zzz_basic_logging.phpt 728 B

  1. --TEST--
  2. Test basic logging for the Opcache
  4. This test runs a simple PHP script and ensures the Opcache
  5. outputs the correct logging at the highest log_verbosity_level
  6. --INI--
  7. opcache.enable=1
  8. opcache.enable_cli=1
  9. opcache.file_cache_only=0
  10. opcache.error_log=
  11. opcache.log_verbosity_level=4
  12. opcache.huge_code_pages=0
  13. opcache.preload=
  14. opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8
  15. --EXTENSIONS--
  16. opcache
  17. --SKIPIF--
  18. <?php
  19. // Prints "Debug Restarting!" message on next request.
  20. if (getenv('SKIP_REPEAT')) die("skip Not repeatable");
  21. ?>
  22. --FILE--
  23. <?php
  24. echo "Foo Bar\n";
  25. opcache_reset();
  26. echo "Opcache reset";
  27. ?>
  28. --EXPECTF--
  29. %s Message Cached script '%sbasic_logging%s'
  30. Foo Bar
  31. %s Debug Restart Scheduled! Reason: user
  32. Opcache reset