pcre2_study.c 52 KB

  1. /*************************************************
  2. * Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions *
  3. *************************************************/
  4. /* PCRE is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax
  5. and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language.
  6. Written by Philip Hazel
  7. Original API code Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge
  8. New API code Copyright (c) 2016-2020 University of Cambridge
  9. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  11. modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
  12. * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
  13. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  14. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
  15. notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
  16. documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  17. * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its
  18. contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
  19. this software without specific prior written permission.
  31. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. */
  33. /* This module contains functions for scanning a compiled pattern and
  34. collecting data (e.g. minimum matching length). */
  35. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
  36. #include "config.h"
  37. #endif
  38. #include "pcre2_internal.h"
  39. /* The maximum remembered capturing brackets minimum. */
  40. #define MAX_CACHE_BACKREF 128
  41. /* Set a bit in the starting code unit bit map. */
  42. #define SET_BIT(c) re->start_bitmap[(c)/8] |= (1u << ((c)&7))
  43. /* Returns from set_start_bits() */
  45. /*************************************************
  46. * Find the minimum subject length for a group *
  47. *************************************************/
  48. /* Scan a parenthesized group and compute the minimum length of subject that
  49. is needed to match it. This is a lower bound; it does not mean there is a
  50. string of that length that matches. In UTF mode, the result is in characters
  51. rather than code units. The field in a compiled pattern for storing the minimum
  52. length is 16-bits long (on the grounds that anything longer than that is
  53. pathological), so we give up when we reach that amount. This also means that
  54. integer overflow for really crazy patterns cannot happen.
  55. Backreference minimum lengths are cached to speed up multiple references. This
  56. function is called only when the highest back reference in the pattern is less
  57. than or equal to MAX_CACHE_BACKREF, which is one less than the size of the
  58. caching vector. The zeroth element contains the number of the highest set
  59. value.
  60. Arguments:
  61. re compiled pattern block
  62. code pointer to start of group (the bracket)
  63. startcode pointer to start of the whole pattern's code
  64. utf UTF flag
  65. recurses chain of recurse_check to catch mutual recursion
  66. countptr pointer to call count (to catch over complexity)
  67. backref_cache vector for caching back references.
  68. This function is no longer called when the pattern contains (*ACCEPT); however,
  69. the old code for returning -1 is retained, just in case.
  70. Returns: the minimum length
  71. -1 \C in UTF-8 mode
  72. or (*ACCEPT)
  73. or pattern too complicated
  74. -2 internal error (missing capturing bracket)
  75. -3 internal error (opcode not listed)
  76. */
  77. static int
  78. find_minlength(const pcre2_real_code *re, PCRE2_SPTR code,
  79. PCRE2_SPTR startcode, BOOL utf, recurse_check *recurses, int *countptr,
  80. int *backref_cache)
  81. {
  82. int length = -1;
  83. int branchlength = 0;
  84. int prev_cap_recno = -1;
  85. int prev_cap_d = 0;
  86. int prev_recurse_recno = -1;
  87. int prev_recurse_d = 0;
  88. uint32_t once_fudge = 0;
  89. BOOL had_recurse = FALSE;
  90. BOOL dupcapused = (re->flags & PCRE2_DUPCAPUSED) != 0;
  91. PCRE2_SPTR nextbranch = code + GET(code, 1);
  92. PCRE2_UCHAR *cc = (PCRE2_UCHAR *)code + 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  93. recurse_check this_recurse;
  94. /* If this is a "could be empty" group, its minimum length is 0. */
  95. if (*code >= OP_SBRA && *code <= OP_SCOND) return 0;
  96. /* Skip over capturing bracket number */
  97. if (*code == OP_CBRA || *code == OP_CBRAPOS) cc += IMM2_SIZE;
  98. /* A large and/or complex regex can take too long to process. */
  99. if ((*countptr)++ > 1000) return -1;
  100. /* Scan along the opcodes for this branch. If we get to the end of the branch,
  101. check the length against that of the other branches. If the accumulated length
  102. passes 16-bits, reset to that value and skip the rest of the branch. */
  103. for (;;)
  104. {
  105. int d, min, recno;
  106. PCRE2_UCHAR op, *cs, *ce;
  107. if (branchlength >= UINT16_MAX)
  108. {
  109. branchlength = UINT16_MAX;
  110. cc = (PCRE2_UCHAR *)nextbranch;
  111. }
  112. op = *cc;
  113. switch (op)
  114. {
  115. case OP_COND:
  116. case OP_SCOND:
  117. /* If there is only one branch in a condition, the implied branch has zero
  118. length, so we don't add anything. This covers the DEFINE "condition"
  119. automatically. If there are two branches we can treat it the same as any
  120. other non-capturing subpattern. */
  121. cs = cc + GET(cc, 1);
  122. if (*cs != OP_ALT)
  123. {
  124. cc = cs + 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  125. break;
  126. }
  128. case OP_BRA:
  129. /* There's a special case of OP_BRA, when it is wrapped round a repeated
  130. OP_RECURSE. We'd like to process the latter at this level so that
  131. remembering the value works for repeated cases. So we do nothing, but
  132. set a fudge value to skip over the OP_KET after the recurse. */
  133. if (cc[1+LINK_SIZE] == OP_RECURSE && cc[2*(1+LINK_SIZE)] == OP_KET)
  134. {
  135. once_fudge = 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  136. cc += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  137. break;
  138. }
  139. /* Fall through */
  140. case OP_ONCE:
  141. case OP_SCRIPT_RUN:
  142. case OP_SBRA:
  143. case OP_BRAPOS:
  144. case OP_SBRAPOS:
  146. d = find_minlength(re, cc, startcode, utf, recurses, countptr,
  147. backref_cache);
  148. if (d < 0) return d;
  149. branchlength += d;
  150. do cc += GET(cc, 1); while (*cc == OP_ALT);
  151. cc += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  152. break;
  153. /* To save time for repeated capturing subpatterns, we remember the
  154. length of the previous one. Unfortunately we can't do the same for
  155. the unnumbered ones above. Nor can we do this if (?| is present in the
  156. pattern because captures with the same number are not then identical. */
  157. case OP_CBRA:
  158. case OP_SCBRA:
  159. case OP_CBRAPOS:
  160. case OP_SCBRAPOS:
  161. recno = (int)GET2(cc, 1+LINK_SIZE);
  162. if (dupcapused || recno != prev_cap_recno)
  163. {
  164. prev_cap_recno = recno;
  165. prev_cap_d = find_minlength(re, cc, startcode, utf, recurses, countptr,
  166. backref_cache);
  167. if (prev_cap_d < 0) return prev_cap_d;
  168. }
  169. branchlength += prev_cap_d;
  170. do cc += GET(cc, 1); while (*cc == OP_ALT);
  171. cc += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  172. break;
  173. /* ACCEPT makes things far too complicated; we have to give up. In fact,
  174. from 10.34 onwards, if a pattern contains (*ACCEPT), this function is not
  175. used. However, leave the code in place, just in case. */
  176. case OP_ACCEPT:
  177. case OP_ASSERT_ACCEPT:
  178. return -1;
  179. /* Reached end of a branch; if it's a ket it is the end of a nested
  180. call. If it's ALT it is an alternation in a nested call. If it is END it's
  181. the end of the outer call. All can be handled by the same code. If the
  182. length of any branch is zero, there is no need to scan any subsequent
  183. branches. */
  184. case OP_ALT:
  185. case OP_KET:
  186. case OP_KETRMAX:
  187. case OP_KETRMIN:
  188. case OP_KETRPOS:
  189. case OP_END:
  190. if (length < 0 || (!had_recurse && branchlength < length))
  191. length = branchlength;
  192. if (op != OP_ALT || length == 0) return length;
  193. nextbranch = cc + GET(cc, 1);
  194. cc += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  195. branchlength = 0;
  196. had_recurse = FALSE;
  197. break;
  198. /* Skip over assertive subpatterns */
  199. case OP_ASSERT:
  200. case OP_ASSERT_NOT:
  201. case OP_ASSERTBACK:
  202. case OP_ASSERTBACK_NOT:
  203. case OP_ASSERT_NA:
  204. case OP_ASSERTBACK_NA:
  205. do cc += GET(cc, 1); while (*cc == OP_ALT);
  206. /* Fall through */
  207. /* Skip over things that don't match chars */
  208. case OP_REVERSE:
  209. case OP_CREF:
  210. case OP_DNCREF:
  211. case OP_RREF:
  212. case OP_DNRREF:
  213. case OP_FALSE:
  214. case OP_TRUE:
  215. case OP_CALLOUT:
  216. case OP_SOD:
  217. case OP_SOM:
  218. case OP_EOD:
  219. case OP_EODN:
  220. case OP_CIRC:
  221. case OP_CIRCM:
  222. case OP_DOLL:
  223. case OP_DOLLM:
  225. case OP_WORD_BOUNDARY:
  226. cc += PRIV(OP_lengths)[*cc];
  227. break;
  228. case OP_CALLOUT_STR:
  229. cc += GET(cc, 1 + 2*LINK_SIZE);
  230. break;
  231. /* Skip over a subpattern that has a {0} or {0,x} quantifier */
  232. case OP_BRAZERO:
  233. case OP_BRAMINZERO:
  234. case OP_BRAPOSZERO:
  235. case OP_SKIPZERO:
  236. cc += PRIV(OP_lengths)[*cc];
  237. do cc += GET(cc, 1); while (*cc == OP_ALT);
  238. cc += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  239. break;
  240. /* Handle literal characters and + repetitions */
  241. case OP_CHAR:
  242. case OP_CHARI:
  243. case OP_NOT:
  244. case OP_NOTI:
  245. case OP_PLUS:
  246. case OP_PLUSI:
  247. case OP_MINPLUS:
  248. case OP_MINPLUSI:
  249. case OP_POSPLUS:
  250. case OP_POSPLUSI:
  251. case OP_NOTPLUS:
  252. case OP_NOTPLUSI:
  253. case OP_NOTMINPLUS:
  254. case OP_NOTMINPLUSI:
  255. case OP_NOTPOSPLUS:
  256. case OP_NOTPOSPLUSI:
  257. branchlength++;
  258. cc += 2;
  259. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  260. if (utf && HAS_EXTRALEN(cc[-1])) cc += GET_EXTRALEN(cc[-1]);
  261. #endif
  262. break;
  263. case OP_TYPEPLUS:
  264. case OP_TYPEMINPLUS:
  265. case OP_TYPEPOSPLUS:
  266. branchlength++;
  267. cc += (cc[1] == OP_PROP || cc[1] == OP_NOTPROP)? 4 : 2;
  268. break;
  269. /* Handle exact repetitions. The count is already in characters, but we
  270. may need to skip over a multibyte character in UTF mode. */
  271. case OP_EXACT:
  272. case OP_EXACTI:
  273. case OP_NOTEXACT:
  274. case OP_NOTEXACTI:
  275. branchlength += GET2(cc,1);
  276. cc += 2 + IMM2_SIZE;
  277. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  278. if (utf && HAS_EXTRALEN(cc[-1])) cc += GET_EXTRALEN(cc[-1]);
  279. #endif
  280. break;
  281. case OP_TYPEEXACT:
  282. branchlength += GET2(cc,1);
  283. cc += 2 + IMM2_SIZE + ((cc[1 + IMM2_SIZE] == OP_PROP
  284. || cc[1 + IMM2_SIZE] == OP_NOTPROP)? 2 : 0);
  285. break;
  286. /* Handle single-char non-literal matchers */
  287. case OP_PROP:
  288. case OP_NOTPROP:
  289. cc += 2;
  290. /* Fall through */
  291. case OP_NOT_DIGIT:
  292. case OP_DIGIT:
  293. case OP_NOT_WHITESPACE:
  294. case OP_WHITESPACE:
  295. case OP_NOT_WORDCHAR:
  296. case OP_WORDCHAR:
  297. case OP_ANY:
  298. case OP_ALLANY:
  299. case OP_EXTUNI:
  300. case OP_HSPACE:
  301. case OP_NOT_HSPACE:
  302. case OP_VSPACE:
  303. case OP_NOT_VSPACE:
  304. branchlength++;
  305. cc++;
  306. break;
  307. /* "Any newline" might match two characters, but it also might match just
  308. one. */
  309. case OP_ANYNL:
  310. branchlength += 1;
  311. cc++;
  312. break;
  313. /* The single-byte matcher means we can't proceed in UTF mode. (In
  314. non-UTF mode \C will actually be turned into OP_ALLANY, so won't ever
  315. appear, but leave the code, just in case.) */
  316. case OP_ANYBYTE:
  317. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  318. if (utf) return -1;
  319. #endif
  320. branchlength++;
  321. cc++;
  322. break;
  323. /* For repeated character types, we have to test for \p and \P, which have
  324. an extra two bytes of parameters. */
  325. case OP_TYPESTAR:
  326. case OP_TYPEMINSTAR:
  327. case OP_TYPEQUERY:
  328. case OP_TYPEMINQUERY:
  329. case OP_TYPEPOSSTAR:
  330. case OP_TYPEPOSQUERY:
  331. if (cc[1] == OP_PROP || cc[1] == OP_NOTPROP) cc += 2;
  332. cc += PRIV(OP_lengths)[op];
  333. break;
  334. case OP_TYPEUPTO:
  335. case OP_TYPEMINUPTO:
  336. case OP_TYPEPOSUPTO:
  337. if (cc[1 + IMM2_SIZE] == OP_PROP
  338. || cc[1 + IMM2_SIZE] == OP_NOTPROP) cc += 2;
  339. cc += PRIV(OP_lengths)[op];
  340. break;
  341. /* Check a class for variable quantification */
  342. case OP_CLASS:
  343. case OP_NCLASS:
  344. #ifdef SUPPORT_WIDE_CHARS
  345. case OP_XCLASS:
  346. /* The original code caused an unsigned overflow in 64 bit systems,
  347. so now we use a conditional statement. */
  348. if (op == OP_XCLASS)
  349. cc += GET(cc, 1);
  350. else
  351. cc += PRIV(OP_lengths)[OP_CLASS];
  352. #else
  353. cc += PRIV(OP_lengths)[OP_CLASS];
  354. #endif
  355. switch (*cc)
  356. {
  357. case OP_CRPLUS:
  358. case OP_CRMINPLUS:
  359. case OP_CRPOSPLUS:
  360. branchlength++;
  361. /* Fall through */
  362. case OP_CRSTAR:
  363. case OP_CRMINSTAR:
  364. case OP_CRQUERY:
  365. case OP_CRMINQUERY:
  366. case OP_CRPOSSTAR:
  367. case OP_CRPOSQUERY:
  368. cc++;
  369. break;
  370. case OP_CRRANGE:
  371. case OP_CRMINRANGE:
  372. case OP_CRPOSRANGE:
  373. branchlength += GET2(cc,1);
  374. cc += 1 + 2 * IMM2_SIZE;
  375. break;
  376. default:
  377. branchlength++;
  378. break;
  379. }
  380. break;
  381. /* Backreferences and subroutine calls (OP_RECURSE) are treated in the same
  382. way: we find the minimum length for the subpattern. A recursion
  383. (backreference or subroutine) causes an a flag to be set that causes the
  384. length of this branch to be ignored. The logic is that a recursion can only
  385. make sense if there is another alternative that stops the recursing. That
  386. will provide the minimum length (when no recursion happens).
  387. If PCRE2_MATCH_UNSET_BACKREF is set, a backreference to an unset bracket
  388. matches an empty string (by default it causes a matching failure), so in
  389. that case we must set the minimum length to zero.
  390. For backreferenes, if duplicate numbers are present in the pattern we check
  391. for a reference to a duplicate. If it is, we don't know which version will
  392. be referenced, so we have to set the minimum length to zero. */
  393. /* Duplicate named pattern back reference. */
  394. case OP_DNREF:
  395. case OP_DNREFI:
  396. if (!dupcapused && (re->overall_options & PCRE2_MATCH_UNSET_BACKREF) == 0)
  397. {
  398. int count = GET2(cc, 1+IMM2_SIZE);
  399. PCRE2_UCHAR *slot =
  400. (PCRE2_UCHAR *)((uint8_t *)re + sizeof(pcre2_real_code)) +
  401. GET2(cc, 1) * re->name_entry_size;
  402. d = INT_MAX;
  403. /* Scan all groups with the same name; find the shortest. */
  404. while (count-- > 0)
  405. {
  406. int dd, i;
  407. recno = GET2(slot, 0);
  408. if (recno <= backref_cache[0] && backref_cache[recno] >= 0)
  409. dd = backref_cache[recno];
  410. else
  411. {
  412. ce = cs = (PCRE2_UCHAR *)PRIV(find_bracket)(startcode, utf, recno);
  413. if (cs == NULL) return -2;
  414. do ce += GET(ce, 1); while (*ce == OP_ALT);
  415. dd = 0;
  416. if (!dupcapused ||
  417. (PCRE2_UCHAR *)PRIV(find_bracket)(ce, utf, recno) == NULL)
  418. {
  419. if (cc > cs && cc < ce) /* Simple recursion */
  420. {
  421. had_recurse = TRUE;
  422. }
  423. else
  424. {
  425. recurse_check *r = recurses;
  426. for (r = recurses; r != NULL; r = r->prev)
  427. if (r->group == cs) break;
  428. if (r != NULL) /* Mutual recursion */
  429. {
  430. had_recurse = TRUE;
  431. }
  432. else
  433. {
  434. this_recurse.prev = recurses; /* No recursion */
  435. this_recurse.group = cs;
  436. dd = find_minlength(re, cs, startcode, utf, &this_recurse,
  437. countptr, backref_cache);
  438. if (dd < 0) return dd;
  439. }
  440. }
  441. }
  442. backref_cache[recno] = dd;
  443. for (i = backref_cache[0] + 1; i < recno; i++) backref_cache[i] = -1;
  444. backref_cache[0] = recno;
  445. }
  446. if (dd < d) d = dd;
  447. if (d <= 0) break; /* No point looking at any more */
  448. slot += re->name_entry_size;
  449. }
  450. }
  451. else d = 0;
  452. cc += 1 + 2*IMM2_SIZE;
  454. /* Single back reference by number. References by name are converted to by
  455. number when there is no duplication. */
  456. case OP_REF:
  457. case OP_REFI:
  458. recno = GET2(cc, 1);
  459. if (recno <= backref_cache[0] && backref_cache[recno] >= 0)
  460. d = backref_cache[recno];
  461. else
  462. {
  463. int i;
  464. d = 0;
  465. if ((re->overall_options & PCRE2_MATCH_UNSET_BACKREF) == 0)
  466. {
  467. ce = cs = (PCRE2_UCHAR *)PRIV(find_bracket)(startcode, utf, recno);
  468. if (cs == NULL) return -2;
  469. do ce += GET(ce, 1); while (*ce == OP_ALT);
  470. if (!dupcapused ||
  471. (PCRE2_UCHAR *)PRIV(find_bracket)(ce, utf, recno) == NULL)
  472. {
  473. if (cc > cs && cc < ce) /* Simple recursion */
  474. {
  475. had_recurse = TRUE;
  476. }
  477. else
  478. {
  479. recurse_check *r = recurses;
  480. for (r = recurses; r != NULL; r = r->prev) if (r->group == cs) break;
  481. if (r != NULL) /* Mutual recursion */
  482. {
  483. had_recurse = TRUE;
  484. }
  485. else /* No recursion */
  486. {
  487. this_recurse.prev = recurses;
  488. this_recurse.group = cs;
  489. d = find_minlength(re, cs, startcode, utf, &this_recurse, countptr,
  490. backref_cache);
  491. if (d < 0) return d;
  492. }
  493. }
  494. }
  495. }
  496. backref_cache[recno] = d;
  497. for (i = backref_cache[0] + 1; i < recno; i++) backref_cache[i] = -1;
  498. backref_cache[0] = recno;
  499. }
  500. cc += 1 + IMM2_SIZE;
  501. /* Handle repeated back references */
  503. switch (*cc)
  504. {
  505. case OP_CRSTAR:
  506. case OP_CRMINSTAR:
  507. case OP_CRQUERY:
  508. case OP_CRMINQUERY:
  509. case OP_CRPOSSTAR:
  510. case OP_CRPOSQUERY:
  511. min = 0;
  512. cc++;
  513. break;
  514. case OP_CRPLUS:
  515. case OP_CRMINPLUS:
  516. case OP_CRPOSPLUS:
  517. min = 1;
  518. cc++;
  519. break;
  520. case OP_CRRANGE:
  521. case OP_CRMINRANGE:
  522. case OP_CRPOSRANGE:
  523. min = GET2(cc, 1);
  524. cc += 1 + 2 * IMM2_SIZE;
  525. break;
  526. default:
  527. min = 1;
  528. break;
  529. }
  530. /* Take care not to overflow: (1) min and d are ints, so check that their
  531. product is not greater than INT_MAX. (2) branchlength is limited to
  532. UINT16_MAX (checked at the top of the loop). */
  533. if ((d > 0 && (INT_MAX/d) < min) || UINT16_MAX - branchlength < min*d)
  534. branchlength = UINT16_MAX;
  535. else branchlength += min * d;
  536. break;
  537. /* Recursion always refers to the first occurrence of a subpattern with a
  538. given number. Therefore, we can always make use of caching, even when the
  539. pattern contains multiple subpatterns with the same number. */
  540. case OP_RECURSE:
  541. cs = ce = (PCRE2_UCHAR *)startcode + GET(cc, 1);
  542. recno = GET2(cs, 1+LINK_SIZE);
  543. if (recno == prev_recurse_recno)
  544. {
  545. branchlength += prev_recurse_d;
  546. }
  547. else
  548. {
  549. do ce += GET(ce, 1); while (*ce == OP_ALT);
  550. if (cc > cs && cc < ce) /* Simple recursion */
  551. had_recurse = TRUE;
  552. else
  553. {
  554. recurse_check *r = recurses;
  555. for (r = recurses; r != NULL; r = r->prev) if (r->group == cs) break;
  556. if (r != NULL) /* Mutual recursion */
  557. had_recurse = TRUE;
  558. else
  559. {
  560. this_recurse.prev = recurses;
  561. this_recurse.group = cs;
  562. prev_recurse_d = find_minlength(re, cs, startcode, utf, &this_recurse,
  563. countptr, backref_cache);
  564. if (prev_recurse_d < 0) return prev_recurse_d;
  565. prev_recurse_recno = recno;
  566. branchlength += prev_recurse_d;
  567. }
  568. }
  569. }
  570. cc += 1 + LINK_SIZE + once_fudge;
  571. once_fudge = 0;
  572. break;
  573. /* Anything else does not or need not match a character. We can get the
  574. item's length from the table, but for those that can match zero occurrences
  575. of a character, we must take special action for UTF-8 characters. As it
  576. happens, the "NOT" versions of these opcodes are used at present only for
  577. ASCII characters, so they could be omitted from this list. However, in
  578. future that may change, so we include them here so as not to leave a
  579. gotcha for a future maintainer. */
  580. case OP_UPTO:
  581. case OP_UPTOI:
  582. case OP_NOTUPTO:
  583. case OP_NOTUPTOI:
  584. case OP_MINUPTO:
  585. case OP_MINUPTOI:
  586. case OP_NOTMINUPTO:
  587. case OP_NOTMINUPTOI:
  588. case OP_POSUPTO:
  589. case OP_POSUPTOI:
  590. case OP_NOTPOSUPTO:
  591. case OP_NOTPOSUPTOI:
  592. case OP_STAR:
  593. case OP_STARI:
  594. case OP_NOTSTAR:
  595. case OP_NOTSTARI:
  596. case OP_MINSTAR:
  597. case OP_MINSTARI:
  598. case OP_NOTMINSTAR:
  599. case OP_NOTMINSTARI:
  600. case OP_POSSTAR:
  601. case OP_POSSTARI:
  602. case OP_NOTPOSSTAR:
  603. case OP_NOTPOSSTARI:
  604. case OP_QUERY:
  605. case OP_QUERYI:
  606. case OP_NOTQUERY:
  607. case OP_NOTQUERYI:
  608. case OP_MINQUERY:
  609. case OP_MINQUERYI:
  610. case OP_NOTMINQUERY:
  611. case OP_NOTMINQUERYI:
  612. case OP_POSQUERY:
  613. case OP_POSQUERYI:
  614. case OP_NOTPOSQUERY:
  615. case OP_NOTPOSQUERYI:
  616. cc += PRIV(OP_lengths)[op];
  617. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  618. if (utf && HAS_EXTRALEN(cc[-1])) cc += GET_EXTRALEN(cc[-1]);
  619. #endif
  620. break;
  621. /* Skip these, but we need to add in the name length. */
  622. case OP_MARK:
  623. case OP_COMMIT_ARG:
  624. case OP_PRUNE_ARG:
  625. case OP_SKIP_ARG:
  626. case OP_THEN_ARG:
  627. cc += PRIV(OP_lengths)[op] + cc[1];
  628. break;
  629. /* The remaining opcodes are just skipped over. */
  630. case OP_CLOSE:
  631. case OP_COMMIT:
  632. case OP_FAIL:
  633. case OP_PRUNE:
  634. case OP_SET_SOM:
  635. case OP_SKIP:
  636. case OP_THEN:
  637. cc += PRIV(OP_lengths)[op];
  638. break;
  639. /* This should not occur: we list all opcodes explicitly so that when
  640. new ones get added they are properly considered. */
  641. default:
  642. return -3;
  643. }
  644. }
  645. /* Control never gets here */
  646. }
  647. /*************************************************
  648. * Set a bit and maybe its alternate case *
  649. *************************************************/
  650. /* Given a character, set its first code unit's bit in the table, and also the
  651. corresponding bit for the other version of a letter if we are caseless.
  652. Arguments:
  653. re points to the regex block
  654. p points to the first code unit of the character
  655. caseless TRUE if caseless
  656. utf TRUE for UTF mode
  657. ucp TRUE for UCP mode
  658. Returns: pointer after the character
  659. */
  660. static PCRE2_SPTR
  661. set_table_bit(pcre2_real_code *re, PCRE2_SPTR p, BOOL caseless, BOOL utf,
  662. BOOL ucp)
  663. {
  664. uint32_t c = *p++; /* First code unit */
  665. (void)utf; /* Stop compiler warnings when UTF not supported */
  666. (void)ucp;
  667. /* In 16-bit and 32-bit modes, code units greater than 0xff set the bit for
  668. 0xff. */
  669. #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8
  670. if (c > 0xff) SET_BIT(0xff); else
  671. #endif
  672. SET_BIT(c);
  673. /* In UTF-8 or UTF-16 mode, pick up the remaining code units in order to find
  674. the end of the character, even when caseless. */
  675. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  676. if (utf)
  677. {
  678. #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8
  679. if (c >= 0xc0) GETUTF8INC(c, p);
  680. #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 16
  681. if ((c & 0xfc00) == 0xd800) GETUTF16INC(c, p);
  682. #endif
  683. }
  684. #endif /* SUPPORT_UNICODE */
  685. /* If caseless, handle the other case of the character. */
  686. if (caseless)
  687. {
  688. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  689. if (utf || ucp)
  690. {
  691. c = UCD_OTHERCASE(c);
  692. #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8
  693. if (utf)
  694. {
  695. PCRE2_UCHAR buff[6];
  696. (void)PRIV(ord2utf)(c, buff);
  697. SET_BIT(buff[0]);
  698. }
  699. else if (c < 256) SET_BIT(c);
  700. #else /* 16-bit or 32-bit mode */
  701. if (c > 0xff) SET_BIT(0xff); else SET_BIT(c);
  702. #endif
  703. }
  704. else
  705. #endif /* SUPPORT_UNICODE */
  706. /* Not UTF or UCP */
  707. if (MAX_255(c)) SET_BIT(re->tables[fcc_offset + c]);
  708. }
  709. return p;
  710. }
  711. /*************************************************
  712. * Set bits for a positive character type *
  713. *************************************************/
  714. /* This function sets starting bits for a character type. In UTF-8 mode, we can
  715. only do a direct setting for bytes less than 128, as otherwise there can be
  716. confusion with bytes in the middle of UTF-8 characters. In a "traditional"
  717. environment, the tables will only recognize ASCII characters anyway, but in at
  718. least one Windows environment, some higher bytes bits were set in the tables.
  719. So we deal with that case by considering the UTF-8 encoding.
  720. Arguments:
  721. re the regex block
  722. cbit type the type of character wanted
  723. table_limit 32 for non-UTF-8; 16 for UTF-8
  724. Returns: nothing
  725. */
  726. static void
  727. set_type_bits(pcre2_real_code *re, int cbit_type, unsigned int table_limit)
  728. {
  729. uint32_t c;
  730. for (c = 0; c < table_limit; c++)
  731. re->start_bitmap[c] |= re->tables[c+cbits_offset+cbit_type];
  732. #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8
  733. if (table_limit == 32) return;
  734. for (c = 128; c < 256; c++)
  735. {
  736. if ((re->tables[cbits_offset + c/8] & (1u << (c&7))) != 0)
  737. {
  738. PCRE2_UCHAR buff[6];
  739. (void)PRIV(ord2utf)(c, buff);
  740. SET_BIT(buff[0]);
  741. }
  742. }
  743. #endif /* UTF-8 */
  744. }
  745. /*************************************************
  746. * Set bits for a negative character type *
  747. *************************************************/
  748. /* This function sets starting bits for a negative character type such as \D.
  749. In UTF-8 mode, we can only do a direct setting for bytes less than 128, as
  750. otherwise there can be confusion with bytes in the middle of UTF-8 characters.
  751. Unlike in the positive case, where we can set appropriate starting bits for
  752. specific high-valued UTF-8 characters, in this case we have to set the bits for
  753. all high-valued characters. The lowest is 0xc2, but we overkill by starting at
  754. 0xc0 (192) for simplicity.
  755. Arguments:
  756. re the regex block
  757. cbit type the type of character wanted
  758. table_limit 32 for non-UTF-8; 16 for UTF-8
  759. Returns: nothing
  760. */
  761. static void
  762. set_nottype_bits(pcre2_real_code *re, int cbit_type, unsigned int table_limit)
  763. {
  764. uint32_t c;
  765. for (c = 0; c < table_limit; c++)
  766. re->start_bitmap[c] |= ~(re->tables[c+cbits_offset+cbit_type]);
  767. #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8
  768. if (table_limit != 32) for (c = 24; c < 32; c++) re->start_bitmap[c] = 0xff;
  769. #endif
  770. }
  771. /*************************************************
  772. * Create bitmap of starting code units *
  773. *************************************************/
  774. /* This function scans a compiled unanchored expression recursively and
  775. attempts to build a bitmap of the set of possible starting code units whose
  776. values are less than 256. In 16-bit and 32-bit mode, values above 255 all cause
  777. the 255 bit to be set. When calling set[_not]_type_bits() in UTF-8 (sic) mode
  778. we pass a value of 16 rather than 32 as the final argument. (See comments in
  779. those functions for the reason.)
  780. The SSB_CONTINUE return is useful for parenthesized groups in patterns such as
  781. (a*)b where the group provides some optional starting code units but scanning
  782. must continue at the outer level to find at least one mandatory code unit. At
  783. the outermost level, this function fails unless the result is SSB_DONE.
  784. We restrict recursion (for nested groups) to 1000 to avoid stack overflow
  785. issues.
  786. Arguments:
  787. re points to the compiled regex block
  788. code points to an expression
  789. utf TRUE if in UTF mode
  790. ucp TRUE if in UCP mode
  791. depthptr pointer to recurse depth
  792. Returns: SSB_FAIL => Failed to find any starting code units
  793. SSB_DONE => Found mandatory starting code units
  794. SSB_CONTINUE => Found optional starting code units
  795. SSB_UNKNOWN => Hit an unrecognized opcode
  796. SSB_TOODEEP => Recursion is too deep
  797. */
  798. static int
  799. set_start_bits(pcre2_real_code *re, PCRE2_SPTR code, BOOL utf, BOOL ucp,
  800. int *depthptr)
  801. {
  802. uint32_t c;
  803. int yield = SSB_DONE;
  804. #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8
  805. int table_limit = utf? 16:32;
  806. #else
  807. int table_limit = 32;
  808. #endif
  809. *depthptr += 1;
  810. if (*depthptr > 1000) return SSB_TOODEEP;
  811. do
  812. {
  813. BOOL try_next = TRUE;
  814. PCRE2_SPTR tcode = code + 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  815. if (*code == OP_CBRA || *code == OP_SCBRA ||
  816. *code == OP_CBRAPOS || *code == OP_SCBRAPOS) tcode += IMM2_SIZE;
  817. while (try_next) /* Loop for items in this branch */
  818. {
  819. int rc;
  820. uint8_t *classmap = NULL;
  821. #ifdef SUPPORT_WIDE_CHARS
  822. PCRE2_UCHAR xclassflags;
  823. #endif
  824. switch(*tcode)
  825. {
  826. /* If we reach something we don't understand, it means a new opcode has
  827. been created that hasn't been added to this function. Hopefully this
  828. problem will be discovered during testing. */
  829. default:
  830. return SSB_UNKNOWN;
  831. /* Fail for a valid opcode that implies no starting bits. */
  832. case OP_ACCEPT:
  833. case OP_ASSERT_ACCEPT:
  834. case OP_ALLANY:
  835. case OP_ANY:
  836. case OP_ANYBYTE:
  837. case OP_CIRCM:
  838. case OP_CLOSE:
  839. case OP_COMMIT:
  840. case OP_COMMIT_ARG:
  841. case OP_COND:
  842. case OP_CREF:
  843. case OP_FALSE:
  844. case OP_TRUE:
  845. case OP_DNCREF:
  846. case OP_DNREF:
  847. case OP_DNREFI:
  848. case OP_DNRREF:
  849. case OP_DOLL:
  850. case OP_DOLLM:
  851. case OP_END:
  852. case OP_EOD:
  853. case OP_EODN:
  854. case OP_EXTUNI:
  855. case OP_FAIL:
  856. case OP_MARK:
  857. case OP_NOT:
  858. case OP_NOTEXACT:
  859. case OP_NOTEXACTI:
  860. case OP_NOTI:
  861. case OP_NOTMINPLUS:
  862. case OP_NOTMINPLUSI:
  863. case OP_NOTMINQUERY:
  864. case OP_NOTMINQUERYI:
  865. case OP_NOTMINSTAR:
  866. case OP_NOTMINSTARI:
  867. case OP_NOTMINUPTO:
  868. case OP_NOTMINUPTOI:
  869. case OP_NOTPLUS:
  870. case OP_NOTPLUSI:
  871. case OP_NOTPOSPLUS:
  872. case OP_NOTPOSPLUSI:
  873. case OP_NOTPOSQUERY:
  874. case OP_NOTPOSQUERYI:
  875. case OP_NOTPOSSTAR:
  876. case OP_NOTPOSSTARI:
  877. case OP_NOTPOSUPTO:
  878. case OP_NOTPOSUPTOI:
  879. case OP_NOTPROP:
  880. case OP_NOTQUERY:
  881. case OP_NOTQUERYI:
  882. case OP_NOTSTAR:
  883. case OP_NOTSTARI:
  884. case OP_NOTUPTO:
  885. case OP_NOTUPTOI:
  886. case OP_NOT_HSPACE:
  887. case OP_NOT_VSPACE:
  888. case OP_PRUNE:
  889. case OP_PRUNE_ARG:
  890. case OP_RECURSE:
  891. case OP_REF:
  892. case OP_REFI:
  893. case OP_REVERSE:
  894. case OP_RREF:
  895. case OP_SCOND:
  896. case OP_SET_SOM:
  897. case OP_SKIP:
  898. case OP_SKIP_ARG:
  899. case OP_SOD:
  900. case OP_SOM:
  901. case OP_THEN:
  902. case OP_THEN_ARG:
  903. return SSB_FAIL;
  904. /* OP_CIRC happens only at the start of an anchored branch (multiline ^
  905. uses OP_CIRCM). Skip over it. */
  906. case OP_CIRC:
  907. tcode += PRIV(OP_lengths)[OP_CIRC];
  908. break;
  909. /* A "real" property test implies no starting bits, but the fake property
  910. PT_CLIST identifies a list of characters. These lists are short, as they
  911. are used for characters with more than one "other case", so there is no
  912. point in recognizing them for OP_NOTPROP. */
  913. case OP_PROP:
  914. if (tcode[1] != PT_CLIST) return SSB_FAIL;
  915. {
  916. const uint32_t *p = PRIV(ucd_caseless_sets) + tcode[2];
  917. while ((c = *p++) < NOTACHAR)
  918. {
  919. #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8
  920. if (utf)
  921. {
  922. PCRE2_UCHAR buff[6];
  923. (void)PRIV(ord2utf)(c, buff);
  924. c = buff[0];
  925. }
  926. #endif
  927. if (c > 0xff) SET_BIT(0xff); else SET_BIT(c);
  928. }
  929. }
  930. try_next = FALSE;
  931. break;
  932. /* We can ignore word boundary tests. */
  933. case OP_WORD_BOUNDARY:
  935. tcode++;
  936. break;
  937. /* If we hit a bracket or a positive lookahead assertion, recurse to set
  938. bits from within the subpattern. If it can't find anything, we have to
  939. give up. If it finds some mandatory character(s), we are done for this
  940. branch. Otherwise, carry on scanning after the subpattern. */
  941. case OP_BRA:
  942. case OP_SBRA:
  943. case OP_CBRA:
  944. case OP_SCBRA:
  945. case OP_BRAPOS:
  946. case OP_SBRAPOS:
  947. case OP_CBRAPOS:
  948. case OP_SCBRAPOS:
  949. case OP_ONCE:
  950. case OP_SCRIPT_RUN:
  951. case OP_ASSERT:
  952. case OP_ASSERT_NA:
  953. rc = set_start_bits(re, tcode, utf, ucp, depthptr);
  954. if (rc == SSB_DONE)
  955. {
  956. try_next = FALSE;
  957. }
  958. else if (rc == SSB_CONTINUE)
  959. {
  960. do tcode += GET(tcode, 1); while (*tcode == OP_ALT);
  961. tcode += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  962. }
  963. else return rc; /* FAIL, UNKNOWN, or TOODEEP */
  964. break;
  965. /* If we hit ALT or KET, it means we haven't found anything mandatory in
  966. this branch, though we might have found something optional. For ALT, we
  967. continue with the next alternative, but we have to arrange that the final
  968. result from subpattern is SSB_CONTINUE rather than SSB_DONE. For KET,
  969. return SSB_CONTINUE: if this is the top level, that indicates failure,
  970. but after a nested subpattern, it causes scanning to continue. */
  971. case OP_ALT:
  972. yield = SSB_CONTINUE;
  973. try_next = FALSE;
  974. break;
  975. case OP_KET:
  976. case OP_KETRMAX:
  977. case OP_KETRMIN:
  978. case OP_KETRPOS:
  979. return SSB_CONTINUE;
  980. /* Skip over callout */
  981. case OP_CALLOUT:
  982. tcode += PRIV(OP_lengths)[OP_CALLOUT];
  983. break;
  984. case OP_CALLOUT_STR:
  985. tcode += GET(tcode, 1 + 2*LINK_SIZE);
  986. break;
  987. /* Skip over lookbehind and negative lookahead assertions */
  988. case OP_ASSERT_NOT:
  989. case OP_ASSERTBACK:
  990. case OP_ASSERTBACK_NOT:
  991. case OP_ASSERTBACK_NA:
  992. do tcode += GET(tcode, 1); while (*tcode == OP_ALT);
  993. tcode += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  994. break;
  995. /* BRAZERO does the bracket, but carries on. */
  996. case OP_BRAZERO:
  997. case OP_BRAMINZERO:
  998. case OP_BRAPOSZERO:
  999. rc = set_start_bits(re, ++tcode, utf, ucp, depthptr);
  1000. if (rc == SSB_FAIL || rc == SSB_UNKNOWN || rc == SSB_TOODEEP) return rc;
  1001. do tcode += GET(tcode,1); while (*tcode == OP_ALT);
  1002. tcode += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  1003. break;
  1004. /* SKIPZERO skips the bracket. */
  1005. case OP_SKIPZERO:
  1006. tcode++;
  1007. do tcode += GET(tcode,1); while (*tcode == OP_ALT);
  1008. tcode += 1 + LINK_SIZE;
  1009. break;
  1010. /* Single-char * or ? sets the bit and tries the next item */
  1011. case OP_STAR:
  1012. case OP_MINSTAR:
  1013. case OP_POSSTAR:
  1014. case OP_QUERY:
  1015. case OP_MINQUERY:
  1016. case OP_POSQUERY:
  1017. tcode = set_table_bit(re, tcode + 1, FALSE, utf, ucp);
  1018. break;
  1019. case OP_STARI:
  1020. case OP_MINSTARI:
  1021. case OP_POSSTARI:
  1022. case OP_QUERYI:
  1023. case OP_MINQUERYI:
  1024. case OP_POSQUERYI:
  1025. tcode = set_table_bit(re, tcode + 1, TRUE, utf, ucp);
  1026. break;
  1027. /* Single-char upto sets the bit and tries the next */
  1028. case OP_UPTO:
  1029. case OP_MINUPTO:
  1030. case OP_POSUPTO:
  1031. tcode = set_table_bit(re, tcode + 1 + IMM2_SIZE, FALSE, utf, ucp);
  1032. break;
  1033. case OP_UPTOI:
  1034. case OP_MINUPTOI:
  1035. case OP_POSUPTOI:
  1036. tcode = set_table_bit(re, tcode + 1 + IMM2_SIZE, TRUE, utf, ucp);
  1037. break;
  1038. /* At least one single char sets the bit and stops */
  1039. case OP_EXACT:
  1040. tcode += IMM2_SIZE;
  1041. /* Fall through */
  1042. case OP_CHAR:
  1043. case OP_PLUS:
  1044. case OP_MINPLUS:
  1045. case OP_POSPLUS:
  1046. (void)set_table_bit(re, tcode + 1, FALSE, utf, ucp);
  1047. try_next = FALSE;
  1048. break;
  1049. case OP_EXACTI:
  1050. tcode += IMM2_SIZE;
  1051. /* Fall through */
  1052. case OP_CHARI:
  1053. case OP_PLUSI:
  1054. case OP_MINPLUSI:
  1055. case OP_POSPLUSI:
  1056. (void)set_table_bit(re, tcode + 1, TRUE, utf, ucp);
  1057. try_next = FALSE;
  1058. break;
  1059. /* Special spacing and line-terminating items. These recognize specific
  1060. lists of characters. The difference between VSPACE and ANYNL is that the
  1061. latter can match the two-character CRLF sequence, but that is not
  1062. relevant for finding the first character, so their code here is
  1063. identical. */
  1064. case OP_HSPACE:
  1065. SET_BIT(CHAR_HT);
  1067. /* For the 16-bit and 32-bit libraries (which can never be EBCDIC), set
  1068. the bits for 0xA0 and for code units >= 255, independently of UTF. */
  1069. #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8
  1070. SET_BIT(0xA0);
  1071. SET_BIT(0xFF);
  1072. #else
  1073. /* For the 8-bit library in UTF-8 mode, set the bits for the first code
  1074. units of horizontal space characters. */
  1075. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  1076. if (utf)
  1077. {
  1078. SET_BIT(0xC2); /* For U+00A0 */
  1079. SET_BIT(0xE1); /* For U+1680, U+180E */
  1080. SET_BIT(0xE2); /* For U+2000 - U+200A, U+202F, U+205F */
  1081. SET_BIT(0xE3); /* For U+3000 */
  1082. }
  1083. else
  1084. #endif
  1085. /* For the 8-bit library not in UTF-8 mode, set the bit for 0xA0, unless
  1086. the code is EBCDIC. */
  1087. {
  1088. #ifndef EBCDIC
  1089. SET_BIT(0xA0);
  1090. #endif /* Not EBCDIC */
  1091. }
  1092. #endif /* 8-bit support */
  1093. try_next = FALSE;
  1094. break;
  1095. case OP_ANYNL:
  1096. case OP_VSPACE:
  1097. SET_BIT(CHAR_LF);
  1098. SET_BIT(CHAR_VT);
  1099. SET_BIT(CHAR_FF);
  1100. SET_BIT(CHAR_CR);
  1101. /* For the 16-bit and 32-bit libraries (which can never be EBCDIC), set
  1102. the bits for NEL and for code units >= 255, independently of UTF. */
  1103. #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8
  1104. SET_BIT(CHAR_NEL);
  1105. SET_BIT(0xFF);
  1106. #else
  1107. /* For the 8-bit library in UTF-8 mode, set the bits for the first code
  1108. units of vertical space characters. */
  1109. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  1110. if (utf)
  1111. {
  1112. SET_BIT(0xC2); /* For U+0085 (NEL) */
  1113. SET_BIT(0xE2); /* For U+2028, U+2029 */
  1114. }
  1115. else
  1116. #endif
  1117. /* For the 8-bit library not in UTF-8 mode, set the bit for NEL. */
  1118. {
  1119. SET_BIT(CHAR_NEL);
  1120. }
  1121. #endif /* 8-bit support */
  1122. try_next = FALSE;
  1123. break;
  1124. /* Single character types set the bits and stop. Note that if PCRE2_UCP
  1125. is set, we do not see these opcodes because \d etc are converted to
  1126. properties. Therefore, these apply in the case when only characters less
  1127. than 256 are recognized to match the types. */
  1128. case OP_NOT_DIGIT:
  1129. set_nottype_bits(re, cbit_digit, table_limit);
  1130. try_next = FALSE;
  1131. break;
  1132. case OP_DIGIT:
  1133. set_type_bits(re, cbit_digit, table_limit);
  1134. try_next = FALSE;
  1135. break;
  1136. case OP_NOT_WHITESPACE:
  1137. set_nottype_bits(re, cbit_space, table_limit);
  1138. try_next = FALSE;
  1139. break;
  1140. case OP_WHITESPACE:
  1141. set_type_bits(re, cbit_space, table_limit);
  1142. try_next = FALSE;
  1143. break;
  1144. case OP_NOT_WORDCHAR:
  1145. set_nottype_bits(re, cbit_word, table_limit);
  1146. try_next = FALSE;
  1147. break;
  1148. case OP_WORDCHAR:
  1149. set_type_bits(re, cbit_word, table_limit);
  1150. try_next = FALSE;
  1151. break;
  1152. /* One or more character type fudges the pointer and restarts, knowing
  1153. it will hit a single character type and stop there. */
  1154. case OP_TYPEPLUS:
  1155. case OP_TYPEMINPLUS:
  1156. case OP_TYPEPOSPLUS:
  1157. tcode++;
  1158. break;
  1159. case OP_TYPEEXACT:
  1160. tcode += 1 + IMM2_SIZE;
  1161. break;
  1162. /* Zero or more repeats of character types set the bits and then
  1163. try again. */
  1164. case OP_TYPEUPTO:
  1165. case OP_TYPEMINUPTO:
  1166. case OP_TYPEPOSUPTO:
  1167. tcode += IMM2_SIZE; /* Fall through */
  1168. case OP_TYPESTAR:
  1169. case OP_TYPEMINSTAR:
  1170. case OP_TYPEPOSSTAR:
  1171. case OP_TYPEQUERY:
  1172. case OP_TYPEMINQUERY:
  1173. case OP_TYPEPOSQUERY:
  1174. switch(tcode[1])
  1175. {
  1176. default:
  1177. case OP_ANY:
  1178. case OP_ALLANY:
  1179. return SSB_FAIL;
  1180. case OP_HSPACE:
  1181. SET_BIT(CHAR_HT);
  1183. /* For the 16-bit and 32-bit libraries (which can never be EBCDIC), set
  1184. the bits for 0xA0 and for code units >= 255, independently of UTF. */
  1185. #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8
  1186. SET_BIT(0xA0);
  1187. SET_BIT(0xFF);
  1188. #else
  1189. /* For the 8-bit library in UTF-8 mode, set the bits for the first code
  1190. units of horizontal space characters. */
  1191. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  1192. if (utf)
  1193. {
  1194. SET_BIT(0xC2); /* For U+00A0 */
  1195. SET_BIT(0xE1); /* For U+1680, U+180E */
  1196. SET_BIT(0xE2); /* For U+2000 - U+200A, U+202F, U+205F */
  1197. SET_BIT(0xE3); /* For U+3000 */
  1198. }
  1199. else
  1200. #endif
  1201. /* For the 8-bit library not in UTF-8 mode, set the bit for 0xA0, unless
  1202. the code is EBCDIC. */
  1203. {
  1204. #ifndef EBCDIC
  1205. SET_BIT(0xA0);
  1206. #endif /* Not EBCDIC */
  1207. }
  1208. #endif /* 8-bit support */
  1209. break;
  1210. case OP_ANYNL:
  1211. case OP_VSPACE:
  1212. SET_BIT(CHAR_LF);
  1213. SET_BIT(CHAR_VT);
  1214. SET_BIT(CHAR_FF);
  1215. SET_BIT(CHAR_CR);
  1216. /* For the 16-bit and 32-bit libraries (which can never be EBCDIC), set
  1217. the bits for NEL and for code units >= 255, independently of UTF. */
  1218. #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8
  1219. SET_BIT(CHAR_NEL);
  1220. SET_BIT(0xFF);
  1221. #else
  1222. /* For the 8-bit library in UTF-8 mode, set the bits for the first code
  1223. units of vertical space characters. */
  1224. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  1225. if (utf)
  1226. {
  1227. SET_BIT(0xC2); /* For U+0085 (NEL) */
  1228. SET_BIT(0xE2); /* For U+2028, U+2029 */
  1229. }
  1230. else
  1231. #endif
  1232. /* For the 8-bit library not in UTF-8 mode, set the bit for NEL. */
  1233. {
  1234. SET_BIT(CHAR_NEL);
  1235. }
  1236. #endif /* 8-bit support */
  1237. break;
  1238. case OP_NOT_DIGIT:
  1239. set_nottype_bits(re, cbit_digit, table_limit);
  1240. break;
  1241. case OP_DIGIT:
  1242. set_type_bits(re, cbit_digit, table_limit);
  1243. break;
  1244. case OP_NOT_WHITESPACE:
  1245. set_nottype_bits(re, cbit_space, table_limit);
  1246. break;
  1247. case OP_WHITESPACE:
  1248. set_type_bits(re, cbit_space, table_limit);
  1249. break;
  1250. case OP_NOT_WORDCHAR:
  1251. set_nottype_bits(re, cbit_word, table_limit);
  1252. break;
  1253. case OP_WORDCHAR:
  1254. set_type_bits(re, cbit_word, table_limit);
  1255. break;
  1256. }
  1257. tcode += 2;
  1258. break;
  1259. /* Extended class: if there are any property checks, or if this is a
  1260. negative XCLASS without a map, give up. If there are no property checks,
  1261. there must be wide characters on the XCLASS list, because otherwise an
  1262. XCLASS would not have been created. This means that code points >= 255
  1263. are potential starters. In the UTF-8 case we can scan them and set bits
  1264. for the relevant leading bytes. */
  1265. #ifdef SUPPORT_WIDE_CHARS
  1266. case OP_XCLASS:
  1267. xclassflags = tcode[1 + LINK_SIZE];
  1268. if ((xclassflags & XCL_HASPROP) != 0 ||
  1269. (xclassflags & (XCL_MAP|XCL_NOT)) == XCL_NOT)
  1270. return SSB_FAIL;
  1271. /* We have a positive XCLASS or a negative one without a map. Set up the
  1272. map pointer if there is one, and fall through. */
  1273. classmap = ((xclassflags & XCL_MAP) == 0)? NULL :
  1274. (uint8_t *)(tcode + 1 + LINK_SIZE + 1);
  1275. /* In UTF-8 mode, scan the character list and set bits for leading bytes,
  1276. then jump to handle the map. */
  1277. #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8
  1278. if (utf && (xclassflags & XCL_NOT) == 0)
  1279. {
  1280. PCRE2_UCHAR b, e;
  1281. PCRE2_SPTR p = tcode + 1 + LINK_SIZE + 1 + ((classmap == NULL)? 0:32);
  1282. tcode += GET(tcode, 1);
  1283. for (;;) switch (*p++)
  1284. {
  1285. case XCL_SINGLE:
  1286. b = *p++;
  1287. while ((*p & 0xc0) == 0x80) p++;
  1288. re->start_bitmap[b/8] |= (1u << (b&7));
  1289. break;
  1290. case XCL_RANGE:
  1291. b = *p++;
  1292. while ((*p & 0xc0) == 0x80) p++;
  1293. e = *p++;
  1294. while ((*p & 0xc0) == 0x80) p++;
  1295. for (; b <= e; b++)
  1296. re->start_bitmap[b/8] |= (1u << (b&7));
  1297. break;
  1298. case XCL_END:
  1299. goto HANDLE_CLASSMAP;
  1300. default:
  1301. return SSB_UNKNOWN; /* Internal error, should not occur */
  1302. }
  1303. }
  1304. #endif /* SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 */
  1305. #endif /* SUPPORT_WIDE_CHARS */
  1306. /* It seems that the fall through comment must be outside the #ifdef if
  1307. it is to avoid the gcc compiler warning. */
  1308. /* Fall through */
  1309. /* Enter here for a negative non-XCLASS. In the 8-bit library, if we are
  1310. in UTF mode, any byte with a value >= 0xc4 is a potentially valid starter
  1311. because it starts a character with a value > 255. In 8-bit non-UTF mode,
  1312. there is no difference between CLASS and NCLASS. In all other wide
  1313. character modes, set the 0xFF bit to indicate code units >= 255. */
  1314. case OP_NCLASS:
  1315. #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8
  1316. if (utf)
  1317. {
  1318. re->start_bitmap[24] |= 0xf0; /* Bits for 0xc4 - 0xc8 */
  1319. memset(re->start_bitmap+25, 0xff, 7); /* Bits for 0xc9 - 0xff */
  1320. }
  1321. #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8
  1322. SET_BIT(0xFF); /* For characters >= 255 */
  1323. #endif
  1324. /* Fall through */
  1325. /* Enter here for a positive non-XCLASS. If we have fallen through from
  1326. an XCLASS, classmap will already be set; just advance the code pointer.
  1327. Otherwise, set up classmap for a a non-XCLASS and advance past it. */
  1328. case OP_CLASS:
  1329. if (*tcode == OP_XCLASS) tcode += GET(tcode, 1); else
  1330. {
  1331. classmap = (uint8_t *)(++tcode);
  1332. tcode += 32 / sizeof(PCRE2_UCHAR);
  1333. }
  1334. /* When wide characters are supported, classmap may be NULL. In UTF-8
  1335. (sic) mode, the bits in a class bit map correspond to character values,
  1336. not to byte values. However, the bit map we are constructing is for byte
  1337. values. So we have to do a conversion for characters whose code point is
  1338. greater than 127. In fact, there are only two possible starting bytes for
  1339. characters in the range 128 - 255. */
  1340. #if defined SUPPORT_WIDE_CHARS && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8
  1342. #endif
  1343. if (classmap != NULL)
  1344. {
  1345. #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8
  1346. if (utf)
  1347. {
  1348. for (c = 0; c < 16; c++) re->start_bitmap[c] |= classmap[c];
  1349. for (c = 128; c < 256; c++)
  1350. {
  1351. if ((classmap[c/8] & (1u << (c&7))) != 0)
  1352. {
  1353. int d = (c >> 6) | 0xc0; /* Set bit for this starter */
  1354. re->start_bitmap[d/8] |= (1u << (d&7)); /* and then skip on to the */
  1355. c = (c & 0xc0) + 0x40 - 1; /* next relevant character. */
  1356. }
  1357. }
  1358. }
  1359. else
  1360. #endif
  1361. /* In all modes except UTF-8, the two bit maps are compatible. */
  1362. {
  1363. for (c = 0; c < 32; c++) re->start_bitmap[c] |= classmap[c];
  1364. }
  1365. }
  1366. /* Act on what follows the class. For a zero minimum repeat, continue;
  1367. otherwise stop processing. */
  1368. switch (*tcode)
  1369. {
  1370. case OP_CRSTAR:
  1371. case OP_CRMINSTAR:
  1372. case OP_CRQUERY:
  1373. case OP_CRMINQUERY:
  1374. case OP_CRPOSSTAR:
  1375. case OP_CRPOSQUERY:
  1376. tcode++;
  1377. break;
  1378. case OP_CRRANGE:
  1379. case OP_CRMINRANGE:
  1380. case OP_CRPOSRANGE:
  1381. if (GET2(tcode, 1) == 0) tcode += 1 + 2 * IMM2_SIZE;
  1382. else try_next = FALSE;
  1383. break;
  1384. default:
  1385. try_next = FALSE;
  1386. break;
  1387. }
  1388. break; /* End of class handling case */
  1389. } /* End of switch for opcodes */
  1390. } /* End of try_next loop */
  1391. code += GET(code, 1); /* Advance to next branch */
  1392. }
  1393. while (*code == OP_ALT);
  1394. return yield;
  1395. }
  1396. /*************************************************
  1397. * Study a compiled expression *
  1398. *************************************************/
  1399. /* This function is handed a compiled expression that it must study to produce
  1400. information that will speed up the matching.
  1401. Argument:
  1402. re points to the compiled expression
  1403. Returns: 0 normally; non-zero should never normally occur
  1404. 1 unknown opcode in set_start_bits
  1405. 2 missing capturing bracket
  1406. 3 unknown opcode in find_minlength
  1407. */
  1408. int
  1409. PRIV(study)(pcre2_real_code *re)
  1410. {
  1411. int count = 0;
  1412. PCRE2_UCHAR *code;
  1413. BOOL utf = (re->overall_options & PCRE2_UTF) != 0;
  1414. BOOL ucp = (re->overall_options & PCRE2_UCP) != 0;
  1415. /* Find start of compiled code */
  1416. code = (PCRE2_UCHAR *)((uint8_t *)re + sizeof(pcre2_real_code)) +
  1417. re->name_entry_size * re->name_count;
  1418. /* For a pattern that has a first code unit, or a multiline pattern that
  1419. matches only at "line start", there is no point in seeking a list of starting
  1420. code units. */
  1421. if ((re->flags & (PCRE2_FIRSTSET|PCRE2_STARTLINE)) == 0)
  1422. {
  1423. int depth = 0;
  1424. int rc = set_start_bits(re, code, utf, ucp, &depth);
  1425. if (rc == SSB_UNKNOWN) return 1;
  1426. /* If a list of starting code units was set up, scan the list to see if only
  1427. one or two were listed. Having only one listed is rare because usually a
  1428. single starting code unit will have been recognized and PCRE2_FIRSTSET set.
  1429. If two are listed, see if they are caseless versions of the same character;
  1430. if so we can replace the list with a caseless first code unit. This gives
  1431. better performance and is plausibly worth doing for patterns such as [Ww]ord
  1432. or (word|WORD). */
  1433. if (rc == SSB_DONE)
  1434. {
  1435. int i;
  1436. int a = -1;
  1437. int b = -1;
  1438. uint8_t *p = re->start_bitmap;
  1439. uint32_t flags = PCRE2_FIRSTMAPSET;
  1440. for (i = 0; i < 256; p++, i += 8)
  1441. {
  1442. uint8_t x = *p;
  1443. if (x != 0)
  1444. {
  1445. int c;
  1446. uint8_t y = x & (~x + 1); /* Least significant bit */
  1447. if (y != x) goto DONE; /* More than one bit set */
  1448. /* In the 16-bit and 32-bit libraries, the bit for 0xff means "0xff and
  1449. all wide characters", so we cannot use it here. */
  1450. #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8
  1451. if (i == 248 && x == 0x80) goto DONE;
  1452. #endif
  1453. /* Compute the character value */
  1454. c = i;
  1455. switch (x)
  1456. {
  1457. case 1: break;
  1458. case 2: c += 1; break; case 4: c += 2; break;
  1459. case 8: c += 3; break; case 16: c += 4; break;
  1460. case 32: c += 5; break; case 64: c += 6; break;
  1461. case 128: c += 7; break;
  1462. }
  1463. /* c contains the code unit value, in the range 0-255. In 8-bit UTF
  1464. mode, only values < 128 can be used. In all the other cases, c is a
  1465. character value. */
  1466. #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8
  1467. if (utf && c > 127) goto DONE;
  1468. #endif
  1469. if (a < 0) a = c; /* First one found, save in a */
  1470. else if (b < 0) /* Second one found */
  1471. {
  1472. int d = TABLE_GET((unsigned int)c, re->tables + fcc_offset, c);
  1473. #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE
  1474. if (utf || ucp)
  1475. {
  1476. if (UCD_CASESET(c) != 0) goto DONE; /* Multiple case set */
  1477. if (c > 127) d = UCD_OTHERCASE(c);
  1478. }
  1479. #endif /* SUPPORT_UNICODE */
  1480. if (d != a) goto DONE; /* Not the other case of a */
  1481. b = c; /* Save second in b */
  1482. }
  1483. else goto DONE; /* More than two characters found */
  1484. }
  1485. }
  1486. /* Replace the start code unit bits with a first code unit, but only if it
  1487. is not the same as a required later code unit. This is because a search for
  1488. a required code unit starts after an explicit first code unit, but at a
  1489. code unit found from the bitmap. Patterns such as /a*a/ don't work
  1490. if both the start unit and required unit are the same. */
  1491. if (a >= 0 &&
  1492. (
  1493. (re->flags & PCRE2_LASTSET) == 0 ||
  1494. (
  1495. re->last_codeunit != (uint32_t)a &&
  1496. (b < 0 || re->last_codeunit != (uint32_t)b)
  1497. )
  1498. ))
  1499. {
  1500. re->first_codeunit = a;
  1501. flags = PCRE2_FIRSTSET;
  1502. if (b >= 0) flags |= PCRE2_FIRSTCASELESS;
  1503. }
  1504. DONE:
  1505. re->flags |= flags;
  1506. }
  1507. }
  1508. /* Find the minimum length of subject string. If the pattern can match an empty
  1509. string, the minimum length is already known. If the pattern contains (*ACCEPT)
  1510. all bets are off, and we don't even try to find a minimum length. If there are
  1511. more back references than the size of the vector we are going to cache them in,
  1512. do nothing. A pattern that complicated will probably take a long time to
  1513. analyze and may in any case turn out to be too complicated. Note that back
  1514. reference minima are held as 16-bit numbers. */
  1515. if ((re->flags & (PCRE2_MATCH_EMPTY|PCRE2_HASACCEPT)) == 0 &&
  1516. re->top_backref <= MAX_CACHE_BACKREF)
  1517. {
  1518. int min;
  1519. int backref_cache[MAX_CACHE_BACKREF+1];
  1520. backref_cache[0] = 0; /* Highest one that is set */
  1521. min = find_minlength(re, code, code, utf, NULL, &count, backref_cache);
  1522. switch(min)
  1523. {
  1524. case -1: /* \C in UTF mode or over-complex regex */
  1525. break; /* Leave minlength unchanged (will be zero) */
  1526. case -2:
  1527. return 2; /* missing capturing bracket */
  1528. case -3:
  1529. return 3; /* unrecognized opcode */
  1530. default:
  1531. re->minlength = (min > UINT16_MAX)? UINT16_MAX : min;
  1532. break;
  1533. }
  1534. }
  1535. return 0;
  1536. }
  1537. /* End of pcre2_study.c */