N "\0"
  299. #define STRING_Nabataean0 STR_N STR_a STR_b STR_a STR_t STR_a STR_e STR_a STR_n "\0"
  300. #define STRING_Nandinagari0 STR_N STR_a STR_n STR_d STR_i STR_n STR_a STR_g STR_a STR_r STR_i "\0"
  301. #define STRING_Nd0 STR_N STR_d "\0"
  303. #define STRING_Newa0 STR_N STR_e STR_w STR_a "\0"
  304. #define STRING_Nko0 STR_N STR_k STR_o "\0"
  305. #define STRING_Nl0 STR_N STR_l "\0"
  306. #define STRING_No0 STR_N STR_o "\0"
  307. #define STRING_Nushu0 STR_N STR_u STR_s STR_h STR_u "\0"
  308. #define STRING_Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong0 STR_N STR_y STR_i STR_a STR_k STR_e STR_n STR_g STR_UNDERSCORE STR_P STR_u STR_a STR_c STR_h STR_u STR_e STR_UNDERSCORE STR_H STR_m STR_o STR_n STR_g "\0"
  309. #define STRING_Ogham0 STR_O STR_g STR_h STR_a STR_m "\0"
  310. #define STRING_Ol_Chiki0 STR_O STR_l STR_UNDERSCORE STR_C STR_h STR_i STR_k STR_i "\0"
  311. #define STRING_Old_Hungarian0 STR_O STR_l STR_d STR_UNDERSCORE STR_H STR_u STR_n STR_g STR_a STR_r STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  312. #define STRING_Old_Italic0 STR_O STR_l STR_d STR_UNDERSCORE STR_I STR_t STR_a STR_l STR_i STR_c "\0"
  314. #define STRING_Old_Permic0 STR_O STR_l STR_d STR_UNDERSCORE STR_P STR_e STR_r STR_m STR_i STR_c "\0"
  315. #define STRING_Old_Persian0 STR_O STR_l STR_d STR_UNDERSCORE STR_P STR_e STR_r STR_s STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  316. #define STRING_Old_Sogdian0 STR_O STR_l STR_d STR_UNDERSCORE STR_S STR_o STR_g STR_d STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  318. #define STRING_Old_Turkic0 STR_O STR_l STR_d STR_UNDERSCORE STR_T STR_u STR_r STR_k STR_i STR_c "\0"
  319. #define STRING_Old_Uyghur0 STR_O STR_l STR_d STR_UNDERSCORE STR_U STR_y STR_g STR_h STR_u STR_r "\0"
  320. #define STRING_Oriya0 STR_O STR_r STR_i STR_y STR_a "\0"
  321. #define STRING_Osage0 STR_O STR_s STR_a STR_g STR_e "\0"
  322. #define STRING_Osmanya0 STR_O STR_s STR_m STR_a STR_n STR_y STR_a "\0"
  323. #define STRING_P0 STR_P "\0"
  324. #define STRING_Pahawh_Hmong0 STR_P STR_a STR_h STR_a STR_w STR_h STR_UNDERSCORE STR_H STR_m STR_o STR_n STR_g "\0"
  325. #define STRING_Palmyrene0 STR_P STR_a STR_l STR_m STR_y STR_r STR_e STR_n STR_e "\0"
  327. #define STRING_Pc0 STR_P STR_c "\0"
  328. #define STRING_Pd0 STR_P STR_d "\0"
  329. #define STRING_Pe0 STR_P STR_e "\0"
  330. #define STRING_Pf0 STR_P STR_f "\0"
  331. #define STRING_Phags_Pa0 STR_P STR_h STR_a STR_g STR_s STR_UNDERSCORE STR_P STR_a "\0"
  332. #define STRING_Phoenician0 STR_P STR_h STR_o STR_e STR_n STR_i STR_c STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  333. #define STRING_Pi0 STR_P STR_i "\0"
  334. #define STRING_Po0 STR_P STR_o "\0"
  335. #define STRING_Ps0 STR_P STR_s "\0"
  336. #define STRING_Psalter_Pahlavi0 STR_P STR_s STR_a STR_l STR_t STR_e STR_r STR_UNDERSCORE STR_P STR_a STR_h STR_l STR_a STR_v STR_i "\0"
  337. #define STRING_Rejang0 STR_R STR_e STR_j STR_a STR_n STR_g "\0"
  338. #define STRING_Runic0 STR_R STR_u STR_n STR_i STR_c "\0"
  339. #define STRING_S0 STR_S "\0"
  340. #define STRING_Samaritan0 STR_S STR_a STR_m STR_a STR_r STR_i STR_t STR_a STR_n "\0"
  341. #define STRING_Saurashtra0 STR_S STR_a STR_u STR_r STR_a STR_s STR_h STR_t STR_r STR_a "\0"
  342. #define STRING_Sc0 STR_S STR_c "\0"
  343. #define STRING_Sharada0 STR_S STR_h STR_a STR_r STR_a STR_d STR_a "\0"
  344. #define STRING_Shavian0 STR_S STR_h STR_a STR_v STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  345. #define STRING_Siddham0 STR_S STR_i STR_d STR_d STR_h STR_a STR_m "\0"
  346. #define STRING_SignWriting0 STR_S STR_i STR_g STR_n STR_W STR_r STR_i STR_t STR_i STR_n STR_g "\0"
  347. #define STRING_Sinhala0 STR_S STR_i STR_n STR_h STR_a STR_l STR_a "\0"
  348. #define STRING_Sk0 STR_S STR_k "\0"
  349. #define STRING_Sm0 STR_S STR_m "\0"
  350. #define STRING_So0 STR_S STR_o "\0"
  351. #define STRING_Sogdian0 STR_S STR_o STR_g STR_d STR_i STR_a STR_n "\0"
  352. #define STRING_Sora_Sompeng0 STR_S STR_o STR_r STR_a STR_UNDERSCORE STR_S STR_o STR_m STR_p STR_e STR_n STR_g "\0"
  353. #define STRING_Soyombo0 STR_S STR_o STR_y STR_o STR_m STR_b STR_o "\0"
  354. #define STRING_Sundanese0 STR_S STR_u STR_n STR_d STR_a STR_n STR_e STR_s STR_e "\0"
  355. #define STRING_Syloti_Nagri0 STR_S STR_y STR_l STR_o STR_t STR_i STR_UNDERSCORE STR_N STR_a STR_g STR_r STR_i "\0"
  356. #define STRING_Syriac0 STR_S STR_y STR_r STR_i STR_a STR_c "\0"
  357. #define STRING_Tagalog0 STR_T STR_a STR_g STR_a STR_l STR_o STR_g "\0"
  358. #define STRING_Tagbanwa0 STR_T STR_a STR_g STR_b STR_a STR_n STR_w STR_a "\0"
  359. #define STRING_Tai_Le0 STR_T STR_a STR_i STR_UNDERSCORE STR_L STR_e "\0"
  360. #define STRING_Tai_Tham0 STR_T STR_a STR_i STR_UNDERSCORE STR_T STR_h STR_a STR_m "\0"
  361. #define STRING_Tai_Viet0 STR_T STR_a STR_i STR_UNDERSCORE STR_V STR_i STR_e STR_t "\0"
  362. #define STRING_Takri0 STR_T STR_a STR_k STR_r STR_i "\0"
  363. #define STRING_Tamil0 STR_T STR_a STR_m STR_i STR_l "\0"
  364. #define STRING_Tangsa0 STR_T STR_a STR_n STR_g STR_s STR_a "\0"
  365. #define STRING_Tangut0 STR_T STR_a STR_n STR_g STR_u STR_t "\0"
  366. #define STRING_Telugu0 STR_T STR_e STR_l STR_u STR_g STR_u "\0"
  367. #define STRING_Thaana0 STR_T STR_h STR_a STR_a STR_n STR_a "\0"
  368. #define STRING_Thai0 STR_T STR_h STR_a STR_i "\0"
  369. #define STRING_Tibetan0 STR_T STR_i STR_b STR_e STR_t STR_a STR_n "\0"
  370. #define STRING_Tifinagh0 STR_T STR_i STR_f STR_i STR_n STR_a STR_g STR_h "\0"
  371. #define STRING_Tirhuta0 STR_T STR_i STR_r STR_h STR_u STR_t STR_a "\0"
  372. #define STRING_Toto0 STR_T STR_o STR_t STR_o "\0"
  373. #define STRING_Ugaritic0 STR_U STR_g STR_a STR_r STR_i STR_t STR_i STR_c "\0"
  374. #define STRING_Unknown0 STR_U STR_n STR_k STR_n STR_o STR_w STR_n "\0"
  375. #define STRING_Vai0 STR_V STR_a STR_i "\0"
  376. #define STRING_Vithkuqi0 STR_V STR_i STR_t STR_h STR_k STR_u STR_q STR_i "\0"
  377. #define STRING_Wancho0 STR_W STR_a STR_n STR_c STR_h STR_o "\0"
  378. #define STRING_Warang_Citi0 STR_W STR_a STR_r STR_a STR_n STR_g STR_UNDERSCORE STR_C STR_i STR_t STR_i "\0"
  379. #define STRING_Xan0 STR_X STR_a STR_n "\0"
  380. #define STRING_Xps0 STR_X STR_p STR_s "\0"
  381. #define STRING_Xsp0 STR_X STR_s STR_p "\0"
  382. #define STRING_Xuc0 STR_X STR_u STR_c "\0"
  383. #define STRING_Xwd0 STR_X STR_w STR_d "\0"
  384. #define STRING_Yezidi0 STR_Y STR_e STR_z STR_i STR_d STR_i "\0"
  385. #define STRING_Yi0 STR_Y STR_i "\0"
  386. #define STRING_Z0 STR_Z "\0"
  387. #define STRING_Zanabazar_Square0 STR_Z STR_a STR_n STR_a STR_b STR_a STR_z STR_a STR_r STR_UNDERSCORE STR_S STR_q STR_u STR_a STR_r STR_e "\0"
  388. #define STRING_Zl0 STR_Z STR_l "\0"
  389. #define STRING_Zp0 STR_Z STR_p "\0"
  390. #define STRING_Zs0 STR_Z STR_s "\0"
  391. const char PRIV(utt_names)[] =
  392. STRING_Adlam0
  393. STRING_Ahom0
  394. STRING_Anatolian_Hieroglyphs0
  395. STRING_Any0
  396. STRING_Arabic0
  397. STRING_Armenian0
  398. STRING_Avestan0
  399. STRING_Balinese0
  400. STRING_Bamum0
  401. STRING_Bassa_Vah0
  402. STRING_Batak0
  403. STRING_Bengali0
  404. STRING_Bhaiksuki0
  405. STRING_Bopomofo0
  406. STRING_Brahmi0
  407. STRING_Braille0
  408. STRING_Buginese0
  409. STRING_Buhid0
  410. STRING_C0
  411. STRING_Canadian_Aboriginal0
  412. STRING_Carian0
  413. STRING_Caucasian_Albanian0
  414. STRING_Cc0
  415. STRING_Cf0
  416. STRING_Chakma0
  417. STRING_Cham0
  418. STRING_Cherokee0
  419. STRING_Chorasmian0
  420. STRING_Cn0
  421. STRING_Co0
  422. STRING_Common0
  423. STRING_Coptic0
  424. STRING_Cs0
  425. STRING_Cuneiform0
  426. STRING_Cypriot0
  427. STRING_Cypro_Minoan0
  428. STRING_Cyrillic0
  429. STRING_Deseret0
  430. STRING_Devanagari0
  431. STRING_Dives_Akuru0
  432. STRING_Dogra0
  433. STRING_Duployan0
  434. STRING_Egyptian_Hieroglyphs0
  435. STRING_Elbasan0
  436. STRING_Elymaic0
  437. STRING_Ethiopic0
  438. STRING_Georgian0
  439. STRING_Glagolitic0
  440. STRING_Gothic0
  441. STRING_Grantha0
  442. STRING_Greek0
  443. STRING_Gujarati0
  444. STRING_Gunjala_Gondi0
  445. STRING_Gurmukhi0
  446. STRING_Han0
  447. STRING_Hangul0
  448. STRING_Hanifi_Rohingya0
  449. STRING_Hanunoo0
  450. STRING_Hatran0
  451. STRING_Hebrew0
  452. STRING_Hiragana0
  453. STRING_Imperial_Aramaic0
  454. STRING_Inherited0
  455. STRING_Inscriptional_Pahlavi0
  456. STRING_Inscriptional_Parthian0
  457. STRING_Javanese0
  458. STRING_Kaithi0
  459. STRING_Kannada0
  460. STRING_Katakana0
  461. STRING_Kayah_Li0
  462. STRING_Kharoshthi0
  463. STRING_Khitan_Small_Script0
  464. STRING_Khmer0
  465. STRING_Khojki0
  466. STRING_Khudawadi0
  467. STRING_L0
  469. STRING_Lao0
  470. STRING_Latin0
  471. STRING_Lepcha0
  472. STRING_Limbu0
  473. STRING_Linear_A0
  474. STRING_Linear_B0
  475. STRING_Lisu0
  476. STRING_Ll0
  477. STRING_Lm0
  478. STRING_Lo0
  479. STRING_Lt0
  480. STRING_Lu0
  481. STRING_Lycian0
  482. STRING_Lydian0
  483. STRING_M0
  484. STRING_Mahajani0
  485. STRING_Makasar0
  486. STRING_Malayalam0
  487. STRING_Mandaic0
  488. STRING_Manichaean0
  489. STRING_Marchen0
  490. STRING_Masaram_Gondi0
  491. STRING_Mc0
  492. STRING_Me0
  493. STRING_Medefaidrin0
  494. STRING_Meetei_Mayek0
  495. STRING_Mende_Kikakui0
  496. STRING_Meroitic_Cursive0
  497. STRING_Meroitic_Hieroglyphs0
  498. STRING_Miao0
  499. STRING_Mn0
  500. STRING_Modi0
  501. STRING_Mongolian0
  502. STRING_Mro0
  503. STRING_Multani0
  504. STRING_Myanmar0
  505. STRING_N0
  506. STRING_Nabataean0
  507. STRING_Nandinagari0
  508. STRING_Nd0
  509. STRING_New_Tai_Lue0
  510. STRING_Newa0
  511. STRING_Nko0
  512. STRING_Nl0
  513. STRING_No0
  514. STRING_Nushu0
  515. STRING_Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong0
  516. STRING_Ogham0
  517. STRING_Ol_Chiki0
  518. STRING_Old_Hungarian0
  519. STRING_Old_Italic0
  520. STRING_Old_North_Arabian0
  521. STRING_Old_Permic0
  522. STRING_Old_Persian0
  523. STRING_Old_Sogdian0
  524. STRING_Old_South_Arabian0
  525. STRING_Old_Turkic0
  526. STRING_Old_Uyghur0
  527. STRING_Oriya0
  528. STRING_Osage0
  529. STRING_Osmanya0
  530. STRING_P0
  531. STRING_Pahawh_Hmong0
  532. STRING_Palmyrene0
  533. STRING_Pau_Cin_Hau0
  534. STRING_Pc0
  535. STRING_Pd0
  536. STRING_Pe0
  537. STRING_Pf0
  538. STRING_Phags_Pa0
  539. STRING_Phoenician0
  540. STRING_Pi0
  541. STRING_Po0
  542. STRING_Ps0
  543. STRING_Psalter_Pahlavi0
  544. STRING_Rejang0
  545. STRING_Runic0
  546. STRING_S0
  547. STRING_Samaritan0
  548. STRING_Saurashtra0
  549. STRING_Sc0
  550. STRING_Sharada0
  551. STRING_Shavian0
  552. STRING_Siddham0
  553. STRING_SignWriting0
  554. STRING_Sinhala0
  555. STRING_Sk0
  556. STRING_Sm0
  557. STRING_So0
  558. STRING_Sogdian0
  559. STRING_Sora_Sompeng0
  560. STRING_Soyombo0
  561. STRING_Sundanese0
  562. STRING_Syloti_Nagri0
  563. STRING_Syriac0
  564. STRING_Tagalog0
  565. STRING_Tagbanwa0
  566. STRING_Tai_Le0
  567. STRING_Tai_Tham0
  568. STRING_Tai_Viet0
  569. STRING_Takri0
  570. STRING_Tamil0
  571. STRING_Tangsa0
  572. STRING_Tangut0
  573. STRING_Telugu0
  574. STRING_Thaana0
  575. STRING_Thai0
  576. STRING_Tibetan0
  577. STRING_Tifinagh0
  578. STRING_Tirhuta0
  579. STRING_Toto0
  580. STRING_Ugaritic0
  581. STRING_Unknown0
  582. STRING_Vai0
  583. STRING_Vithkuqi0
  584. STRING_Wancho0
  585. STRING_Warang_Citi0
  586. STRING_Xan0
  587. STRING_Xps0
  588. STRING_Xsp0
  589. STRING_Xuc0
  590. STRING_Xwd0
  591. STRING_Yezidi0
  592. STRING_Yi0
  593. STRING_Z0
  594. STRING_Zanabazar_Square0
  595. STRING_Zl0
  596. STRING_Zp0
  597. STRING_Zs0;
  598. const ucp_type_table PRIV(utt)[] = {
  599. { 0, PT_SC, ucp_Adlam },
  600. { 6, PT_SC, ucp_Ahom },
  601. { 11, PT_SC, ucp_Anatolian_Hieroglyphs },
  602. { 33, PT_ANY, 0 },
  603. { 37, PT_SC, ucp_Arabic },
  604. { 44, PT_SC, ucp_Armenian },
  605. { 53, PT_SC, ucp_Avestan },
  606. { 61, PT_SC, ucp_Balinese },
  607. { 70, PT_SC, ucp_Bamum },
  608. { 76, PT_SC, ucp_Bassa_Vah },
  609. { 86, PT_SC, ucp_Batak },
  610. { 92, PT_SC, ucp_Bengali },
  611. { 100, PT_SC, ucp_Bhaiksuki },
  612. { 110, PT_SC, ucp_Bopomofo },
  613. { 119, PT_SC, ucp_Brahmi },
  614. { 126, PT_SC, ucp_Braille },
  615. { 134, PT_SC, ucp_Buginese },
  616. { 143, PT_SC, ucp_Buhid },
  617. { 149, PT_GC, ucp_C },
  618. { 151, PT_SC, ucp_Canadian_Aboriginal },
  619. { 171, PT_SC, ucp_Carian },
  620. { 178, PT_SC, ucp_Caucasian_Albanian },
  621. { 197, PT_PC, ucp_Cc },
  622. { 200, PT_PC, ucp_Cf },
  623. { 203, PT_SC, ucp_Chakma },
  624. { 210, PT_SC, ucp_Cham },
  625. { 215, PT_SC, ucp_Cherokee },
  626. { 224, PT_SC, ucp_Chorasmian },
  627. { 235, PT_PC, ucp_Cn },
  628. { 238, PT_PC, ucp_Co },
  629. { 241, PT_SC, ucp_Common },
  630. { 248, PT_SC, ucp_Coptic },
  631. { 255, PT_PC, ucp_Cs },
  632. { 258, PT_SC, ucp_Cuneiform },
  633. { 268, PT_SC, ucp_Cypriot },
  634. { 276, PT_SC, ucp_Cypro_Minoan },
  635. { 289, PT_SC, ucp_Cyrillic },
  636. { 298, PT_SC, ucp_Deseret },
  637. { 306, PT_SC, ucp_Devanagari },
  638. { 317, PT_SC, ucp_Dives_Akuru },
  639. { 329, PT_SC, ucp_Dogra },
  640. { 335, PT_SC, ucp_Duployan },
  641. { 344, PT_SC, ucp_Egyptian_Hieroglyphs },
  642. { 365, PT_SC, ucp_Elbasan },
  643. { 373, PT_SC, ucp_Elymaic },
  644. { 381, PT_SC, ucp_Ethiopic },
  645. { 390, PT_SC, ucp_Georgian },
  646. { 399, PT_SC, ucp_Glagolitic },
  647. { 410, PT_SC, ucp_Gothic },
  648. { 417, PT_SC, ucp_Grantha },
  649. { 425, PT_SC, ucp_Greek },
  650. { 431, PT_SC, ucp_Gujarati },
  651. { 440, PT_SC, ucp_Gunjala_Gondi },
  652. { 454, PT_SC, ucp_Gurmukhi },
  653. { 463, PT_SC, ucp_Han },
  654. { 467, PT_SC, ucp_Hangul },
  655. { 474, PT_SC, ucp_Hanifi_Rohingya },
  656. { 490, PT_SC, ucp_Hanunoo },
  657. { 498, PT_SC, ucp_Hatran },
  658. { 505, PT_SC, ucp_Hebrew },
  659. { 512, PT_SC, ucp_Hiragana },
  660. { 521, PT_SC, ucp_Imperial_Aramaic },
  661. { 538, PT_SC, ucp_Inherited },
  662. { 548, PT_SC, ucp_Inscriptional_Pahlavi },
  663. { 570, PT_SC, ucp_Inscriptional_Parthian },
  664. { 593, PT_SC, ucp_Javanese },
  665. { 602, PT_SC, ucp_Kaithi },
  666. { 609, PT_SC, ucp_Kannada },
  667. { 617, PT_SC, ucp_Katakana },
  668. { 626, PT_SC, ucp_Kayah_Li },
  669. { 635, PT_SC, ucp_Kharoshthi },
  670. { 646, PT_SC, ucp_Khitan_Small_Script },
  671. { 666, PT_SC, ucp_Khmer },
  672. { 672, PT_SC, ucp_Khojki },
  673. { 679, PT_SC, ucp_Khudawadi },
  674. { 689, PT_GC, ucp_L },
  675. { 691, PT_LAMP, 0 },
  676. { 694, PT_SC, ucp_Lao },
  677. { 698, PT_SC, ucp_Latin },
  678. { 704, PT_SC, ucp_Lepcha },
  679. { 711, PT_SC, ucp_Limbu },
  680. { 717, PT_SC, ucp_Linear_A },
  681. { 726, PT_SC, ucp_Linear_B },
  682. { 735, PT_SC, ucp_Lisu },
  683. { 740, PT_PC, ucp_Ll },
  684. { 743, PT_PC, ucp_Lm },
  685. { 746, PT_PC, ucp_Lo },
  686. { 749, PT_PC, ucp_Lt },
  687. { 752, PT_PC, ucp_Lu },
  688. { 755, PT_SC, ucp_Lycian },
  689. { 762, PT_SC, ucp_Lydian },
  690. { 769, PT_GC, ucp_M },
  691. { 771, PT_SC, ucp_Mahajani },
  692. { 780, PT_SC, ucp_Makasar },
  693. { 788, PT_SC, ucp_Malayalam },
  694. { 798, PT_SC, ucp_Mandaic },
  695. { 806, PT_SC, ucp_Manichaean },
  696. { 817, PT_SC, ucp_Marchen },
  697. { 825, PT_SC, ucp_Masaram_Gondi },
  698. { 839, PT_PC, ucp_Mc },
  699. { 842, PT_PC, ucp_Me },
  700. { 845, PT_SC, ucp_Medefaidrin },
  701. { 857, PT_SC, ucp_Meetei_Mayek },
  702. { 870, PT_SC, ucp_Mende_Kikakui },
  703. { 884, PT_SC, ucp_Meroitic_Cursive },
  704. { 901, PT_SC, ucp_Meroitic_Hieroglyphs },
  705. { 922, PT_SC, ucp_Miao },
  706. { 927, PT_PC, ucp_Mn },
  707. { 930, PT_SC, ucp_Modi },
  708. { 935, PT_SC, ucp_Mongolian },
  709. { 945, PT_SC, ucp_Mro },
  710. { 949, PT_SC, ucp_Multani },
  711. { 957, PT_SC, ucp_Myanmar },
  712. { 965, PT_GC, ucp_N },
  713. { 967, PT_SC, ucp_Nabataean },
  714. { 977, PT_SC, ucp_Nandinagari },
  715. { 989, PT_PC, ucp_Nd },
  716. { 992, PT_SC, ucp_New_Tai_Lue },
  717. { 1004, PT_SC, ucp_Newa },
  718. { 1009, PT_SC, ucp_Nko },
  719. { 1013, PT_PC, ucp_Nl },
  720. { 1016, PT_PC, ucp_No },
  721. { 1019, PT_SC, ucp_Nushu },
  722. { 1025, PT_SC, ucp_Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong },
  723. { 1048, PT_SC, ucp_Ogham },
  724. { 1054, PT_SC, ucp_Ol_Chiki },
  725. { 1063, PT_SC, ucp_Old_Hungarian },
  726. { 1077, PT_SC, ucp_Old_Italic },
  727. { 1088, PT_SC, ucp_Old_North_Arabian },
  728. { 1106, PT_SC, ucp_Old_Permic },
  729. { 1117, PT_SC, ucp_Old_Persian },
  730. { 1129, PT_SC, ucp_Old_Sogdian },
  731. { 1141, PT_SC, ucp_Old_South_Arabian },
  732. { 1159, PT_SC, ucp_Old_Turkic },
  733. { 1170, PT_SC, ucp_Old_Uyghur },
  734. { 1181, PT_SC, ucp_Oriya },
  735. { 1187, PT_SC, ucp_Osage },
  736. { 1193, PT_SC, ucp_Osmanya },
  737. { 1201, PT_GC, ucp_P },
  738. { 1203, PT_SC, ucp_Pahawh_Hmong },
  739. { 1216, PT_SC, ucp_Palmyrene },
  740. { 1226, PT_SC, ucp_Pau_Cin_Hau },
  741. { 1238, PT_PC, ucp_Pc },
  742. { 1241, PT_PC, ucp_Pd },
  743. { 1244, PT_PC, ucp_Pe },
  744. { 1247, PT_PC, ucp_Pf },
  745. { 1250, PT_SC, ucp_Phags_Pa },
  746. { 1259, PT_SC, ucp_Phoenician },
  747. { 1270, PT_PC, ucp_Pi },
  748. { 1273, PT_PC, ucp_Po },
  749. { 1276, PT_PC, ucp_Ps },
  750. { 1279, PT_SC, ucp_Psalter_Pahlavi },
  751. { 1295, PT_SC, ucp_Rejang },
  752. { 1302, PT_SC, ucp_Runic },
  753. { 1308, PT_GC, ucp_S },
  754. { 1310, PT_SC, ucp_Samaritan },
  755. { 1320, PT_SC, ucp_Saurashtra },
  756. { 1331, PT_PC, ucp_Sc },
  757. { 1334, PT_SC, ucp_Sharada },
  758. { 1342, PT_SC, ucp_Shavian },
  759. { 1350, PT_SC, ucp_Siddham },
  760. { 1358, PT_SC, ucp_SignWriting },
  761. { 1370, PT_SC, ucp_Sinhala },
  762. { 1378, PT_PC, ucp_Sk },
  763. { 1381, PT_PC, ucp_Sm },
  764. { 1384, PT_PC, ucp_So },
  765. { 1387, PT_SC, ucp_Sogdian },
  766. { 1395, PT_SC, ucp_Sora_Sompeng },
  767. { 1408, PT_SC, ucp_Soyombo },
  768. { 1416, PT_SC, ucp_Sundanese },
  769. { 1426, PT_SC, ucp_Syloti_Nagri },
  770. { 1439, PT_SC, ucp_Syriac },
  771. { 1446, PT_SC, ucp_Tagalog },
  772. { 1454, PT_SC, ucp_Tagbanwa },
  773. { 1463, PT_SC, ucp_Tai_Le },
  774. { 1470, PT_SC, ucp_Tai_Tham },
  775. { 1479, PT_SC, ucp_Tai_Viet },
  776. { 1488, PT_SC, ucp_Takri },
  777. { 1494, PT_SC, ucp_Tamil },
  778. { 1500, PT_SC, ucp_Tangsa },
  779. { 1507, PT_SC, ucp_Tangut },
  780. { 1514, PT_SC, ucp_Telugu },
  781. { 1521, PT_SC, ucp_Thaana },
  782. { 1528, PT_SC, ucp_Thai },
  783. { 1533, PT_SC, ucp_Tibetan },
  784. { 1541, PT_SC, ucp_Tifinagh },
  785. { 1550, PT_SC, ucp_Tirhuta },
  786. { 1558, PT_SC, ucp_Toto },
  787. { 1563, PT_SC, ucp_Ugaritic },
  788. { 1572, PT_SC, ucp_Unknown },
  789. { 1580, PT_SC, ucp_Vai },
  790. { 1584, PT_SC, ucp_Vithkuqi },
  791. { 1593, PT_SC, ucp_Wancho },
  792. { 1600, PT_SC, ucp_Warang_Citi },
  793. { 1612, PT_ALNUM, 0 },
  794. { 1616, PT_PXSPACE, 0 },
  795. { 1620, PT_SPACE, 0 },
  796. { 1624, PT_UCNC, 0 },
  797. { 1628, PT_WORD, 0 },
  798. { 1632, PT_SC, ucp_Yezidi },
  799. { 1639, PT_SC, ucp_Yi },
  800. { 1642, PT_GC, ucp_Z },
  801. { 1644, PT_SC, ucp_Zanabazar_Square },
  802. { 1661, PT_PC, ucp_Zl },
  803. { 1664, PT_PC, ucp_Zp },
  804. { 1667, PT_PC, ucp_Zs }
  805. };
  806. const size_t PRIV(utt_size) = sizeof(PRIV(utt)) / sizeof(ucp_type_table);
  807. #endif /* SUPPORT_UNICODE */
  808. /* End of pcre2_tables.c */